blob: d2e7b549d87aa62fada69a88a1788123996103a8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.DMLCompressionException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.dictionary.ADictionary;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.dictionary.Dictionary;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.dictionary.DictionaryFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.indexes.ColIndexFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.indexes.IColIndex;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.mapping.AMapToData;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.mapping.MapToFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.offset.AIterator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.offset.AOffset;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.offset.AOffset.OffsetSliceInfo;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.offset.OffsetFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.scheme.ICLAScheme;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.cost.ComputationCostEstimator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.estim.encoding.EncodingFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.estim.encoding.IEncode;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.Builtin;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.Divide;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.Minus;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.Multiply;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.Plus;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.CM_COV_Object;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.BinaryOperator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.CMOperator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.ScalarOperator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.UnaryOperator;
* ColGroup for Patched Frame Of Reference.
* This column group fits perfectly into the collection of compression groups
* It can be constructed when a SDCZeros group get a non zero default value. Then a natural extension is to transform
* the group into a PFOR group, since the default value is then treated as an offset, and the dictionary can be copied
* with no modifications.
public class ColGroupSDCFOR extends ASDC implements IMapToDataGroup , IFrameOfReferenceGroup{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3883228464052204203L;
/** Pointers to row indexes in the dictionary. */
protected final AMapToData _data;
/** Reference values in this column group */
protected final double[] _reference;
private ColGroupSDCFOR(IColIndex colIndices, int numRows, ADictionary dict, AOffset indexes, AMapToData data,
int[] cachedCounts, double[] reference) {
super(colIndices, numRows, dict, indexes, cachedCounts);
// allow for now 1 data unique.
if(data.getUnique() == 1)
LOG.warn("SDCFor unique is 1, indicate it should have been SDCSingle please add support");
else if(data.getUnique() != dict.getNumberOfValues(colIndices.size()))
throw new DMLCompressionException("Invalid construction of SDCZero group");
_data = data;
_reference = reference;
public static AColGroup create(IColIndex colIndexes, int numRows, ADictionary dict, AOffset offsets, AMapToData data,
int[] cachedCounts, double[] reference) {
final boolean allZero = ColGroupUtils.allZero(reference);
if(allZero && dict == null)
return new ColGroupEmpty(colIndexes);
else if(dict == null)
return ColGroupConst.create(colIndexes, reference);
else if(allZero)
return ColGroupSDCZeros.create(colIndexes, numRows, dict, offsets, data, cachedCounts);
// else if(data.getUnique() == 1){
// TODO add support for changing to SDCSINGLE.
// }
return new ColGroupSDCFOR(colIndexes, numRows, dict, offsets, data, cachedCounts, reference);
public static AColGroup sparsifyFOR(ColGroupSDC g) {
// subtract default.
final double[] constV = ((ColGroupSDC) g)._defaultTuple;
final AColGroupValue clg = (AColGroupValue) g.subtractDefaultTuple();
return create(g.getColIndices(), g._numRows, clg._dict, g._indexes, g._data, g.getCachedCounts(), constV);
public CompressionType getCompType() {
return CompressionType.SDCFOR;
public ColGroupType getColGroupType() {
return ColGroupType.SDCFOR;
public double[] getDefaultTuple() {
return _reference;
public int[] getCounts(int[] counts) {
return _data.getCounts(counts);
public AMapToData getMapToData() {
return _data;
protected void computeRowSums(double[] c, int rl, int ru, double[] preAgg) {
ColGroupSDC.computeRowSums(c, rl, ru, preAgg, _data, _indexes, _numRows);
protected void computeRowMxx(double[] c, Builtin builtin, int rl, int ru, double[] preAgg) {
ColGroupSDC.computeRowMxx(c, builtin, rl, ru, preAgg, _data, _indexes, _numRows, preAgg[preAgg.length - 1]);
public double getIdx(int r, int colIdx) {
final AIterator it = _indexes.getIterator(r);
if(it == null || it.value() != r)
return _reference[colIdx];
return _dict.getValue(_data.getIndex(it.getDataIndex()), colIdx, _colIndexes.size()) + _reference[colIdx];
public AColGroup scalarOperation(ScalarOperator op) {
final double[] newRef = new double[_reference.length];
for(int i = 0; i < _reference.length; i++)
newRef[i] = op.executeScalar(_reference[i]);
if(op.fn instanceof Plus || op.fn instanceof Minus)
return create(_colIndexes, _numRows, _dict, _indexes, _data, getCachedCounts(), newRef);
else if(op.fn instanceof Multiply || op.fn instanceof Divide) {
final ADictionary newDict = _dict.applyScalarOp(op);
return create(_colIndexes, _numRows, newDict, _indexes, _data, getCachedCounts(), newRef);
else {
final ADictionary newDict = _dict.applyScalarOpWithReference(op, _reference, newRef);
return create(_colIndexes, _numRows, newDict, _indexes, _data, getCachedCounts(), newRef);
public AColGroup unaryOperation(UnaryOperator op) {
final double[] newRef = ColGroupUtils.unaryOperator(op, _reference);
final ADictionary newDict = _dict.applyUnaryOpWithReference(op, _reference, newRef);
return create(_colIndexes, _numRows, newDict, _indexes, _data, getCachedCounts(), newRef);
public AColGroup binaryRowOpLeft(BinaryOperator op, double[] v, boolean isRowSafe) {
final double[] newRef = new double[_reference.length];
for(int i = 0; i < _reference.length; i++)
newRef[i] = op.fn.execute(v[_colIndexes.get(i)], _reference[i]);
if(op.fn instanceof Plus || op.fn instanceof Minus) // only edit reference
return create(_colIndexes, _numRows, _dict, _indexes, _data, getCachedCounts(), newRef);
else if(op.fn instanceof Multiply || op.fn instanceof Divide) {
// possible to simply process on dict and keep reference
final ADictionary newDict = _dict.binOpLeft(op, v, _colIndexes);
return create(_colIndexes, _numRows, newDict, _indexes, _data, getCachedCounts(), newRef);
else { // have to apply reference while processing
final ADictionary newDict = _dict.binOpLeftWithReference(op, v, _colIndexes, _reference, newRef);
return create(_colIndexes, _numRows, newDict, _indexes, _data, getCachedCounts(), newRef);
public AColGroup binaryRowOpRight(BinaryOperator op, double[] v, boolean isRowSafe) {
final double[] newRef = new double[_reference.length];
for(int i = 0; i < _reference.length; i++)
newRef[i] = op.fn.execute(_reference[i], v[_colIndexes.get(i)]);
if(op.fn instanceof Plus || op.fn instanceof Minus)// only edit reference
return create(_colIndexes, _numRows, _dict, _indexes, _data, getCachedCounts(), newRef);
else if(op.fn instanceof Multiply || op.fn instanceof Divide) {
// possible to simply process on dict and keep reference
final ADictionary newDict = _dict.binOpRight(op, v, _colIndexes);
return create(_colIndexes, _numRows, newDict, _indexes, _data, getCachedCounts(), newRef);
else { // have to apply reference while processing
final ADictionary newDict = _dict.binOpRightWithReference(op, v, _colIndexes, _reference, newRef);
return create(_colIndexes, _numRows, newDict, _indexes, _data, getCachedCounts(), newRef);
public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
for(double d : _reference)
public static ColGroupSDCFOR read(DataInput in, int nRows) throws IOException {
IColIndex cols =;
ADictionary dict =;
AOffset indexes = OffsetFactory.readIn(in);
AMapToData data = MapToFactory.readIn(in);
double[] reference = ColGroupIO.readDoubleArray(cols.size(), in);
return new ColGroupSDCFOR(cols, nRows, dict, indexes, data, null, reference);
public long getExactSizeOnDisk() {
long ret = super.getExactSizeOnDisk();
ret += _data.getExactSizeOnDisk();
ret += _indexes.getExactSizeOnDisk();
ret += 8 * _colIndexes.size(); // reference values.
return ret;
public long estimateInMemorySize() {
long size = super.estimateInMemorySize();
size += _indexes.getInMemorySize();
size += _data.getInMemorySize();
size += 8 * _colIndexes.size();
return size;
public AColGroup replace(double pattern, double replace) {
final ADictionary newDict = _dict.replaceWithReference(pattern, replace, _reference);
boolean patternInReference = false;
for(double d : _reference)
if(pattern == d) {
patternInReference = true;
if(patternInReference) {
double[] nRef = new double[_reference.length];
for(int i = 0; i < _reference.length; i++)
if(pattern == _reference[i])
nRef[i] = replace;
nRef[i] = _reference[i];
return create(_colIndexes, _numRows, newDict, _indexes, _data, getCachedCounts(), nRef);
return create(_colIndexes, _numRows, newDict, _indexes, _data, getCachedCounts(), _reference);
protected double computeMxx(double c, Builtin builtin) {
return _dict.aggregateWithReference(c, builtin, _reference, true);
protected void computeColMxx(double[] c, Builtin builtin) {
_dict.aggregateColsWithReference(c, builtin, _colIndexes, _reference, true);
protected void computeSum(double[] c, int nRows) {
// trick, use normal sum
super.computeSum(c, nRows);
// and add all sum of reference multiplied with nrows.
final double refSum = ColGroupUtils.refSum(_reference);
c[0] += refSum * nRows;
public void computeColSums(double[] c, int nRows) {
// trick, use normal sum
super.computeColSums(c, nRows);
// and add reference multiplied with number of rows.
for(int i = 0; i < _colIndexes.size(); i++)
c[_colIndexes.get(i)] += _reference[i] * nRows;
protected void computeSumSq(double[] c, int nRows) {
// square sum the dictionary.
c[0] += _dict.sumSqWithReference(getCounts(), _reference);
final double refSum = ColGroupUtils.refSumSq(_reference);
// Square sum of the reference values only for the rows that is not represented in the Offsets.
c[0] += refSum * (_numRows - _data.size());
protected void computeColSumsSq(double[] c, int nRows) {
// square sum the dictionary
_dict.colSumSqWithReference(c, getCounts(), _colIndexes, _reference);
// Square sum of the reference values only for the rows that is not represented in the Offsets.
for(int i = 0; i < _colIndexes.size(); i++) // correct for the reference sum.
c[_colIndexes.get(i)] += _reference[i] * _reference[i] * (_numRows - _data.size());
protected double[] preAggSumRows() {
return _dict.sumAllRowsToDoubleWithReference(_reference);
protected double[] preAggSumSqRows() {
return _dict.sumAllRowsToDoubleSqWithReference(_reference);
protected double[] preAggProductRows() {
return _dict.productAllRowsToDoubleWithReference(_reference);
protected double[] preAggBuiltinRows(Builtin builtin) {
return _dict.aggregateRowsWithReference(builtin, _reference);
protected void computeProduct(double[] c, int nRows) {
final int count = _numRows - _data.size();
_dict.productWithReference(c, getCounts(), _reference, count);
protected void computeRowProduct(double[] c, int rl, int ru, double[] preAgg) {
ColGroupSDC.computeRowProduct(c, rl, ru, preAgg, _data, _indexes, _numRows);
protected void computeColProduct(double[] c, int nRows) {
_dict.colProductWithReference(c, getCounts(), _colIndexes, _reference);
final int count = _numRows - _data.size();
for(int x = 0; x < _colIndexes.size(); x++) {
double v = c[_colIndexes.get(x)];
c[_colIndexes.get(x)] = v != 0 ? v * Math.pow(_reference[x], count) : 0;
protected AColGroup sliceMultiColumns(int idStart, int idEnd, IColIndex outputCols) {
ADictionary retDict = _dict.sliceOutColumnRange(idStart, idEnd, _colIndexes.size());
final double[] newDef = new double[idEnd - idStart];
for(int i = idStart, j = 0; i < idEnd; i++, j++)
newDef[j] = _reference[i];
return create(outputCols, _numRows, retDict, _indexes, _data, getCounts(), newDef);
protected AColGroup sliceSingleColumn(int idx) {
final IColIndex retIndexes = ColIndexFactory.create(1);
if(_colIndexes.size() == 1) // early abort, only single column already.
return create(retIndexes, _numRows, _dict, _indexes, _data, getCounts(), _reference);
final double[] newDef = new double[] {_reference[idx]};
final ADictionary retDict = _dict.sliceOutColumnRange(idx, idx + 1, _colIndexes.size());
return create(retIndexes, _numRows, retDict, _indexes, _data, getCounts(), newDef);
public boolean containsValue(double pattern) {
if(Double.isNaN(pattern) || Double.isInfinite(pattern))
return ColGroupUtils.containsInfOrNan(pattern, _reference) || _dict.containsValue(pattern);
else {
// if the value is in reference then return true.
for(double v : _reference)
if(v == pattern)
return true;
return _dict.containsValueWithReference(pattern, _reference);
public long getNumberNonZeros(int nRows) {
final int[] counts = getCounts();
final int count = _numRows - _data.size();
long c = _dict.getNumberNonZerosWithReference(counts, _reference, nRows);
for(int x = 0; x < _colIndexes.size(); x++)
c += _reference[x] != 0 ? count : 0;
return c;
public AColGroup extractCommon(double[] constV) {
for(int i = 0; i < _colIndexes.size(); i++)
constV[_colIndexes.get(i)] += _reference[i];
return ColGroupSDCZeros.create(_colIndexes, _numRows, _dict, _indexes, _data, getCounts());
public AColGroup rexpandCols(int max, boolean ignore, boolean cast, int nRows) {
ADictionary d = _dict.rexpandColsWithReference(max, ignore, cast, (int) _reference[0]);
return ColGroupSDC.rexpandCols(max, ignore, cast, nRows, d, _indexes, _data, getCachedCounts(),
(int) _reference[0]);
public CM_COV_Object centralMoment(CMOperator op, int nRows) {
// should be guaranteed to be one column therefore only one reference value.
return _dict.centralMomentWithReference(op.fn, getCounts(), _reference[0], nRows);
public double getCost(ComputationCostEstimator e, int nRows) {
final int nVals = getNumValues();
final int nCols = getNumCols();
final int nRowsScanned = _data.size();
return e.getCost(nRows, nRowsScanned, nCols, nVals, _dict.getSparsity());
public double[] getCommon() {
return _reference;
protected AColGroup allocateRightMultiplicationCommon(double[] common, IColIndex colIndexes, ADictionary preAgg) {
return create(colIndexes, _numRows, preAgg, _indexes, _data, getCachedCounts(), common);
public AColGroup sliceRows(int rl, int ru) {
OffsetSliceInfo off = _indexes.slice(rl, ru);
if(off.lIndex == -1)
return ColGroupConst.create(_colIndexes, Dictionary.create(_reference));
AMapToData newData = _data.slice(off.lIndex, off.uIndex);
return create(_colIndexes, ru - rl, _dict, off.offsetSlice, newData, null, _reference);
protected AColGroup copyAndSet(IColIndex colIndexes, ADictionary newDictionary) {
return create(colIndexes, _numRows, newDictionary, _indexes, _data, getCachedCounts(), _reference);
public AColGroup append(AColGroup g) {
return null;
public AColGroup appendNInternal(AColGroup[] g) {
int sumRows = getNumRows();
for(int i = 1; i < g.length; i++) {
if(!_colIndexes.equals(g[i]._colIndexes)) {
LOG.warn("Not same columns therefore not appending \n" + _colIndexes + "\n\n" + g[i]._colIndexes);
return null;
if(!(g[i] instanceof ColGroupSDCFOR)) {
LOG.warn("Not SDCFOR but " + g[i].getClass().getSimpleName());
return null;
final ColGroupSDCFOR gc = (ColGroupSDCFOR) g[i];
if(!gc._dict.equals(_dict)) {
LOG.warn("Not same Dictionaries therefore not appending \n" + _dict + "\n\n" + gc._dict);
return null;
sumRows += gc.getNumRows();
AMapToData nd = _data.appendN(Arrays.copyOf(g, g.length, IMapToDataGroup[].class));
AOffset no = _indexes.appendN(Arrays.copyOf(g, g.length, AOffsetsGroup[].class), getNumRows());
return create(_colIndexes, sumRows, _dict, no, nd, null, _reference);
public ICLAScheme getCompressionScheme() {
return null;
public AColGroup recompress() {
return this;
public IEncode getEncoding() {
return EncodingFactory.create(_data, _indexes, _numRows);
public boolean sameIndexStructure(AColGroupCompressed that) {
if(that instanceof ColGroupSDCFOR) {
ColGroupSDCFOR th = (ColGroupSDCFOR) that;
return th._indexes == _indexes && th._data == _data;
return false;
protected AColGroup fixColIndexes(IColIndex newColIndex, int[] reordering) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
public int getNumberOffsets() {
return _data.size();
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(String.format("\n%15s", "Indexes: "));
sb.append(String.format("\n%15s", "Data: "));
sb.append(String.format("\n%15s", "Reference:"));
return sb.toString();