blob: eb472c840e0cc56b6b69e5dce677f2a0c7f227f6 [file] [log] [blame]
# form.tcl -- generate forms automatically.
# Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package require Itcl
package provide form 2.2
# Rivet form class
::itcl::class form {
constructor {args} {
# set the form method to be a post and the action to be
# a refetching of the current page
set arguments(method) post
set arguments(action) [::rivet::env DOCUMENT_URI]
# use $this for the type for form-global stuff like form arguments
import_data form $this arguments $args
if {[info exists arguments(defaults)]} {
# make the public variable contain the name of the array
# we are sucking default values out of
set defaults $arguments(defaults)
upvar 1 $arguments(defaults) callerDefaults
array set DefaultValues [array get callerDefaults]
unset arguments(defaults)
} else {
array set DefaultValues {}
destructor {
method destroy {} {
::itcl::delete object $this
# import_data -- given a field type, field name, name of an array, and a
# list of key-value pairs, prepend any default key-value pairs,
# then store the resulting key-value pairs in the named array
protected method import_data {type name arrayName list} {
upvar 1 $arrayName data
# we now guarantee an array, though empty, will exist
array set data {}
# If there are elements in the defaultArgs array for the
# specified type, combine them with the list of key-value
# pairs, putting the DefaultArgs values first so the
# key-value pairs from list can possibly override them.
if {[info exists DefaultArgs($type)]} {
set list [concat $DefaultArgs($type) $list]
# if we don't have an even number of key-value pairs,
# that just ain't right
if {[llength $list] % 2} {
return -code error "Unmatched key-value pairs"
# for each key-value pair in the list, strip the first
# dash character from the key part and map it to lower
# case, then use that as the key for the passed-in
# array and store the corresonding value in there
# we also prep and return the list of key-value pairs, normalized
# with the lowercase thing
set return ""
foreach {var val} $list {
set var [string range [string tolower $var] 1 end]
if {$var == "prefix"} {
set prefix $val
set data($var) $val
if {($var == "values") || ($var == "labels")} { continue }
lappend return -$var $val
return $return
# argstring - given an array name, construct a string of the
# style key1="data1" key2="data2" etc for each key value pair in the
# array
protected method argstring {arrayName} {
upvar 1 $arrayName data
set string ""
foreach arg [lsort [array names data]] {
append string " $arg=\"$data($arg)\""
return $string
# default_value ?-list? ?--? name ?value?
# If value is not given, returns a default value
# for that name if one exists, else an empty list.
# if a name and a value are given, the default value is set to that
# name (and the new default value is returned).
# The default value is a list if "-list" is given.
method default_value {args} {
# Command line
if {[lindex $args 0] eq "-list"} {
set isList 1
set args [lrange $args 1 end]
if {[lindex $args 0] eq "--"} {
set args [lrange $args 1 end]
switch -exact -- [llength $args] {
1 { # Return default value
lassign $args name
if {default_exists $name]} {
if {[info exists isList]} {
return [default_list_get $name]
} else {
return [default_value_get $name]
} else {
2 { # Set default value
lassign $args name value
set DefaultValues($name) $value
if {[info exists isList]} {
set DefaultValues(__$name) 1
} else {
unset -nocomplain DefaultValues(__$name)
default { error "wrong argument count" }
# default_exists - return true, if a default value exists
protected method default_exists {name} {
return [info exists DefaultValues($name)]
# default_list_get - get the default value as a list
# return with error if there is no default value
protected method default_list_get {name} {
if {[info exists DefaultValues(__$name)]} {
return $DefaultValues($name)
} else {
return [list $DefaultValues($name)]
# default_value_get - get the default value as a value
# return with error if there is no default value
protected method default_value_get {name} {
if {[info exists DefaultValues(__$name)]} {
return [lindex $DefaultValues($name) 0]
} else {
return $DefaultValues($name)
# default_value_exists - return true, if the given value exists in the
# default list
protected method default_value_exists {name value} {
if { ! [info exists DefaultValues($name)] } {
return 0
if {[info exists DefaultValues(__$name)]} {
return [expr {$value in $DefaultValues($name)}]
return [expr {$value eq $DefaultValues($name)}]
# default_args - given a type and a variable number of arguments,
# if there are no arguments other than the type, return the
# element of that name from the DefaultArgs array, if that element
# exists, else return an empty list.
# if a name and a value are given, sets the DefaultArgs to the variable
# list of arguments.
method default_args {type args} {
# if only one argument was specified
if {[::rivet::lempty $args]} {
if {![info exists DefaultArgs($type)]} { return }
return $DefaultArgs($type)
# make sure we have an even number of key-value pairs
if {[llength $args] % 2} {
return -code error "Unmatched key-value pairs"
# set the DefaultArgs for the specified type
return [set DefaultArgs($type) $args]
# start - generate the <form> with all of its arguments
method start {{args ""}} {
if {![::rivet::lempty $args]} {
# replicated in constructor
import_data form $this arguments $args
$this emit_html "<form [argstring arguments]>"
# end - generate the </form>
method end {} {
$this emit_html "</form>"
# field - emit a field of the given field type and name, including
# any default key-value pairs defined for this field type and
# optional key-value pairs included with the statement
method field {type name args} {
# import any default key-value pairs, then any specified in this
# field declaration
import_data $type $name data $args
switch -- $type {
"radio" -
"checkbox" {
# if there's a label then prepare to output it.
if {[info exists data(label)]} {
set label "<label"
# if there's no id defined, generate something unique so we can reference it.
if { ![info exists data(id)] } {
set data(id) "${prefix}_[incr auto_cnt]"
append label { for="} $data(id) {"}
} else {
append label { for="} $data(id) {"}
append label ">" $data(label) "</label>"
# if there is a default value for this field
# and it matches the value we have for it, make
# the field show up as selected (checked)
# Alternatively, select a checkbox, if it has no value but a
# default value with arbitrary value.
if { [info exists data(value)]
&& [default_value_exists $name $data(value)]
|| ![info exists data(value)]
&& $type eq "checkbox"
&& [info exists DefaultValues($name)]
} {
set data(checked) "checked"
# For non multi-choice widgets: set default value if there is no value
# given
if { ! [info exists data(value)]
&& [default_exists $name]
&& $type ni {"select" "radio" "checkbox"}
} {
set data(value) [default_value_get $name]
# generate the field definition
set string "<input type=\"$type\" name=\"$name\" [argstring data] />"
if {[info exists label]} {
append string $label
# ...and emit it
$this emit_html $string
# text -- emit an HTML "text" field
method text {name args} {
field text $name {*}$args
# password -- emit an HTML "password" field
method password {name args} {
field password $name {*}$args
# hidden -- emit an HTML "hidden" field
method hidden {name args} {
field hidden $name {*}$args
# submit -- emit an HTML "submit" field
method submit {name args} {
field submit $name {*}$args
# button -- emit an HTML "button" field
method button {name args} {
field button $name {*}$args
# reset -- emit an HTML "reset" button
method reset {name args} {
field reset $name {*}$args
# image -- emit an HTML image field
method image {name args} {
field image $name {*}$args
# checkbox -- emit an HTML "checkbox" form field
method checkbox {name args} {
field checkbox $name {*}$args
# radio -- emit an HTML "radiobutton" form field
method radio {name args} {
field radio $name {*}$args
# color -- emit an HTML 5 "color" form field
method color {name args} {
field color $name {*}$args
# date -- emit an HTML 5 "date" form field
method date {name args} {
field date $name {*}$args
# datetime -- emit an HTML 5 "datetime" form field
method datetime {name args} {
field datetime $name {*}$args
# datetime_local -- emit an HTML 5 "datetime-local" form field
method datetime_local {name args} {
field datetime-local $name {*}$args
# email -- emit an HTML 5 "email" form field
method email {name args} {
field email $name {*}$args
# file -- emit an HTML 5 "file" form field
method file {name args} {
field file $name {*}$args
# month -- emit an HTML 5 "month" form field
method month {name args} {
field month $name {*}$args
# number -- emit an HTML 5 "number" form field
method number {name args} {
field number $name {*}$args
# range -- emit an HTML 5 "range" form field
method range {name args} {
field range $name {*}$args
# search -- emit an HTML 5 "search" form field
method search {name args} {
field search $name {*}$args
# tel -- emit an HTML 5 "tel" form field
method tel {name args} {
field tel $name {*}$args
# time -- emit an HTML 5 "time" form field
method time {name args} {
field time $name {*}$args
# url -- emit an HTML 5 "url" form field
method url {name args} {
field url $name {*}$args
# week -- emit an HTML 5 "week" form field
method week {name args} {
field week $name {*}$args
# radiobuttons --
method radiobuttons {name args} {
set data(values) [list]
set data(labels) [list]
set list [import_data radiobuttons $name data $args]
if {[::rivet::lempty $data(labels)]} {
set data(labels) $data(values)
foreach label $data(labels) value $data(values) {
radio $name {*}$list -label $label -value $value
# checkboxes --
method checkboxes {name args} {
set data(values) [list]
set data(labels) [list]
set list [import_data checkboxes $name data $args]
if {[::rivet::lempty $data(labels)]} {
set data(labels) $data(values)
foreach label $data(labels) value $data(values) {
checkbox $name {*}$list -label $label -value $value
# select -- generate a selector
# part of the key value pairs can include -values with a list,
# and -labels with a list and it'll populate the <option>
# elements with them. if one matches the default value,
# it'll select it too.
method select {name args} {
# start with empty values and labels so they'll exist even if not set
set data(values) [list]
set data(labels) [list]
# import any default data and key-value pairs from the method args
import_data select $name data $args
# pull the values and labels into scalar variables and remove them
# from the data array
set values $data(values)
set labels $data(labels)
unset data(values) data(labels)
# get the list of default values
if {[default_exists $name]} {
set default_list [default_list_get $name]
# if there is a value set in the value field of the data array,
# use that instead (that way if we're putting up a form with
# data already, the data'll show up)
# This data is a list for multiple forms
if {[info exists data(value)]} {
if {[info exists data(multiple)]} {
set default_list $data(value)
} else {
set default_list [list $data(value)]
unset data(value)
# if there are no separate labels defined, use the list of
# values for the labels
if {[::rivet::lempty $labels]} {
set labels $values
# emit the selector with each label-value pair
# we adopt the style imposed by the ::rivet::xml command generating
# the innermost elements and then wrapping them up with the 'select' tag
set options_list {}
foreach label $labels value $values {
if {[info exists default_list] && $value in $default_list } {
lappend options_list [::rivet::xml $label [list option value $value selected selected]]
} else {
lappend options_list [::rivet::xml $label [list option value $value]]
puts [::rivet::xml [join $options_list "\n"] [list select name $name {*}[array get data]]]
# textarea -- emit an HTML "textarea" form field
method textarea {name args} {
import_data textarea $name data $args
set value ""
if {[info exists data(value)]} {
set value $data(value)
unset data(value)
} elseif {[default_exists $name]} {
set value [default_value_get $name]
$this emit_html "<textarea name=\"$name\" [argstring data]>$value</textarea>"
private method emit_html {html_fragment} {
if {$emit} {
puts $html_fragment
} else {
return $html_fragment
# defaults -- when set, the value is the name of an array to suck
# the key-value pairs out of and copy them into DefaultValues
public variable defaults "" {
upvar 1 $defaults array
array set DefaultValues [array get array]
private variable DefaultValues
private variable DefaultArgs
private variable arguments
private variable auto_cnt 0
public variable prefix autogen
public variable emit true { set noemit [expr !$emit] }
public variable noemit false { set emit [expr !$noemit] }
} ; ## ::itcl::class form