blob: b2cf3ad3928ab1969ebe79a16aad536d8add2556 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
import org.apache.sysds.common.Warnings;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.DataConverter;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.UtilFunctions;
import java.util.BitSet;
public class DenseBlockLBool extends DenseBlockLDRB
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2604223782138590322L;
private BitSet[] _blocks;
public DenseBlockLBool(int[] dims) {
reset(_rlen, _odims, 0);
protected void allocateBlocks(int numBlocks) {
_blocks = new BitSet[numBlocks];
protected void allocateBlock(int bix, int length) {
_blocks[bix] = new BitSet(length);
protected void setInternal(int bix, int ix, double v) {
_blocks[bix].set(ix, v != 0);
public boolean isNumeric() {
return true;
public boolean isContiguous() {
return _blocks.length == 1;
public void reset(int rlen, int[] odims, double v) {
// Special implementation to make computeNnz fast if complete block is read
boolean bv = v != 0;
long dataLength = (long) rlen * odims[0];
int newBlockSize = Math.min(rlen, Integer.MAX_VALUE / odims[0]);
int numBlocks = UtilFunctions.toInt(Math.ceil((double) rlen / newBlockSize));
if (_blen == newBlockSize && dataLength <= capacity()) {
for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) {
int toIndex = (int)Math.min(newBlockSize, dataLength - i * newBlockSize) * _odims[0];
_blocks[i].set(0, toIndex, bv);
// Clear old data so we can use cardinality for computeNnz
_blocks[i].set(toIndex, _blocks[i].size(), false);
} else {
int lastBlockSize = (newBlockSize == rlen ? newBlockSize : rlen % newBlockSize) * odims[0];
IntStream.range(0, numBlocks)
.forEach((i) -> {
int length = i == numBlocks - 1 ? lastBlockSize : newBlockSize;
allocateBlock(i, length);
_blocks[i].set(0, length, bv);
_blen = newBlockSize;
_rlen = rlen;
_odims = odims;
public int numBlocks() {
return _blocks.length;
public long capacity() {
return (_blocks!=null) ? (long)(_blocks.length - 1) * _blocks[0].size() + _blocks[_blocks.length - 1].size() : -1;
protected long computeNnz(int bix, int start, int length) {
if (start == 0 && length == blockSize(bix) * _odims[0]) {
return _blocks[bix].cardinality();
} else {
BitSet mask = new BitSet(_blocks[bix].size());
mask.set(start, length + start);
return mask.cardinality();
public double[] values(int r) {
return valuesAt(index(r));
public double[] valuesAt(int bix) {
int length = blockSize(bix) * _odims[0];
return DataConverter.toDouble(_blocks[bix], length);
public void incr(int r, int c) {
_blocks[index(r)].set(pos(r, c));
public void incr(int r, int c, double delta) {
if (delta != 0) {
_blocks[index(r)].set(pos(r, c));
protected void fillBlock(int bix, int fromIndex, int toIndex, double v) {
_blocks[bix].set(fromIndex, toIndex, v != 0);
public DenseBlock set(String s) {
boolean b = Boolean.parseBoolean(s);
for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks() - 1; i++) {
_blocks[i].set(0, blockSize() *_odims[0], b);
_blocks[numBlocks() - 1].set(0, blockSize(numBlocks() - 1) * _odims[0], b);
return this;
public DenseBlock set(int r, int c, double v) {
_blocks[index(r)].set(pos(r, c), v != 0);
return this;
public DenseBlock set(int[] ix, double v) {
_blocks[index(ix[0])].set(pos(ix), v != 0);
return this;
public DenseBlock set(int[] ix, long v) {
_blocks[index(ix[0])].set(pos(ix), v != 0);
return this;
public DenseBlock set(int[] ix, String v) {
_blocks[index(ix[0])].set(pos(ix), Boolean.parseBoolean(v));
return this;
public double get(int r, int c) {
return _blocks[index(r)].get(pos(r, c)) ? 1 : 0;
public double get(int[] ix) {
return _blocks[index(ix[0])].get(pos(ix)) ? 1 : 0;
public String getString(int[] ix) {
return String.valueOf(_blocks[index(ix[0])].get(pos(ix)));
public long getLong(int[] ix) {
return _blocks[index(ix[0])].get(pos(ix)) ? 1 : 0;