blob: 6f115bab673b86d5cd181d565bc240e865008be1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.sysml.parser;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.LanguageException.LanguageErrorCodes;
public abstract class Identifier extends Expression
protected DataType _dataType;
protected ValueType _valueType;
protected long _dim1;
protected long _dim2;
protected long _rows_in_block;
protected long _columns_in_block;
protected long _nnz;
protected FormatType _formatType;
public Identifier(Identifier i)
_dataType = i.getDataType();
_valueType = i.getValueType();
if( i instanceof IndexedIdentifier ) {
IndexedIdentifier ixi = (IndexedIdentifier)i;
_dim1 = ixi.getOrigDim1();
_dim2 = ixi.getOrigDim2();
else {
_dim1 = i.getDim1();
_dim2 = i.getDim2();
_rows_in_block = i.getRowsInBlock();
_columns_in_block = i.getColumnsInBlock();
_nnz = i.getNnz();
_formatType = i.getFormatType();
// copy position information
public Identifier()
_dim1 = -1;
_dim2 = -1;
_dataType = DataType.UNKNOWN;
_valueType = ValueType.UNKNOWN;
_rows_in_block = -1;
_columns_in_block = -1;
_nnz = -1;
_formatType = null;
public void setProperties(Identifier i)
if (i == null)
_dataType = i.getDataType();
_valueType = i.getValueType();
if (i instanceof IndexedIdentifier) {
_dim1 = ((IndexedIdentifier)i).getOrigDim1();
_dim2 = ((IndexedIdentifier)i).getOrigDim2();
else {
_dim1 = i.getDim1();
_dim2 = i.getDim2();
_rows_in_block = i.getRowsInBlock();
_columns_in_block = i.getColumnsInBlock();
_nnz = i.getNnz();
_formatType = i.getFormatType();
public void setDimensionValueProperties(Identifier i)
if (i instanceof IndexedIdentifier) {
IndexedIdentifier ixi = (IndexedIdentifier)i;
_dim1 = ixi.getOrigDim1();
_dim2 = ixi.getOrigDim2();
else {
_dim1 = i.getDim1();
_dim2 = i.getDim2();
_nnz = i.getNnz();
_dataType = i.getDataType();
_valueType = i.getValueType();
public void setDataType(DataType dt){
_dataType = dt;
public void setValueType(ValueType vt){
_valueType = vt;
public void setFormatType(FormatType ft){
_formatType = ft;
public void setDimensions(long dim1, long dim2){
_dim1 = dim1;
_dim2 = dim2;
public void setBlockDimensions(long dim1, long dim2){
_rows_in_block = dim1;
_columns_in_block = dim2;
public void setNnz(long nnzs){
_nnz = nnzs;
public long getDim1(){
return _dim1;
public long getDim2(){
return _dim2;
public DataType getDataType(){
return _dataType;
public ValueType getValueType(){
return _valueType;
public FormatType getFormatType(){
return _formatType;
public long getRowsInBlock(){
return _rows_in_block;
public long getColumnsInBlock(){
return _columns_in_block;
public long getNnz(){
return _nnz;
public void validateExpression(HashMap<String,DataIdentifier> ids, HashMap<String,ConstIdentifier> constVars, boolean conditional)
throws LanguageException
if( getOutput() instanceof DataIdentifier ) {
// set properties for Data identifier
String name = ((DataIdentifier)this.getOutput()).getName();
Identifier id = ids.get(name);
if ( id == null ){
//undefined variables are always treated unconditionally as error in order to prevent common script-level bugs
raiseValidateError("Undefined Variable (" + name + ") used in statement", false, LanguageErrorCodes.INVALID_PARAMETERS);
// validate IndexedIdentifier -- which is substype of DataIdentifer with index
if (this.getOutput() instanceof IndexedIdentifier){
// validate the row / col index bounds (if defined)
IndexedIdentifier indexedIdentiferOut = (IndexedIdentifier)this.getOutput();
if (indexedIdentiferOut.getRowLowerBound() != null) {
indexedIdentiferOut.getRowLowerBound().validateExpression(ids, constVars, conditional);
Expression tempExpr = indexedIdentiferOut.getRowLowerBound();
if (tempExpr.getOutput().getDataType() == Expression.DataType.MATRIX){
raiseValidateError("Matrix values for row lower index bound are not supported, which includes indexed identifiers.", conditional);
if (indexedIdentiferOut.getRowUpperBound() != null) {
indexedIdentiferOut.getRowUpperBound().validateExpression(ids, constVars, conditional);
Expression tempExpr = indexedIdentiferOut.getRowUpperBound();
if (tempExpr.getOutput().getDataType() == Expression.DataType.MATRIX){
raiseValidateError("Matrix values for row upper index bound are not supported, which includes indexed identifiers.", conditional);
if (indexedIdentiferOut.getColLowerBound() != null) {
indexedIdentiferOut.getColLowerBound().validateExpression(ids,constVars, conditional);
Expression tempExpr = indexedIdentiferOut.getColLowerBound();
if (tempExpr.getOutput().getDataType() == Expression.DataType.MATRIX){
raiseValidateError("Matrix values for column lower index bound are not supported, which includes indexed identifiers.", conditional);
if (indexedIdentiferOut.getColUpperBound() != null) {
indexedIdentiferOut.getColUpperBound().validateExpression(ids, constVars, conditional);
Expression tempExpr = indexedIdentiferOut.getColUpperBound();
if (tempExpr.getOutput().getDataType() == Expression.DataType.MATRIX){
raiseValidateError("Matrix values for column upper index bound are not supported, which includes indexed identifiers.", conditional);
IndexPair updatedIndices = ((IndexedIdentifier)this.getOutput()).calculateIndexedDimensions(ids, constVars, conditional);
((IndexedIdentifier)this.getOutput()).setDimensions(updatedIndices._row, updatedIndices._col);
} else {
public void computeDataType() {
if ((_dim1 == 0) && (_dim2 == 0)) {
_dataType = DataType.SCALAR;
} else if ((_dim1 >= 1) || (_dim2 >= 1)){
// Vector also set as matrix
// Data type is set as matrix, if either of dimensions is -1
_dataType = DataType.MATRIX;
} else _dataType = DataType.UNKNOWN;
public void setBooleanProperties(){
_dataType = DataType.SCALAR;
_valueType = ValueType.BOOLEAN;
_dim1 = 0;
_dim2 = 0;
_rows_in_block = 0;
_columns_in_block = 0;
_nnz = -1;
_formatType = null;
public void setIntProperties(){
_dataType = DataType.SCALAR;
_valueType = ValueType.INT;
_dim1 = 0;
_dim2 = 0;
_rows_in_block = 0;
_columns_in_block = 0;
_nnz = -1;
_formatType = null;
public boolean isScalarBoolean(){
return (_valueType == ValueType.BOOLEAN) && (_dataType == DataType.SCALAR);
public boolean dimsKnown(){
return ( _dim1 > 0 && _dim2 > 0);