blob: 87e3f47e9d00149b2415b3fd24e8b643978ba652 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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# generates random data for non-negative
# matrix factorization
# follows lda's generative model
# see Blei, Ng & Jordan, JMLR'03 paper
# titled Latent Dirichlet Allocation
# $1 is number of samples
# $2 is number of features
# $3 is number of latent factors
# $4 is number of features per sample
# (may overlap). use this to vary
# sparsity.
# $5 is file to store sample mixtures
# $6 is file to store factors
# $7 is file to store generated data
numDocuments = $1
numFeatures = $2
numTopics = $3
numWordsPerDoc = $4
docTopicMixtures = Rand(rows=numDocuments, cols=numTopics, min=0.0, max=1.0, pdf="uniform", seed=0, sparsity=0.75)
denomsTM = rowSums(docTopicMixtures)
zerosInDenomsTM = ppred(denomsTM, 0, "==")
denomsTM = 0.1*zerosInDenomsTM + (1-zerosInDenomsTM)*denomsTM
parfor(i in 1:numTopics){
docTopicMixtures[,i] = docTopicMixtures[,i]/denomsTM
write(docTopicMixtures, $5, format="binary")
for(j in 2:numTopics){
docTopicMixtures[,j] = docTopicMixtures[,j-1] + docTopicMixtures[,j]
topicDistributions = Rand(rows=numTopics, cols=numFeatures, min=0.0, max=1.0, pdf="uniform", seed=0, sparsity=0.75)
parfor(i in 1:numTopics){
topicDist = topicDistributions[i,]
denom2 = sum(topicDist)
if(denom2 == 0){
denom2 = denom2 + 0.1
topicDistributions[i,] = topicDist / denom2
write(topicDistributions, $6, format="binary")
for(j in 2:numFeatures){
topicDistributions[,j] = topicDistributions[,j-1] + topicDistributions[,j]
data = Rand(rows=numDocuments, cols=numFeatures, min=0, max=0, pdf="uniform")
parfor(i in 1:numDocuments){
docTopic = docTopicMixtures[i,]
ldata = Rand(rows=1, cols=numFeatures, min=0, max=0, pdf="uniform");
r_z = Rand(rows=numWordsPerDoc, cols=1, min=0, max=1, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
r_w = Rand(rows=numWordsPerDoc, cols=1, min=0, max=1, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
for(j in 1:numWordsPerDoc){
rz = as.scalar(r_z[j,1])
continue = 1
z = -1
#this is a workaround
for(k1 in 1:numTopics){
prob = as.scalar(docTopic[1,k1])
if(continue==1 & rz <= prob){
print("z is unassigned: " + z)
z = numTopics
rw = as.scalar(r_w[j,1])
continue = 1
w = -1
#this is a workaround
#w = 1
for(k2 in 1:numFeatures){
prob = as.scalar(topicDistributions[z,k2])
if(continue == 1 & rw <= prob){
w = k2
continue = 0
print("w is unassigned: " + w)
w = numFeatures
ldata[1,w] = ldata[1,w] + 1
data[i,] = ldata;
write(data, $7, format="binary")