blob: 1797f4fc8c726b4d7d8b6d555dd4ebc6c7ec1603 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# generates random data to test bi- and multinomial logistic regression
# $N = number of training samples
# $Nt = number of test samples (or 0 if none)
# $nf = number of features (independent variables)
# $nc = number of categories; = 1 if "binomial" with +1/-1 labels
# $Xmin = minimum feature value
# $Xmax = maximum feature value
# $spars = controls sparsity in the generated data
# $avgLTmin = average linear term (X %*% beta + intercept), minimum value
# $avgLTmax = average linear term (X %*% beta + intercept), maximum value
# $stdLT = requested standard deviation for the linear terms
# $iceptmin = intercept, minimum value (0.0 disables intercept)
# $iceptmax = intercept, maximum value (0.0 disables intercept)
# $B = location to store generated regression parameters
# $X = location to store generated training data
# $Y = location to store generated training category labels
# $Xt = location to store generated test data
# $Yt = location to store generated test category labels
# Example:
# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f genRandData4LogReg_LTstats.dml -nvargs
# N=1000000 Nt=1000 nf=20 nc=3 Xmin=0.0 Xmax=1.0 spars=1.0 avgLTmin=3.0 avgLTmax=5.0 stdLT=1.25
# iceptmin=1.0 iceptmax=1.0 B=./B123 X=./X123 Y=./Y123 Xt=./Xt123 Yt=./Yt123
numTrainingSamples = $N;
numTestSamples = $Nt;
numFeatures = $nf;
numCategories = $nc;
minIntercept = $iceptmin;
maxIntercept = $iceptmax;
minXentry = $Xmin;
maxXentry = $Xmax;
minAvgLT = $avgLTmin;
maxAvgLT = $avgLTmax;
sparsityLevel = $spars;
stdevLT = $stdLT;
fileB = ifdef ($B, "B");
fileX = ifdef ($X, "X");
fileY = ifdef ($Y, "Y");
fileXt = ifdef ($Xt, "Xt");
fileYt = ifdef ($Yt, "Yt");
numSamples = numTrainingSamples + numTestSamples;
isBinomialPMOne = FALSE;
if (numCategories == 1) {
numCategories = 2;
isBinomialPMOne = TRUE;
do_we_output_intercept = 1;
if (minIntercept == 0.0 & maxIntercept == 0.0) {
do_we_output_intercept = 0;
X = Rand (rows = numSamples, cols = numFeatures, min = minXentry, max = maxXentry, pdf = "uniform", sparsity = sparsityLevel);
meanLT = Rand (rows = 1, cols = numCategories - 1, min = minAvgLT, max = maxAvgLT, pdf = "uniform");
sigmaLT = matrix (stdevLT, rows = 1, cols = numCategories - 1);
b_intercept = Rand (rows = 1, cols = numCategories - 1, min = minIntercept, max = maxIntercept, pdf = "uniform");
meanLT_minus_intercept = meanLT - b_intercept;
[B, new_sigmaLT] = generateWeights (X, meanLT_minus_intercept, sigmaLT);
ones = matrix (1.0, rows = numSamples, cols = 1);
LT = X %*% B + ones %*% b_intercept;
actual_meanLT = colSums (LT) / numSamples;
actual_sigmaLT = sqrt (colSums ((LT - ones %*% actual_meanLT)^2) / numSamples);
for (i in 1:(numCategories - 1)) {
if (as.scalar (new_sigmaLT [1, i]) == as.scalar (sigmaLT [1, i])) {
print ("Category " + i + ": Intercept = " + as.scalar (b_intercept [1, i]));
} else {
print ("Category " + i + ": Intercept = " + as.scalar (b_intercept [1, i]) + ", relaxed from " + as.scalar (sigmaLT [1, i]));
print (" Wanted LT mean = " + as.scalar (meanLT [1, i]) + ", = " + as.scalar (new_sigmaLT [1, i]));
print (" Actual LT mean = " + as.scalar (actual_meanLT [1, i]) + ", = " + as.scalar (actual_sigmaLT [1, i]));
ones = matrix (1.0, rows = 1, cols = numCategories - 1);
Prob = exp (LT);
Prob = Prob / ((1.0 + rowSums (Prob)) %*% ones);
Prob = t(cumsum (t(Prob)));
r = Rand (rows = numSamples, cols = 1, min = 0, max = 1, pdf = "uniform", seed = 0);
R = r %*% ones;
Y = 1 + rowSums (ppred (Prob, R, "<"));
if (isBinomialPMOne) {
Y = 3 - 2 * Y;
r = Rand (rows = numSamples, cols = 1, pdf = "normal");
Y = LT [, 1] + r;
if (do_we_output_intercept == 1) {
new_B = matrix (0.0, rows = nrow(B) + 1, cols = ncol(B));
new_B [1:nrow(B), 1:ncol(B)] = B;
new_B [nrow(B)+1, 1:ncol(B)] = b_intercept;
write (new_B, fileB, format="mm");
} else {
write (B, fileB, format="mm");
if (numTestSamples > 0) {
X_train = X [1:numTrainingSamples,];
Y_train = Y [1:numTrainingSamples,];
X_test = X [(numTrainingSamples+1):numSamples,];
Y_test = Y [(numTrainingSamples+1):numSamples,];
write (X_train, fileX, format="mm");
write (Y_train, fileY, format="mm");
write (X_test, fileXt, format="mm");
write (Y_test, fileYt, format="mm");
} else {
write (X, fileX, format="mm");
write (Y, fileY, format="mm");
# Generates weight vectors to ensure the desired statistics for Linear Terms = X %*% W
# To be used for data generation in the testing of GLM, Logistic Regression, etc.
# INPUT: meanLT and sigmaLT are row vectors, meanLT[1, i] and sigmaLT[1, i] are
# the desired mean and standard deviation for X %*% W[, i]
# OUTPUT: "W" is the matrix of generated (column) weight vectors W[, i]
# new_sigmaLT[1, i] == sigmaLT[1, i] if the is successfully enforced,
# new_sigmaLT[1, i] > sigmaLT[1, i] if we had to relax this constraint.
generateWeights =
function (Matrix[double] X, Matrix[double] meanLT, Matrix[double] sigmaLT)
return (Matrix[double] W, Matrix[double] new_sigmaLT)
num_w = ncol (meanLT); # Number of output weight vectors
dim_w = ncol (X); # Number of features / dimensions in a weight vector
w_X = t(colSums(X)); # "Prohibited" weight shift direction that changes meanLT
# (all orthogonal shift directions do not affect meanLT)
# Compute "w_1" with meanLT = 1 and with the smallest possible sigmaLT
w_1 = straightenX (X);
r_1 = (X %*% w_1) - 1.0;
norm_r_1_sq = sum (r_1 ^ 2);
# For each W[, i] generate uniformly random directions to shift away from "w_1"
DW_raw = Rand (rows = dim_w, cols = num_w, pdf = "normal");
DW = DW_raw - (w_X %*% t(w_X) %*% DW_raw) / sum (w_X ^ 2); # Orthogonal to w_X
XDW = X %*% DW;
# Determine how far to shift in the chosen directions to satisfy the constraints
# Use the positive root of the quadratic equation; relax sigmaLT where needed
a_qe = colSums (XDW ^ 2);
b_qe = 2.0 * meanLT * (t(r_1) %*% XDW);
c_qe = meanLT^2 * norm_r_1_sq - sigmaLT^2 * nrow(X);
is_sigmaLT_OK = ppred (c_qe, 0.0, "<=");
new_sigmaLT = is_sigmaLT_OK * sigmaLT + (1 - is_sigmaLT_OK) * abs (meanLT) * sqrt (norm_r_1_sq / nrow(X));
c_qe = is_sigmaLT_OK * c_qe;
x_qe = (- b_qe + sqrt (b_qe * b_qe - 4.0 * a_qe * c_qe)) / (2.0 * a_qe);
# Scale and shift "w_1" in the "DW" directions to produce the result:
ones = matrix (1.0, rows = dim_w, cols = 1);
W = w_1 %*% meanLT + DW * (ones %*% x_qe);
# Computes vector w such that ||X %*% w - 1|| -> MIN given avg(X %*% w) = 1
# We find z_LS such that ||X %*% z_LS - 1|| -> MIN unconditionally, then scale
# it to compute w = c * z_LS such that sum(X %*% w) = nrow(X).
straightenX =
function (Matrix[double] X)
return (Matrix[double] w)
w_X = t(colSums(X));
lambda_LS = 0.000001 * sum(X ^ 2) / ncol(X);
eps = 0.000000001 * nrow(X);
r_LS = - w_X;
z_LS = matrix (0.0, rows = ncol(X), cols = 1);
p_LS = - r_LS;
norm_r2_LS = sum (r_LS ^ 2);
i_LS = 0;
while (i_LS < 50 & i_LS < ncol(X) & norm_r2_LS >= eps)
temp_LS = X %*% p_LS;
q_LS = (t(X) %*% temp_LS) + lambda_LS * p_LS;
alpha_LS = norm_r2_LS / sum (p_LS * q_LS);
z_LS = z_LS + alpha_LS * p_LS;
old_norm_r2_LS = norm_r2_LS;
r_LS = r_LS + alpha_LS * q_LS;
norm_r2_LS = sum (r_LS ^ 2);
p_LS = -r_LS + (norm_r2_LS / old_norm_r2_LS) * p_LS;
i_LS = i_LS + 1;
w = (nrow(X) / sum (w_X * z_LS)) * z_LS;