blob: ee6cd80b404bf30da2815e75951d4e04f2de913d [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# Utility script to project columns from input matrix.
# Parameters:
# X : (input) filename of data matrix
# P : (input) filename of 1-column projection matrix containing columnIDs
# o : (output) filename of output matrix with projected columns
# exclude : (default FALSE) TRUE means P contains columnIds to be projected
# FALSE means P contains columnsIDS to be excluded
# ofmt : (default binary) format of output matrix
# Example:
# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f algorithms/utils/project.dml -nvargs X="/tmp/M.mtx" P="/tmp/P.mtx" o="/tmp/PX.mtx"
# Assumptions:
# The order of colIDs in P is preserved. Order of columns in result is same as order of columns in P.
# i.e. projecting columns 4 and 2 of X results in a matrix with columns 4 and 2.
# If P specifies the exclude list, then projected columns are order preserved.
exclude = ifdef ($exclude, FALSE);
ofmt = ifdef ($ofmt, "binary");
X = read ($X)
P = read ($P)
# create projection matrix using projection list and sequence matrix, and pad with 0s. The size of
# PP is nbrOfColsInX x nbrOfColsToKeep
if (exclude==FALSE)
# create projection matrix using projection list and sequence matrix, and pad with 0s. The size
# of PP is nbrOfColsInX x nbrOfColsToKeep
PP = table(P, seq(1, nrow(P), 1), ncol(X), nrow(P))
} else {
# create new vector P with list of columns to keep using original vector P containing exclude
# columns. These are all small vector operations.
C = table(P, seq(1, nrow(P), 1))
E = rowSums(C);
# Row pad w/ 0s
EE = matrix (0, rows=ncol(X), cols=1)
EE[1:nrow(E),1] = E
# Convert exclude column list to include column list, and create column indices
EE = ppred(EE, 0, "==")
EE = EE * seq(1, ncol(X), 1)
P = removeEmpty(target=EE, margin="rows")
PP = table(P, seq(1, nrow(P), 1), ncol(X), nrow(P))
# Perform projection using permutation matrix
PX = X %*% PP
# Write output
write (PX, $o, format=ofmt)