blob: ad9d2cba6947bcf042b59c99cba4072efb012bd9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# This builtin function trains simple feed-forward neural network. The architecture of the
# networks is: affine1 -> relu -> dropout -> affine2 -> configurable output activation function.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# X Matrix[double] --- Training data
# Y Matrix[Double] --- Labels/Target values
# batch_size Integer 64 Batch size
# epochs Integer 20 Number of epochs
# learning_rate Double 0.003 Learning rate
# out_activation String --- User specified ouptut activation function. Possible values:
# "sigmoid", "relu", "lrelu", "tanh", "softmax", "logits" (no activation).
# loss_fcn String --- User specified loss function. Possible values:
# "l1", "l2", "log_loss", "logcosh_loss", "cel" (cross-entropy loss).
# shuffle Boolean FALSE Flag which indicates if dataset should be shuffled or not
# validation_split Double 0.0 Fraction of training set used as validation set
# seed Integer -1 Seed for model initialization
# verbose Boolean FALSE Flag which indicates if function should print to stdout
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# model List[unknown] --- Trained model which can be used in ffPredict
source("nn/layers/affine.dml") as affine
source("nn/layers/dropout.dml") as dropout
source("nn/layers/feedForward.dml") as ff_pass
# Supported loss functions by the model
source("nn/layers/l1_loss.dml") as l1_loss
source("nn/layers/l2_loss.dml") as l2_loss
source("nn/layers/log_loss.dml") as log_loss
source("nn/layers/logcosh_loss.dml") as logcosh_loss
source("nn/layers/cross_entropy_loss.dml") as cel
# Supported activation functions by the model
source("nn/layers/sigmoid.dml") as sigmoid
source("nn/layers/relu.dml") as relu
source("nn/layers/leaky_relu.dml") as lrelu
source("nn/layers/tanh.dml") as tanh
source("nn/layers/softmax.dml") as softmax
source("nn/optim/sgd_nesterov.dml") as sgd_nesterov
m_ffTrain = function(Matrix[double] X, Matrix[double] Y, Integer batch_size=64,
Integer epochs=20, Double learning_rate=0.003, String out_activation,
String loss_fcn, Boolean shuffle=FALSE, Double validation_split = 0.0,
Integer seed=-1, Boolean verbose=FALSE)
return (List[unknown] model)
N = nrow(X) # number of samples
D = ncol(X) # number of features
t = ncol(Y) # number of targets
if(shuffle) {
[X, Y] = shuffle(X, Y)
validation = FALSE
if(validation_split > 0.0) {
validation = TRUE
[X_train, Y_train, X_val, Y_val] = val_split(X, Y, validation_split)
N = nrow(X_train)
} else {
X_train = X
Y_train = Y
H1 = 128 # number of layer1 neurons
# Init layers
[W1, b1] = affine::init(D, H1, seed)
[W2, b2] = affine::init(H1, t, seed)
# Initialize SGD
lr = learning_rate
mu = 0
decay = 0.99
vW1 = sgd_nesterov::init(W1)
vb1 = sgd_nesterov::init(b1)
vW2 = sgd_nesterov::init(W2)
vb2 = sgd_nesterov::init(b2)
iters = ceil(N / batch_size)
batch = batch_size
for (e in 1:epochs) {
loss = 0
val_loss = 0
for(i in 1:iters) {
begin = (i-1)*batch+1
end = min(N, begin + batch - 1)
X_batch = X_train[begin:end,]
Y_batch = Y_train[begin:end,]
# Output activation function is stored in the list together
# with the layers since different activation functions might
# be specified (or none). When forward/backward pass is
# performed, member "activation" of the list model is used
# such that appropriate functions are applied. This is
# advantage for the user which does not have to pass model
# and activation function as two arguments in predict method.
layers = list(W1=W1, b1=b1, W2=W2, b2=b2, activation=out_activation)
cache = ff_pass::feedForward(X=X_batch, layers=layers)
# Distinguish two cases when loss is calculated from the raw output
# or from the output of the activation function.
if (out_activation != "logits") {
loss = loss + loss_forward(as.matrix(cache["outs2"]), Y_batch, loss_fcn)
dout2 = loss_backward(as.matrix(cache["outs2"]), Y_batch, loss_fcn)
} else {
loss = loss + loss_forward(as.matrix(cache["out2"]), Y_batch, loss_fcn)
dout2 = loss_backward(as.matrix(cache["out2"]), Y_batch, loss_fcn)
[dW1, db1, dW2, db2] = feed_backward(X_batch, layers, cache, dout2)
[W2, vW2] = sgd_nesterov::update(W2, dW2, lr, mu, vW2)
[b2, vb2] = sgd_nesterov::update(b2, db2, lr, mu, vb2)
[W1, vW1] = sgd_nesterov::update(W1, dW1, lr, mu, vW1)
[b1, vb1] = sgd_nesterov::update(b1, db1, lr, mu, vb1)
if(validation) {
cache = ff_pass::feedForward(X=X_val, layers=layers)
if (out_activation != "logits")
val_loss = val_loss + loss_forward(as.matrix(cache["outs2"]), Y_val, loss_fcn)
val_loss = val_loss + loss_forward(as.matrix(cache["out2"]), Y_val, loss_fcn)
mu = mu + (0.999 - mu)/(1+epochs-e)
lr = lr * decay
if(validation) {
print("Epoch: " + e + ", Train loss: " + loss/iters + " Validation loss: " + val_loss/iters)
} else if(verbose) {
print("Epoch: " + e + ", Train loss: " + loss/iters)
model = list(W1=W1, b1=b1, W2=W2, b2=b2, activation=out_activation)
feed_backward = function(Matrix[double] X, List[unknown] layers, List[unknown] cache, Matrix[double] dout)
return(Matrix[double] dW1, Matrix[double] db1, Matrix[double] dW2, Matrix[double] db2)
p = 0.35 # dropout probability
if (as.scalar(layers["activation"]) != "logits")
dout = apply_activation_backward(dout, as.matrix(cache["out2"]), as.scalar(layers["activation"]))
# Layer 2
[doutd1, dW2, db2] = affine::backward(dout, as.matrix(cache["outd1"]), as.matrix(layers["W2"]), as.matrix(layers["b2"]))
# Layer 1
doutr1 = dropout::backward(doutd1, as.matrix(cache["outr1"]), p, as.matrix(cache["maskd1"]))
dout1 = relu::backward(doutr1, as.matrix(cache["out1"]))
[dx, dW1, db1] = affine::backward(dout1, X, as.matrix(layers["W1"]), as.matrix(layers["b1"]))
apply_activation_backward = function(Matrix[double] dout, Matrix[double] X, String activation)
return (Matrix[double] out)
if(activation == "sigmoid") {
out = sigmoid::backward(dout, X)
} else if (activation == "relu") {
out = relu::backward(dout, X)
} else if (activation == "lrelu") {
out = lrelu::backward(dout, X)
} else if (activation == "tanh") {
out = tanh::backward(dout, X)
} else if (activation == "softmax") {
out = softmax::backward(dout, X)
loss_forward = function(Matrix[double] prediction, Matrix[double] target, String loss_fcn)
return(Double loss)
if (loss_fcn == "l1") {
loss = l1_loss::forward(prediction, target)
} else if(loss_fcn == "l2") {
loss = l2_loss::forward(prediction, target)
} else if(loss_fcn == "log_loss") {
loss = log_loss::forward(prediction, target)
} else if(loss_fcn == "logcosh_loss") {
loss = logcosh_loss::forward(prediction, target)
} else {
loss = cel::forward(prediction, target)
loss_backward = function(Matrix[double] prediction, Matrix[double] target, String loss_fcn)
return(Matrix[Double] dout)
if (loss_fcn == "l1") {
dout = l1_loss::backward(prediction, target)
} else if(loss_fcn == "l2") {
dout = l2_loss::backward(prediction, target)
} else if(loss_fcn == "log_loss") {
dout = log_loss::backward(prediction, target)
} else if(loss_fcn == "logcosh_loss") {
dout = logcosh_loss::backward(prediction, target)
} else {
dout = cel::backward(prediction, target)
shuffle = function(Matrix[double] X, Matrix[double] Y)
return(Matrix[Double] X_new, Matrix[Double] Y_new)
X_col = ncol(X)
Y_col = ncol(Y)
ord = rand(rows=nrow(X), cols=1, min=0, max=1, pdf="uniform")
shuffled = order(target = cbind(X, Y, ord), by = X_col + Y_col + 1)
X_new = shuffled[,1:X_col]
Y_new = shuffled[,X_col + 1 : X_col + Y_col]
val_split = function(Matrix[double] X, Matrix[double] Y, Double split)
return(Matrix[double] X_train, Matrix[double] Y_train,
Matrix[double] X_val, Matrix[double] Y_val)
N = nrow(X)
val_start = round(N * split)
X_train = X[1:N - val_start,]
Y_train = Y[1:N - val_start,]
X_val = X[N - val_start + 1:N,]
Y_val = Y[N - val_start + 1:N,]