blob: bb4625bd4cbee92b9ebd0cd2ac419faa0321ddd2 [file] [log] [blame]
## import_keyvalue_pairs -- Import an argument list into the named array.
## key-value pairs, like "-foo bar" are stored in the array. In that
## case, the value "bar" would be stored in the element "foo"
## If "--" appears or a key doesn't begin with "-", the rest of the arg
## list is stored in the special args element of the array.
## $Id$
namespace eval ::rivet {
proc import_keyvalue_pairs {arrayName argsList} {
upvar 1 $arrayName data
# if the first character of the arg list isn't a dash, put the whole
# body in the args element of the array, and we're done
if {[string index $argsList 0] != "-"} {
set data(args) $argsList
set index 0
set looking 0
set data(args) ""
foreach arg $argsList {
if {$looking} {
set data($varName) $arg
set looking 0
} elseif {[string index $arg 0] == "-"} {
if {$arg == "--"} {
# "--" appears as an argument, store the rest of the arg list
# in the args element of the array
set data(args) [lrange $argsList [expr {$index + 1} ] end]
if {$arg == "-args"} {
return -code error "-args is a reserved value."
set varName [string range $arg 1 end]
set looking 1
} else {
set data(args) [lrange $argsList $index end]
incr index