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# DML Script to compute univariate statistics for all attributes in a given data set
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# X String --- Location of INPUT data matrix
# TYPES String --- Location of INPUT matrix that lists the types of the features:
# 1 for scale, 2 for nominal, 3 for ordinal
# CONSOLE_OUTPUT Boolean FALSE If TRUE, print summary statistics to console
# STATS String --- Location of OUTPUT matrix with summary statistics computed for
# all features (17 statistics - 14 scale, 3 categorical)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# OUTPUT: Matrix of summary statistics
# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f Univar-Stats.dml -nvargs X=data/ TYPES=data/types.csv
# STATS=data/univarOut.mtx CONSOLE_OUTPUT=TRUE
consoleOutput = ifdef($CONSOLE_OUTPUT, FALSE);
A = read($X); # data file
K = read($TYPES); # attribute kind file
# number of features/attributes
n = ncol(A);
# number of data records
m = nrow(A);
# number of statistics
numBaseStats = 17; # (14 scale stats, 3 categorical stats)
max_kind = max(K);
# matrices to store computed statistics
baseStats = matrix(0, rows=numBaseStats, cols=n);
# Compute max domain size among all categorical attributes
maxs = colMaxs(A);
maxDomainSize = max( ppred(K, 1, ">") * maxs );
maxDomain = as.integer(maxDomainSize);
parfor(i in 1:n, check=0) {
# project out the i^th column
F = A[,i];
kind = as.scalar(K[1,i]);
if ( kind == 1 ) {
#print("[" + i + "] Scale");
# compute SCALE statistics on the projected column
minimum = min(F);
maximum = max(F);
rng = maximum - minimum;
mu = mean(F);
m2 = moment(F, 2);
m3 = moment(F, 3);
m4 = moment(F, 4);
var = m/(m-1.0)*m2;
std_dev = sqrt(var);
se = std_dev/sqrt(m);
cv = std_dev/mu;
g1 = m3/(std_dev^3);
g2 = m4/(std_dev^4) - 3;
#se_g1=sqrt( 6*m*(m-1.0) / ((m-2.0)*(m+1.0)*(m+3.0)) );
se_g1=sqrt( (6/(m-2.0)) * (m/(m+1.0)) * ((m-1.0)/(m+3.0)) );
#se_g2= sqrt( (4*(m^2-1)*se_g1^2)/((m+5.0)*(m-3.0)) );
se_g2=sqrt( (4/(m+5.0)) * ((m^2-1)/(m-3.0)) * se_g1^2 );
md = median(F); #quantile(F, 0.5);
iqm = interQuartileMean(F);
# place the computed statistics in output matrices
baseStats[1,i] = minimum;
baseStats[2,i] = maximum;
baseStats[3,i] = rng;
baseStats[4,i] = mu;
baseStats[5,i] = var;
baseStats[6,i] = std_dev;
baseStats[7,i] = se;
baseStats[8,i] = cv;
baseStats[9,i] = g1;
baseStats[10,i] = g2;
baseStats[11,i] = se_g1;
baseStats[12,i] = se_g2;
baseStats[13,i] = md;
baseStats[14,i] = iqm;
else {
if (kind == 2 | kind == 3) {
#print("[" + i + "] Categorical");
# check if the categorical column has valid values
minF = min(F);
if (minF <=0) {
print("ERROR: Categorical attributes can only take values starting from 1. Encountered a value " + minF + " in attribute " + i);
else {
# compute CATEGORICAL statistics on the projected column
num_cat = max(F); # number of categories
cat_counts = table(F,1, maxDomain, 1); # counts for each category
mode = rowIndexMax(t(cat_counts));
mx = max(cat_counts)
modeArr = ppred(cat_counts, mx, "==")
numModes = sum(modeArr);
# place the computed statistics in output matrices
baseStats[15,i] = num_cat;
baseStats[16,i] = mode;
baseStats[17,i] = numModes;
if (consoleOutput == TRUE) {
for(i in 1:n) {
kind = as.scalar(K[1,i]);
if (kind == 1) {
print("Feature [" + i + "]: Scale");
print(" (01) Minimum | " + as.scalar(baseStats[1,i]));
print(" (02) Maximum | " + as.scalar(baseStats[2,i]));
print(" (03) Range | " + as.scalar(baseStats[3,i]));
print(" (04) Mean | " + as.scalar(baseStats[4,i]));
print(" (05) Variance | " + as.scalar(baseStats[5,i]));
print(" (06) Std deviation | " + as.scalar(baseStats[6,i]));
print(" (07) Std err of mean | " + as.scalar(baseStats[7,i]));
print(" (08) Coeff of variation | " + as.scalar(baseStats[8,i]));
print(" (09) Skewness | " + as.scalar(baseStats[9,i]));
print(" (10) Kurtosis | " + as.scalar(baseStats[10,i]));
print(" (11) Std err of skewness | " + as.scalar(baseStats[11,i]));
print(" (12) Std err of kurtosis | " + as.scalar(baseStats[12,i]));
print(" (13) Median | " + as.scalar(baseStats[13,i]));
print(" (14) Interquartile mean | " + as.scalar(baseStats[14,i]));
} else {
if (kind == 2 | kind == 3) {
if (kind == 2) {
print("Feature [" + i + "]: Categorical (Nominal)");
} else {
print("Feature [" + i + "]: Categorical (Ordinal)");
print(" (15) Num of categories | " + as.integer(as.scalar(baseStats[15,i])));
print(" (16) Mode | " + as.integer(as.scalar(baseStats[16,i])));
print(" (17) Num of modes | " + as.integer(as.scalar(baseStats[17,i])));
write(baseStats, $STATS);