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\subsection{Random Forests}
\noindent{\bf Description}
Random forest is one of the most successful machine learning methods for classification and regression.
It is an ensemble learning method that creates a model composed of a set of tree models.
This implementation is well-suited to handle large-scale data and builds a random forest model for classification in parallel.\\
\noindent{\bf Usage}
{\tt{}-f }path/\/{\tt{}random-forest.dml}
{\tt{} -nvargs}
{\tt{} X=}path/file
{\tt{} Y=}path/file
{\tt{} R=}path/file
{\tt{} bins=}integer
{\tt{} depth=}integer
{\tt{} num\_leaf=}integer
{\tt{} num\_samples=}integer
{\tt{} num\_trees=}integer
{\tt{} subsamp\_rate=}double
{\tt{} feature\_subset=}double
{\tt{} impurity=}Gini$\mid$entropy
{\tt{} M=}path/file
{\tt{} C=}path/file
{\tt{} S\_map=}path/file
{\tt{} C\_map=}path/file
{\tt{} fmt=}format
\noindent{\bf Usage: Prediction}
{\tt{}-f }path/\/{\tt{}random-forest-predict.dml}
{\tt{} -nvargs}
{\tt{} X=}path/file
{\tt{} Y=}path/file
{\tt{} R=}path/file
{\tt{} M=}path/file
{\tt{} C=}path/file
{\tt{} P=}path/file
{\tt{} A=}path/file
{\tt{} OOB=}path/file
{\tt{} CM=}path/file
{\tt{} fmt=}format
\noindent{\bf Arguments}
\item[{\tt X}:]
Location (on HDFS) to read the matrix of feature vectors;
each row constitutes one feature vector. Note that categorical features in $X$ need to be both recoded and dummy coded.
\item[{\tt Y}:]
Location (on HDFS) to read the matrix of (categorical)
labels that correspond to feature vectors in $X$. Note that classes are assumed to be both recoded and dummy coded.
This argument is optional for prediction.
\item[{\tt R}:] (default:\mbox{ }{\tt " "})
Location (on HDFS) to read matrix $R$ which for each feature in $X$ contains column-ids (first column), start indices (second column), and end indices (third column).
If $R$ is not provided by default all features are assumed to be continuous-valued.
\item[{\tt bins}:] (default:\mbox{ }{\tt 20})
Number of thresholds to choose for each continuous-valued feature (determined by equi-height binning).
\item[{\tt depth}:] (default:\mbox{ }{\tt 25})
Maximum depth of the learned trees in the random forest model
\item[{\tt num\_leaf}:] (default:\mbox{ }{\tt 10})
Parameter that controls pruning. The tree
is not expanded if a node receives less than {\tt num\_leaf} training examples.
\item[{\tt num\_samples}:] (default:\mbox{ }{\tt 3000})
Parameter that decides when to switch to in-memory building of the subtrees in each tree of the random forest model.
If a node $v$ receives less than {\tt num\_samples}
training examples then this implementation switches to an in-memory subtree
building procedure to build the subtree under $v$ in its entirety.
\item[{\tt num\_trees}:] (default:\mbox{ }{\tt 10})
Number of trees to be learned in the random forest model
\item[{\tt subsamp\_rate}:] (default:\mbox{ }{\tt 1.0})
Parameter controlling the size of each tree in the random forest model; samples are selected from a Poisson distribution with parameter {\tt subsamp\_rate}.
\item[{\tt feature\_subset}:] (default:\mbox{ }{\tt 0.5})
Parameter that controls the number of feature used as candidates for splitting at each tree node as a power of the number of features in the data, i.e., assuming the training set has $D$ features $D^{\tt feature\_subset}$ are used at each tree node.
\item[{\tt impurity}:] (default:\mbox{ }{\tt "Gini"})
Impurity measure used at internal nodes of the trees in the random forest model for selecting which features to split on. Possible value are entropy or Gini.
\item[{\tt M}:]
Location (on HDFS) to write matrix $M$ containing the learned random forest (see Section~\ref{sec:decision_trees} and below for the schema)
\item[{\tt C}:] (default:\mbox{ }{\tt " "})
Location (on HDFS) to store the number of counts (generated according to a Poisson distribution with parameter {\tt subsamp\_rate}) for each feature vector. Note that this argument is optional. If Out-Of-Bag (OOB) error estimate needs to be computed this parameter is passed as input to {\tt random-forest-predict.dml}.
\item[{\tt A}:] (default:\mbox{ }{\tt " "})
Location (on HDFS) to store the testing accuracy (\%) from a
held-out test set during prediction. Note that this argument is optional.
\item[{\tt OOB}:] (default:\mbox{ }{\tt " "})
Location (on HDFS) to store the Out-Of-Bag (OOB) error estimate of the training set. Note that the matrix of sample counts (stored at {\tt C}) needs to be provided for computing OOB error estimate. Note that this argument is optional.
\item[{\tt P}:]
Location (on HDFS) to store predictions for a held-out test set
\item[{\tt CM}:] (default:\mbox{ }{\tt " "})
Location (on HDFS) to store the confusion matrix computed using a held-out test set. Note that this argument is optional.
\item[{\tt S\_map}:] (default:\mbox{ }{\tt " "})
Location (on HDFS) to write the mappings from the continuous-valued feature-ids to the global feature-ids in $X$ (see below for details). Note that this argument is optional.
\item[{\tt C\_map}:] (default:\mbox{ }{\tt " "})
Location (on HDFS) to write the mappings from the categorical feature-ids to the global feature-ids in $X$ (see below for details). Note that this argument is optional.
\item[{\tt fmt}:] (default:\mbox{ }{\tt "text"})
Matrix file output format, such as {\tt text}, {\tt mm}, or {\tt csv};
see read/write functions in SystemML Language Reference for details.
\noindent{\bf Details}
Random forests~\cite{Breiman01:rforest} are learning algorithms for ensembles of decision trees.
The main idea is to build a number of decision trees on bootstrapped training samples, i.e., by taking repeatedly samples from a (single) training set.
Moreover, instead of considering all the features when building the trees only a random subset of the features---typically $\approx \sqrt{D}$, where $D$ is the number of features---is chosen each time a split test at a tree node is performed.
This procedure {\it decorrelates} the trees and makes it less prone to overfitting.
To build decision trees we utilize the techniques discussed in Section~\ref{sec:decision_trees} proposed in~\cite{PandaHBB09:dtree};
the implementation details are similar to those of the decision trees script.
Below we review some features of our implementation which differ from {\tt decision-tree.dml}.
\textbf{Bootstrapped sampling.}
Each decision tree is fitted to a bootstrapped training set sampled with replacement (WR).
To improve efficiency, we generate $N$ sample counts according to a Poisson distribution with parameter {\tt subsamp\_rate},
where $N$ denotes the total number of training points.
These sample counts approximate WR sampling when $N$ is large enough and are generated upfront for each decision tree.
Decision trees suffer from {\it high variance} resulting in different models whenever trained on a random subsets of the data points.
{\it Bagging} is a general-purpose method to reduce the variance of a statistical learning method like decision trees.
In the context of decision trees (for classification), for a given test feature vector
the prediction is computed by taking a {\it majority vote}: the overall prediction is the most commonly occurring class among all the tree predictions.
\textbf{Out-Of-Bag error estimation.}
Note that each bagged tree in a random forest model is trained on a subset (around $\frac{2}{3}$) of the observations (i.e., feature vectors).
The remaining ($\frac{1}{3}$ of the) observations not used for training is called the {\it Out-Of-Bag} (OOB) observations.
This gives us a straightforward way to estimate the test error: to predict the class label of each test observation $i$ we use the trees in which $i$ was OOB.
Our {\tt random-forest-predict.dml} script provides the OOB error estimate for a given training set if requested.
\textbf{Description of the model.}
Similar to decision trees, the learned random forest model is presented in a matrix $M$ with at least 7 rows.
The information stored in the model is similar to that of decision trees with the difference that the tree-ids are stored
in the second row and rows $2,3,\ldots$ from the decision tree model are shifted by one. See Section~\ref{sec:decision_trees} for a description of the model.
\noindent{\bf Returns}
The matrix corresponding to the learned model is written to a file in the format specified. See Section~\ref{sec:decision_trees} where the details about the structure of the model matrix is described.
Similar to {\tt decision-tree.dml}, $X$ is split into $X_\text{cont}$ and $X_\text{cat}$.
If requested, the mappings of the continuous feature-ids in $X_\text{cont}$ (stored at {\tt S\_map}) as well as the categorical feature-ids in $X_\text{cat}$ (stored at {\tt C\_map}) to the global feature-ids in $X$ will be provided.
The {\tt random-forest-predict.dml} script may compute one or more of
predictions, accuracy, confusion matrix, and OOB error estimate in the requested output format depending on the input arguments used.
\noindent{\bf Examples}
\hml -f random-forest.dml -nvargs X=/user/biadmin/X.mtx Y=/user/biadmin/Y.mtx
R=/user/biadmin/R.csv M=/user/biadmin/model.csv
bins=20 depth=25 num\_leaf=10 num\_samples=3000 num\_trees=10 impurity=Gini fmt=csv
\noindent To compute predictions:
\hml -f random-forest-predict.dml -nvargs X=/user/biadmin/X.mtx Y=/user/biadmin/Y.mtx R=/user/biadmin/R.csv
M=/user/biadmin/model.csv P=/user/biadmin/predictions.csv
A=/user/biadmin/accuracy.csv CM=/user/biadmin/confusion.csv fmt=csv
%\noindent{\bf References}
%\item B. Panda, J. Herbach, S. Basu, and R. Bayardo. \newblock{PLANET: massively parallel learning of tree ensembles with MapReduce}. In Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2009.
%\item L. Breiman. \newblock{Random Forests}. Machine Learning, 45(1), 5--32, 2001.