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# Builtin function for handing class imbalance using Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE)
# by Nitesh V. Chawla et. al. In Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 16 (2002). 321–357
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# X Double --- Matrix of minority class samples
# mask Double --- 0/1 mask vector where 0 represent numeric value and 1 represent categorical value
# s Integer 25 Amount of SMOTE (percentage of oversampling), integral multiple of 100
# k Integer 1 Number of nearest neighbour
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Y Double --- Matrix of (N/100)-1 * nrow(X) synthetic minority class samples
m_smote = function(Matrix[Double] X, Matrix[Double] mask, Integer s = 200, Integer k = 1, Boolean verbose = FALSE)
return (Matrix[Double] Y) {
if(s < 100 | (s%%100) != 0)
print("the number of samples should be an integral multiple of 100. Setting s = 100")
s = 100
if(k < 1) {
print("k should not be less than 1. Setting k value to default k = 1.")
k = 1
if(ncol(mask) != ncol(X))
stop("column mismatch: no. of columns in mask vector should be equal to no. of columns in data matrix")
# matrix to keep the index of KNN for each minority sample
knn_index = matrix(0,k,nrow(X))
# find nearest neighbour
for(i in 1:nrow(X))
knn = nn(X, X[i, ], mask, k)
knn_index[, i] = knn
# number of synthetic samples from each minority class sample
iter = 0
iterLim = (s/100)
# matrix to store synthetic samples
synthetic_samples = matrix(0, iterLim*ncol(knn_index), ncol(X))
# shuffle the nn indexes
#rand_index = ifelse(k < iterLim, sample(k, iterLim, TRUE, 42), sample(k, iterLim, 42))
if (k < iterLim)
rand_index = sample(k, iterLim, TRUE, 42);
rand_index = sample(k, iterLim, 42);
while(iter < iterLim)
# pick the random NN
knn_sample = knn_index[as.scalar(rand_index[iter+1]),]
# generate sample
for(i in 1:ncol(knn_index)) {
index = as.scalar(knn_sample[1,i])
X_diff = X[index,] - X[i, ]
gap = as.scalar(Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=0, max=1, seed = 42))
# generate synthetic sample
X_sys = X[i, ] + (gap*X_diff)
# for nominal features replace their value with majority voting
if(sum(mask) > 0) {
categorical = X_sys * mask
# get all nn values
computation_matrix = table(knn_index[,i], knn_index[, i], nrow(X), nrow(X))
nn_X = computation_matrix %*% X
nn_X = removeEmpty(target=nn_X, margin = "rows")
nn_X = nn_X * mask
freq = getFrequentValue(nn_X)
categorical = (categorical > 0) * freq
X_sys = X_sys * (mask == 0)
X_sys = X_sys + categorical
synthetic_samples[iter*ncol(knn_index)+i,] = X_sys;
iter = iter + 1
Y = synthetic_samples
print(nrow(Y)+ " synthesized samples generated.")
# as described in the paper, fr categorical columns compute the difference by replacing the
# categorical values with the median of standard deviation of numerical values
nn = function(Matrix[Double] X, Matrix[Double] instance, Matrix[Double] mask, Integer k )
return (Matrix[Double] knn_)
if(nrow(X) < k)
stop("can not pick "+k+" nearest neighbours from "+nrow(X)+" total instances")
diff = X - instance
diff_nominal = diff * mask
if(sum(diff_nominal) != 0) {
only_number = removeEmpty(target=X, margin="cols", select=(mask==0))
num_std = colSds(only_number)
num_std_median = median(t(num_std))
diff_nominal = (diff_nominal != 0)
diff_nominal = diff_nominal * num_std_median
diff = diff_nominal + (diff * (mask==0))
square_diff = diff^2
distance = sqrt(rowSums(square_diff))
sort_dist = order(target = distance, by = 1, decreasing= FALSE, index.return = TRUE)
knn_ = sort_dist[2:k+1,]
getFrequentValue = function(Matrix[Double] X)
return (Matrix[Double] freq)
freq = matrix(0, rows=1, cols=ncol(X))
for(i in 1:ncol(X))
if(sum(X[, i]) != 0) {
cat_counts = table(X[, i], 1, nrow(X), 1); # counts for each category
freq[1,i] = as.scalar(rowIndexMax(t(cat_counts))) # mode