blob: 0ca61cdf10e935495a4254d487ccdfdec5d07d8a [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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# MNIST LeNet - Predict
# This script computes the class probability predictions of a
# trained convolutional net using the "LeNet" architecture on
# images of handwritten digits.
# Inputs:
# - X: File containing training images.
# The format is "pixel_1, pixel_2, ..., pixel_n".
# - C: Number of color chanels in the images.
# - Hin: Input image height.
# - Win: Input image width.
# - model_dir: Directory containing the trained weights and biases
# of the model.
# - out_dir: Directory to store class probability predictions for
# each image.
# - fmt: [DEFAULT: "csv"] File format of `X` and output predictions.
# Options include: "csv", "mm", "text", and "binary".
# Outputs:
# - probs: File containing class probability predictions for each
# image.
# Data:
# The X file should contain images of handwritten digits,
# where each example is a 28x28 pixel image of grayscale values in
# the range [0,255] stretched out as 784 pixels.
# Sample Invocation (running from outside the `nn` folder):
# 1. Download images.
# For example, save images to `nn/examples/data/mnist/images.csv`.
# 2. Execute using Spark
# ```
# spark-submit --master local[*] --driver-memory 5G
# --conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=0 --conf spark.rpc.message.maxSize=128
# $SYSTEMDS_ROOT/target/SystemDS.jar -f nn/examples/mnist_lenet-predict.dml
# -nvargs X=nn/examples/data/mnist/images.csv C=1 Hin=28 Win=28
# model_dir=nn/examples/model/mnist_lenet out_dir=nn/examples/data/mnist
# ```
source("nn/examples/mnist_lenet.dml") as mnist_lenet
# Read training data
fmt = ifdef($fmt, "csv")
X = read($X, format=fmt)
C = $C
Hin = $Hin
Win = $Win
# Scale images to [-1,1]
X = (X / 255.0) * 2 - 1
# Read model coefficients
W1 = read($model_dir+"/W1")
b1 = read($model_dir+"/b1")
W2 = read($model_dir+"/W2")
b2 = read($model_dir+"/b2")
W3 = read($model_dir+"/W3")
b3 = read($model_dir+"/b3")
W4 = read($model_dir+"/W4")
b4 = read($model_dir+"/b4")
# Predict classes
probs = mnist_lenet::predict(X, C, Hin, Win, W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3, W4, b4)
# Output results
write(probs, $out_dir+"/probs."+fmt, format=fmt)