blob: fd4754d2907ae1a603a117a15ed38850d0dd6218 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
m_hyperband = function(Matrix[Double] X_train, Matrix[Double] y_train,
Matrix[Double] X_val, Matrix[Double] y_val, List[String] params,
Matrix[Double] paramRanges, Scalar[int] R = 81, Scalar[int] eta = 3,
Boolean verbose = TRUE)
return (Matrix[Double] bestWeights, Frame[Unknown] bestHyperParams)
# variable names follow publication where algorithm is introduced
numParams = length(params);
assert(numParams == nrow(paramRanges));
assert(ncol(paramRanges) == 2);
assert(nrow(X_train) == nrow(y_train));
assert(nrow(X_val) == nrow(y_val));
assert(ncol(X_train) == ncol(X_val));
assert(ncol(y_train) == ncol(y_val));
s_max = floor(log(R,eta));
B = (s_max + 1) * R;
bracketWinners = matrix(0, s_max+1, numParams+1);
winnerWeights = matrix(0, s_max+1, ncol(X_train));
parfor( s in s_max:0 ) {
debugMsgs = "--------------------------";
if( verbose ) {
debugMsgs = append(debugMsgs, "BRACKET s = " + s + "\n");
n = ceil(floor(B/R/(s+1)) * eta^s);
r = R * eta^(-s);
scoreboard = matrix(0,n,1+numParams);
candidateWeights = matrix(0,n,ncol(X_train));
# candidateWeights is not read until last round, as models are retrained
# from zero in every trial at the moment
# draw parameter values from uniform distribution
# draw e.g. regularisation factor for all the candidates at once
for( curParam in 1:numParams ) {
scoreboard[,curParam+1] =
rand(rows=n, cols=1, min=as.scalar(paramRanges[curParam, 1]),
max=as.scalar(paramRanges[curParam, 2]), pdf="uniform");
for( i in 0:s ) {
n_i = as.integer(floor(n * eta^(-i)));
r_i = as.integer(floor(r * eta^i));
# when using number of iterations as a resource, r_i has to be an
# integer; when using other types of resources, like portion of the
# dataset, this is not the case This implementation hard-coded
# iterations as the resource. floor() for r_i is not included in
# publication of hyperband
if( verbose ) {
debugMsgs = append(debugMsgs, "+++++++++++++++");
debugMsgs = append(debugMsgs, "i: " + i + " (current round)");
debugMsgs = append(debugMsgs, "n_i: " + n_i + " (number of configurations evaluated)");
debugMsgs = append(debugMsgs, "r_i: " + r_i + " (maximum number of iterations)\n");
parfor( curCandidate in 1:n_i ) {
# TODO argument list has to be passed from outside as well
# args is a residue from the implementation with eval("lmCG", args)
# init argument list
args = list(X=X_train, y=y_train, icpt=0, reg=1e-7,
tol=1e-7, maxi=r_i, verbose=TRUE);
for( curParam in 1:numParams ) {
# replace default values with values of the candidate at the
# corresponding location
args[as.scalar(params[curParam])] =
# original version
# weights = eval(learnAlgo, arguments);
# would be better to pass the whole list at once, this solution is error
# prone depending on the order of the list. hyper parameters to optimize
# are taken from args, as there they are reordered to be invariant to the
# order used at calling hyperband
weights = eval("lmCG", list(X=X_train, y=y_train, icpt=0,
tol=as.scalar(args[1]), reg=as.scalar(args[2]), maxi=r_i, verbose=FALSE));
candidateWeights[curCandidate] = t(weights)
preds = lmPredict(X=X_val, B=weights, ytest= matrix(0,1,1));
scoreboard[curCandidate,1] = as.matrix(sum((y_val - preds)^2));
# reorder both matrices by same order
reorder = order(target=scoreboard, index.return=TRUE);
P = table(seq(1,n_i), reorder); # permutation matrix
scoreboard = P %*% scoreboard;
candidateWeights = P %*% candidateWeights;
if( verbose ) {
debugMsgs = append(debugMsgs, "validation loss | parameter values:");
debugMsgs = append(debugMsgs, toString(scoreboard));
numToKeep = floor(n_i/eta);
# in some cases, the list of remaining candidates would get emptied
if( numToKeep >= 1 ) {
scoreboard = scoreboard[1:numToKeep]
candidateWeights = candidateWeights[1:numToKeep];
if( verbose ) {
debugMsgs = append(debugMsgs, "Winner of Bracket: ");
debugMsgs = append(debugMsgs, toString(scoreboard[1]));
print(debugMsgs); # make print atomic because of parfor
bracketWinners[s+1] = scoreboard[1];
winnerWeights[s+1] = candidateWeights[1];
if( verbose ) {
print("WINNERS OF EACH BRACKET (from s = 0 to s_max):");
print("validation loss | parameter values:");
# reorder both matrices by same order
reorder2 = order(target=bracketWinners, index.return=TRUE);
P2 = table(seq(1,s_max+1), reorder2); # permutation matrix
bracketWinners = P2 %*% bracketWinners;
winnerWeights = P2 %*% winnerWeights;
bestHyperParams = as.frame(t(bracketWinners[1,2:1+numParams]));
bestWeights = t(winnerWeights[1]);
if( verbose ) {
print("Hyper parameters returned:");
print("Weights returned:");