blob: c0aebc95f5876123c543fe2048dff95cb0ef55d7 [file] [log] [blame]
# convert_examples.tcl --
# reads the examples dir, checks if a file has been already converted
# in <target-dir> and compares their mtimes. If the file in
# <source-dir> is more recent the target dir is recreated.
# The script uses Rivet's escape_sgml_chars to convert examples code
# into text suitable to be inclued and displayed in XML/XHTML
# documentation
# NOTICE: This script requires Rivet, its scripts and
# libraries to be in the auto_path.
# usage:
# tclsh ./convert_examples
# $Id$
lappend auto_path @RIVET_TCL_TARGET@
lappend auto_path [file join @RIVET_TCL_TARGET@ rivet-tcl]
package require rivetlib
set source_dir examples
set target_dir examples-sgml
if {![info exists source_examples]} {
set source_examples [glob [file join $source_dir *.*]]
puts "escaping $source_examples to SGML compatible form"
foreach example $source_examples {
set exam_name [file tail $example]
set example_sgml [file join $target_dir $exam_name]
set example_sgml_exists [file exists $example_sgml]
if {!$example_sgml_exists || \
([file mtime $example] > [file mtime $example_sgml])} {
puts -nonewline "$example needs to be escaped..."
set example_text [string trim [::rivet::read_file $example]]
set example_sgml_fid [open $example_sgml w+]
puts $example_sgml_fid [::rivet::escape_sgml_chars $example_text]
close $example_sgml_fid
puts "done"