blob: ac9f82b635cbb14057bac7518d6e9c50e077a704 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# X Matrix[Double] --- Feature matrix X; note that X needs to be both recoded and dummy coded
# Y Matrix[Double] --- Label matrix Y; note that Y needs to be both recoded and dummy coded
# R Matrix[Double] " " Matrix R which for each feature in X contains the following information
# - R[1,]: Row Vector which indicates if feature vector is scalar or categorical. 1 indicates
# a scalar feature vector, other positive Integers indicate the number of categories
# If R is not provided by default all variables are assumed to be scale
# bins Integer 20 Number of equiheight bins per scale feature to choose thresholds
# depth Integer 25 Maximum depth of the learned tree
# verbose Boolean FALSE boolean specifying if the algorithm should print information while executing
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Matrix M where each column corresponds to a node in the learned tree and each row contains the following information:
# M[1,j]: id of node j (in a complete binary tree)
# M[2,j]: Offset (no. of columns) to left child of j if j is an internal node, otherwise 0
# M[3,j]: Feature index of the feature (scale feature id if the feature is scale or categorical feature id if the feature is categorical)
# that node j looks at if j is an internal node, otherwise 0
# M[4,j]: Type of the feature that node j looks at if j is an internal node: holds the same information as R input vector
# M[5,j]: If j is an internal node: 1 if the feature chosen for j is scale, otherwise the size of the subset of values
# stored in rows 6,7,... if j is categorical
# If j is a leaf node: number of misclassified samples reaching at node j
# M[6:,j]: If j is an internal node: Threshold the example's feature value is compared to is stored at M[6,j] if the feature chosen for j is scale,
# otherwise if the feature chosen for j is categorical rows 6,7,... depict the value subset chosen for j
# If j is a leaf node 1 if j is impure and the number of samples at j > threshold, otherwise 0
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
m_decisionTree = function(
Matrix[Double] X,
Matrix[Double] Y,
Matrix[Double] R,
Integer bins = 10,
Integer depth = 20,
Boolean verbose = FALSE
) return (Matrix[Double] M) {
if (verbose) {
print("Executing Decision Tree:")
node_queue = matrix(1, rows=1, cols=1) # Add first Node
impurity_queue = matrix(1, rows=1, cols=1)
use_cols_queue = matrix(1, rows=ncol(X), cols=1) # Add fist bool Vector with all cols <=> (use all cols)
use_rows_queue = matrix(1, rows=nrow(X), cols=1) # Add fist bool Vector with all rows <=> (use all rows)
queue_length = 1
M = matrix(0, rows = 0, cols = 0)
while (queue_length > 0) {
[node_queue, node] = dataQueuePop(node_queue)
[use_rows_queue, use_rows_vector] = dataQueuePop(use_rows_queue)
[use_cols_queue, use_cols_vector] = dataQueuePop(use_cols_queue)
available_rows = calcAvailable(use_rows_vector)
available_cols = calcAvailable(use_cols_vector)
[impurity_queue, parent_impurity] = dataQueuePop(impurity_queue)
create_child_nodes_flag = FALSE
if (verbose) {
print("Popped Node: " + as.scalar(node))
print("Rows: " + toString(t(use_rows_vector)))
print("Cols: " + toString(t(use_cols_vector)))
print("Available Rows: " + available_rows)
print("Available Cols: " + available_cols)
print("Parent impurity: " + as.scalar(parent_impurity))
node_depth = calculateNodeDepth(node)
used_col = 0.0
if (node_depth < depth & available_rows > 1 & available_cols > 0 & as.scalar(parent_impurity) > 0) {
[impurity, used_col, threshold, type] = calcBestSplittingCriteria(X, Y, R, use_rows_vector, use_cols_vector, bins)
create_child_nodes_flag = impurity < as.scalar(parent_impurity)
if (verbose) {
print("Current impurity: " + impurity)
print("Current threshold: "+ toString(t(threshold)))
if (verbose) {
print("Current column: " + used_col)
print("Current type: " + type)
if (create_child_nodes_flag) {
[left, right] = calculateChildNodes(node)
node_queue = dataQueuePush(left, right, node_queue)
[new_use_cols_vector, left_use_rows_vector, right_use_rows_vector] = splitData(X, use_rows_vector, use_cols_vector, used_col, threshold, type)
use_rows_queue = dataQueuePush(left_use_rows_vector, right_use_rows_vector, use_rows_queue)
use_cols_queue = dataQueuePush(new_use_cols_vector, new_use_cols_vector, use_cols_queue)
impurity_queue = dataQueuePush(matrix(impurity, rows = 1, cols = 1), matrix(impurity, rows = 1, cols = 1), impurity_queue)
offset = dataQueueLength(node_queue) - 1
M = outputMatrixBind(M, node, offset, used_col, R, threshold)
} else {
M = outputMatrixBind(M, node, 0.0, used_col, R, matrix(0, rows = 1, cols = 1))
queue_length = dataQueueLength(node_queue)# -- user-defined function calls not supported in relational expressions
if (verbose) {
print("New QueueLen: " + queue_length)
dataQueueLength = function(Matrix[Double] queue) return (Double len) {
len = ncol(queue)
dataQueuePop = function(Matrix[Double] queue) return (Matrix[Double] new_queue, Matrix[Double] node) {
node = matrix(queue[,1], rows=1, cols=nrow(queue)) # reshape to force the creation of a new object
node = matrix(node, rows=nrow(queue), cols=1) # reshape to force the creation of a new object
len = dataQueueLength(queue)
if (len < 2) {
new_queue = matrix(0,0,0)
} else {
new_queue = matrix(queue[,2:ncol(queue)], rows=nrow(queue), cols=ncol(queue)-1)
dataQueuePush = function(Matrix[Double] left, Matrix[Double] right, Matrix[Double] queue) return (Matrix[Double] new_queue) {
len = dataQueueLength(queue)
if(len <= 0) {
new_queue = cbind(left, right)
} else {
new_queue = cbind(queue, left, right)
dataVectorLength = function(Matrix[Double] vector) return (Double len) {
len = nrow(vector)
dataColVectorLength = function(Matrix[Double] vector) return (Double len) {
len = ncol(vector)
dataVectorGet = function(Matrix[Double] vector, Double index) return (Double value) {
value = as.scalar(vector[index, 1])
dataVectorSet = function(Matrix[Double] vector, Double index, Double data) return (Matrix[Double] new_vector) {
vector[index, 1] = data
new_vector = vector
calcAvailable = function(Matrix[Double] vector) return(Double available_elements){
len = dataVectorLength(vector)
available_elements = 0.0
for (index in 1:len) {
element = dataVectorGet(vector, index)
if(element > 0.0) {
available_elements = available_elements + 1.0
calculateNodeDepth = function(Matrix[Double] node) return(Double depth) {
depth = log(as.scalar(node), 2) + 1
calculateChildNodes = function(Matrix[Double] node) return(Matrix[Double] left, Matrix[Double] right) {
left = node * 2.0
right = node * 2.0 + 1.0
getTypeOfCol = function(Matrix[Double] R, Double col) return(Double type) { # 1..scalar, 2..categorical
type = as.scalar(R[1, col])
extrapolateOrderedScalarFeatures = function(
Matrix[Double] X,
Matrix[Double] use_rows_vector,
Double col) return (Matrix[Double] feature_vector) {
feature_vector = matrix(1, rows = 1, cols = 1)
len = nrow(X)
first_time = TRUE
for(row in 1:len) {
use_feature = dataVectorGet(use_rows_vector, row)
if (use_feature != 0) {
if(first_time) {
feature_vector[1,1] = X[row, col]
first_time = FALSE
} else {
feature_vector = rbind(feature_vector, X[row, col])
feature_vector = order(target=feature_vector, by=1, decreasing=FALSE, index.return=FALSE)
calcPossibleThresholdsScalar = function(
Matrix[Double] X,
Matrix[Double] use_rows_vector,
Double col,
int bins) return (Matrix[Double] thresholds) {
ordered_features = extrapolateOrderedScalarFeatures(X, use_rows_vector, col)
ordered_features_len = dataVectorLength(ordered_features)
thresholds = matrix(1, rows = 1, cols = ordered_features_len - 1)
virtual_length = min(ordered_features_len, 20)
step_length = ordered_features_len / virtual_length
if (ordered_features_len > 1) {
for (index in 1:(virtual_length - 1)) {
real_index = index * step_length
mean = (dataVectorGet(ordered_features, real_index) + dataVectorGet(ordered_features, real_index + 1)) / 2
thresholds[1, index] = mean
calcPossibleThresholdsCategory = function(Double type) return (Matrix[Double] thresholds) {
numberThresholds = 2 ^ type
thresholds = matrix(-1, rows = type, cols = numberThresholds)
toggleFactor = numberThresholds / 2
for (index in 1:type) {
beginCols = 1
endCols = toggleFactor
iterations = numberThresholds / toggleFactor / 2
for (it in 1:iterations) {
category_val = type - index + 1
thresholds[index, beginCols:endCols] = matrix(category_val, rows = 1, cols = toggleFactor)
endCols = endCols + 2 * toggleFactor
beginCols = beginCols + 2 * toggleFactor
toggleFactor = toggleFactor / 2
iterations = numberThresholds / toggleFactor / 2
ncol = ncol(thresholds)
if (ncol > 2.0) {
thresholds = cbind(thresholds[,2:ncol-2], thresholds[,ncol-1])
calcGiniImpurity = function(Double num_true, Double num_false) return (Double impurity) {
prop_true = num_true / (num_true + num_false)
prop_false = num_false / (num_true + num_false)
impurity = 1 - (prop_true ^ 2) - (prop_false ^ 2)
calcImpurity = function(
Matrix[Double] X,
Matrix[Double] Y,
Matrix[Double] use_rows_vector,
Double col,
Double type,
int bins) return (Double impurity, Matrix[Double] threshold) {
is_scalar_type = typeIsScalar(type)
if (is_scalar_type) {
possible_thresholds = calcPossibleThresholdsScalar(X, use_rows_vector, col, bins)
} else {
possible_thresholds = calcPossibleThresholdsCategory(type)
len_thresholds = ncol(possible_thresholds)
impurity = 1
threshold = matrix(0, rows=1, cols=1)
for (index in 1:len_thresholds) {
[false_rows, true_rows] = splitRowsVector(X, use_rows_vector, col, possible_thresholds[, index], type)
num_true_positive = 0; num_false_positive = 0; num_true_negative = 0; num_false_negative = 0
len = dataVectorLength(use_rows_vector)
for (c_row in 1:len) {
true_row_data = dataVectorGet(true_rows, c_row)
false_row_data = dataVectorGet(false_rows, c_row)
if (true_row_data != 0 & false_row_data == 0) { # IT'S POSITIVE!
if (as.scalar(Y[c_row, 1]) != 0) {
num_true_positive = num_true_positive + 1
} else {
num_false_positive = num_false_positive + 1
} else if (true_row_data == 0 & false_row_data != 0) { # IT'S NEGATIVE
if (as.scalar(Y[c_row, 1]) != 0.0) {
num_false_negative = num_false_negative + 1
} else {
num_true_negative = num_true_negative + 1
impurity_positive_branch = calcGiniImpurity(num_true_positive, num_false_positive)
impurity_negative_branch = calcGiniImpurity(num_true_negative, num_false_negative)
num_samples = num_true_positive + num_false_positive + num_true_negative + num_false_negative
num_negative = num_true_negative + num_false_negative
num_positive = num_true_positive + num_false_positive
c_impurity = num_positive / num_samples * impurity_positive_branch + num_negative / num_samples * impurity_negative_branch
if (c_impurity <= impurity) {
impurity = c_impurity
threshold = possible_thresholds[, index]
calcBestSplittingCriteria = function(
Matrix[Double] X,
Matrix[Double] Y,
Matrix[Double] R,
Matrix[Double] use_rows_vector,
Matrix[Double] use_cols_vector,
int bins) return (Double impurity, Double used_col, Matrix[Double] threshold, Double type) {
impurity = 1
used_col = 1
threshold = matrix(0, 1, 1)
type = 1
# -- user-defined function calls not supported for iterable predicates
len = dataVectorLength(use_cols_vector)
for (c_col in 1:len) {
use_feature = dataVectorGet(use_cols_vector, c_col)
if (use_feature != 0) {
c_type = getTypeOfCol(R, c_col)
[c_impurity, c_threshold] = calcImpurity(X, Y, use_rows_vector, c_col, c_type, bins)
if(c_impurity <= impurity) {
impurity = c_impurity
used_col = c_col
threshold = c_threshold
type = c_type
typeIsScalar = function(Double type) return(Boolean b) {
b = type == 1.0
splitRowsVector = function(
Matrix[Double] X,
Matrix[Double] use_rows_vector,
Double col,
Matrix[Double] threshold,
Double type
) return (Matrix[Double] false_use_rows_vector, Matrix[Double] true_use_rows_vector) {
type_is_scalar = typeIsScalar(type)
false_use_rows_vector = use_rows_vector
true_use_rows_vector = use_rows_vector
if (type_is_scalar) {
scalar_threshold = as.scalar(threshold[1,1])
len = dataVectorLength(use_rows_vector)
for (c_row in 1:len) {
row_enabled = dataVectorGet(use_rows_vector, c_row)
if (row_enabled != 0) {
if (as.scalar(X[c_row, col]) > scalar_threshold) {
false_use_rows_vector = dataVectorSet(false_use_rows_vector, c_row, 0.0)
} else {
true_use_rows_vector = dataVectorSet(true_use_rows_vector, c_row, 0.0)
} else {
len = dataVectorLength(use_rows_vector)
for (c_row in 1:len) {
row_enabled = dataVectorGet(use_rows_vector, c_row)
if (row_enabled != 0) {
categories_len = dataColVectorLength(threshold)
move_sample_to_true_set = FALSE
for (category_col_index in 1:categories_len) {
desired_category = as.scalar(X[c_row, col])
if(desired_category != -1) {
category_of_threshold = threshold[type - desired_category + 1, category_col_index]
move_sample_to_true_set = as.scalar(X[c_row, col]) == as.scalar(category_of_threshold)
} else {
#Todo: has category -1 to be considered?
move_sample_to_true_set = TRUE
if (move_sample_to_true_set) {
false_use_rows_vector = dataVectorSet(false_use_rows_vector, c_row, 0.0)
} else {
true_use_rows_vector = dataVectorSet(true_use_rows_vector, c_row, 0.0)
splitData = function(
Matrix[Double] X,
Matrix[Double] use_rows_vector,
Matrix[Double] use_cols_vector,
Double col,
Matrix[Double] threshold,
Double type
) return (Matrix[Double] new_use_cols_vector, Matrix[Double] false_use_rows_vector, Matrix[Double] true_use_rows_vector) {
new_use_cols_vector = dataVectorSet(use_cols_vector, col, 0.0)
[false_use_rows_vector, true_use_rows_vector] = splitRowsVector(X, use_rows_vector, col, threshold, type)
outputMatrixBind = function(
Matrix[Double] M,
Matrix[Double] node,
Double offset,
Double used_col,
Matrix[Double] R,
Matrix[Double] threshold
) return (Matrix[Double] new_M) {
col = matrix(0, rows = 5, cols = 1)
col[1, 1] = node[1, 1]
col[2, 1] = offset
col[3, 1] = used_col
if (used_col >= 1.0) { col[4, 1] = R[1, used_col] }
col[5, 1] = nrow(threshold)
col = rbind(col, threshold)
if (ncol(M) == 0 & nrow(M) == 0) {
new_M = col
} else {
row_difference = nrow(M) - nrow(col)
if (row_difference < 0.0) {
buffer = matrix(-1, rows = -row_difference, cols = ncol(M))
M = rbind(M, buffer)
} else if (row_difference > 0.0) {
buffer = matrix(-1, rows = row_difference, cols = 1)
col = rbind(col, buffer)
new_M = cbind(M, col)