blob: 8d9e9160f93c4d43c3fbee59dcbcb71efcec05ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.sysml.lops;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.sysml.lops.compile.JobType;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.util.IDSequence;
public class LopProperties
public enum ExecType { CP, CP_FILE, MR, SPARK, INVALID };
public enum ExecLocation {INVALID, RecordReader, Map, MapOrReduce, MapAndReduce, Reduce, Data, ControlProgram };
// static variable to assign an unique ID to every lop that is created
private static IDSequence UniqueLopID = null;
UniqueLopID = new IDSequence();
* Execution properties for each lop.
* execLoc = in case execType=MR, where does this lop must run in a job (map, reduce, etc.)
* compatibleJobs = list of job types in which this lop can be run. It is maintained as a bit vector.
* breaksAlignment = does this lop alters the keys ?
* isAligner = is this lop mainly used to reorder/sort/align the keys
long ID;
int level;
ExecType execType;
ExecLocation execLoc;
int compatibleJobs;
boolean breaksAlignment;
boolean isAligner;
boolean definesMRJob;
boolean producesIntermediateOutput;
public LopProperties() {
ID = UniqueLopID.getNextID();
execType = ExecType.INVALID;
execLoc = ExecLocation.INVALID;
compatibleJobs = JobType.INVALID.getBase();
breaksAlignment = true;
isAligner = false;
definesMRJob = false;
producesIntermediateOutput = false;
public long getID() { return ID; }
public int getLevel() { return level; }
public void setLevel( int l ) { level = l; }
public ExecLocation getExecLocation() {
return execLoc;
public ExecType getExecType() {
return execType;
public int getCompatibleJobs() {
return compatibleJobs;
public boolean getBreaksAlignment() {
return breaksAlignment;
public boolean getDefinesMRJob() {
return definesMRJob;
public boolean isAligner()
return isAligner;
public boolean getProducesIntermediateOutput() {
return producesIntermediateOutput;
public void setExecLocation(ExecLocation el) {
execLoc = el;
public void addCompatibility ( JobType jt ) {
compatibleJobs = compatibleJobs | jt.getBase();
public void removeCompatibility ( JobType jt ) {
compatibleJobs = compatibleJobs ^ jt.getBase();
public void removeNonPiggybackableJobs() {
// Remove compatibility with those jobs which do not allow any "other" instructions
for ( JobType jt : JobType.values()) {
if(jt.allowsNoOtherInstructions()) {
compatibleJobs = compatibleJobs ^ jt.getBase();
public void setCompatibleJobs(int cj) {
compatibleJobs = cj;
public void setDefinesMRJob(boolean dmrj) {
definesMRJob = dmrj;
public void setBreaksAlignment(boolean ba) {
breaksAlignment = ba;
public void setAligner(boolean align) {
isAligner = align;
public void setProducesIntermediateOutput(boolean pio) {
producesIntermediateOutput = pio;
* Function to compute the node level in the entire Lops DAG.
* level(v) = max( levels(v.inputs) ) + 1
public void setLevel(ArrayList<Lop> inputs) {
int tmplevel = -1;
if ( inputs == null || inputs.isEmpty() )
tmplevel = 0;
else {
// find the max level among all inputs
for(Lop in : inputs) {
if(tmplevel < in.getLevel() ) {
tmplevel = in.getLevel();
// this.level should be one more than the max
tmplevel = tmplevel+1;
public void setProperties ( ArrayList<Lop> inputs, ExecType et, ExecLocation el, boolean ba, boolean aligner, boolean definesMR ) {
execType = et;
execLoc = el;
breaksAlignment = ba;
isAligner = aligner;
definesMRJob = definesMR;