blob: eee0eced010c4d58a27d666d96ac9641c52eca28 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.lib;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.api.DMLScript;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.CompressedMatrixBlock;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.DMLCompressionException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.AColGroup;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.ColGroupConst;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.ColGroupUncompressed;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.stat.Timing;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.CommonThreadPool;
import org.apache.sysds.utils.DMLCompressionStatistics;
* Library to decompress a list of column groups into a matrix.
public final class CLALibDecompress {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(CLALibDecompress.class.getName());
private CLALibDecompress() {
// private constructor
public static MatrixBlock decompress(CompressedMatrixBlock cmb, int k) {
Timing time = new Timing(true);
MatrixBlock ret = decompressExecute(cmb, k);
final double t = time.stop();
DMLCompressionStatistics.addDecompressTime(t, k);
LOG.trace("decompressed block w/ k=" + k + " in " + t + "ms.");
return ret;
public static void decompressTo(CompressedMatrixBlock cmb, MatrixBlock ret, int rowOffset, int colOffset, int k,
boolean countNNz) {
Timing time = new Timing(true);
if(cmb.getNumColumns() + colOffset > ret.getNumColumns() || cmb.getNumRows() + rowOffset > ret.getNumRows()) {
"Slow slicing off excess parts for decompressTo because decompression into is implemented for fitting blocks");
MatrixBlock mbSliced = cmb.slice( //
Math.min(Math.abs(rowOffset), 0), Math.min(cmb.getNumRows(), ret.getNumRows() - rowOffset) - 1, // Rows
Math.min(Math.abs(colOffset), 0), Math.min(cmb.getNumColumns(), ret.getNumColumns() - colOffset) - 1); // Cols
if(mbSliced instanceof MatrixBlock) {
mbSliced.putInto(ret, rowOffset, colOffset, false);
cmb = (CompressedMatrixBlock) mbSliced;
decompress(cmb, 1);
final boolean outSparse = ret.isInSparseFormat();
if(!cmb.isEmpty()) {
if(outSparse && cmb.isOverlapping())
throw new DMLCompressionException("Not supported decompression into sparse block from overlapping state");
else if(outSparse)
decompressToSparseBlock(cmb, ret, rowOffset, colOffset);
decompressToDenseBlock(cmb, ret.getDenseBlock(), rowOffset, colOffset);
final double t = time.stop();
DMLCompressionStatistics.addDecompressToBlockTime(t, k);
LOG.trace("decompressed block w/ k=" + k + " in " + t + "ms.");
private static void decompressToSparseBlock(CompressedMatrixBlock cmb, MatrixBlock ret, int rowOffset,
int colOffset) {
final SparseBlock sb = ret.getSparseBlock();
final List<AColGroup> groups = cmb.getColGroups();
final int nRows = cmb.getNumRows();
final boolean shouldFilter = CLALibUtils.shouldPreFilter(groups);
if(shouldFilter) {
final MatrixBlock tmp = cmb.getUncompressed("Decompression to put into Sparse Block");
tmp.putInto(ret, rowOffset, colOffset, false);
for(AColGroup g : groups)
g.decompressToSparseBlock(sb, 0, nRows, rowOffset, colOffset);
private static void decompressToDenseBlock(CompressedMatrixBlock cmb, DenseBlock ret, int rowOffset, int colOffset) {
final List<AColGroup> groups = cmb.getColGroups();
// final int nCols = cmb.getNumColumns();
final int nRows = cmb.getNumRows();
final boolean shouldFilter = CLALibUtils.shouldPreFilter(groups);
if(shouldFilter) {
final double[] constV = new double[cmb.getNumColumns()];
final List<AColGroup> filteredGroups = CLALibUtils.filterGroups(groups, constV);
for(AColGroup g : filteredGroups)
g.decompressToDenseBlock(ret, 0, nRows, rowOffset, colOffset);
AColGroup cRet = ColGroupConst.create(constV);
cRet.decompressToDenseBlock(ret, 0, nRows, rowOffset, colOffset);
else {
for(AColGroup g : groups)
g.decompressToDenseBlock(ret, 0, nRows, rowOffset, colOffset);
private static MatrixBlock decompressExecute(CompressedMatrixBlock cmb, int k) {
return new MatrixBlock(cmb.getNumRows(), cmb.getNumColumns(), true);
// Copy column groups to make sure we can modify the list if we want to.
final List<AColGroup> groups = new ArrayList<>(cmb.getColGroups());
final int nRows = cmb.getNumRows();
final int nCols = cmb.getNumColumns();
final boolean overlapping = cmb.isOverlapping();
final long nonZeros = cmb.getNonZeros();
MatrixBlock ret = getUncompressedColGroupAndRemoveFromListOfColGroups(groups, overlapping, nRows, nCols);
if(ret != null && groups.size() == 0) {
return ret; // if uncompressedColGroup is only colGroup.
final boolean shouldFilter = CLALibUtils.shouldPreFilter(groups);
double[] constV = shouldFilter ? new double[nCols] : null;
final List<AColGroup> filteredGroups = shouldFilter ? CLALibUtils.filterGroups(groups, constV) : groups;
if(ret == null) { // There was no uncompressed group that fit the entire matrix.
final boolean sparse = !shouldFilter && !overlapping &&
MatrixBlock.evalSparseFormatInMemory(nRows, nCols, nonZeros);
ret = new MatrixBlock(nRows, nCols, sparse);
final int blklen = Math.max(nRows / k, 512);
// check if we are using filtered groups, and if we are not force constV to null
if(groups == filteredGroups)
constV = null;
final double eps = getEps(constV);
if(k == 1) {
if(ret.isInSparseFormat()) {
decompressSparseSingleThread(ret, filteredGroups, nRows, blklen);
else {
decompressDenseSingleThread(ret, filteredGroups, nRows, blklen, constV, eps, nonZeros, overlapping);
else if(ret.isInSparseFormat()) {
decompressSparseMultiThread(ret, filteredGroups, nRows, blklen, k);
else {
decompressDenseMultiThread(ret, filteredGroups, nRows, blklen, constV, eps, k, overlapping);
return ret;
private static MatrixBlock getUncompressedColGroupAndRemoveFromListOfColGroups(List<AColGroup> colGroups,
boolean overlapping, int nRows, int nCols) {
// If we have a uncompressed column group that covers all of the matrix,
// it makes sense to use as the decompression target.
MatrixBlock ret = null;
// It is only relevant if we are in overlapping state, or we only have a Uncompressed ColumnGroup left.
if(overlapping || colGroups.size() == 1) {
for(int i = 0; i < colGroups.size(); i++) {
AColGroup g = colGroups.get(i);
if(g instanceof ColGroupUncompressed) {
// Find an Uncompressed ColumnGroup
ColGroupUncompressed guc = (ColGroupUncompressed) g;
MatrixBlock gMB = guc.getData();
// Make sure that it is the correct dimensions
if(gMB.getNumColumns() == nCols && gMB.getNumRows() == nRows &&
(!gMB.isInSparseFormat() || colGroups.size() == 1)) {
LOG.debug("Using one of the uncompressed ColGroups as base for decompression");
return gMB;
return ret;
private static void decompressSparseSingleThread(MatrixBlock ret, List<AColGroup> filteredGroups, int rlen,
int blklen) {
final SparseBlock sb = ret.getSparseBlock();
for(int i = 0; i < rlen; i += blklen) {
final int rl = i;
final int ru = Math.min(i + blklen, rlen);
for(AColGroup grp : filteredGroups)
grp.decompressToSparseBlock(ret.getSparseBlock(), rl, ru);
for(int j = rl; j < ru; j++)
private static void decompressDenseSingleThread(MatrixBlock ret, List<AColGroup> filteredGroups, int rlen,
int blklen, double[] constV, double eps, long nonZeros, boolean overlapping) {
for(int i = 0; i < rlen; i += blklen) {
final int rl = i;
final int ru = Math.min(i + blklen, rlen);
for(AColGroup grp : filteredGroups)
grp.decompressToDenseBlock(ret.getDenseBlock(), rl, ru);
if(constV != null && !ret.isInSparseFormat())
addVector(ret, constV, eps, rl, ru);
protected static void decompressDenseMultiThread(MatrixBlock ret, List<AColGroup> groups, double[] constV, int k,
boolean overlapping) {
final int nRows = ret.getNumRows();
final double eps = getEps(constV);
final int blklen = Math.max(nRows / k, 512);
decompressDenseMultiThread(ret, groups, nRows, blklen, constV, eps, k, overlapping);
protected static void decompressDenseMultiThread(MatrixBlock ret, List<AColGroup> groups, double[] constV,
double eps, int k, boolean overlapping) {
final int nRows = ret.getNumRows();
final int blklen = Math.max(nRows / k, 512);
decompressDenseMultiThread(ret, groups, nRows, blklen, constV, eps, k, overlapping);
private static void decompressDenseMultiThread(MatrixBlock ret, List<AColGroup> filteredGroups, int rlen, int blklen,
double[] constV, double eps, int k, boolean overlapping) {
final ExecutorService pool = CommonThreadPool.get(k);
try {
final ArrayList<Callable<Long>> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
if(overlapping || constV != null) {
for(int i = 0; i < rlen; i += blklen)
tasks.add(new DecompressDenseTask(filteredGroups, ret, eps, i, Math.min(i + blklen, rlen), constV));
else {
for(int i = 0; i < rlen; i += blklen)
for(AColGroup g : filteredGroups)
tasks.add(new DecompressDenseSingleColTask(g, ret, eps, i, Math.min(i + blklen, rlen), null));
long nnz = 0;
for(Future<Long> rt : pool.invokeAll(tasks))
nnz += rt.get();
catch(InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) {
throw new DMLCompressionException("Parallel decompression failed", ex);
private static void decompressSparseMultiThread(MatrixBlock ret, List<AColGroup> filteredGroups, int rlen,
int blklen, int k) {
final ExecutorService pool = CommonThreadPool.get(k);
try {
final ArrayList<DecompressSparseTask> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i = 0; i < rlen; i += blklen)
tasks.add(new DecompressSparseTask(filteredGroups, ret, i, Math.min(i + blklen, rlen)));
for(Future<Object> rt : pool.invokeAll(tasks))
catch(InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) {
throw new DMLCompressionException("Parallel decompression failed", ex);
* Get a small epsilon from the constant group.
* @param constV the constant vector.
* @return epsilon
private static double getEps(double[] constV) {
if(constV == null)
return 0;
else {
double max = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for(double v : constV) {
if(v > max)
max = v;
if(v < min)
min = v;
final double eps = (max + 1e-4 - min) * 1e-10;
return eps;
private static class DecompressDenseTask implements Callable<Long> {
private final List<AColGroup> _colGroups;
private final MatrixBlock _ret;
private final double _eps;
private final int _rl;
private final int _ru;
private final int _blklen;
private final double[] _constV;
protected DecompressDenseTask(List<AColGroup> colGroups, MatrixBlock ret, double eps, int rl, int ru,
double[] constV) {
_colGroups = colGroups;
_ret = ret;
_eps = eps;
_rl = rl;
_ru = ru;
_blklen = 32768 / ret.getNumColumns();
_constV = constV;
public Long call() {
try {
long nnz = 0;
for(int b = _rl; b < _ru; b += _blklen) {
final int e = Math.min(b + _blklen, _ru);
for(AColGroup grp : _colGroups)
grp.decompressToDenseBlock(_ret.getDenseBlock(), b, e);
if(_constV != null)
addVector(_ret, _constV, _eps, b, e);
nnz += _ret.recomputeNonZeros(b, e - 1);
return nnz;
catch(Exception e) {
throw new DMLCompressionException("Failed dense decompression", e);
private static class DecompressDenseSingleColTask implements Callable<Long> {
private final AColGroup _grp;
private final MatrixBlock _ret;
private final double _eps;
private final int _rl;
private final int _ru;
private final int _blklen;
private final double[] _constV;
protected DecompressDenseSingleColTask(AColGroup grp, MatrixBlock ret, double eps, int rl, int ru,
double[] constV) {
_grp = grp;
_ret = ret;
_eps = eps;
_rl = rl;
_ru = ru;
_blklen = 32768 / ret.getNumColumns();
_constV = constV;
public Long call() {
try {
long nnz = 0;
for(int b = _rl; b < _ru; b += _blklen) {
final int e = Math.min(b + _blklen, _ru);
// for(AColGroup grp : _colGroups)
_grp.decompressToDenseBlock(_ret.getDenseBlock(), b, e);
if(_constV != null)
addVector(_ret, _constV, _eps, b, e);
// nnz += _ret.recomputeNonZeros(b, e - 1);
return nnz;
catch(Exception e) {
throw new DMLCompressionException("Failed dense decompression", e);
private static class DecompressSparseTask implements Callable<Object> {
private final List<AColGroup> _colGroups;
private final MatrixBlock _ret;
private final int _rl;
private final int _ru;
protected DecompressSparseTask(List<AColGroup> colGroups, MatrixBlock ret, int rl, int ru) {
_colGroups = colGroups;
_ret = ret;
_rl = rl;
_ru = ru;
public Object call() {
final SparseBlock sb = _ret.getSparseBlock();
for(AColGroup grp : _colGroups)
grp.decompressToSparseBlock(_ret.getSparseBlock(), _rl, _ru);
for(int i = _rl; i < _ru; i++)
return null;
* Add the rowV vector to each row in ret.
* @param ret matrix to add the vector to
* @param rowV The row vector to add
* @param eps an epsilon defined, to round the output value to zero if the value is less than epsilon away from
* zero.
* @param rl The row to start at
* @param ru The row to end at
private static void addVector(final MatrixBlock ret, final double[] rowV, final double eps, final int rl,
final int ru) {
final int nCols = ret.getNumColumns();
final DenseBlock db = ret.getDenseBlock();
if(nCols == 1) {
if(eps == 0)
addValue(db.values(0), rowV[0], rl, ru);
addValueEps(db.values(0), rowV[0], eps, rl, ru);
else if(db.isContiguous()) {
if(eps == 0)
addVectorContiguousNoEps(db.values(0), rowV, nCols, rl, ru);
addVectorContiguousEps(db.values(0), rowV, nCols, eps, rl, ru);
else if(eps == 0)
addVectorNoEps(db, rowV, nCols, rl, ru);
addVectorEps(db, rowV, nCols, eps, rl, ru);
private static void addValue(final double[] retV, final double v, final int rl, final int ru) {
for(int off = rl; off < ru; off++)
retV[off] += v;
private static void addValueEps(final double[] retV, final double v, final double eps, final int rl, final int ru) {
for(int off = rl; off < ru; off++) {
final double e = retV[off] + v;
if(Math.abs(e) <= eps)
retV[off] = 0;
retV[off] = e;
private static void addVectorContiguousNoEps(final double[] retV, final double[] rowV, final int nCols, final int rl,
final int ru) {
for(int off = rl * nCols; off < ru * nCols; off += nCols) {
for(int col = 0; col < nCols; col++) {
final int out = off + col;
retV[out] += rowV[col];
private static void addVectorContiguousEps(final double[] retV, final double[] rowV, final int nCols,
final double eps, final int rl, final int ru) {
for(int off = rl * nCols; off < ru * nCols; off += nCols) {
for(int col = 0; col < nCols; col++) {
final int out = off + col;
retV[out] += rowV[col];
if(Math.abs(retV[out]) <= eps)
retV[out] = 0;
private static void addVectorNoEps(final DenseBlock db, final double[] rowV, final int nCols, final int rl,
final int ru) {
for(int row = rl; row < ru; row++) {
final double[] _retV = db.values(row);
final int off = db.pos(row);
for(int col = 0; col < nCols; col++)
_retV[off + col] += rowV[col];
private static void addVectorEps(final DenseBlock db, final double[] rowV, final int nCols, final double eps,
final int rl, final int ru) {
for(int row = rl; row < ru; row++) {
final double[] _retV = db.values(row);
final int off = db.pos(row);
for(int col = 0; col < nCols; col++) {
final int out = off + col;
_retV[out] += rowV[col];
if(Math.abs(_retV[out]) <= eps)
_retV[out] = 0;