blob: 7f483cee2b59c1a0bec6c07d3fc1a986d9bffe4e [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.estim;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.CompressionSettings;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.indexes.IColIndex;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.estim.encoding.EncodingFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.estim.encoding.IEncode;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.estim.sample.SampleEstimatorFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.stat.Timing;
* Estimate compression size based on subsample of data.
public class ComEstSample extends AComEst {
/** Sample extracted from the input data */
private final MatrixBlock _sample;
/** Parallelization degree */
private final int _k;
/** Sample size */
private final int _sampleSize;
/** Boolean specifying if the sample is in transposed format. */
private boolean _transposed;
* CompressedSizeEstimatorSample, samples from the input data and estimates the size of the compressed matrix.
* @param data The input data toSample from
* @param cs The Settings used for the sampling, and compression, contains information such as seed.
* @param sampleSize The size to sample from the data.
* @param k The parallelization degree allowed.
public ComEstSample(MatrixBlock data, CompressionSettings cs, int sampleSize, int k) {
super(data, cs);
_k = k;
_sampleSize = sampleSize;
_transposed = _cs.transposed;
if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
Timing time = new Timing(true);
_sample = sampleData(sampleSize);
LOG.debug("Sampling time: " + time.stop());
_sample = sampleData(sampleSize);
public CompressedSizeInfoColGroup getColGroupInfo(IColIndex colIndexes, int estimate, int maxDistinct) {
if(_data.isEmpty() || (nnzCols != null && colIndexes.size() == 1 && nnzCols[colIndexes.get(0)] == 0) ||
(_cs.transposed && colIndexes.size() == 1 && _data.isInSparseFormat() &&
return new CompressedSizeInfoColGroup(colIndexes, getNumRows());
final IEncode map = EncodingFactory.createFromMatrixBlock(_sample, _transposed, colIndexes);
return extractInfo(map, colIndexes, maxDistinct);
public CompressedSizeInfoColGroup getDeltaColGroupInfo(IColIndex colIndexes, int estimate, int maxDistinct) {
// Don't use sample when doing estimation of delta encoding, instead we read from the start of the matrix until
// sample size. This guarantees that the delta values are actually represented in the full compression
final IEncode map = EncodingFactory.createFromMatrixBlockDelta(_data, _transposed, colIndexes, _sampleSize);
return extractInfo(map, colIndexes, maxDistinct);
protected int worstCaseUpperBound(IColIndex columns) {
if(getNumColumns() == columns.size())
return Math.min(getNumRows(), (int) _data.getNonZeros());
return getNumRows();
protected CompressedSizeInfoColGroup combine(IColIndex combinedColumns, CompressedSizeInfoColGroup g1,
CompressedSizeInfoColGroup g2, int maxDistinct) {
final IEncode map = g1.getMap().combine(g2.getMap());
return extractInfo(map, combinedColumns, maxDistinct);
private CompressedSizeInfoColGroup extractInfo(IEncode map, IColIndex colIndexes, int maxDistinct) {
final double spar = _data.getSparsity();
final EstimationFactors sampleFacts = map.extractFacts(_sampleSize, spar, spar, _cs);
final EstimationFactors em = scaleFactors(sampleFacts, colIndexes, maxDistinct, map.isDense());
return new CompressedSizeInfoColGroup(colIndexes, em, _cs.validCompressions, map);
private EstimationFactors scaleFactors(EstimationFactors sampleFacts, IColIndex colIndexes, int maxDistinct,
boolean dense) {
final int numRows = getNumRows();
final int nCol = colIndexes.size();
final double scalingFactor = (double) numRows / _sampleSize;
final long nnz = calculateNNZ(colIndexes, scalingFactor);
final int numOffs = calculateOffs(sampleFacts, numRows, scalingFactor, colIndexes, (int) nnz);
final int estDistinct = distinctCountScale(sampleFacts, numOffs, numRows, maxDistinct, dense, nCol);
// calculate the largest instance count.
final int maxLargestInstanceCount = numRows - estDistinct + 1;
final int scaledLargestInstanceCount = sampleFacts.largestOff < 0 ? numOffs /
estDistinct : (int) Math.floor(sampleFacts.largestOff * scalingFactor);
final int mostFrequentOffsetCount = Math.max(Math.min(maxLargestInstanceCount, scaledLargestInstanceCount),
numRows - numOffs);
final double overallSparsity = calculateSparsity(colIndexes, nnz, scalingFactor, sampleFacts.overAllSparsity);
// For robustness safety add 10 percent more tuple sparsity
final double tupleSparsity = Math.min(overallSparsity * 1.3, 1.0); // increase sparsity by 30%.
if(_cs.isRLEAllowed()) {
final int scaledRuns = Math.max(estDistinct, calculateRuns(sampleFacts, scalingFactor, numOffs, estDistinct));
return new EstimationFactors(estDistinct, numOffs, mostFrequentOffsetCount, sampleFacts.frequencies,
sampleFacts.numSingle, numRows, scaledRuns, sampleFacts.lossy, sampleFacts.zeroIsMostFrequent,
overallSparsity, tupleSparsity);
return new EstimationFactors(estDistinct, numOffs, mostFrequentOffsetCount, sampleFacts.frequencies,
sampleFacts.numSingle, numRows, sampleFacts.lossy, sampleFacts.zeroIsMostFrequent, overallSparsity,
private int distinctCountScale(EstimationFactors sampleFacts, int numOffs, int numRows, int maxDistinct,
boolean dense, int nCol) {
// the frequencies of non empty entries.
final int[] freq = sampleFacts.frequencies;
if(freq == null || freq.length == 0)
return numOffs; // very aggressive number of distinct
// sampled size is smaller than actual if there was empty rows.
// and the more we can reduce this value the more accurate the estimation will become.
final int sampledSize = sampleFacts.numOffs;
int est = SampleEstimatorFactory.distinctCount(freq, dense ? numRows : numOffs, sampledSize, _cs.estimationType);
if(est > 10000)
est += est * 0.5;
if(nCol > 4) // Increase estimate if we get into many columns cocoding to be safe
est += ((double) est) * ((double) nCol) / 10;
// Bound the estimate with the maxDistinct.
return Math.max(Math.min(est, Math.min(maxDistinct, numOffs)), 1);
private int calculateOffs(EstimationFactors sampleFacts, int numRows, double scalingFactor, IColIndex colIndexes,
int nnz) {
if(getNumColumns() == 1)
return nnz;
else if(nnzCols != null) {
if(colIndexes.size() == 1)
return nnzCols[colIndexes.get(0)];
else {
final int emptyTuples = sampleFacts.numRows - sampleFacts.numOffs;
final int estOffs = numRows - (int) Math.floor(emptyTuples * scalingFactor);
return Math.min(nnz, estOffs);
else {
final int emptyTuples = sampleFacts.numRows - sampleFacts.numOffs;
return numRows - (int) Math.floor(emptyTuples * scalingFactor);
private int calculateRuns(EstimationFactors sampleFacts, double scalingFactor, int estOffs, int estDistinct) {
// naive approach.
final double nRunsInSample = sampleFacts.numRuns;
double numRuns = 0;
// process frequency maps.
// if(sampleFacts.frequencies != null) {
// for(int freq : sampleFacts.frequencies) {
// double dFreq = freq;
// double offsetRatio = dFreq / _sampleSize;
// double avgOffsetsThisValue = dFreq * scalingFactor;
// if(offsetRatio < 1) {
// // Assuming uniform distribution and this value is very rare.
// // Assume worst case of all unique runs for this value.
// numRuns += avgOffsetsThisValue;
// }
// else {
// // In the case where we know guaranteed runs because ratio is above 1 we slack the conditions.
// // saying we have runs based on the ratio of a specific offset is present.
// numRuns += dFreq / offsetRatio * scalingFactor;
// }
// }
// }
// numRuns = Math.max(numRuns, nRunsInSample * scalingFactor); // minimum estimate sample runs scaling up.
double sampleToRunRatio = nRunsInSample / sampleFacts.numVals;
double sampleSizeToRunRatio = nRunsInSample / _sampleSize;
numRuns = (sampleToRunRatio <= 1.1 && sampleSizeToRunRatio < 0.5) ? // decide estimation model
sampleToRunRatio * estDistinct : // run per value in sample scale to larger
nRunsInSample * scalingFactor; // simply scale num runs
// With an estimated num runs, we now bound it.
numRuns = Math.min(numRuns, estOffs); // max number of runs equal to estimated offsets
numRuns = Math.max(numRuns, estDistinct); // minimum number of distinct
numRuns = Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Math.ceil(numRuns));
return (int) numRuns;
private double calculateSparsity(IColIndex colIndexes, long nnz, double scalingFactor, double sampleValue) {
if(colIndexes.size() == getNumColumns())
return _data.getSparsity();
else if(nnzCols != null || (_cs.transposed && _data.isInSparseFormat()) ||
(_transposed && _sample.isInSparseFormat()))
return (double) nnz / (getNumRows() * colIndexes.size());
else if(_sample.isEmpty())
// Make a semi safe bet of using the data input sparsity if the sample was empty.
return _data.getSparsity();
return sampleValue;
private long calculateNNZ(IColIndex colIndexes, double scalingFactor) {
if(colIndexes.size() == getNumColumns())
return _data.getNonZeros();
else if(_cs.transposed && _data.isInSparseFormat()) {
// Use exact if possible
long nnzCount = 0;
SparseBlock sb = _data.getSparseBlock();
for(int i = 0; i < colIndexes.size(); i++)
nnzCount += sb.get(i).size();
return nnzCount;
else if(nnzCols != null) {
long nnz = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < colIndexes.size(); i++)
nnz += nnzCols[colIndexes.get(i)];
return nnz;
else if(_sample.isEmpty())
return 0;
else if(_transposed && _sample.isInSparseFormat()) {
// Fallback to the sample if original is not transposed
long nnzCount = 0;
SparseBlock sb = _sample.getSparseBlock();
for(int i = 0; i < colIndexes.size(); i++)
nnzCount += sb.get(i).size() * scalingFactor;
// add one to make sure that Uncompressed columns are considered as containing at least one value.
if(nnzCount == 0)
nnzCount += colIndexes.size();
return nnzCount;
// if all others aren't available use the samples value.
return _sample.getNonZeros();
public static int[] getSortedSample(int range, int sampleSize, long seed, int k) {
// set meta data and allocate dense block
final int[] a = new int[sampleSize];
Random r = new Random(seed);
// reservoir sampling
for(int i = 0; i < sampleSize; i++)
a[i] = i;
for(int i = sampleSize; i < range; i++)
if(r.nextInt(i) < sampleSize)
a[r.nextInt(sampleSize)] = i;
if(range / 100 < sampleSize) {
// randomize the sample (Algorithm P from Knuth's ACP)
// needed especially when the difference between range and sampleSize is small)
for(int i = 0; i < sampleSize - 1; i++) {
// generate index in i <= j < sampleSize
int j = r.nextInt(sampleSize - i) + i;
// swap i^th and j^th entry
int tmp = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = tmp;
// Sort the sample
if(k > 1)
return a;
private MatrixBlock sampleData(int sampleSize) {
final int[] sampleRows = ComEstSample.getSortedSample(getNumRows(), sampleSize, _cs.seed, _k);
MatrixBlock sampledMatrixBlock;
if(!_cs.transposed) {
sampledMatrixBlock = sparseNotTransposedSamplePath(sampleRows);
sampledMatrixBlock = denseSamplePath(sampleRows);
sampledMatrixBlock = defaultSlowSamplingPath(sampleRows);
return sampledMatrixBlock;
private MatrixBlock sparseNotTransposedSamplePath(int[] sampleRows) {
MatrixBlock res = new MatrixBlock(sampleRows.length, _data.getNumColumns(), true);
SparseRow[] rows = new SparseRow[sampleRows.length];
SparseBlock in = _data.getSparseBlock();
for(int i = 0; i < sampleRows.length; i++)
rows[i] = in.get(sampleRows[i]);
res.setSparseBlock(new SparseBlockMCSR(rows, false));
_transposed = true;
res = LibMatrixReorg.transposeInPlace(res, _k);
return res;
private MatrixBlock defaultSlowSamplingPath(int[] sampleRows) {
MatrixBlock select = (_cs.transposed) ? new MatrixBlock(_data.getNumColumns(), 1,
false) : new MatrixBlock(_data.getNumRows(), 1, false);
for(int i = 0; i < sampleRows.length; i++)
select.appendValue(sampleRows[i], 0, 1);
MatrixBlock ret = _data.removeEmptyOperations(new MatrixBlock(), !_cs.transposed, true, select);
return ret;
private MatrixBlock denseSamplePath(int[] sampleRows) {
final int sampleSize = sampleRows.length;
final double sampleRatio = _cs.transposed ? (double) _data.getNumColumns() /
sampleSize : (double) _data.getNumRows() / sampleSize;
final long inputNonZeros = _data.getNonZeros();
final long estimatedNonZerosInSample = (long) Math.ceil((double) inputNonZeros / sampleRatio);
final int resRows = _cs.transposed ? _data.getNumRows() : _data.getNumColumns();
final long nCellsInSample = (long) sampleSize * resRows;
final boolean shouldBeSparseSample = 0.4 > (double) estimatedNonZerosInSample / nCellsInSample;
MatrixBlock res = new MatrixBlock(resRows, sampleSize, shouldBeSparseSample);
final DenseBlock inb = _data.getDenseBlock();
if(res.isInSparseFormat()) {
final SparseBlock resb = res.getSparseBlock();
final SparseBlockMCSR resbmcsr = (SparseBlockMCSR) resb;
final int estimatedNrDoublesEachRow = (int) Math.max(4, Math.ceil(estimatedNonZerosInSample / sampleSize));
for(int col = 0; col < resRows; col++)
resbmcsr.allocate(col, estimatedNrDoublesEachRow);
for(int row = 0; row < sampleSize; row++) {
final int inRow = sampleRows[row];
final double[] inBlockV = inb.values(inRow);
final int offIn = inb.pos(inRow);
for(int col = 0; col < resRows; col++) {
final SparseRow srow = resbmcsr.get(col);
srow.append(row, inBlockV[offIn + col]);
else {
final DenseBlock resb = res.getDenseBlock();
for(int row = 0; row < sampleSize; row++) {
final int inRow = sampleRows[row];
final double[] inBlockV = inb.values(inRow);
final int offIn = inb.pos(inRow);
for(int col = 0; col < resRows; col++) {
final double[] blockV = resb.values(col);
blockV[col * sampleSize + row] = inBlockV[offIn + col];
_transposed = true;
return res;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" sampleSize: ");
sb.append(" transposed: ");
return sb.toString();