blob: d12abb11672684160c71b1bbca3d1532467fb6e3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.lib;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.api.DMLScript;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.DMLRuntimeException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.CompressedMatrixBlock;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.CompressionSettings;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.DMLCompressionException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.AColGroup;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.AColGroupCompressed;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.ASDCZero;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.ColGroupConst;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.offset.AIterator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.stat.Timing;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.Builtin;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.Builtin.BuiltinCode;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.IndexFunction;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.KahanFunction;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.KahanPlus;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.KahanPlusSq;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.Mean;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.Multiply;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.Plus;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.ReduceAll;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.ReduceCol;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.ReduceRow;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.ValueFunction;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.AggregateOperator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.AggregateUnaryOperator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.BinaryOperator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.CommonThreadPool;
import org.apache.sysds.utils.DMLCompressionStatistics;
public final class CLALibCompAgg {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(CLALibCompAgg.class.getName());
private static final long MIN_PAR_AGG_THRESHOLD = 8 * 1024;
private CLALibCompAgg(){
// private constructor
public static MatrixBlock aggregateUnary(CompressedMatrixBlock inputMatrix, MatrixBlock result,
AggregateUnaryOperator op, int blen, MatrixIndexes indexesIn, boolean inCP) {
if(!supported(op) || inputMatrix.isEmpty()) {
return inputMatrix.getUncompressed("Unary aggregate " + op + " not supported yet.", op.getNumThreads())
.aggregateUnaryOperations(op, result, blen, indexesIn, inCP);
final int r = inputMatrix.getNumRows();
final int c = inputMatrix.getNumColumns();
final List<AColGroup> colGroups = inputMatrix.getColGroups();
final boolean requireDecompress = requireDecompression(inputMatrix, op);
if(requireDecompress) {
LOG.trace("Require decompression in unaryAggregate");
// Decide if we should use the cached decompressed Version, or we should decompress the full matrix, or we
// should decompress blocks.
// final double denseSize = MatrixBlock.estimateSizeDenseInMemory(r, c);
// final double localMaxMemory = InfrastructureAnalyzer.getLocalMaxMemory();
if(inputMatrix.getCachedDecompressed() != null)
return inputMatrix.getCachedDecompressed().aggregateUnaryOperations(op, result, blen, indexesIn, inCP);
// else if(colGroups.size() > 5 && denseSize <= localMaxMemory / 2) {
// MatrixBlock uc = inputMatrix.getUncompressed(
// op.indexFn.getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + op.aggOp.increOp.fn.getClass().getSimpleName()
// + "in overlapping state and calculated better performance uncompressed");
// return uc.aggregateUnaryOperations(op, result, blen, indexesIn, inCP);
// }
// prepare output dimensions
final CellIndex tempCellIndex = new CellIndex(-1, -1);
op.indexFn.computeDimension(r, c, tempCellIndex);
// initialize and allocate the result
if(result == null)
result = new MatrixBlock(tempCellIndex.row, tempCellIndex.column, false);
result.reset(tempCellIndex.row, tempCellIndex.column, false);
AggregateUnaryOperator opm = replaceKahnOperations(op);
if(colGroups != null) {
fillStart(inputMatrix, result, opm);
aggOverlapping(inputMatrix, result, opm, indexesIn, inCP);
agg(inputMatrix, result, opm, blen, indexesIn, inCP);
if(op.aggOp.existsCorrection() && !inCP) {
result = addCorrection(result, op);
if(op.aggOp.increOp.fn instanceof Mean)
result = addCellCount(result, op, r, c);
return result;
private static boolean supported(AggregateUnaryOperator op) {
final ValueFunction fn = op.aggOp.increOp.fn;
if(fn instanceof Builtin) {
final BuiltinCode b = ((Builtin) fn).getBuiltinCode();
return b == BuiltinCode.MIN || b == BuiltinCode.MAX;
return fn instanceof KahanPlus || fn instanceof KahanPlusSq || fn instanceof Mean ||
(fn instanceof Multiply && op.indexFn instanceof ReduceAll);
private static boolean requireDecompression(CompressedMatrixBlock inputMatrix, AggregateUnaryOperator op) {
if(inputMatrix.isOverlapping()) {
final ValueFunction fn = op.aggOp.increOp.fn;
if(fn instanceof Builtin) {
final BuiltinCode b = ((Builtin) fn).getBuiltinCode();
return b == BuiltinCode.MIN || b == BuiltinCode.MAX;
return fn instanceof KahanPlusSq || fn instanceof Multiply;
return false;
private static MatrixBlock addCorrection(MatrixBlock ret, AggregateUnaryOperator op) {
switch(op.aggOp.correction) {
MatrixBlock resWithCorrection = new MatrixBlock(ret.getNumRows(), ret.getNumColumns() + 1, false);
for(int i = 0; i < ret.getNumRows(); i++)
resWithCorrection.setValue(i, 0, ret.quickGetValue(i, 0));
return resWithCorrection;
resWithCorrection = new MatrixBlock(ret.getNumRows() + 1, ret.getNumColumns(), false);
for(int i = 0; i < ret.getNumColumns(); i++)
resWithCorrection.setValue(0, i, ret.quickGetValue(0, i));
return resWithCorrection;
resWithCorrection = new MatrixBlock(ret.getNumRows(), ret.getNumColumns() + 2, false);
for(int i = 0; i < ret.getNumRows(); i++)
resWithCorrection.setValue(i, 0, ret.quickGetValue(i, 0));
return resWithCorrection;
resWithCorrection = new MatrixBlock(ret.getNumRows() + 2, ret.getNumColumns(), false);
for(int i = 0; i < ret.getNumColumns(); i++)
resWithCorrection.setValue(0, i, ret.quickGetValue(0, i));
return resWithCorrection;
case NONE:
return ret;
throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented corrections of more than 2");
private static MatrixBlock addCellCount(MatrixBlock ret, AggregateUnaryOperator op, int nRow, int nCol) {
if(op.indexFn instanceof ReduceAll)
ret.setValue(0, 1, (long) nRow * (long) nCol);
else if(op.indexFn instanceof ReduceCol)
for(int i = 0; i < nRow; i++)
ret.setValue(i, 1, nCol);
else // Reduce Row
for(int i = 0; i < nCol; i++)
ret.setValue(1, i, nRow);
return ret;
private static AggregateUnaryOperator replaceKahnOperations(AggregateUnaryOperator op) {
if(op.aggOp.increOp.fn instanceof KahanPlus)
return new AggregateUnaryOperator(new AggregateOperator(0, Plus.getPlusFnObject()), op.indexFn,
return op;
private static void agg(CompressedMatrixBlock m, MatrixBlock o, AggregateUnaryOperator op, int blen,
MatrixIndexes indexesIn, boolean inCP) {
int k = op.getNumThreads();
// replace mean operation with plus.
AggregateUnaryOperator opm = (op.aggOp.increOp.fn instanceof Mean) ? new AggregateUnaryOperator(
new AggregateOperator(0, Plus.getPlusFnObject()), op.indexFn) : op;
if(isValidForParallelProcessing(m, op))
aggregateInParallel(m, o, opm, k);
else {
final int nRows = m.getNumRows();
final int nCol = m.getNumColumns();
final double[] ret = o.getDenseBlockValues();
final List<AColGroup> groups = m.getColGroups();
if(op.indexFn instanceof ReduceCol)
agg(opm, groups, ret, nRows, 0, nRows, nCol, getPreAgg(opm, groups));
agg(opm, groups, ret, nRows, 0, nRows, nCol, null);
if(op.aggOp.increOp.fn instanceof Mean)
divideByNumberOfCellsForMean(m, o, op.indexFn);
private static boolean isValidForParallelProcessing(CompressedMatrixBlock m1, AggregateUnaryOperator op) {
return op.getNumThreads() > 1 && ( m1.getColGroups().size() > 10 || m1.getExactSizeOnDisk() > MIN_PAR_AGG_THRESHOLD);
private static void aggregateInParallel(CompressedMatrixBlock m1, MatrixBlock ret, AggregateUnaryOperator op,
int k) {
final ExecutorService pool = CommonThreadPool.get(k);
final ArrayList<UnaryAggregateTask> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
final int r = m1.getNumRows();
final int c = m1.getNumColumns();
final List<AColGroup> colGroups = m1.getColGroups();
try {
// compute all compressed column groups
if(op.indexFn instanceof ReduceCol) {
final int blkz = CompressionSettings.BITMAP_BLOCK_SZ;
final int blklen = Math.max((int) Math.ceil((double) r / (k * 2)), blkz);
double[][] preAgg = getPreAgg(op, colGroups);
for(int i = 0; i < r; i += blklen)
tasks.add(new UnaryAggregateTask(colGroups, ret, r, i, Math.min(i + blklen, r), op, c, false, preAgg));
for(List<AColGroup> grp : createTaskPartition(colGroups, k))
tasks.add(new UnaryAggregateTask(grp, ret, r, 0, r, op, c, m1.isOverlapping(), null));
List<Future<MatrixBlock>> futures = pool.invokeAll(tasks);
reduceFutures(futures, ret, op, m1.isOverlapping());
catch(InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Aggregate In parallel failed.", e);
private static double[][] getPreAgg(AggregateUnaryOperator opm, List<AColGroup> groups) {
double[][] ret = new double[groups.size()][];
for(int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) {
AColGroup g = groups.get(i);
if(g instanceof AColGroupCompressed) {
ret[i] = ((AColGroupCompressed) g).preAggRows(opm.aggOp.increOp.fn);
return ret;
private static void sumResults(MatrixBlock ret, List<Future<MatrixBlock>> futures)
throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
double val = ret.quickGetValue(0, 0);
for(Future<MatrixBlock> rtask : futures) {
double tmp = rtask.get().quickGetValue(0, 0);
val += tmp;
ret.quickSetValue(0, 0, val);
private static void productResults(MatrixBlock ret, List<Future<MatrixBlock>> futures)
throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
double val = ret.quickGetValue(0, 0);
for(Future<MatrixBlock> rtask : futures) {
double tmp = rtask.get().quickGetValue(0, 0);
if(tmp == 0) {
ret.quickSetValue(0, 0, 0);
val *= tmp;
ret.quickSetValue(0, 0, val);
private static void aggregateResults(MatrixBlock ret, List<Future<MatrixBlock>> futures, AggregateUnaryOperator op)
throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
double val = ret.quickGetValue(0, 0);
for(Future<MatrixBlock> rtask : futures) {
double tmp = rtask.get().quickGetValue(0, 0);
val = op.aggOp.increOp.fn.execute(val, tmp);
ret.quickSetValue(0, 0, val);
private static void divideByNumberOfCellsForMean(CompressedMatrixBlock m1, MatrixBlock ret, IndexFunction idxFn) {
if(idxFn instanceof ReduceAll)
divideByNumberOfCellsForMeanAll(m1, ret);
else if(idxFn instanceof ReduceCol)
divideByNumberOfCellsForMeanRows(m1, ret);
else // ReduceRow
divideByNumberOfCellsForMeanCols(m1, ret);
private static void divideByNumberOfCellsForMeanRows(CompressedMatrixBlock m1, MatrixBlock ret) {
double[] values = ret.getDenseBlockValues();
for(int i = 0; i < m1.getNumRows(); i++)
values[i] = values[i] / m1.getNumColumns();
private static void divideByNumberOfCellsForMeanCols(CompressedMatrixBlock m1, MatrixBlock ret) {
double div = (double) m1.getNumRows();
if(ret.isInSparseFormat()) {
SparseBlock sb = ret.getSparseBlock();
double[] vals = sb.values(0);
for(int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++)
vals[i] /= div;
else {
double[] vals = ret.getDenseBlockValues();
for(int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++)
vals[i] /= div;
private static void divideByNumberOfCellsForMeanAll(CompressedMatrixBlock m1, MatrixBlock ret) {
ret.quickSetValue(0, 0, ret.quickGetValue(0, 0) / ((long) m1.getNumColumns() * (long) m1.getNumRows()));
private static void aggOverlapping(CompressedMatrixBlock m1, MatrixBlock ret, AggregateUnaryOperator op,
MatrixIndexes indexesIn, boolean inCP) {
try {
List<Future<MatrixBlock>> rtasks = generateUnaryAggregateOverlappingFutures(m1, ret, op);
reduceFutures(rtasks, ret, op, true);
catch(InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
throw new DMLCompressionException("Error in Compressed Unary Aggregate", e);
private static void reduceFutures(List<Future<MatrixBlock>> futures, MatrixBlock ret, AggregateUnaryOperator op,
boolean overlapping) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
if(isReduceAll(ret, op.indexFn))
reduceAllFutures(futures, ret, op);
else if(op.indexFn instanceof ReduceRow && overlapping) {
final boolean isPlus = op.aggOp.increOp.fn instanceof KahanFunction || op.aggOp.increOp.fn instanceof Mean;
final BinaryOperator bop = isPlus ? new BinaryOperator(Plus.getPlusFnObject()) : op.aggOp.increOp;
for(Future<MatrixBlock> rtask : futures)
LibMatrixBincell.bincellOpInPlace(ret, rtask.get(), bop);
else // reduce cols just get the tasks done.
for(Future<MatrixBlock> rtask : futures)
private static boolean isReduceAll(MatrixBlock ret, IndexFunction idxFn) {
return idxFn instanceof ReduceAll || (ret.getNumColumns() == 1 && ret.getNumRows() == 1);
private static void reduceAllFutures(List<Future<MatrixBlock>> futures, MatrixBlock ret, AggregateUnaryOperator op)
throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
if(op.aggOp.increOp.fn instanceof Builtin)
aggregateResults(ret, futures, op);
else if(op.aggOp.increOp.fn instanceof Multiply)
productResults(ret, futures);
sumResults(ret, futures);
private static List<Future<MatrixBlock>> generateUnaryAggregateOverlappingFutures(CompressedMatrixBlock m1,
MatrixBlock ret, AggregateUnaryOperator op) throws InterruptedException {
final int k = op.getNumThreads();
final ExecutorService pool = CommonThreadPool.get(k);
final ArrayList<UAOverlappingTask> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
final int nCol = m1.getNumColumns();
final int nRow = m1.getNumRows();
final int blklen = Math.max(512, nRow / k);
final List<AColGroup> groups = m1.getColGroups();
final boolean shouldFilter = CLALibUtils.shouldPreFilter(groups);
if(shouldFilter) {
final double[] constV = new double[nCol];
final List<AColGroup> filteredGroups = CLALibUtils.filterGroups(groups, constV);
final AColGroup cRet = ColGroupConst.create(constV);
for(int i = 0; i < nRow; i += blklen)
tasks.add(new UAOverlappingTask(filteredGroups, ret, i, Math.min(i + blklen, nRow), op, nCol));
else {
for(int i = 0; i < nRow; i += blklen)
tasks.add(new UAOverlappingTask(groups, ret, i, Math.min(i + blklen, nRow), op, nCol));
List<Future<MatrixBlock>> futures = pool.invokeAll(tasks);
return futures;
private static List<List<AColGroup>> createTaskPartition(List<AColGroup> colGroups, int k) {
int numTasks = Math.min(k, colGroups.size());
List<List<AColGroup>> grpParts = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i = 0; i < numTasks; i++)
grpParts.add(new ArrayList<>());
int pos = 0;
for(AColGroup grp : colGroups) {
pos = (pos + 1) % numTasks;
return grpParts;
private static void agg(AggregateUnaryOperator op, List<AColGroup> groups, double[] ret, int nRows, int rl, int ru,
int numColumns, double[][] preAgg) {
if(op.indexFn instanceof ReduceCol)
aggRow(op, groups, ret, nRows, rl, ru, numColumns, preAgg);
aggColOrAll(op, groups, ret, nRows, rl, ru, numColumns);
private static void aggColOrAll(AggregateUnaryOperator op, List<AColGroup> groups, double[] ret, int nRows, int rl,
int ru, int numColumns) {
for(AColGroup grp : groups)
grp.unaryAggregateOperations(op, ret, nRows, rl, ru);
private static void aggRow(AggregateUnaryOperator op, List<AColGroup> groups, double[] ret, int nRows, int rl,
int ru, int numColumns, double[][] preAgg) {
for(int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) {
AColGroup grp = groups.get(i);
if(grp instanceof AColGroupCompressed)
((AColGroupCompressed) grp).unaryAggregateOperations(op, ret, nRows, rl, ru, preAgg[i]);
grp.unaryAggregateOperations(op, ret, nRows, rl, ru);
private static void fillStart(MatrixBlock in, MatrixBlock ret, AggregateUnaryOperator op) {
final ValueFunction fn = op.aggOp.increOp.fn;
if(fn instanceof Builtin) {
Double val = null;
switch(((Builtin) fn).getBuiltinCode()) {
case MAX:
case MIN:
if(val != null) {
if(fn instanceof Multiply) {
long nnz = in.getNonZeros();
long nc = (long) in.getNumRows() * in.getNumColumns();
boolean containsZero = nnz != nc;
if(op.indexFn instanceof ReduceAll)
ret.setValue(0, 0, containsZero ? 0 : 1);
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected static MatrixBlock genTmpReduceAllOrRow(MatrixBlock ret, AggregateUnaryOperator op) {
final int c = ret.getNumColumns();
MatrixBlock tmp = new MatrixBlock(1, c, false);
if(op.aggOp.increOp.fn instanceof Builtin || op.aggOp.increOp.fn instanceof Multiply)
System.arraycopy(ret.getDenseBlockValues(), 0, tmp.getDenseBlockValues(), 0, c);
return tmp;
private static class UnaryAggregateTask implements Callable<MatrixBlock> {
private final List<AColGroup> _groups;
private final int _nRows;
private final int _rl;
private final int _ru;
private final MatrixBlock _ret;
private final int _numColumns;
private final AggregateUnaryOperator _op;
private final boolean _overlapping;
private final double[][] _preAgg;
protected UnaryAggregateTask(List<AColGroup> groups, MatrixBlock ret, int nRows, int rl, int ru,
AggregateUnaryOperator op, int numColumns, boolean overlapping, double[][] preAgg) {
_groups = groups;
_op = op;
_nRows = nRows;
_rl = rl;
_ru = ru;
_numColumns = numColumns;
_preAgg = preAgg;
_ret = ret;
_overlapping = overlapping;
public MatrixBlock call() {
MatrixBlock ret = _ret;
final boolean overlappingRows = (_op.indexFn instanceof ReduceRow && _overlapping);
if(_op.indexFn instanceof ReduceAll || overlappingRows)
ret = genTmpReduceAllOrRow(ret, _op);
agg(_op, _groups, ret.getDenseBlockValues(), _nRows, _rl, _ru, _numColumns, _preAgg);
return ret;
private static class UAOverlappingTask implements Callable<MatrixBlock> {
private final List<AColGroup> _groups;
private final int _rl;
private final int _ru;
private final int _blklen;
private final MatrixBlock _ret;
private final AggregateUnaryOperator _op;
private final int _nCol;
protected UAOverlappingTask(List<AColGroup> filteredGroups, MatrixBlock ret, int rl, int ru,
AggregateUnaryOperator op, int nCol) {
_groups = filteredGroups;
_op = op;
_rl = rl;
_ru = ru;
_blklen = Math.max(65536 * 2 / ret.getNumColumns() / filteredGroups.size(), 64);
_ret = ret;
_nCol = nCol;
private MatrixBlock getTmp() {
MatrixBlock tmp = new MatrixBlock(Math.min(_ru - _rl, _blklen), _nCol, false);
return tmp;
private MatrixBlock decompressToTemp(MatrixBlock tmp, int rl, int ru, AIterator[] its) {
Timing time = new Timing(true);
DenseBlock db = tmp.getDenseBlock();
for(int i = 0; i < _groups.size(); i++) {
AColGroup g = _groups.get(i);
if(g instanceof ASDCZero)
((ASDCZero) g).decompressToDenseBlock(db, rl, ru, -rl, 0, its[i]);
g.decompressToDenseBlock(db, rl, ru, -rl, 0);
tmp.setNonZeros(rl + ru);
final double t = time.stop();
DMLCompressionStatistics.addDecompressToBlockTime(t, 1);
LOG.trace("decompressed block w/ k=" + 1 + " in " + t + "ms.");
return tmp;
public MatrixBlock call() {
MatrixBlock tmp = getTmp();
final ValueFunction fn = _op.aggOp.increOp.fn;
boolean isBinaryOp = false;
if(fn instanceof Builtin) {
final BuiltinCode b = ((Builtin) fn).getBuiltinCode();
isBinaryOp = b == BuiltinCode.MIN || b == BuiltinCode.MAX;
final AIterator[] its = new AIterator[_groups.size()];
// materialize initial iterators.
for(int i = 0; i < _groups.size(); i++)
if(_groups.get(i) instanceof ASDCZero)
its[i] = ((ASDCZero) _groups.get(i)).getIterator(_rl);
if(_op.indexFn instanceof ReduceCol) {
for(int r = _rl; r < _ru; r += _blklen) {
final int rbu = Math.min(r + _blklen, _ru);
tmp.reset(rbu - r, tmp.getNumColumns(), false);
decompressToTemp(tmp, r, rbu, its);
final MatrixBlock tmpR = tmp.prepareAggregateUnaryOutput(_op, null, 1000);
LibMatrixAgg.aggregateUnaryMatrix(tmp, tmpR, _op);
if(tmpR.isEmpty()) {
if(isBinaryOp) {
final double[] retValues = _ret.getDenseBlockValues();
final int s = r * _ret.getNumColumns();
final int e = rbu * _ret.getNumColumns();
Arrays.fill(retValues, s, e, 0);
else if(tmpR.isInSparseFormat()) {
throw new NotImplementedException(
"Not supported Sparse yet and it should be extremely unlikely/not happen. because we work with a single column here");
else {
// tmpR.sparseToDense();
final double[] retValues = _ret.getDenseBlockValues();
final double[] tmpRValues = tmpR.getDenseBlockValues();
final int currentIndex = r * _ret.getNumColumns();
final int length = rbu - r;
System.arraycopy(tmpRValues, 0, retValues, currentIndex, length);
return null;
else if(_op.indexFn instanceof ReduceAll) {
decompressToTemp(tmp, _rl, _ru, its);
MatrixBlock outputBlock = tmp.prepareAggregateUnaryOutput(_op, null, 1000);
LibMatrixAgg.aggregateUnaryMatrix(tmp, outputBlock, _op);
return outputBlock;
else { // reduce to rows.
decompressToTemp(tmp, _rl, _ru, its);
MatrixBlock outputBlock = tmp.prepareAggregateUnaryOutput(_op, null, 1000);
LibMatrixAgg.aggregateUnaryMatrix(tmp, outputBlock, _op);
return outputBlock;