blob: 087537e295875ca40439fc807383ac6a638529bc [file] [log] [blame]
In order to build Rivet with cmake, the following software is required:
a) cmake, version 3.2 or newer.
Compiling Rivet with cmake:
1) Change the working directory to "cmake".
2) Execute the following commands (all commands must be executed from the
"cmake" directory):
cmake -E make_directory build
cmake -E chdir build cmake ..
cmake --build build --target all --clean-first
cmake --build build --target install
3) To install library to a custom location,
the following commands can be used:
cmake -E make_directory build
cmake -E chdir build cmake \
-DAPACHE_MODULE_DIR=/home/tcl/rivet/branches/cmake/cmake/test/modules \
-DAPACHE_LIB_DIR=/home/tcl/rivet/branches/cmake/cmake/test/ ..
cmake --build build --config Release --target install
4) To install library in a system where Apache Server is not
in a known location (i.e. under Windows), you can speficy APACHE_ROOT:
cmake -E make_directory build
cmake -E chdir build cmake -DAPACHE_ROOT=G:/Apache24 ..
cmake --build build --config Release --target install
5) Compile for 64 bits under Windows (for Visual Studio 2017):
cmake -E make_directory build_64
cmake -E chdir build_64 cmake -DAPACHE_ROOT=G:/Apache24 -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ..
cmake --build build_64 --config Release --target install
-G "..." can be set to any of the available 64-bit generators available under
the platform.
6) Specify Tcl at a non standard location:
cmake -E make_directory build_64
cmake -E chdir build_64 cmake -DAPACHE_ROOT=G:/Apache24 -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -Dwith-tcl=C:/TclApps/Tcl64/lib ..
cmake --build build_64 --config Release --target install
Instead of -Dwith-tcl=, -DTCL_ROOT=, -DTclStub_ROOT, and -DTCL_TCLSH= can be
specified as an alternative.