blob: e3dff6e86d2f463f4853d1fd2fcd4aec721bf221 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.readers;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.DMLCompressionException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.indexes.IColIndex;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.utils.DblArray;
/** Base class for all column selection readers. */
public abstract class ReaderColumnSelection {
protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ReaderColumnSelection.class.getName());
protected static boolean nanEncountered = false;
protected final IColIndex _colIndexes;
protected final DblArray reusableReturn;
protected final double[] reusableArr;
/** The row index to stop the reading at */
protected final int _ru;
/** rl is used as a pointer to current row */
protected int _rl;
protected ReaderColumnSelection(IColIndex colIndexes, int rl, int ru) {
_colIndexes = colIndexes;
_rl = rl;
_ru = ru;
if(colIndexes != null) {
reusableArr = new double[colIndexes.size()];
reusableReturn = new DblArray(reusableArr);
else {
reusableArr = null;
reusableReturn = null;
* Gets the next row, null when no more rows.
* @return next row
public final DblArray nextRow() {
if(_rl >= _ru)
return null;
final DblArray ret = getNextRow();
if(ret != null)
return ret;
protected abstract DblArray getNextRow();
public int getCurrentRowIndex() {
return _rl;
public static ReaderColumnSelection createReader(MatrixBlock rawBlock, IColIndex colIndices, boolean transposed) {
final int rl = 0;
final int ru = transposed ? rawBlock.getNumColumns() : rawBlock.getNumRows();
return createReader(rawBlock, colIndices, transposed, rl, ru);
public static ReaderColumnSelection createReader(MatrixBlock rawBlock, IColIndex colIndices, boolean transposed,
int rl, int ru) {
checkInput(rawBlock, colIndices, rl, ru);
rl = rl - 1;
if(rawBlock.isEmpty()) {
LOG.warn("It is likely an error occurred when reading an empty block. But we do support it!");
return new ReaderColumnSelectionEmpty(rawBlock, colIndices, rl, ru, transposed);
if(transposed) {
return new ReaderColumnSelectionSparseTransposed(rawBlock, colIndices, rl, ru);
else if(rawBlock.getDenseBlock().numBlocks() > 1)
return new ReaderColumnSelectionDenseMultiBlockTransposed(rawBlock, colIndices, rl, ru);
return new ReaderColumnSelectionDenseSingleBlockTransposed(rawBlock, colIndices, rl, ru);
return new ReaderColumnSelectionSparse(rawBlock, colIndices, rl, ru);
else if(rawBlock.getDenseBlock().numBlocks() > 1)
return new ReaderColumnSelectionDenseMultiBlock(rawBlock, colIndices, rl, ru);
return new ReaderColumnSelectionDenseSingleBlock(rawBlock, colIndices, rl, ru);
private static void checkInput(final MatrixBlock rawBlock, final IColIndex colIndices, final int rl, final int ru) {
if(colIndices.size() <= 1)
throw new DMLCompressionException(
"Column selection reader should not be done on single column groups: " + colIndices);
else if(rl >= ru)
throw new DMLCompressionException("Invalid inverse range for reader " + rl + " to " + ru);
protected void warnNaN() {
if(!nanEncountered) {
LOG.warn("NaN value encountered, replaced by 0 in compression, since nan is not supported");
nanEncountered = true;