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* SparseBlock implementation that realizes a 'modified compressed sparse row'
* representation, where each compressed row is stored as a separate SparseRow
* object which provides flexibility for unsorted row appends without the need
* for global reshifting of values/indexes but it incurs additional memory
* overhead per row for object/array headers per row which also slows down
* memory-bound operations due to higher memory bandwidth requirements.
public class SparseBlockMCSR extends SparseBlock
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4743624499258436199L;
private SparseRow[] _rows = null;
* Copy constructor sparse block abstraction.
* @param sblock sparse block to copy
public SparseBlockMCSR(SparseBlock sblock)
//special case SparseBlockMCSR
if( sblock instanceof SparseBlockMCSR ) {
SparseRow[] orows = ((SparseBlockMCSR)sblock)._rows;
_rows = new SparseRow[orows.length];
for( int i=0; i<_rows.length; i++ )
_rows[i] = new SparseRowVector(orows[i]);
//general case SparseBlock
else {
_rows = new SparseRow[sblock.numRows()];
for( int i=0; i<_rows.length; i++ ) {
if( !sblock.isEmpty(i) ) {
int apos = sblock.pos(i);
int alen = sblock.size(i);
_rows[i] = new SparseRowVector(alen);
System.arraycopy(sblock.indexes(i), apos, _rows[i].indexes(), 0, alen);
System.arraycopy(sblock.values(i), apos, _rows[i].values(), 0, alen);
* Copy constructor old sparse row representation.
* @param rows array of sparse rows
* @param deep if true, deep copy
public SparseBlockMCSR(SparseRow[] rows, boolean deep) {
if( deep ) {
_rows = new SparseRow[rows.length];
for( int i=0; i<_rows.length; i++ ) {
_rows[i] = (rows[i].size()==1) ? new SparseRowScalar(
rows[i].indexes()[0], rows[i].values()[0]) :
new SparseRowVector(rows[i]);
else {
_rows = rows;
public SparseBlockMCSR(int rlen, int clen) {
_rows = new SparseRow[rlen];
* Get the estimated in-memory size of the sparse block in MCSR
* with the given dimensions w/o accounting for overallocation.
* @param nrows number of rows
* @param ncols number of columns
* @param sparsity sparsity ratio
* @return memory estimate
public static long estimateMemory(long nrows, long ncols, double sparsity) {
double cnnz = Math.max(SparseRowVector.initialCapacity, Math.ceil(sparsity*ncols));
double rlen = Math.min(nrows, Math.ceil(sparsity*nrows*ncols));
//Each sparse row has a fixed overhead of 16B (object) + 12B (3 ints),
//24B (int array), 24B (double array), i.e., in total 76B
//Each non-zero value requires 12B for the column-index/value pair.
//Overheads for arrays, objects, and references refer to 64bit JVMs
//If nnz < rows we have guaranteed also empty rows.
double size = 16; //object
size += 24 + nrows * 8d; //references
size += rlen * (76 + cnnz * 12); //sparse rows
// robustness for long overflows
return (long) Math.min(size, Long.MAX_VALUE);
//SparseBlock implementation
public void allocate(int r) {
if( !isAllocated(r) )
_rows[r] = new SparseRowVector();
public void allocate(int r, int nnz) {
if( !isAllocated(r) )
_rows[r] = (nnz == 1) ? new SparseRowScalar() :
new SparseRowVector(nnz);
public void allocate(int r, int ennz, int maxnnz) {
if( !isAllocated(r) )
_rows[r] = (ennz == 1) ? new SparseRowScalar() :
new SparseRowVector(ennz, maxnnz);
public void compact(int r) {
if( isAllocated(r) && _rows[r] instanceof SparseRowVector
&& _rows[r].size() > SparseBlock.INIT_CAPACITY
&& _rows[r].size() * SparseBlock.RESIZE_FACTOR1
< ((SparseRowVector)_rows[r]).capacity() ) {
public int numRows() {
return _rows.length;
public boolean isThreadSafe() {
return true;
public boolean isContiguous() {
return false;
public boolean isAllocated(int r) {
return (_rows[r] != null);
public boolean checkValidity(int rlen, int clen, long nnz, boolean strict) {
//1. Correct meta data
if( rlen < 0 || clen < 0 )
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid block dimensions: ("+rlen+", "+clen+").");
//2. Correct array lengths
if( size() < nnz )
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect size: "+size()+" (expected: "+nnz+").");
//3. Sorted column indices per row
for( int i=0; i<rlen; i++ ) {
if( isEmpty(i) ) continue;
int apos = pos(i);
int alen = size(i);
int[] aix = indexes(i);
double[] avals = values(i);
for (int k = apos + 1; k < apos + alen; k++) {
if (aix[k-1] >= aix[k])
throw new RuntimeException("Wrong sparse row ordering, at row="+i+", pos="+k
+ " with column indexes " + aix[k-1] + ">=" + aix[k]);
if (avals[k] == 0)
throw new RuntimeException("The values are expected to be non zeros "
+ "but zero at row: "+ i + ", col pos: " + k);
//3. A capacity that is no larger than nnz times resize factor
for( int i=0; i<rlen; i++ )
if( !isEmpty(i) && values(i).length > nnz*RESIZE_FACTOR1 )
throw new RuntimeException("The capacity is larger than nnz times a resize factor(=2). "
+ "Actual length = " + values(i).length+", should not exceed "+nnz*RESIZE_FACTOR1);
return true;
public void reset() {
for( SparseRow row : _rows )
if( row != null )
row.reset(row.size(), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
public void reset(int ennz, int maxnnz) {
for( SparseRow row : _rows )
if( row != null )
row.reset(ennz, maxnnz);
public void reset(int r, int ennz, int maxnnz) {
if( isAllocated(r) )
_rows[r].reset(ennz, maxnnz);
public long size() {
//recompute non-zeros to avoid redundant maintenance
long nnz = 0;
for( SparseRow row : _rows )
if( row != null )
nnz += row.size();
return nnz;
public int size(int r) {
//prior check with isEmpty(r) expected
return isAllocated(r) ? _rows[r].size() : 0;
public long size(int rl, int ru) {
int ret = 0;
for( int i=rl; i<ru; i++ )
ret += isAllocated(i) ? _rows[i].size() : 0;
return ret;
public long size(int rl, int ru, int cl, int cu) {
long nnz = 0;
for(int i=rl; i<ru; i++)
if( !isEmpty(i) ) {
int start = posFIndexGTE(i, cl);
int end = posFIndexGTE(i, cu);
nnz += (start!=-1) ? (end-start) : 0;
return nnz;
public boolean isEmpty(int r) {
return (!isAllocated(r) || _rows[r].isEmpty());
public int[] indexes(int r) {
//prior check with isEmpty(r) expected
return _rows[r].indexes();
public double[] values(int r) {
//prior check with isEmpty(r) expected
return _rows[r].values();
public int pos(int r) {
//arrays per row (always start 0)
return 0;
public boolean set(int r, int c, double v) {
if( !isAllocated(r) )
_rows[r] = new SparseRowScalar();
else if( _rows[r] instanceof SparseRowScalar && !_rows[r].isEmpty())
_rows[r] = new SparseRowVector(_rows[r]);
return _rows[r].set(c, v);
public void set(int r, SparseRow row, boolean deep) {
//copy values into existing row to avoid allocation
if( isAllocated(r) && _rows[r] instanceof SparseRowVector
&& ((SparseRowVector)_rows[r]).capacity() >= row.size() && deep )
//set new sparse row (incl allocation if required)
_rows[r] = (deep && row != null) ?
new SparseRowVector(row) : row;
public boolean add(int r, int c, double v) {
if( !isAllocated(r) )
_rows[r] = new SparseRowScalar();
else if( _rows[r] instanceof SparseRowScalar && !_rows[r].isEmpty())
_rows[r] = new SparseRowVector(_rows[r]);
return _rows[r].add(c, v);
public void append(int r, int c, double v) {
if( !isAllocated(r) )
_rows[r] = new SparseRowScalar();
else if( _rows[r] instanceof SparseRowScalar && !_rows[r].isEmpty() )
_rows[r] = new SparseRowVector(_rows[r]);
_rows[r].append(c, v);
public void setIndexRange(int r, int cl, int cu, double[] v, int vix, int vlen) {
if( !isAllocated(r) )
_rows[r] = new SparseRowVector();
else if( _rows[r] instanceof SparseRowScalar )
_rows[r] = new SparseRowVector(_rows[r]);
//different sparse row semantics: upper bound inclusive
((SparseRowVector)_rows[r]).setIndexRange(cl, cu-1, v, vix, vlen);
public void setIndexRange(int r, int cl, int cu, double[] v, int[] vix, int vpos, int vlen) {
if( !isAllocated(r) )
_rows[r] = new SparseRowVector();
else if( _rows[r] instanceof SparseRowScalar )
_rows[r] = new SparseRowVector(_rows[r]);
//different sparse row semantics: upper bound inclusive
((SparseRowVector)_rows[r]).setIndexRange(cl, cu-1, v, vix, vpos, vlen);
public void deleteIndexRange(int r, int cl, int cu) {
//prior check with isEmpty(r) expected
//different sparse row semantics: upper bound inclusive
if( _rows[r] instanceof SparseRowScalar )
_rows[r] = new SparseRowVector(_rows[r]);
((SparseRowVector)_rows[r]).deleteIndexRange(cl, cu-1);
public void sort() {
for( SparseRow row : _rows )
if( row != null && !row.isEmpty() )
public void sort(int r) {
//prior check with isEmpty(r) expected
public double get(int r, int c) {
if( !isAllocated(r) )
return 0;
return _rows[r].get(c);
public SparseRow get(int r) {
return _rows[r];
public int posFIndexLTE(int r, int c) {
//prior check with isEmpty(r) expected
if( _rows[r] instanceof SparseRowScalar )
_rows[r] = new SparseRowVector(_rows[r]);
return ((SparseRowVector)_rows[r]).searchIndexesFirstLTE(c);
public int posFIndexGTE(int r, int c) {
//prior check with isEmpty(r) expected
if( _rows[r] instanceof SparseRowScalar )
_rows[r] = new SparseRowVector(_rows[r]);
return ((SparseRowVector)_rows[r]).searchIndexesFirstGTE(c);
public int posFIndexGT(int r, int c) {
//prior check with isEmpty(r) expected
if( _rows[r] instanceof SparseRowScalar )
_rows[r] = new SparseRowVector(_rows[r]);
return ((SparseRowVector)_rows[r]).searchIndexesFirstGT(c);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("SparseBlockMCSR: rlen=");
sb.append(", nnz=");
for( int i=0; i<numRows(); i++ ) {
sb.append("row +");
sb.append(": ");
return sb.toString();
* Helper function for MCSR -&gt; {COO, CSR}
* @return the underlying array of {@link SparseRow}
public SparseRow[] getRows() {
return _rows;