blob: 4f35f6800661e61e42ac794f8511200972cbfb0b [file] [log] [blame]
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import unittest
import numpy as np
from systemds.context import SystemDSContext
from systemds.matrix import Matrix
from systemds.operator.algorithm import multiLogReg, multiLogRegPredict
class TestMultiLogReg(unittest.TestCase):
sds: SystemDSContext = None
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.sds = SystemDSContext()
def tearDownClass(cls):
def test_simple(self):
Test simple, if the log reg splits a dataset where everything over 1 is label 2 and under 1 is 1.
With manual classification.
[X, labels, Y] = self.gen_data()
# Call algorithm
bias = multiLogReg(Matrix(self.sds,X),Matrix(self.sds,Y)).compute()
# Calculate result.
res = np.reshape(, bias[:len(X[0])]) + bias[len(X[0])], (250))
f2 = lambda x: (x < 0) + 1
accuracy = np.sum(labels == f2(res)) / 250 * 100
self.assertTrue(accuracy > 98)
def test_using_predict(self):
Test the algorithm using the predict function.
With builtin classification
[X, labels, Y] = self.gen_data()
# Call algorithm
bias = multiLogReg(Matrix(self.sds,X),Matrix(self.sds,Y)).compute()
[m, y_pred, acc] = multiLogRegPredict(Matrix(self.sds,X),Matrix(self.sds,bias), Matrix(self.sds,Y)).compute()
self.assertTrue(acc > 98)
def gen_data(self):
# Generate data
mu, sigma = 1, 0.1
X = np.reshape(np.random.normal(mu, sigma, 500), (2,250))
# All over 1 is true
f = lambda x: (x[0] > 1) + 1
labels = f(X)
# Y labels as double
Y = np.array(labels, dtype=np.double)
# Transpose X to fit input format.
X = X.transpose()
return X, labels, Y
if __name__ == "__main__":