blob: 4996cca2e4ec6bf9a4d4d9c3ff5fdf3a6fe01926 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# X Input matrix
# W beta in lm
# Y matrix column for training
# k top-K subsets / slices
# paq amount of values wanted for each col, if = 1 then its off
# S amount of subsets to combine (for now supported only 2/1)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
m_slicefinder = function(Matrix[Double] X, Matrix[Double] W, Matrix[Double] Y, Integer k = 1, Integer paq = 1, Integer S = 2) return(Matrix[Double] result) {
X0 = cbind(X, Y);
beta = W;
col = ncol(X0);
row = nrow(X0);
val_matrix = matrix(0, rows = 2, cols = col - 1);
vcol = ncol(val_matrix);
empty_row = matrix(0, rows = 1, cols = col - 1);
#first scan, making val_matrix with different values from the each col.
#first row or this matrix indicates how many different values are in each col.
for (j in 1:col - 1) {
vector = order(target = X0[, j], by = 1, decreasing = FALSE);
val_matrix[2, j] = vector[1, 1];
val_counter = 1;
for (i in 1:row) {
if (as.scalar(val_matrix[val_counter + 1, j]) != as.scalar(vector[i, 1])) {
if (nrow(val_matrix) == val_counter + 1)
val_matrix = rbind(val_matrix, empty_row);
val_counter = val_counter + 1;
val_matrix[val_counter + 1, j] = vector[i, 1];
val_matrix[1, j] = val_counter;
#here I add some condition to split the values from each column if val_counter is too big;
#this code relates to large datasets
#packing values according to paq value
## TODO -- this if needs to be checked, is not working properly with all the paq values
if (paq != 1) {
position = floor(val_counter / paq);
for (a in 1:paq) {
if (a == paq) {
pos = as.scalar(val_matrix[1, j]) + 1;
tresh = val_matrix[pos, j];
val_matrix[a + 1, j] = tresh;
} else {
pos = position * a;
tresh = val_matrix[pos, j];
val_matrix[a + 1, j] = tresh;
val_matrix = val_matrix[1:paq + 1,];
vrow = nrow(val_matrix);
vcol = ncol(val_matrix);
totalrows = (vrow - 1) * vcol;
Y0 = X0[1:nrow(X0), ncol(X0)];
Y = lmpredict(X = X0[1:nrow(X0), 1:col - 1], w = beta, icpt = 0);
[error0, diff0] = standart_error(Y, Y0);
# set_matrix will be the matrix with all slices and combination of them
#acctually supporting only combination of 2 slices
set_matrix = matrix(0, rows = 1, cols = 2 + (9 * S));
set_row = matrix(0, rows = 1, cols = 2 + (9 * S));
# first_slices is returning in slice_matrix single subsets
set_matrix = first_slices(val_matrix, set_matrix, X0, set_row, beta, paq, S);
#double_features returns subsets that cover 2 values from the same or different feature
if (S == 2)
set_matrix = double_features(val_matrix, set_matrix, X0, Y, set_row, beta, paq);
ress = order(target = set_matrix, by = 1, decreasing = TRUE);
set_rows = nrow(set_matrix);
set_cols = ncol(set_matrix);
#checking values by ordering set_matrix col 1 or 2
result = ress[1:k,];
standart_error = function(matrix[double] Y, matrix[double] Y0) return(double error, double diff) {
diff = var(Y0 - Y);
error = sqrt(sum((Y0 - Y) ^ 2) / (nrow(Y) - 2));
#index = binary search
index = function(matrix[double] X, Integer column, double value, Integer mode) return(Integer pos) {
begin = 1;
e = nrow(X) + 1;
while (begin < e - 1) {
pos = as.integer(floor((begin + e) / 2));
if (mode == 0) {
if (as.scalar(X[pos, column]) < value)
begin = pos;
e = pos;
else if (mode == 1) {
if (as.scalar(X[pos, column]) <= value)
begin = pos;
e = pos;
first_slices = function(Matrix[Double] val_matrix, Matrix[Double] set_matrix, Matrix[Double] X0, Matrix[Double] set_row, Matrix[Double] beta, Integer paq, Integer S) return(Matrix[Double] set_matrix) {
col = ncol(X0);
row = nrow(X0);
vrow = nrow(val_matrix);
vcol = ncol(val_matrix);
cont = nrow(set_matrix);
b0 = 1;
b1 = col - 1;
for (j in 1:vcol) {
num_value = as.scalar(val_matrix[1, j]);
if (paq != 1)
num_value = paq;
x = order(target = X0, by = j, decreasing = FALSE);
for (i in 2:num_value + 1) {
value1 = as.scalar(val_matrix[i, j]);
if (paq != 1) {
if (i == 2) {
a0 = 1;
swich = 1;
value0 = value1;
else if (as.scalar(val_matrix[i - 1, j]) <= as.scalar(val_matrix[i, j])) {
value0 = as.scalar(val_matrix[i - 1, j]);
a0 = index(x, j, value0, 1);
swich = 1;
else {
swich = 1;
value0 = value1;
a0 = index(x, j, value0, 0);
if (nrow(set_matrix) < cont)
set_matrix = rbind(set_matrix, set_row);
if (swich == 1) {
a1 = index(x, j, value1, 1);
slice_matrix = x[a0:a1, b0:b1];
Y0 = x[a0:a1, col];
Y = lmpredict(X = slice_matrix, w = beta, icpt = 0);
[error, diff] = standart_error(Y, Y0);
## TODO - mylist needs to be modified in order to show the total rows of the slice
if (S == 1)
mylist = as.matrix(list(diff, error, value0, value1, j, nrow(slice_matrix), ncol(slice_matrix), a0, a1, b0, b1))
mylist = as.matrix(list(diff, error, value0, value1, j, nrow(slice_matrix), ncol(slice_matrix), a0, a1, b0, b1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
set_matrix[cont, 1:ncol(set_matrix)] = t(mylist)
cont = cont + 1;
swich = 0;
double_features = function(Matrix[Double] val_matrix, Matrix[Double] set_matrix, Matrix[Double] X0, Matrix[Double] Y, Matrix[Double] set_row, Matrix[Double] beta, Integer paq) return(Matrix[Double] set_matrix) {
vrow = nrow(val_matrix);
vcol = ncol(val_matrix);
cont = nrow(set_matrix);
col = ncol(X0);
row = nrow(X0);
totalrows = (vrow - 1) * vcol;
b0 = 1;
b1 = col - 1;
slice_number = 2;
#combining subsets from set_matrix with the ones from val_matrix
#avoiding repeating subsets, taking in account the amount of values in val_matrix or the paq value if activated.
#new subsets checked are stored in set_matrix
for (j in 1:vcol) {
num_value = as.scalar(val_matrix[1, j]);
x = order(target = X0, by = j, decreasing = FALSE);
if (paq != 1)
num_value = paq;
if (j == num_value + 1)
vrow = vrow - 1;
for (i in 2:num_value + 1) {
if (i > 2 | j > 1)
slice_number = slice_number + 1;
for (a in slice_number:totalrows) {
num_col = as.scalar(set_matrix[a, 5]);
x_x = order(target = X0, by = num_col, decreasing = FALSE);
value_A0 = as.scalar(set_matrix[a, 3]);
value_A1 = as.scalar(set_matrix[a, 4]);
a00 = as.scalar(set_matrix[a, 8]);
a11 = as.scalar(set_matrix[a, 9]);
A = x_x[a00:a11, b0:b1];
Ya = x_x[a00:a11, col];
if (nrow(set_matrix) <= cont)
set_matrix = rbind(set_matrix, set_row);
value_B1 = as.scalar(val_matrix[i, j]);
if (i == 2) {
a0 = 1;
value_B0 = value_B1;
else if (as.scalar(val_matrix[i - 1, j]) <= as.scalar(val_matrix[i, j])) {
value_B0 = as.scalar(val_matrix[i - 1, j]);
a0 = index(x, j, value_B0, 1);
a1 = index(x, j, value_B1, 1);
B = x[a0:a1, b0:b1];
slice_matrix = rbind(A, B);
Yb = x[a0:a1, col];
Y0 = rbind(Ya, Yb);
Y = lmpredict(X = slice_matrix, w = beta, icpt = 0);
[error, diff] = standart_error(Y, Y0);
## TODO - next code needs to be modified in order to show the total rows of the slice (as in previous function)
set_matrix[cont, 1:ncol(set_matrix)] = t(as.matrix(list(diff, error, value_A0, value_A1, num_col, nrow(A),
ncol(A), a00, a11, b0, b1, value_B0, value_B1, j, nrow(B), ncol(B), a0, a1, b0, b1)));
cont = cont + 1;