blob: 7a55902c8ca14e598dd3d067419f7ff6f7780fcd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.sysds.runtime.lineage;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.DMLRuntimeException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.util.IDSequence;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.UtilFunctions;
public class LineageItem {
private static IDSequence _idSeq = new IDSequence();
private final long _id;
private final String _opcode;
private final String _data;
private final LineageItem[] _inputs;
private int _hash = 0;
// init visited to true to ensure visited items are
// not hidden when used as inputs to new items
private boolean _visited = true;
public enum LineageItemType {Literal, Creation, Instruction, Dedup}
public static final String dedupItemOpcode = "dedup";
public LineageItem() {
public LineageItem(String data) {
this(_idSeq.getNextID(), data);
public LineageItem(long id, String data) {
this(id, data, "", null);
public LineageItem(String data, String opcode) {
this(_idSeq.getNextID(), data, opcode, null);
public LineageItem(String opcode, LineageItem[] inputs) {
this(_idSeq.getNextID(), "", opcode, inputs);
public LineageItem(String data, String opcode, LineageItem[] inputs) {
this(_idSeq.getNextID(), data, opcode, inputs);
public LineageItem(LineageItem li) {
this(_idSeq.getNextID(), li);
public LineageItem(long id, LineageItem li) {
this(id, li._data, li._opcode, li._inputs);
public LineageItem(long id, String data, String opcode, LineageItem[] inputs) {
_id = id;
_opcode = opcode;
_data = data;
_inputs = inputs;
public LineageItem[] getInputs() {
return _inputs;
public void setInput(int i, LineageItem item) {
_inputs[i] = item;
_hash = 0; //reset hash
public String getData() {
return _data;
public boolean isVisited() {
return _visited;
public void setVisited() {
public void setVisited(boolean flag) {
_visited = flag;
public long getId() {
return _id;
public String getOpcode() {
return _opcode;
public LineageItemType getType() {
if (_opcode.equals(dedupItemOpcode))
return LineageItemType.Dedup;
if (isLeaf() && isInstruction())
return LineageItemType.Creation;
else if (isLeaf() && !isInstruction())
return LineageItemType.Literal;
else if (!isLeaf() && isInstruction())
return LineageItemType.Instruction;
throw new DMLRuntimeException("An inner node could not be a literal!");
public String toString() {
return LineageItemUtils.explainSingleLineageItem(this);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof LineageItem))
return false;
boolean ret = equalsLI((LineageItem) o);
return ret;
private boolean equalsLI(LineageItem that) {
if (isVisited() || this == that)
return true;
boolean ret = _opcode.equals(that._opcode);
ret &= _data.equals(that._data);
ret &= (hashCode() == that.hashCode());
if( ret && _inputs != null && _inputs.length == that._inputs.length )
for (int i = 0; i < _inputs.length; i++)
ret &= _inputs[i].equalsLI(that._inputs[i]);
return ret;
public int hashCode() {
if (_hash == 0) {
//compute hash over opcode and all inputs
int h = _opcode.hashCode();
if (_inputs != null)
for (LineageItem li : _inputs)
h = UtilFunctions.intHashCode(h, li.hashCode());
_hash = UtilFunctions.intHashCode(h, _data.hashCode());
return _hash;
public LineageItem deepCopy() { //bottom-up
if (isLeaf())
return new LineageItem(this);
LineageItem[] copyInputs = new LineageItem[getInputs().length];
for (int i=0; i<_inputs.length; i++)
copyInputs[i] = _inputs[i].deepCopy();
return new LineageItem(_opcode, copyInputs);
public boolean isLeaf() {
return _inputs == null || _inputs.length == 0;
public boolean isInstruction() {
return !_opcode.isEmpty();
* Non-recursive equivalent of {@link #resetVisitStatus()}
* for robustness with regard to stack overflow errors.
public void resetVisitStatusNR() {
Stack<LineageItem> q = new Stack<>();
while( !q.empty() ) {
LineageItem tmp = q.pop();
if( !tmp.isVisited() )
if (tmp.getInputs() != null)
for (LineageItem li : tmp.getInputs())
* Non-recursive equivalent of {@link #resetVisitStatus(LineageItem[])}
* for robustness with regard to stack overflow errors.
* @param lis root lineage items
public static void resetVisitStatusNR(LineageItem[] lis) {
if (lis != null)
for (LineageItem liRoot : lis)
public void resetVisitStatus() {
if (!isVisited())
if (_inputs != null)
for (LineageItem li : getInputs())
public static void resetVisitStatus(LineageItem[] lis) {
if (lis != null)
for (LineageItem liRoot : lis)
public static void resetIDSequence() {