blob: 0aafdec324b1a1d52a3637d35e8d5f7040b42cb5 [file] [log] [blame]
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# Lanczos algorithm to compute eigen vectors and eigen values of a square matrix
eigen = externalFunction(Matrix[Double] A)
return(Matrix[Double] eval, Matrix[Double] evec)
implemented in (classname="org.apache.sysml.udf.lib.EigenWrapper", exectype="mem")
A = read($1); # input data, must be a square matrix
m = nrow(A);
v0 = matrix(0, m, 1);
v1 = Rand(rows=m, cols=1);
v1 = sqrt(v1/sum(v1)); # vector with norm 1
T = matrix(0, m, m);
TV = matrix(0, m, m);
# Lanczos iterations to compute Tri-Diagonal Matrix
beta = 0;
for(i in seq(1,m)) {
if (i == m) {
w1 = A %*% v1;
alpha = sum(w1*v1);
T[m, m] = alpha;
} else {
w1 = A %*% v1;
alpha = sum(w1*v1);
w1 = w1 - alpha*v1 - beta*v0;
beta = sqrt(sum(w1^2));
v0 = v1;
v1 = w1/beta
T[i, i] = alpha;
T[i+1, i] = beta;
T[i, i+1] = beta;
TV[,i] = v1;
# compute eigen vectors of Tri-diagonal matrix
[eval, tevec] = eigen(T)
# compute eigen vectors of Tri-diagonal matrix
evec = TV %*% tevec;
# output data
write(eval, $2);
write(evec, $3);