blob: dbc4fbf9708718a548b5abcb9bdcb0152608736f [file] [log] [blame]
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# Implements builtin for finding functional dependencies
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# X Double -- Input Matrix X, encoded Matrix if data is categorical
# Mask Double -- A row vector for interested features i.e. Mask =[1, 0, 1]
# will exclude the second column from processing
# threshold Double -- threshold value in interval [0, 1] for robust FDs
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FD Double --- matrix of functional dependencies
m_discoverFD = function(Matrix[Double] X, Matrix[Double] Mask, Double threshold)
return(Matrix[Double] FD)
if( threshold < 0 | threshold > 1 )
stop("Stopping due to invalid input, threshold required in interval [0, 1] found "+threshold)
if(ncol(X) != ncol(Mask))
stop("Stopping due to dimension mismatch in Matrix and it's Mask")
if( nrow(Mask) > 1 )
stop("Stopping due to invalid input, Mask required n * 1 found n * "+nrow(Mask))
# feature pruning using mask (keep interested features only for FD discovery)
X = removeEmpty(target = X, margin = "cols", select=Mask)
# allocate output and working sets
n = nrow(X)
d = ncol(X)
FD = diag(matrix(1, d, 1))
cm = matrix(0, 1, d)
# num distinct per column
parfor(i in 1:d)
cm[1,i] = colDistinct(X[,i])
# add know functional dependencies
FD = FD + (cm == 1) # constant columns determined by all columns
FD = FD + (t(cm) == n) # unique columns determine all columns
FD = FD != 0 # to keep the count consistent
# sort num distinct and enumerate only upper triangle
cm2 = order(target=t(cm), decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE)
parfor(i in 1 : d, check=0) {
index_i = as.scalar(cm2[i,1])
ndX = as.scalar(cm[1,index_i])
if(ndX!=1 & ndX != n) {
Xi = X[,index_i];
k = ifelse(threshold < 1, 1, (i+1)); # enumerate only upper triangle if threshold = 1
parfor(j in k:d , check=0) {
if((j != i) & (j > 0) & (j <= d)) {
index_j = as.scalar(cm2[j,1])
[A_determines_B, ratio] = isFD(Xi, X[,index_j], ndX);
if(A_determines_B | ratio >= threshold)
FD[index_i, index_j] = ratio; # matrix of robust FD with their ratios
isFD = function(Matrix[Double] X, Matrix[Double] Y, Integer ndX)
return(Boolean A_determines_B, Double ratio)
ctab = table(X, Y)
rowSumTable = rowSums(ctab != 0) # X values -> num Y values
A_determines_B = (sum(rowSumTable==1) == ndX);
# robust functional dependency ratio (1.0 if A -> B)
ratio = sum(rowMaxs(ctab)) / nrow(X)
colDistinct = function(Matrix[Double] X)
return(Double distinctItems)
distinctItems = sum(table(X, 1) != 0)