blob: e950c22714c9e855b091c14fcb327c3052c341d5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.sysds.runtime.privacy;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.DataExpression;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.privacy.finegrained.DataRange;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.privacy.finegrained.FineGrainedPrivacy;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.privacy.finegrained.FineGrainedPrivacyList;
import org.apache.wink.json4j.JSONArray;
import org.apache.wink.json4j.JSONException;
import org.apache.wink.json4j.JSONObject;
import org.apache.wink.json4j.OrderedJSONObject;
* PrivacyConstraint holds all privacy constraints for data in the system at
* compile time and runtime.
public class PrivacyConstraint implements Externalizable
public enum PrivacyLevel {
None, // No data exchange constraints. Data can be shared with anyone.
Private, // Data cannot leave the origin.
PrivateAggregation // Only aggregations of the data can leave the origin.
protected PrivacyLevel privacyLevel = PrivacyLevel.None;
protected FineGrainedPrivacy fineGrainedPrivacy;
* Basic Constructor with a fine-grained collection
* based on a list implementation.
public PrivacyConstraint(){
this(new FineGrainedPrivacyList());
* Constructor with the option to choose between
* different fine-grained collection implementations.
* @param fineGrainedPrivacyCollection the instance in which fine-grained constraints are stored
public PrivacyConstraint(FineGrainedPrivacy fineGrainedPrivacyCollection){
* Constructor with default fine-grained collection implementation
* where the entire data object is set to the given privacy level.
* @param privacyLevel for the entire data object.
public PrivacyConstraint(PrivacyLevel privacyLevel) {
public void setPrivacyLevel(PrivacyLevel privacyLevel){
this.privacyLevel = privacyLevel;
public PrivacyLevel getPrivacyLevel(){
return privacyLevel;
* Checks if fine-grained privacy is set for this privacy constraint.
* @return true if the privacy constraint has fine-grained constraints.
public boolean hasFineGrainedConstraints(){
return fineGrainedPrivacy.hasConstraints();
* Sets fine-grained privacy for the privacy constraint.
* Existing fine-grained privacy collection will be overwritten.
* @param fineGrainedPrivacy fine-grained privacy instance which is set for the privacy constraint
public void setFineGrainedPrivacyConstraints(FineGrainedPrivacy fineGrainedPrivacy){
this.fineGrainedPrivacy = fineGrainedPrivacy;
* Get fine-grained privacy instance.
* @return fine-grained privacy instance
public FineGrainedPrivacy getFineGrainedPrivacy(){
return fineGrainedPrivacy;
* Return true if any of the elements has privacy level private
* @return true if any element has privacy level private
public boolean hasPrivateElements(){
if (privacyLevel == PrivacyLevel.Private) return true;
if ( hasFineGrainedConstraints() ){
DataRange[] dataRanges = fineGrainedPrivacy.getDataRangesOfPrivacyLevel(PrivacyLevel.Private);
return dataRanges != null && dataRanges.length > 0;
} else return false;
* Return true if any constraints have level Private or PrivateAggregate.
* @return true if any constraints have level Private or PrivateAggregate
public boolean hasConstraints(){
if ( privacyLevel != null &&
(privacyLevel == PrivacyLevel.Private || privacyLevel == PrivacyLevel.PrivateAggregation) )
return true;
else if ( hasFineGrainedConstraints() ){
DataRange[] privateRanges = fineGrainedPrivacy.getDataRangesOfPrivacyLevel(PrivacyLevel.Private);
DataRange[] aggregateRanges = fineGrainedPrivacy.getDataRangesOfPrivacyLevel(PrivacyLevel.PrivateAggregation);
return (privateRanges != null && privateRanges.length > 0)
|| (aggregateRanges != null && aggregateRanges.length > 0);
} else return false;
* Get privacy constraints and put them into JSON object.
* @param json JSON object in which the privacy constraints are put
* @return JSON object including the privacy constraints
* @throws JSONException in case of errors in creating JSON object
public JSONObject toJson(JSONObject json) throws JSONException {
if ( getPrivacyLevel() != null && getPrivacyLevel() != PrivacyLevel.None )
json.put(DataExpression.PRIVACY, getPrivacyLevel().name());
if ( hasFineGrainedConstraints() ) {
DataRange[] privateRanges = getFineGrainedPrivacy().getDataRangesOfPrivacyLevel(PrivacyLevel.Private);
JSONArray privateRangesJson = getJsonArray(privateRanges);
DataRange[] aggregateRanges = getFineGrainedPrivacy().getDataRangesOfPrivacyLevel(PrivacyLevel.PrivateAggregation);
JSONArray aggregateRangesJson = getJsonArray(aggregateRanges);
OrderedJSONObject rangesJson = new OrderedJSONObject();
rangesJson.put(, privateRangesJson);
rangesJson.put(, aggregateRangesJson);
json.put(DataExpression.FINE_GRAINED_PRIVACY, rangesJson);
return json;
private static JSONArray getJsonArray(DataRange[] ranges) throws JSONException {
JSONArray rangeObjects = new JSONArray();
for ( DataRange range : ranges ){
List<Long> rangeBegin =;
List<Long> rangeEnd =;
JSONArray beginJson = new JSONArray(rangeBegin);
JSONArray endJson = new JSONArray(rangeEnd);
JSONArray rangeObject = new JSONArray();
return rangeObjects;
public void readExternal(ObjectInput is) throws IOException {
this.privacyLevel = PrivacyLevel.values()[is.readInt()];
int fineGrainedConstraintLength = is.readInt();
if ( fineGrainedConstraintLength > 0 ){
for (int i = 0; i < fineGrainedConstraintLength; i++){
Integer levelIndex = (Integer) is.readInt();
PrivacyLevel rangePrivacy = PrivacyLevel.values()[levelIndex];
DataRange dataRange = readExternalDataRangeObject(is);
fineGrainedPrivacy.put(dataRange, rangePrivacy);
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput objectOutput) throws IOException {
if (fineGrainedPrivacy != null && fineGrainedPrivacy.hasConstraints()){
List<Entry<DataRange,PrivacyLevel>> finegrainedConstraints = fineGrainedPrivacy.getAllConstraintsList();
for ( Entry<DataRange,PrivacyLevel> constraint : finegrainedConstraints ) {
DataRange dataRange = constraint.getKey();
writeExternalRangeDim(objectOutput, dataRange.getBeginDims());
writeExternalRangeDim(objectOutput, dataRange.getEndDims());
else {
* Reads a DataRange from ObjectInput.
* @param is ObjectInput from which the DataRange is read
* @return DataRange from ObjectInput
* @throws IOException
private static DataRange readExternalDataRangeObject(ObjectInput is) throws IOException {
int dimLength = is.readInt();
long[] beginDims = readExternalDataRangeDim(is, dimLength);
long[] endDims = readExternalDataRangeDim(is, dimLength);
return new DataRange(beginDims, endDims);
* Read a long array of the specified length from object input.
* @param is ObjectInput from which the long array is read
* @param dimLength length of input long array
* @return the input array as a long array
* @throws IOException
private static long[] readExternalDataRangeDim(ObjectInput is, int dimLength) throws IOException {
long[] dims = new long[dimLength];
for(int i = 0; i < dimLength; i++){
dims[i] = is.readLong();
return dims;
* Write the long array to ObjectOutput.
* @param objectOutput ObjectOutput in which the long array is written.
* @param rangeDim long array to write in ObjectOutput.
* @throws IOException
private static void writeExternalRangeDim(ObjectOutput objectOutput, long[] rangeDim) throws IOException {
for ( long beginIndex : rangeDim ){
public boolean equals(Object other){
if ( other instanceof PrivacyConstraint ){
PrivacyConstraint otherPrivacyConstraint = (PrivacyConstraint) other;
return otherPrivacyConstraint.privacyLevel == privacyLevel
&& otherPrivacyConstraint.getFineGrainedPrivacy().equals(fineGrainedPrivacy);
} else return false;
public String toString(){
return "General privacy level: " + privacyLevel + System.getProperty("line.separator")
+ "Fine-grained privacy level: " + fineGrainedPrivacy.toString();