blob: bb149c4bf4cb320de3a20b6ed9dc65dcb4d79775 [file] [log] [blame]
## myrivetapp.tcl --
# Application class definition and instance creation
package require Itcl
::itcl::class MyRivetApp {
private variable application_name
public method init {}
public method request_processing {urlencoded_args}
public method abort_handler {abort_code}
public method error_handler {error_info}
::itcl::body MyRivetApp::init {app_name}{
# any initialization steps must go here
# ....
set application_name $app_name
::itcl::body MyRivetApp::request_processing {urlencoded_args} {
# the whole application code will run from this method
MyRivetApp ::theApplication
::theApplication init [dict get [::rivet::inspect server] hostname]
# -- myrivetapp.tcl