blob: 07abcceb4b18f3f9544853cf0579a6780ba203a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package org.apache.sysds.hops.codegen.cplan;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.codegen.template.TemplateUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.DataType;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.util.IDSequence;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.UtilFunctions;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.codegen.SpoofCompiler.GeneratorAPI;
public abstract class CNode
private static final IDSequence _seqVar = new IDSequence();
private static final IDSequence _seqID = new IDSequence();
protected final long _ID;
protected ArrayList<CNode> _inputs = null;
protected CNode _output = null;
protected boolean _visited = false;
protected boolean _generated = false;
protected String _genVar = null;
protected long _rows = -1;
protected long _cols = -1;
protected DataType _dataType;
protected boolean _literal = false;
//cached hash to allow memoization in DAG structures and repeated
//recursive hash computation over all inputs (w/ reset on updates)
protected int _hash = 0;
public CNode() {
_ID = _seqID.getNextID();
_inputs = new ArrayList<>();
_generated = false;
public long getID() {
return _ID;
public ArrayList<CNode> getInput() {
return _inputs;
public boolean isGenerated() {
return _generated;
public void resetGenerated() {
if( isGenerated() )
for( CNode cn : _inputs )
_generated = false;
public String createVarname() {
_genVar = "TMP"+_seqVar.getNextID();
return _genVar;
public String getVarname() {
return _genVar;
public String getVarname(GeneratorAPI api) { return getVarname(); }
public String getVectorLength() {
if( getVarname().startsWith("a") )
return "len";
else if( getVarname().startsWith("b") )
return getVarname()+".clen";
else if( _dataType==DataType.MATRIX )
return getVarname()+".length";
return "";
public String getClassname() {
return getVarname();
public void resetHash() {
_hash = 0;
public void setNumRows(long rows) {
_rows = rows;
public long getNumRows() {
return _rows;
public void setNumCols(long cols) {
_cols = cols;
public long getNumCols() {
return _cols;
public DataType getDataType() {
return _dataType;
public void setDataType(DataType dt) {
_dataType = dt;
_hash = 0;
public boolean isLiteral() {
return _literal;
public void setLiteral(boolean literal) {
_literal = literal;
_hash = 0;
public CNode getOutput() {
return _output;
public void setOutput(CNode output) {
_output = output;
_hash = 0;
public boolean isVisited() {
return _visited;
public void setVisited() {
public void setVisited(boolean flag) {
_visited = flag;
public void resetVisitStatus() {
if( !isVisited() )
for( CNode h : getInput() )
public abstract String codegen(boolean sparse, GeneratorAPI api);
public abstract void setOutputDims();
// Functionality for plan cache
//note: genvar/generated changed on codegen and not considered,
//rows and cols also not include to increase reuse potential
public int hashCode() {
if( _hash == 0 ) {
//include inputs, partitioned by matrices and scalars to increase
//reuse in case of interleaved inputs (see CNodeTpl.renameInputs)
int h = 1;
for( CNode c : _inputs )
if( c.getDataType()==DataType.MATRIX )
h = UtilFunctions.intHashCode(h, c.hashCode());
for( CNode c : _inputs )
if( c.getDataType()!=DataType.MATRIX )
h = UtilFunctions.intHashCode(h, c.hashCode());
h = UtilFunctions.intHashCode(h, (_output!=null)?_output.hashCode():0);
h = UtilFunctions.intHashCode(h, (_dataType!=null)?_dataType.hashCode():0);
h = UtilFunctions.intHashCode(h, Boolean.hashCode(_literal));
_hash = h;
return _hash;
public boolean equals(Object that) {
if( !(that instanceof CNode) )
return false;
CNode cthat = (CNode) that;
boolean ret = _inputs.size() == cthat._inputs.size();
for( int i=0; i<_inputs.size() && ret; i++ )
ret &= _inputs.get(i).equals(cthat._inputs.get(i));
return ret
&& (_output == cthat._output || _output.equals(cthat._output))
&& _dataType == cthat._dataType
&& _literal == cthat._literal;
protected String replaceUnaryPlaceholders(String tmp, String varj, boolean vectIn) {
//replace sparse and dense inputs
tmp = tmp.replace("%IN1v%", varj+"vals");
tmp = tmp.replace("%IN1i%", varj+"ix");
tmp = tmp.replace("%IN1%",
(vectIn && TemplateUtils.isMatrix(_inputs.get(0))) ? varj + ".values(rix)" :
(vectIn && TemplateUtils.isRowVector(_inputs.get(0)) ? varj + ".values(0)" : varj));
//replace start position of main input
String spos = (_inputs.get(0) instanceof CNodeData
&& _inputs.get(0).getDataType().isMatrix()) ? !varj.startsWith("b") ?
varj+"i" : TemplateUtils.isMatrix(_inputs.get(0)) ? varj + ".pos(rix)" : "0" : "0";
tmp = tmp.replace("%POS1%", spos);
tmp = tmp.replace("%POS2%", spos);
//replace length
if( _inputs.get(0).getDataType().isMatrix() )
tmp = tmp.replace("%LEN%", _inputs.get(0).getVectorLength());
return tmp;
protected CodeTemplate getLanguageTemplateClass(CNode caller, GeneratorAPI api) {
switch (api) {
case CUDA:
if(caller instanceof CNodeCell)
return new org.apache.sysds.hops.codegen.cplan.cpp.CellWise();
else if (caller instanceof CNodeUnary)
return new org.apache.sysds.hops.codegen.cplan.cpp.Unary();
else if (caller instanceof CNodeBinary)
return new org.apache.sysds.hops.codegen.cplan.cpp.Binary();
else if (caller instanceof CNodeTernary)
return new org.apache.sysds.hops.codegen.cplan.cpp.Ternary();
return null;
case JAVA:
if(caller instanceof CNodeCell)
return new;
else if (caller instanceof CNodeUnary)
return new;
else if (caller instanceof CNodeBinary)
return new;
else if (caller instanceof CNodeTernary)
return new;
return null;
throw new RuntimeException("API not supported by code generator: " + api.toString());
public abstract boolean isSupported(GeneratorAPI api);