blob: 3e2b3106bc406d23cdbc4861b249d1d8f7d1c8ac [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.sysds.runtime.transform.encode;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.api.DMLScript;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.DMLRuntimeException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.caching.CacheBlock;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.DependencyTask;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.DependencyThreadPool;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.DependencyWrapperTask;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.IndexRange;
import org.apache.sysds.utils.Statistics;
public class MultiColumnEncoder implements Encoder {
protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(MultiColumnEncoder.class.getName());
private static final boolean MULTI_THREADED = true;
// If true build and apply separately by placing a synchronization barrier
public static boolean MULTI_THREADED_STAGES = false;
// Only affects if MULTI_THREADED_STAGES is true
// if true apply tasks for each column will complete
// before the next will start.
public static boolean APPLY_ENCODER_SEPARATE_STAGES = false;
private List<ColumnEncoderComposite> _columnEncoders;
// These encoders are deprecated and will be phased out soon.
private EncoderMVImpute _legacyMVImpute = null;
private EncoderOmit _legacyOmit = null;
private int _colOffset = 0; // offset for federated Workers who are using subrange encoders
private FrameBlock _meta = null;
public MultiColumnEncoder(List<ColumnEncoderComposite> columnEncoders) {
_columnEncoders = columnEncoders;
public MultiColumnEncoder() {
_columnEncoders = new ArrayList<>();
public MatrixBlock encode(CacheBlock in) {
return encode(in, 1);
public MatrixBlock encode(CacheBlock in, int k) {
MatrixBlock out;
try {
if(MULTI_THREADED && k > 1 && !MULTI_THREADED_STAGES && !hasLegacyEncoder()) {
out = new MatrixBlock();
DependencyThreadPool pool = new DependencyThreadPool(k);
LOG.debug("Encoding with full DAG on " + k + " Threads");
try {
pool.submitAllAndWait(getEncodeTasks(in, out, pool));
catch(ExecutionException | InterruptedException e) {
LOG.error("MT Column encode failed");
else {
LOG.debug("Encoding with staged approach on: " + k + " Threads");
build(in, k);
if(_legacyMVImpute != null) {
// These operations are redundant for every encoder excluding the legacyMVImpute, the workaround to
// fix it for this encoder would be very dirty. This will only have a performance impact if there
// is a lot of recoding in combination with the legacyMVImpute.
// But since it is legacy this should be fine
_meta = getMetaData(new FrameBlock(in.getNumColumns(), Types.ValueType.STRING));
// apply meta data
out = apply(in, k);
catch(Exception ex) {
LOG.error("Failed transform-encode frame with \n" + this);
throw ex;
return out;
private List<DependencyTask<?>> getEncodeTasks(CacheBlock in, MatrixBlock out, DependencyThreadPool pool) {
List<DependencyTask<?>> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
List<DependencyTask<?>> applyTAgg = null;
Map<Integer[], Integer[]> depMap = new HashMap<>();
boolean hasDC = getColumnEncoders(ColumnEncoderDummycode.class).size() > 0;
boolean applyOffsetDep = false;
tasks.add(DependencyThreadPool.createDependencyTask(new InitOutputMatrixTask(this, in, out)));
for(ColumnEncoderComposite e : _columnEncoders) {
List<DependencyTask<?>> buildTasks = e.getBuildTasks(in);
if(buildTasks.size() > 0) {
// Apply Task dependency to build completion task
depMap.put(new Integer[] {tasks.size(), tasks.size() + 1},
new Integer[] {tasks.size() - 1, tasks.size()});
// Apply Task dependency to InitOutputMatrixTask
depMap.put(new Integer[] {tasks.size(), tasks.size() + 1}, new Integer[] {0, 1});
ApplyTasksWrapperTask applyTaskWrapper = new ApplyTasksWrapperTask(e, in, out, pool);
if(e.hasEncoder(ColumnEncoderDummycode.class)) {
// InitMatrix dependency to build of recode if a DC is present
// Since they are the only ones that change the domain size which would influence the Matrix creation
depMap.put(new Integer[] {0, 1}, // InitMatrix Task first in list
new Integer[] {tasks.size() - 1, tasks.size()});
// output col update task dependent on Build completion only for Recode and binning since they can
// change dummycode domain size
// colUpdateTask can start when all domain sizes, because it can now calculate the offsets for
// each column
depMap.put(new Integer[] {-2, -1}, new Integer[] {tasks.size() - 1, tasks.size()});
buildTasks.forEach(t -> t.setPriority(5));
applyOffsetDep = true;
if(hasDC && applyOffsetDep) {
// Apply Task dependency to output col update task (is last in list)
// All ApplyTasks need to wait for this task, so they all have the correct offsets.
// But only for the columns that come after the first DC coder since they don't have an offset
depMap.put(new Integer[] {tasks.size(), tasks.size() + 1}, new Integer[] {-2, -1});
applyTAgg = applyTAgg == null ? new ArrayList<>() : applyTAgg;
else {
tasks.add(DependencyThreadPool.createDependencyTask(new UpdateOutputColTask(this, applyTAgg)));
List<List<? extends Callable<?>>> deps = new ArrayList<>(Collections.nCopies(tasks.size(), null));
DependencyThreadPool.createDependencyList(tasks, depMap, deps);
return DependencyThreadPool.createDependencyTasks(tasks, deps);
public void build(CacheBlock in) {
build(in, 1);
public void build(CacheBlock in, int k) {
if(hasLegacyEncoder() && !(in instanceof FrameBlock))
throw new DMLRuntimeException("LegacyEncoders do not support non FrameBlock Inputs");
if(MULTI_THREADED && k > 1) {
buildMT(in, k);
else {
for(ColumnEncoderComposite columnEncoder : _columnEncoders) {;
legacyBuild((FrameBlock) in);
private List<DependencyTask<?>> getBuildTasks(CacheBlock in) {
List<DependencyTask<?>> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
for(ColumnEncoderComposite columnEncoder : _columnEncoders) {
return tasks;
private void buildMT(CacheBlock in, int k) {
DependencyThreadPool pool = new DependencyThreadPool(k);
try {
catch(ExecutionException | InterruptedException e) {
LOG.error("MT Column build failed");
public void legacyBuild(FrameBlock in) {
if(_legacyOmit != null);
if(_legacyMVImpute != null);
public MatrixBlock apply(CacheBlock in) {
return apply(in, 1);
public MatrixBlock apply(CacheBlock in, int k) {
int numCols = in.getNumColumns() + getNumExtraCols();
long estNNz = (long) in.getNumColumns() * (long) in.getNumRows();
boolean sparse = MatrixBlock.evalSparseFormatInMemory(in.getNumRows(), numCols, estNNz);
MatrixBlock out = new MatrixBlock(in.getNumRows(), numCols, sparse, estNNz);
return apply(in, out, 0, k);
public MatrixBlock apply(CacheBlock in, MatrixBlock out, int outputCol) {
return apply(in, out, outputCol, 1);
public MatrixBlock apply(CacheBlock in, MatrixBlock out, int outputCol, int k) {
// There should be a encoder for every column
if(hasLegacyEncoder() && !(in instanceof FrameBlock))
throw new DMLRuntimeException("LegacyEncoders do not support non FrameBlock Inputs");
int numEncoders = getFromAll(ColumnEncoderComposite.class, ColumnEncoder::getColID).size();
if(in.getNumColumns() != numEncoders)
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Not every column in has a CompositeEncoder. Please make sure every column "
+ "has a encoder or slice the input accordingly");
// TODO smart checks
// Block allocation for MT access
outputMatrixPreProcessing(out, in);
if(MULTI_THREADED && k > 1) {
applyMT(in, out, outputCol, k);
else {
int offset = outputCol;
for(ColumnEncoderComposite columnEncoder : _columnEncoders) {
columnEncoder.apply(in, out, columnEncoder._colID - 1 + offset);
if (columnEncoder.hasEncoder(ColumnEncoderDummycode.class))
offset += columnEncoder.getEncoder(ColumnEncoderDummycode.class)._domainSize - 1;
// Recomputing NNZ since we access the block directly
// TODO set NNZ explicit count them in the encoders
if(_legacyOmit != null)
out = _legacyOmit.apply((FrameBlock) in, out);
if(_legacyMVImpute != null)
out = _legacyMVImpute.apply((FrameBlock) in, out);
return out;
private List<DependencyTask<?>> getApplyTasks(CacheBlock in, MatrixBlock out, int outputCol) {
List<DependencyTask<?>> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
int offset = outputCol;
for(ColumnEncoderComposite e : _columnEncoders) {
tasks.addAll(e.getApplyTasks(in, out, e._colID - 1 + offset));
offset += e.getEncoder(ColumnEncoderDummycode.class)._domainSize - 1;
return tasks;
private void applyMT(CacheBlock in, MatrixBlock out, int outputCol, int k) {
DependencyThreadPool pool = new DependencyThreadPool(k);
try {
int offset = outputCol;
for (ColumnEncoderComposite e : _columnEncoders) {
pool.submitAllAndWait(e.getApplyTasks(in, out, e._colID - 1 + offset));
if (e.hasEncoder(ColumnEncoderDummycode.class))
offset += e.getEncoder(ColumnEncoderDummycode.class)._domainSize - 1;
pool.submitAllAndWait(getApplyTasks(in, out, outputCol));
catch(ExecutionException | InterruptedException e) {
LOG.error("MT Column apply failed");
private static void outputMatrixPreProcessing(MatrixBlock output, CacheBlock input) {
long t0 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0;
if(output.isInSparseFormat()) {
SparseBlock block = output.getSparseBlock();
if(!(block instanceof SparseBlockMCSR))
throw new RuntimeException(
"Transform apply currently only supported for MCSR sparse and dense output Matrices");
for(int r = 0; r < output.getNumRows(); r++) {
// allocate all sparse rows so MT sync can be done.
// should be rare that rows have only 0
block.allocate(r, input.getNumColumns());
// Setting the size here makes it possible to run all sparse apply tasks without any sync
// could become problematic if the input is very sparse since we allocate the same size as the input
// should be fine in theory ;)
private void outputMatrixPostProcessing(MatrixBlock output){
long t0 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0;
Set<Integer> indexSet =
.map(ColumnEncoderComposite::getSparseRowsWZeros).flatMap(l -> {
if(l == null)
return null;
for(Integer row : indexSet){
// TODO: Maybe MT in special cases when the number of rows is large
public FrameBlock getMetaData(FrameBlock meta) {
if(_meta != null)
return _meta;
for(ColumnEncoder columnEncoder : _columnEncoders)
if(_legacyOmit != null)
if(_legacyMVImpute != null)
return meta;
public void initMetaData(FrameBlock meta) {
for(ColumnEncoder columnEncoder : _columnEncoders)
if(_legacyOmit != null)
if(_legacyMVImpute != null)
public void prepareBuildPartial() {
for(Encoder encoder : _columnEncoders)
public void buildPartial(FrameBlock in) {
for(Encoder encoder : _columnEncoders)
* Obtain the column mapping of encoded frames based on the passed meta data frame.
* @param meta meta data frame block
* @return matrix with column mapping (one row per attribute)
public MatrixBlock getColMapping(FrameBlock meta) {
MatrixBlock out = new MatrixBlock(meta.getNumColumns(), 3, false);
List<ColumnEncoderDummycode> dc = getColumnEncoders(ColumnEncoderDummycode.class);
for(int i = 0, ni = 0; i < out.getNumRows(); i++) {
final int colID = i + 1; // 1-based
int nColID = ni + 1;
List<ColumnEncoderDummycode> encoder = -> e.getColID() == colID)
assert encoder.size() <= 1;
if(encoder.size() == 1) {
ni += meta.getColumnMetadata(i).getNumDistinct();
else {
out.quickSetValue(i, 0, colID);
out.quickSetValue(i, 1, nColID);
out.quickSetValue(i, 2, ni);
return out;
public void updateIndexRanges(long[] beginDims, long[] endDims, int offset) {
_columnEncoders.forEach(encoder -> encoder.updateIndexRanges(beginDims, endDims, offset));
if(_legacyOmit != null)
_legacyOmit.updateIndexRanges(beginDims, endDims);
if(_legacyMVImpute != null)
_legacyMVImpute.updateIndexRanges(beginDims, endDims);
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
out.writeBoolean(_legacyMVImpute != null);
if(_legacyMVImpute != null)
out.writeBoolean(_legacyOmit != null);
if(_legacyOmit != null)
for(ColumnEncoder columnEncoder : _columnEncoders) {
out.writeBoolean(_meta != null);
if(_meta != null)
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
if(in.readBoolean()) {
_legacyMVImpute = new EncoderMVImpute();
if(in.readBoolean()) {
_legacyOmit = new EncoderOmit();
_colOffset = in.readInt();
int encodersSize = in.readInt();
_columnEncoders = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i = 0; i < encodersSize; i++) {
int colID = in.readInt();
ColumnEncoderComposite columnEncoder = new ColumnEncoderComposite();
if(in.readBoolean()) {
FrameBlock meta = new FrameBlock();
_meta = meta;
public <T extends ColumnEncoder> List<T> getColumnEncoders(Class<T> type) {
// TODO cache results for faster access
List<T> ret = new ArrayList<>();
for(ColumnEncoder encoder : _columnEncoders) {
if(encoder.getClass().equals(ColumnEncoderComposite.class) && type != ColumnEncoderComposite.class) {
encoder = ((ColumnEncoderComposite) encoder).getEncoder(type);
if(encoder != null && encoder.getClass().equals(type)) {
return ret;
public <T extends ColumnEncoder> T getColumnEncoder(int colID, Class<T> type) {
for(T encoder : getColumnEncoders(type)) {
if(encoder._colID == colID) {
return encoder;
return null;
public <T extends ColumnEncoder, E> List<E> getFromAll(Class<T> type, Function<? super T, ? extends E> mapper) {
return getColumnEncoders(type).stream().map(mapper).collect(Collectors.toList());
public <T extends ColumnEncoder> int[] getFromAllIntArray(Class<T> type,
Function<? super T, ? extends Integer> mapper) {
return getFromAll(type, mapper).stream().mapToInt(i -> i).toArray();
public <T extends ColumnEncoder> double[] getFromAllDoubleArray(Class<T> type,
Function<? super T, ? extends Double> mapper) {
return getFromAll(type, mapper).stream().mapToDouble(i -> i).toArray();
public List<ColumnEncoderComposite> getColumnEncoders() {
return _columnEncoders;
public List<ColumnEncoderComposite> getCompositeEncodersForID(int colID) {
return -> encoder._colID == colID).collect(Collectors.toList());
public List<Class<? extends ColumnEncoder>> getEncoderTypes(int colID) {
HashSet<Class<? extends ColumnEncoder>> set = new HashSet<>();
for(ColumnEncoderComposite encoderComp : _columnEncoders) {
if(encoderComp._colID != colID && colID != -1)
for(ColumnEncoder encoder : encoderComp.getEncoders()) {
return new ArrayList<>(set);
public List<Class<? extends ColumnEncoder>> getEncoderTypes() {
return getEncoderTypes(-1);
public int getNumExtraCols() {
List<ColumnEncoderDummycode> dc = getColumnEncoders(ColumnEncoderDummycode.class);
if(dc.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
if( -> e.getDomainSize() < 0)) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Trying to get extra columns when DC encoders are not ready");
return -> i).sum() - dc.size();
public int getNumExtraCols(IndexRange ixRange) {
List<ColumnEncoderDummycode> dc = getColumnEncoders(ColumnEncoderDummycode.class).stream()
.filter(dce -> ixRange.inColRange(dce._colID)).collect(Collectors.toList());
if(dc.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
return -> i).sum() - dc.size();
public <T extends ColumnEncoder> boolean containsEncoderForID(int colID, Class<T> type) {
return getColumnEncoders(type).stream().anyMatch(encoder -> encoder.getColID() == colID);
public <T extends ColumnEncoder, E> void applyToAll(Class<T> type, Consumer<? super T> function) {
public <T extends ColumnEncoder, E> void applyToAll(Consumer<? super ColumnEncoderComposite> function) {
public MultiColumnEncoder subRangeEncoder(IndexRange ixRange) {
List<ColumnEncoderComposite> encoders = new ArrayList<>();
for(long i = ixRange.colStart; i < ixRange.colEnd; i++) {
encoders.addAll(getCompositeEncodersForID((int) i));
MultiColumnEncoder subRangeEncoder = new MultiColumnEncoder(encoders);
subRangeEncoder._colOffset = (int) -ixRange.colStart + 1;
if(_legacyOmit != null)
if(_legacyMVImpute != null)
return subRangeEncoder;
public <T extends ColumnEncoder> MultiColumnEncoder subRangeEncoder(IndexRange ixRange, Class<T> type) {
List<T> encoders = new ArrayList<>();
for(long i = ixRange.colStart; i < ixRange.colEnd; i++) {
encoders.add(getColumnEncoder((int) i, type));
return new MultiColumnEncoder( -> ((ColumnEncoderComposite) e)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
return new MultiColumnEncoder(;
public void mergeReplace(MultiColumnEncoder multiEncoder) {
for(ColumnEncoderComposite otherEncoder : multiEncoder._columnEncoders) {
ColumnEncoderComposite encoder = getColumnEncoder(otherEncoder._colID, otherEncoder.getClass());
if(encoder != null) {
public void mergeAt(Encoder other, int columnOffset, int row) {
if(other instanceof MultiColumnEncoder) {
for(ColumnEncoder encoder : ((MultiColumnEncoder) other)._columnEncoders) {
addEncoder(encoder, columnOffset);
// +1 since legacy function uses 1-based
legacyMergeAt((MultiColumnEncoder) other, row, columnOffset + 1);
else {
addEncoder((ColumnEncoder) other, columnOffset);
private void legacyMergeAt(MultiColumnEncoder other, int row, int col) {
if(other._legacyOmit != null)
other._legacyOmit.shiftCols(col - 1);
if(other._legacyOmit != null) {
if(_legacyOmit == null)
_legacyOmit = new EncoderOmit();
_legacyOmit.mergeAt(other._legacyOmit, row, col);
if(other._legacyMVImpute != null)
other._legacyMVImpute.shiftCols(col - 1);
if(_legacyMVImpute != null && other._legacyMVImpute != null)
_legacyMVImpute.mergeAt(other._legacyMVImpute, row, col);
else if(_legacyMVImpute == null)
_legacyMVImpute = other._legacyMVImpute;
private void addEncoder(ColumnEncoder encoder, int columnOffset) {
// Check if same encoder exists
int colId = encoder._colID + columnOffset;
ColumnEncoder presentEncoder = getColumnEncoder(colId, encoder.getClass());
if(presentEncoder != null) {
else {
// Check if CompositeEncoder for this colID exists
ColumnEncoderComposite presentComposite = getColumnEncoder(colId, ColumnEncoderComposite.class);
if(presentComposite != null) {
// if here encoder can never be a CompositeEncoder
else {
if(encoder instanceof ColumnEncoderComposite) {
_columnEncoders.add((ColumnEncoderComposite) encoder);
else {
_columnEncoders.add(new ColumnEncoderComposite(encoder));
public <T extends LegacyEncoder> void addReplaceLegacyEncoder(T encoder) {
if(encoder.getClass() == EncoderMVImpute.class) {
_legacyMVImpute = (EncoderMVImpute) encoder;
else if(encoder.getClass().equals(EncoderOmit.class)) {
_legacyOmit = (EncoderOmit) encoder;
else {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Tried to add non legacy Encoder");
public <T extends LegacyEncoder> boolean hasLegacyEncoder() {
return hasLegacyEncoder(EncoderMVImpute.class) || hasLegacyEncoder(EncoderOmit.class);
public <T extends LegacyEncoder> boolean hasLegacyEncoder(Class<T> type) {
return _legacyMVImpute != null;
return _legacyOmit != null;
assert false;
return false;
public <T extends LegacyEncoder> T getLegacyEncoder(Class<T> type) {
return type.cast(_legacyMVImpute);
return type.cast(_legacyOmit);
assert false;
return null;
* This function applies the _columOffset to all encoders. Used in federated env.
public void applyColumnOffset() {
applyToAll(e -> e.shiftCol(_colOffset));
if(_legacyOmit != null)
if(_legacyMVImpute != null)
* Currently, not in use will be integrated in the future
private static class MultiColumnLegacyBuildTask implements Callable<Object> {
private final MultiColumnEncoder _encoder;
private final FrameBlock _input;
protected MultiColumnLegacyBuildTask(MultiColumnEncoder encoder, FrameBlock input) {
_encoder = encoder;
_input = input;
public Void call() throws Exception {
return null;
private static class MultiColumnLegacyMVImputeMetaPrepareTask implements Callable<Object> {
private final MultiColumnEncoder _encoder;
private final FrameBlock _input;
protected MultiColumnLegacyMVImputeMetaPrepareTask(MultiColumnEncoder encoder, FrameBlock input) {
_encoder = encoder;
_input = input;
public Void call() throws Exception {
_encoder._meta = _encoder.getMetaData(new FrameBlock(_input.getNumColumns(), Types.ValueType.STRING));
return null;
private static class InitOutputMatrixTask implements Callable<Object> {
private final MultiColumnEncoder _encoder;
private final CacheBlock _input;
private final MatrixBlock _output;
private InitOutputMatrixTask(MultiColumnEncoder encoder, CacheBlock input, MatrixBlock output) {
_encoder = encoder;
_input = input;
_output = output;
public Object call() throws Exception {
int numCols = _input.getNumColumns() + _encoder.getNumExtraCols();
long estNNz = (long) _input.getNumColumns() * (long) _input.getNumRows();
boolean sparse = MatrixBlock.evalSparseFormatInMemory(_input.getNumRows(), numCols, estNNz);
_output.reset(_input.getNumRows(), numCols, sparse, estNNz);
outputMatrixPreProcessing(_output, _input);
return null;
public String toString() {
return getClass().getSimpleName();
private static class ApplyTasksWrapperTask extends DependencyWrapperTask<Object> {
private final ColumnEncoder _encoder;
private final MatrixBlock _out;
private final CacheBlock _in;
private int _offset = -1; // offset dude to dummycoding in
// previous columns needs to be updated by external task!
private ApplyTasksWrapperTask(ColumnEncoder encoder, CacheBlock in,
MatrixBlock out, DependencyThreadPool pool) {
_encoder = encoder;
_out = out;
_in = in;
public List<DependencyTask<?>> getWrappedTasks() {
return _encoder.getApplyTasks(_in, _out, _encoder._colID - 1 + _offset);
public Object call() throws Exception {
// Is called only when building of encoder is done, Output Matrix is allocated
// and _outputCol has been updated!
if(_offset == -1)
throw new DMLRuntimeException(
"OutputCol for apply task wrapper has not been updated!, Most likely some " + "concurrency issues");
public void setOffset(int offset) {
_offset = offset;
public String toString() {
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "<ColId: " + _encoder._colID + ">";
* Task responsible for updating the output column of the apply tasks after the building of the DC recoders. So the
* offsets in the output are correct.
private static class UpdateOutputColTask implements Callable<Object> {
private final MultiColumnEncoder _encoder;
private final List<DependencyTask<?>> _applyTasksWrappers;
private UpdateOutputColTask(MultiColumnEncoder encoder, List<DependencyTask<?>> applyTasksWrappers) {
_encoder = encoder;
_applyTasksWrappers = applyTasksWrappers;
public String toString() {
return getClass().getSimpleName();
public Object call() throws Exception {
int currentCol = -1;
int currentOffset = 0;
for(DependencyTask<?> dtask : _applyTasksWrappers) {
int nonOffsetCol = ((ApplyTasksWrapperTask) dtask)._encoder._colID - 1;
if(nonOffsetCol > currentCol) {
currentCol = nonOffsetCol;
currentOffset = _encoder._columnEncoders.subList(0, nonOffsetCol).stream().mapToInt(e -> {
ColumnEncoderDummycode dc = e.getEncoder(ColumnEncoderDummycode.class);
if(dc == null)
return 0;
return dc._domainSize - 1;
((ApplyTasksWrapperTask) dtask).setOffset(currentOffset);
return null;