blob: 4889530ead59362e015f7dc892b6e19bff764906 [file] [log] [blame]
# we have complete access to the interpreter here, so it is best to
# run per-page code in a namespace, just like we do with .rvt pages.
proc getcode { filename } {
set fl [ open $filename r ]
set sourcecode [ read $fl ]
close $fl
regsub -all "&" "$sourcecode" "\\&" sourcecode
regsub -all "<" "$sourcecode" "\\&lt;" sourcecode
regsub -all ">" "$sourcecode" "\\&gt;" sourcecode
return $sourcecode
if { ! [ info exists header ] } {
set header {
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>.tcl example</title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
if { ! [ info exists footer ] } {
set footer {
namespace eval request {
puts $header
puts {
<p>This is an example of a .tcl file being processed in Rivet</p>
<p>Here is the source code:</p>
puts [ getcode $ENVS(SCRIPT_FILENAME) ]
puts {
puts $footer