blob: 43f4120e5fa88e0119085ffe73d5bd2083271987 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# MNIST LeNet - Train
# This script trains a convolutional net using the "LeNet" architecture
# on generated dummy data using distributed synchronous SGD. This is
# mainly for engine development purposes.
# Inputs:
# - N: [DEFAULT: 1024] Number of train dummy images to generate.
# - Nval: [DEFAULT: 512] Number of val dummy images to generate.
# - Ntest: [DEFAULT: 512] Number of test dummy images to generate.
# - C: [DEFAULT: 3] Number of color chanels in the images.
# - Hin: [DEFAULT: 224] Input image height.
# - Win: [DEFAULT: 224] Input image width.
# - K: [DEFAULT: 10] Number of dummy classes to use.
# - batch_size: [DEFAULT: 32] Number of examples in individual batches.
# - parallel_batches: [DEFAULT: 4] Number of batches to run in parallel.
# - epochs: [DEFAULT: 10] Total number of full training loops over
# the full data set.
# - out_dir: [DEFAULT: "."] Directory to store weights and bias
# matrices of trained model, as well as final test accuracy.
# Outputs:
# - W1, W2, W3, W4: Files containing the trained weights of the model.
# - b1, b2, b3, b4: Files containing the trained biases of the model.
# - accuracy: File containing the final accuracy on the test data.
# Data:
# The MNIST dataset contains labeled images of handwritten digits,
# where each example is a 28x28 pixel image of grayscale values in
# the range [0,255] stretched out as 784 pixels, and each label is
# one of 10 possible digits in [0,9].
# Sample Invocation (running from wihtin the `examples` folder):
# 1. Download data (60,000 training examples, and 10,000 test examples)
# ```
# nn/examples/
# ```
# 2. Execute using Spark
# ```
# spark-submit --master local[*] --driver-memory 10G --conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=0
# --conf spark.rpc.message.maxSize=128 $SYSTEMDS_ROOT/target/SystemDS.jar
# -f nn/examples/mnist_lenet_distrib_sgd-train-dummy-data.dml -nvargs N=1024 Nval=512 Ntest=512
# C=1 Hin=28 Win=28 K=10 batch_size=32 parallel_batches=8 epochs=10
# out_dir=nn/examples/model/mnist_lenet
# ```
source("nn/examples/mnist_lenet_distrib_sgd.dml") as mnist_lenet
# Read training data & settings
N = ifdef($N, 1024)
Nval = ifdef($Nval, 512)
Ntest = ifdef($Ntest, 512)
C = ifdef($C, 3)
Hin = ifdef($Hin, 224)
Win = ifdef($Win, 224)
K = ifdef($K, 10)
batch_size = ifdef($batch_size, 32)
parallel_batches = ifdef($parallel_batches, 4)
epochs = ifdef($epochs, 10)
out_dir = ifdef($out_dir, ".")
# Generate dummy data
[X, Y] = mnist_lenet::generate_dummy_data(N, C, Hin, Win, K)
[X_val, Y_val] = mnist_lenet::generate_dummy_data(Nval, C, Hin, Win, K)
[X_test, Y_test] = mnist_lenet::generate_dummy_data(Ntest, C, Hin, Win, K)
# Train
[W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3, W4, b4] = mnist_lenet::train(X, Y, X_val, Y_val, C, Hin, Win, batch_size,
parallel_batches, epochs)
# Write model out
write(W1, out_dir+"/W1")
write(b1, out_dir+"/b1")
write(W2, out_dir+"/W2")
write(b2, out_dir+"/b2")
write(W3, out_dir+"/W3")
write(b3, out_dir+"/b3")
write(W4, out_dir+"/W4")
write(b4, out_dir+"/b4")
# Eval on test set
probs = mnist_lenet::predict(X_test, C, Hin, Win, W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3, W4, b4)
[loss, accuracy] = mnist_lenet::eval(probs, Y_test)
# Output results
print("Test Accuracy: " + accuracy)
write(accuracy, out_dir+"/accuracy")