blob: e9138d0d01b3090db0365d5a058014dd3b8b0f44 [file] [log] [blame]
# Execute a sum of the dataset
# systemds code/exp/sum.dml -args $x
# Get statistics output
# systemds code/exp/sum.dml -stats -args $x
# Get execution explaination
# systemds code/exp/sum.dml -explain -args $x
# Execute a Linear model algorithm
# systemds code/exp/lm.dml \
# -config conf/$conf.xml \
# -stats 100 \
# -debug \
# -args $x $y_hot TRUE "results/fed_mnist_${numWorkers}.res" \
# -fedMonitoringAddress "http://localhost:8080"
# Execute a Multi Log Regression model, do prediction and print confusion matrix
# systemds code/exp/mLogReg.dml \
# -config conf/$conf.xml \
# -stats 30 \
# -args $x $y $xt $yt TRUE \
# -fedMonitoringAddress "http://localhost:8080"
# Execute locally to compare
# systemds code/exp/mLogReg.dml \
# -config conf/$conf.xml \
# -stats 100 \
# -args $x_loc $y_loc $xt_loc $yt_loc TRUE
systemds code/exp/CNN.dml \
-stats \
-args $x $y_hot $xt $yt_hot \
-fedMonitoringAddress "http://localhost:8080"
# systemds code/exp/sumRepeat.dml \
# -config conf/$conf.xml \
# -stats 30 \
# -args $x 100 \
# -fedMonitoringAddress "http://localhost:8080"