blob: 83f782307b2ebdcc0190586f17a01cc02e61a63b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.sysml.parser.common;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.AssignmentStatement;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.BinaryExpression;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.BooleanExpression;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.BooleanIdentifier;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.BuiltinFunctionExpression;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.ConstIdentifier;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.DMLProgram;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.DataExpression;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.DataIdentifier;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.DoubleIdentifier;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.Expression;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.Expression.DataOp;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.FunctionCallIdentifier;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.IntIdentifier;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.LanguageException;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.MultiAssignmentStatement;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.OutputStatement;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.ParameterExpression;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.ParameterizedBuiltinFunctionExpression;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.PrintStatement;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.RelationalExpression;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.Statement;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.StringIdentifier;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.dml.DmlParser.BuiltinFunctionExpressionContext;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.dml.DmlSyntacticValidator;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.pydml.PydmlSyntacticValidator;
* Contains fields and (helper) methods common to {@link DmlSyntacticValidator} and {@link PydmlSyntacticValidator}
public abstract class CommonSyntacticValidator {
protected final CustomErrorListener errorListener;
protected final String currentFile;
protected String _workingDir = "."; //current working directory
protected Map<String,String> argVals = null;
protected String sourceNamespace = null;
// Track imported scripts to prevent infinite recursion
protected static ThreadLocal<HashMap<String, String>> _scripts = new ThreadLocal<HashMap<String, String>>() {
@Override protected HashMap<String, String> initialValue() { return new HashMap<String, String>(); }
// Map namespaces to full paths as defined only from source statements in this script (i.e., currentFile)
protected HashMap<String, String> sources;
// Names of new internal and external functions defined in this script (i.e., currentFile)
protected Set<String> functions;
public static void init() {
public CommonSyntacticValidator(CustomErrorListener errorListener, Map<String,String> argVals, String sourceNamespace, Set<String> prepFunctions) {
this.errorListener = errorListener;
currentFile = errorListener.getCurrentFileName();
this.argVals = argVals;
this.sourceNamespace = sourceNamespace;
sources = new HashMap<String, String>();
functions = (null != prepFunctions) ? prepFunctions : new HashSet<String>();
protected void notifyErrorListeners(String message, int line, int charPositionInLine) {
errorListener.validationError(line, charPositionInLine, message);
protected void notifyErrorListeners(String message, Token op) {
errorListener.validationError(op.getLine(), op.getCharPositionInLine(), message);
protected void raiseWarning(String message, Token op) {
errorListener.validationWarning(op.getLine(), op.getCharPositionInLine(), message);
* Obtain the namespace separator ({@code ::} for DML and {@code .} for
* PYDML) that is used to specify a namespace and a function in that
* namespace.
* @return The namespace separator
public abstract String namespaceResolutionOp();
* Obtain the namespace and the function name as a two-element array based
* on the fully-qualified function name. If no namespace is supplied in
* front of the function name, the default namespace will be used.
* @param fullyQualifiedFunctionName
* Namespace followed by separator ({@code ::} for DML and
* {@code .} for PYDML) followed by function name (for example,
* {@code mynamespace::myfunctionname}), or only function name if
* the default namespace is used (for example,
* {@code myfunctionname}).
* @return Two-element array consisting of namespace and function name, or
* {@code null}.
protected String[] getQualifiedNames(String fullyQualifiedFunctionName) {
String splitStr = Pattern.quote(namespaceResolutionOp());
String [] fnNames = fullyQualifiedFunctionName.split(splitStr);
String functionName = "";
String namespace = "";
if(fnNames.length == 1) {
namespace = DMLProgram.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE;
functionName = fnNames[0].trim();
else if(fnNames.length == 2) {
namespace = getQualifiedNamespace(fnNames[0].trim());
functionName = fnNames[1].trim();
return null;
String[] retVal = new String[2];
retVal[0] = namespace;
retVal[1] = functionName;
return retVal;
protected String getQualifiedNamespace(String namespace) {
String path = sources.get(namespace);
return (path != null && path.length() > 0) ? path : namespace;
protected void validateNamespace(String namespace, String filePath, ParserRuleContext ctx) {
if (!sources.containsKey(namespace)) {
sources.put(namespace, filePath);
else {
notifyErrorListeners("Namespace Conflict: '" + namespace + "' already defined as " + sources.get(namespace), ctx.start);
protected boolean validateBuiltinFunctions(String function) {
String functionName = function.replaceAll(" ", "").trim();
if(functionName.equals("write") || functionName.equals(DMLProgram.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE + namespaceResolutionOp() + "write")) {
return validateBuiltinWriteFunction(function);
return true;
protected boolean validateBuiltinWriteFunction(String function) {
return true;
protected void setFileLineColumn(Expression expr, ParserRuleContext ctx) {
String txt = ctx.getText();
if(expr.getBeginColumn() == expr.getEndColumn() && expr.getBeginLine() == expr.getEndLine() && txt.length() > 1) {
expr.setEndColumn(expr.getBeginColumn() + txt.length() - 1);
protected void setFileLineColumn(Statement stmt, ParserRuleContext ctx) {
String txt = ctx.getText();
if(stmt.getBeginColumn() == stmt.getEndColumn() && stmt.getBeginLine() == stmt.getEndLine() && txt.length() > 1) {
stmt.setEndColumn(stmt.getBeginColumn() + txt.length() - 1);
// For String literal "True/TRUE"
public abstract String trueStringLiteral();
// For String literal "False/FALSE"
public abstract String falseStringLiteral();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected void binaryExpressionHelper(ParserRuleContext ctx, ExpressionInfo left, ExpressionInfo right,
ExpressionInfo me, String op) {
if(left.expr != null && right.expr != null) {
Expression.BinaryOp bop = Expression.getBinaryOp(op);
BinaryExpression be = new BinaryExpression(bop);
be = new BinaryExpression(bop);
me.expr = be;
setFileLineColumn(me.expr, ctx);
protected void relationalExpressionHelper(ParserRuleContext ctx, ExpressionInfo left, ExpressionInfo right,
ExpressionInfo me, String op) {
if(left.expr != null && right.expr != null) {
Expression.RelationalOp rop = Expression.getRelationalOp(op);
RelationalExpression re = new RelationalExpression(rop);
me.expr = re;
setFileLineColumn(me.expr, ctx);
protected void booleanExpressionHelper(ParserRuleContext ctx, ExpressionInfo left, ExpressionInfo right,
ExpressionInfo me, String op) {
if(left.expr != null && right.expr != null) {
Expression.BooleanOp bop = Expression.getBooleanOp(op);
BooleanExpression re = new BooleanExpression(bop);
me.expr = re;
setFileLineColumn(me.expr, ctx);
protected void unaryExpressionHelper(ParserRuleContext ctx, ExpressionInfo left, ExpressionInfo me, String op) {
if(left.expr != null) {
Token start = ctx.start;
String fileName = currentFile;
int line = start.getLine();
int col = start.getCharPositionInLine();
if(left.expr instanceof IntIdentifier) {
if(op.equals("-")) {
((IntIdentifier) left.expr).multiplyByMinusOne();
me.expr = left.expr;
else if(left.expr instanceof DoubleIdentifier) {
if(op.equals("-")) {
((DoubleIdentifier) left.expr).multiplyByMinusOne();
me.expr = left.expr;
else {
Expression right = new IntIdentifier(1, fileName, line, col, line, col);
if(op.equals("-")) {
right = new IntIdentifier(-1, fileName, line, col, line, col);
Expression.BinaryOp bop = Expression.getBinaryOp("*");
BinaryExpression be = new BinaryExpression(bop);
me.expr = be;
setFileLineColumn(me.expr, ctx);
protected void unaryBooleanExpressionHelper(ParserRuleContext ctx, ExpressionInfo left, ExpressionInfo me,
String op) {
if(left.expr != null) {
Expression.BooleanOp bop = Expression.getBooleanOp(op);
BooleanExpression be = new BooleanExpression(bop);
me.expr = be;
setFileLineColumn(me.expr, ctx);
protected void constDoubleIdExpressionHelper(ParserRuleContext ctx, ExpressionInfo me) {
try {
Token start = ctx.start;
double val = Double.parseDouble(ctx.getText());
int linePosition = start.getLine();
int charPosition = start.getCharPositionInLine();
me.expr = new DoubleIdentifier(val, currentFile, linePosition, charPosition, linePosition, charPosition);
setFileLineColumn(me.expr, ctx);
catch(Exception e) {
notifyErrorListeners("cannot parse the float value: \'" + ctx.getText() + "\'", ctx.getStart());
protected void constIntIdExpressionHelper(ParserRuleContext ctx, ExpressionInfo me) {
try {
Token start = ctx.start;
long val = Long.parseLong(ctx.getText());
int linePosition = start.getLine();
int charPosition = start.getCharPositionInLine();
me.expr = new IntIdentifier(val, currentFile, linePosition, charPosition, linePosition, charPosition);
setFileLineColumn(me.expr, ctx);
catch(Exception e) {
notifyErrorListeners("cannot parse the int value: \'" + ctx.getText() + "\'", ctx.getStart());
protected String extractStringInQuotes(String text, boolean inQuotes) {
String val = null;
if(inQuotes) {
if( (text.startsWith("\"") && text.endsWith("\"")) ||
(text.startsWith("\'") && text.endsWith("\'"))) {
if(text.length() > 2) {
val = text.substring(1, text.length()-1)
else if(text.equals("\"\"") || text.equals("\'\'")) {
val = "";
else {
val = text.replaceAll("\\\\b","\b")
return val;
protected void constStringIdExpressionHelper(ParserRuleContext ctx, ExpressionInfo me) {
String val = extractStringInQuotes(ctx.getText(), true);
if(val == null) {
notifyErrorListeners("incorrect string literal ", ctx.start);
int linePosition = ctx.start.getLine();
int charPosition = ctx.start.getCharPositionInLine();
me.expr = new StringIdentifier(val, currentFile, linePosition, charPosition, linePosition, charPosition);
setFileLineColumn(me.expr, ctx);
protected void booleanIdentifierHelper(ParserRuleContext ctx, boolean val, ExpressionInfo info) {
int linePosition = ctx.start.getLine();
int charPosition = ctx.start.getCharPositionInLine();
info.expr = new BooleanIdentifier(val, currentFile, linePosition, charPosition, linePosition, charPosition);
setFileLineColumn(info.expr, ctx);
protected void exitDataIdExpressionHelper(ParserRuleContext ctx, ExpressionInfo me, ExpressionInfo dataInfo) {
me.expr = dataInfo.expr;
// If "The parameter $X either needs to be passed through commandline or initialized to default value" validation
// error occurs, then dataInfo.expr is null which would cause a null pointer exception with the following code.
// Therefore, check for null so that parsing can continue so all parsing issues can be determined.
if (me.expr != null) {
int line = ctx.start.getLine();
int col = ctx.start.getCharPositionInLine();
me.expr.setAllPositions(currentFile, line, col, line, col);
setFileLineColumn(me.expr, ctx);
protected ConstIdentifier getConstIdFromString(String varValue, Token start) {
int linePosition = start.getLine();
int charPosition = start.getCharPositionInLine();
// Compare to "True/TRUE"
return new BooleanIdentifier(true, currentFile, linePosition, charPosition, linePosition, charPosition);
// Compare to "False/FALSE"
return new BooleanIdentifier(false, currentFile, linePosition, charPosition, linePosition, charPosition);
// Check for long literal
// NOTE: we use exception handling instead of Longs.tryParse for backwards compatibility with guava <14.1
// Also the alternative of Ints.tryParse and falling back to double would not be lossless in all cases.
try {
long lval = Long.parseLong(varValue);
return new IntIdentifier(lval, currentFile, linePosition, charPosition, linePosition, charPosition);
catch(Exception ex) {
// Check for double literal
// NOTE: we use exception handling instead of Doubles.tryParse for backwards compatibility with guava <14.0
try {
double dval = Double.parseDouble(varValue);
return new DoubleIdentifier(dval, currentFile, linePosition, charPosition, linePosition, charPosition);
catch(Exception ex) {
// Otherwise it is a string literal (optionally enclosed within single or double quotes)
String val = "";
String text = varValue;
if( (text.startsWith("\"") && text.endsWith("\"")) || (text.startsWith("\'") && text.endsWith("\'"))) {
if(text.length() > 2) {
val = extractStringInQuotes(text, true);
else {
// the commandline parameters can be passed without any quotes
val = extractStringInQuotes(text, false);
return new StringIdentifier(val, currentFile, linePosition, charPosition, linePosition, charPosition);
protected void fillExpressionInfoCommandLineParameters(String varName, ExpressionInfo dataInfo, Token start) {
if(!varName.startsWith("$")) {
notifyErrorListeners("commandline param doesnot start with $", start);
String varValue = null;
for(Map.Entry<String, String> arg : this.argVals.entrySet()) {
if(arg.getKey().equals(varName)) {
if(varValue != null) {
notifyErrorListeners("multiple values passed for the parameter " + varName + " via commandline", start);
else {
varValue = arg.getValue();
if(varValue == null) {
// Command line param cannot be empty string
// If you want to pass space, please quote it
dataInfo.expr = getConstIdFromString(varValue, start);
protected void exitAssignmentStatementHelper(ParserRuleContext ctx, String lhs, ExpressionInfo dataInfo,
Token lhsStart, ExpressionInfo rhs, StatementInfo info) {
if(lhs.startsWith("$")) {
notifyErrorListeners("assignment of commandline parameters is not allowed. (Quickfix: try using someLocalVariable=ifdef(" + lhs + ", default value))", ctx.start);
DataIdentifier target = null;
if(dataInfo.expr instanceof DataIdentifier) {
target = (DataIdentifier) dataInfo.expr;
Expression source = rhs.expr;
int line = ctx.start.getLine();
int col = ctx.start.getCharPositionInLine();
try {
info.stmt = new AssignmentStatement(target, source, line, col, line, col);
setFileLineColumn(info.stmt, ctx);
} catch (LanguageException e) {
// TODO: extract more meaningful info from this exception.
notifyErrorListeners("invalid assignment", lhsStart);
else {
notifyErrorListeners("incorrect lvalue in assignment statement", lhsStart);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper Functions for exit*FunctionCall*AssignmentStatement
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
protected void setPrintStatement(ParserRuleContext ctx, String functionName,
ArrayList<ParameterExpression> paramExpression, StatementInfo thisinfo) {
if(paramExpression.size() != 1) {
notifyErrorListeners(functionName + "() has only one parameter", ctx.start);
Expression expr = paramExpression.get(0).getExpr();
if(expr == null) {
notifyErrorListeners("cannot process " + functionName + "() function", ctx.start);
try {
int line = ctx.start.getLine();
int col = ctx.start.getCharPositionInLine();
thisinfo.stmt = new PrintStatement(functionName, expr, line, col, line, col);
setFileLineColumn(thisinfo.stmt, ctx);
} catch (LanguageException e) {
notifyErrorListeners("cannot process " + functionName + "() function", ctx.start);
protected void setOutputStatement(ParserRuleContext ctx,
ArrayList<ParameterExpression> paramExpression, StatementInfo info) {
if(paramExpression.size() < 2){
notifyErrorListeners("incorrect usage of write function (at least 2 arguments required)", ctx.start);
if(paramExpression.get(0).getExpr() instanceof DataIdentifier) {
String fileName = currentFile;
int line = ctx.start.getLine();
int col = ctx.start.getCharPositionInLine();
HashMap<String, Expression> varParams = new HashMap<String, Expression>();
varParams.put(DataExpression.IO_FILENAME, paramExpression.get(1).getExpr());
for(int i = 2; i < paramExpression.size(); i++) {
// DataExpression.FORMAT_TYPE, DataExpression.DELIM_DELIMITER, DataExpression.DELIM_HAS_HEADER_ROW, DataExpression.DELIM_SPARSE
varParams.put(paramExpression.get(i).getName(), paramExpression.get(i).getExpr());
DataExpression dataExpression = new DataExpression(DataOp.WRITE, varParams, fileName, line, col, line, col);
info.stmt = new OutputStatement((DataIdentifier) paramExpression.get(0).getExpr(), DataOp.WRITE, fileName, line, col, line, col);
setFileLineColumn(info.stmt, ctx);
else {
notifyErrorListeners("incorrect usage of write function", ctx.start);
protected void setAssignmentStatement(ParserRuleContext ctx, StatementInfo info, DataIdentifier target, Expression expression) {
try {
info.stmt = new AssignmentStatement(target, expression, ctx.start.getLine(), ctx.start.getCharPositionInLine(), ctx.start.getLine(), ctx.start.getCharPositionInLine());
setFileLineColumn(info.stmt, ctx);
} catch (LanguageException e) {
// TODO: extract more meaningful info from this exception.
notifyErrorListeners("invalid function call", ctx.start);
* Information about built in functions converted to a common format between
* PyDML and DML for the runtime.
public static class ConvertedDMLSyntax {
public final String namespace;
public final String functionName;
public final ArrayList<ParameterExpression> paramExpression;
public ConvertedDMLSyntax(String namespace, String functionName,
ArrayList<ParameterExpression> paramExpression) {
this.namespace = namespace;
this.functionName = functionName;
this.paramExpression = paramExpression;
* Converts PyDML/DML built in functions to a common format for the runtime.
* @param ctx
* @param namespace Namespace of the function
* @param functionName Name of the builtin function
* @param paramExpression Array of parameter names and values
* @param fnName Token of the built in function identifier
* @return
protected abstract ConvertedDMLSyntax convertToDMLSyntax(ParserRuleContext ctx, String namespace, String functionName, ArrayList<ParameterExpression> paramExpression,
Token fnName);
* Function overridden for DML & PyDML that handles any language specific builtin functions
* @param ctx
* @param functionName
* @param paramExpressions
* @return instance of {@link Expression}
protected abstract Expression handleLanguageSpecificFunction(ParserRuleContext ctx, String functionName, ArrayList<ParameterExpression> paramExpressions);
/** Checks for builtin functions and does Action 'f'.
* <br/>
* Constructs the
* appropriate {@link AssignmentStatement} from
* {@link CommonSyntacticValidator#functionCallAssignmentStatementHelper(ParserRuleContext, Set, Set, Expression, StatementInfo, Token, Token, String, String, ArrayList, boolean)
* or Assign to {@link Expression} from
* {@link DmlSyntacticValidator#exitBuiltinFunctionExpression(BuiltinFunctionExpressionContext)}
* @param ctx
* @param functionName
* @param paramExpressions
* @return true if a builtin function was found
protected boolean buildForBuiltInFunction(ParserRuleContext ctx, String functionName, ArrayList<ParameterExpression> paramExpressions, Action f) {
// In global namespace, so it can be a builtin function
// Double verification: verify passed function name is a (non-parameterized) built-in function.
String fileName = currentFile;
int line = ctx.start.getLine();
int col = ctx.start.getCharPositionInLine();
try {
if (functions.contains(functionName)) {
// It is a user function definition (which takes precedence if name same as built-in)
return false;
Expression lsf = handleLanguageSpecificFunction(ctx, functionName, paramExpressions);
if (lsf != null){
setFileLineColumn(lsf, ctx);
return true;
BuiltinFunctionExpression bife = BuiltinFunctionExpression.getBuiltinFunctionExpression(functionName, paramExpressions, fileName, line, col, line, col);
if (bife != null){
// It is a builtin function
return true;
ParameterizedBuiltinFunctionExpression pbife = ParameterizedBuiltinFunctionExpression.getParamBuiltinFunctionExpression(functionName, paramExpressions, fileName, line, col, line, col);
if (pbife != null){
// It is a parameterized builtin function
return true;
// built-in read, rand ...
DataExpression dbife = DataExpression.getDataExpression(functionName, paramExpressions, fileName, line, col, line, col, errorListener);
if (dbife != null){
return true;
} catch(Exception e) {
notifyErrorListeners("unable to process builtin function expression " + functionName + ":" + e.getMessage(), ctx.start);
return true;
return false;
protected void functionCallAssignmentStatementHelper(final ParserRuleContext ctx,
Set<String> printStatements, Set<String> outputStatements, final Expression dataInfo,
final StatementInfo info, final Token nameToken, Token targetListToken, String namespace,
String functionName, ArrayList<ParameterExpression> paramExpression, boolean hasLHS) {
ConvertedDMLSyntax convertedSyntax = convertToDMLSyntax(ctx, namespace, functionName, paramExpression, nameToken);
if(convertedSyntax == null) {
else {
namespace = convertedSyntax.namespace;
functionName = convertedSyntax.functionName;
paramExpression = convertedSyntax.paramExpression;
// For builtin functions without LHS
if(namespace.equals(DMLProgram.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE) && !functions.contains(functionName)) {
if (printStatements.contains(functionName)){
setPrintStatement(ctx, functionName, paramExpression, info);
else if (outputStatements.contains(functionName)){
setOutputStatement(ctx, paramExpression, info);
if (!hasLHS){
notifyErrorListeners("function call needs to have lvalue (Quickfix: change it to \'tmpVar = " + functionName + "(...)\')", nameToken);
DataIdentifier target = null;
if(dataInfo instanceof DataIdentifier) {
target = (DataIdentifier) dataInfo;
else {
notifyErrorListeners("incorrect lvalue for function call ", targetListToken);
// For builtin functions with LHS
if(namespace.equals(DMLProgram.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE) && !functions.contains(functionName)){
final DataIdentifier ftarget = target;
Action f = new Action() {
@Override public void execute(Expression e) { setAssignmentStatement(ctx, info , ftarget, e); }
boolean validBIF = buildForBuiltInFunction(ctx, functionName, paramExpression, f);
if (validBIF)
// If builtin functions weren't found...
FunctionCallIdentifier functCall = new FunctionCallIdentifier(paramExpression);
// Override default namespace for imported non-built-in function
String inferNamespace = (sourceNamespace != null && sourceNamespace.length() > 0 && DMLProgram.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.equals(namespace)) ? sourceNamespace : namespace;
functCall.setAllPositions(currentFile, ctx.start.getLine(), ctx.start.getCharPositionInLine(), ctx.stop.getLine(), ctx.stop.getCharPositionInLine());
setAssignmentStatement(ctx, info, target, functCall);
* To allow for different actions in
* {@link CommonSyntacticValidator#functionCallAssignmentStatementHelper(ParserRuleContext, Set, Set, Expression, StatementInfo, Token, Token, String, String, ArrayList)}
public static interface Action {
public void execute(Expression e);
protected void setMultiAssignmentStatement(ArrayList<DataIdentifier> target, Expression expression, ParserRuleContext ctx, StatementInfo info) {
info.stmt = new MultiAssignmentStatement(target, expression);
info.stmt.setAllPositions(currentFile, ctx.start.getLine(), ctx.start.getCharPositionInLine(), ctx.start.getLine(), ctx.start.getCharPositionInLine());
setFileLineColumn(info.stmt, ctx);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// End of Helper Functions for exit*FunctionCall*AssignmentStatement
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
* Indicates if the given data type string is a valid data type.
* @param datatype
* @param start
protected void checkValidDataType(String datatype, Token start) {
boolean validMatrixType =
datatype.equals("matrix") || datatype.equals("Matrix") ||
datatype.equals("frame") || datatype.equals("Frame") ||
datatype.equals("scalar") || datatype.equals("Scalar");
if(!validMatrixType ) {
notifyErrorListeners("incorrect datatype (expected matrix, frame or scalar)", start);