blob: ade2929c0be8b8e6975483e654dac4ef096c59b9 [file] [log] [blame]
## -- parray_table <arrayName> ?pattern? ?html-attibutes?
## tablearray prints an array data in HTML table
## This is good when a table is enough to print consistently
## related data.
## arrayName - Name of the array to display
## pattern - Wildcard pattern of variables. An empty string
## is tantamout a "*" and prints the whole array
## html-attributes -
## list attribute-value pairs to be given
## to the <table> element tag
## $Id$
namespace eval ::rivet {
proc parray_table {arrayName {pattern "*"} {htmlAttributes ""}} {
upvar 1 $arrayName array
if {![array exists array]} {
return -code error "\"$arrayName\" isn't an array"
puts -nonewline stdout "<table"
foreach {attr attrval} $htmlAttributes {
puts -nonewline " $attr=\"$attrval\""
puts "><thead><tr><th colspan=\"2\">$arrayName</th></tr></thead>"
puts stdout "<tbody>"
foreach name [lsort [array names array $pattern]] {
puts stdout [format "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>" [::rivet::escape_sgml_chars $name] \
[::rivet::escape_sgml_chars $array($name)]]
puts stdout "</tbody></table>"