blob: 7a44838a0520710cbee41e390df0c1a7f82d99f3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.sysml.api;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;
import org.apache.commons.cli.AlreadySelectedException;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Option;
import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.GenericOptionsParser;
import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.sysml.api.mlcontext.ScriptType;
import org.apache.sysml.conf.CompilerConfig;
import org.apache.sysml.conf.ConfigurationManager;
import org.apache.sysml.conf.DMLConfig;
import org.apache.sysml.debug.DMLDebugger;
import org.apache.sysml.debug.DMLDebuggerException;
import org.apache.sysml.debug.DMLDebuggerProgramInfo;
import org.apache.sysml.hops.HopsException;
import org.apache.sysml.hops.OptimizerUtils;
import org.apache.sysml.hops.OptimizerUtils.OptimizationLevel;
import org.apache.sysml.hops.globalopt.GlobalOptimizerWrapper;
import org.apache.sysml.lops.Lop;
import org.apache.sysml.lops.LopsException;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.DMLProgram;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.DMLTranslator;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.LanguageException;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.ParseException;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.ParserFactory;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.ParserWrapper;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLScriptException;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.Program;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.caching.CacheableData;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.context.ExecutionContext;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.context.ExecutionContextFactory;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.context.SparkExecutionContext;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.ProgramConverter;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.stat.InfrastructureAnalyzer;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.util.IDHandler;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.GPUContextPool;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.CleanupMR;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.mapred.MRConfigurationNames;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.mapred.MRJobConfiguration;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.util.LocalFileUtils;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.util.MapReduceTool;
import org.apache.sysml.utils.Explain;
import org.apache.sysml.utils.Explain.ExplainCounts;
import org.apache.sysml.utils.Explain.ExplainType;
import org.apache.sysml.utils.Statistics;
import org.apache.sysml.yarn.DMLAppMasterUtils;
import org.apache.sysml.yarn.DMLYarnClientProxy;
public class DMLScript
public enum RUNTIME_PLATFORM {
HADOOP, // execute all matrix operations in MR
SINGLE_NODE, // execute all matrix operations in CP
HYBRID, // execute matrix operations in CP or MR
HYBRID_SPARK, // execute matrix operations in CP or Spark
SPARK // execute matrix operations in Spark
* Eviction policies for eviction of GPU objects.
public enum EvictionPolicy {
LRU, // Evict the least recently used GPUObject.
LFU, // Evict the least frequently used GPUObject.
MRU, //
// TODO:
// ARC, //
// LOOP_AWARE // different policies for operations in for/while/parfor loop vs out-side the loop
* Set of DMLOptions that can be set through the command line
* and {@link org.apache.sysml.api.mlcontext.MLContext}
* The values have been initialized with the default values
* Despite there being a DML and PyDML, this class is named DMLOptions
* to keep it consistent with {@link DMLScript} and {@link DMLOptions}
public static class DMLOptions {
public Map<String, String> argVals = new HashMap<>(); // Arguments map containing either named arguments or arguments by position for a DML program
public String configFile = null; // Path to config file if default config and default config is to be overriden
public boolean clean = false; // Whether to clean up all SystemML working directories (FS, DFS)
public boolean stats = false; // Whether to record and print the statistics
public int statsCount = 10; // Default statistics count
public Explain.ExplainType explainType = Explain.ExplainType.NONE; // Whether to print the "Explain" and if so, what type
public DMLScript.RUNTIME_PLATFORM execMode = OptimizerUtils.getDefaultExecutionMode(); // Execution mode standalone, MR, Spark or a hybrid
public boolean gpu = false; // Whether to use the GPU
public boolean forceGPU = false; // Whether to ignore memory & estimates and always use the GPU
public boolean debug = false; // to go into debug mode to be able to step through a program
public ScriptType scriptType = ScriptType.DML; // whether the script is a DML or PyDML script
public String filePath = null; // path to script
public String script = null; // the script itself
public boolean help = false; // whether to print the usage option
public final static DMLOptions defaultOptions = new DMLOptions();
public String toString() {
return "DMLOptions{" +
"argVals=" + argVals +
", configFile='" + configFile + '\'' +
", clean=" + clean +
", stats=" + stats +
", statsCount=" + statsCount +
", explainType=" + explainType +
", execMode=" + execMode +
", gpu=" + gpu +
", forceGPU=" + forceGPU +
", debug=" + debug +
", scriptType=" + scriptType +
", filePath='" + filePath + '\'' +
", script='" + script + '\'' +
", help=" + help +
public static RUNTIME_PLATFORM rtplatform = DMLOptions.defaultOptions.execMode; // the execution mode
public static boolean STATISTICS = DMLOptions.defaultOptions.stats; // whether to print statistics
public static boolean FINEGRAINED_STATISTICS = false; // whether to print fine-grained statistics
public static int STATISTICS_COUNT = DMLOptions.defaultOptions.statsCount; // statistics maximum heavy hitter count
public static int STATISTICS_MAX_WRAP_LEN = 30; // statistics maximum wrap length
public static boolean ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE = DMLOptions.defaultOptions.debug; // debug mode
public static ExplainType EXPLAIN = DMLOptions.defaultOptions.explainType; // explain type
public static String DML_FILE_PATH_ANTLR_PARSER = DMLOptions.defaultOptions.filePath; // filename of dml/pydml script
public static String FLOATING_POINT_PRECISION = "double"; // data type to use internally
public static EvictionPolicy GPU_EVICTION_POLICY = EvictionPolicy.LRU; // currently employed GPU eviction policy
* Global variable indicating the script type (DML or PYDML). Can be used
* for DML/PYDML-specific tasks, such as outputting booleans in the correct
* case (TRUE/FALSE for DML and True/False for PYDML).
public static ScriptType SCRIPT_TYPE = DMLOptions.defaultOptions.scriptType;
public static boolean USE_ACCELERATOR = DMLOptions.defaultOptions.gpu;
public static boolean FORCE_ACCELERATOR = DMLOptions.defaultOptions.forceGPU;
// whether to synchronize GPU after every instruction
public static boolean SYNCHRONIZE_GPU = true;
// whether to perform eager CUDA free on rmvar
public static boolean EAGER_CUDA_FREE = false;
public static boolean _suppressPrint2Stdout = false; // flag that indicates whether or not to suppress any prints to stdout
public static boolean USE_LOCAL_SPARK_CONFIG = false; //set default local spark configuration - used for local testing
public static boolean _activeAM = false;
* If true, allow DMLProgram to be generated while not halting due to validation errors/warnings
public static boolean VALIDATOR_IGNORE_ISSUES = false;
public static String _uuid = IDHandler.createDistributedUniqueID();
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DMLScript.class.getName());
// public external interface
public static String getUUID() {
return _uuid;
* Used to set master UUID on all nodes (in parfor remote_mr, where DMLScript passed)
* in order to simplify cleanup of scratch_space and local working dirs.
* @param uuid master UUID to set on all nodes
public static void setUUID(String uuid)
_uuid = uuid;
public static boolean suppressPrint2Stdout() {
return _suppressPrint2Stdout;
public static void setActiveAM(){
_activeAM = true;
public static boolean isActiveAM(){
return _activeAM;
* @param args command-line arguments
* @throws IOException if an IOException occurs
* @throws DMLException if a DMLException occurs
public static void main(String[] args)
throws IOException, DMLException
Configuration conf = new Configuration(ConfigurationManager.getCachedJobConf());
String[] otherArgs = new GenericOptionsParser(conf, args).getRemainingArgs();
try {
DMLScript.executeScript(conf, otherArgs);
} catch (ParseException pe) {
} catch (DMLScriptException e){
// In case of DMLScriptException, simply print the error message.
* Parses command line arguments to create a {@link DMLOptions} instance with the correct options
* @param args arguments from the command line
* @param options an {@link Options} instance containing the options that need to be parsed
* @return an instance of {@link Options} that contain the correct {@link Option}s.
* @throws org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException if there is an incorrect option specified in the CLI
public static DMLOptions parseCLArguments(String[] args, Options options) throws org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException {
CommandLineParser clParser = new PosixParser();
CommandLine line = clParser.parse(options, args);
DMLOptions dmlOptions = new DMLOptions(); = line.hasOption("help");
dmlOptions.scriptType = line.hasOption("python") ? ScriptType.PYDML : ScriptType.DML;
dmlOptions.debug = line.hasOption("debug");
dmlOptions.gpu = line.hasOption("gpu");
if (dmlOptions.gpu) {
String force = line.getOptionValue("gpu");
if (force != null) {
if (force.equalsIgnoreCase("force")) {
dmlOptions.forceGPU = true;
} else {
throw new org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException("Invalid argument specified for -gpu option");
if (line.hasOption("exec")){
String execMode = line.getOptionValue("exec");
if (execMode != null){
if (execMode.equalsIgnoreCase("hadoop")) dmlOptions.execMode = RUNTIME_PLATFORM.HADOOP;
else if (execMode.equalsIgnoreCase("singlenode")) dmlOptions.execMode = RUNTIME_PLATFORM.SINGLE_NODE;
else if (execMode.equalsIgnoreCase("hybrid")) dmlOptions.execMode = RUNTIME_PLATFORM.HYBRID;
else if (execMode.equalsIgnoreCase("hybrid_spark")) dmlOptions.execMode = RUNTIME_PLATFORM.HYBRID_SPARK;
else if (execMode.equalsIgnoreCase("spark")) dmlOptions.execMode = RUNTIME_PLATFORM.SPARK;
else throw new org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException("Invalid argument specified for -exec option, must be one of [hadoop, singlenode, hybrid, hybrid_spark, spark]");
if (line.hasOption("explain")) {
dmlOptions.explainType = ExplainType.RUNTIME;
String explainType = line.getOptionValue("explain");
if (explainType != null){
if (explainType.equalsIgnoreCase("hops")) dmlOptions.explainType = ExplainType.HOPS;
else if (explainType.equalsIgnoreCase("runtime")) dmlOptions.explainType = ExplainType.RUNTIME;
else if (explainType.equalsIgnoreCase("recompile_hops")) dmlOptions.explainType = ExplainType.RECOMPILE_HOPS;
else if (explainType.equalsIgnoreCase("recompile_runtime")) dmlOptions.explainType = ExplainType.RECOMPILE_RUNTIME;
else throw new org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException("Invalid argument specified for -hops option, must be one of [hops, runtime, recompile_hops, recompile_runtime]");
dmlOptions.stats = line.hasOption("stats");
if (dmlOptions.stats){
String statsCount = line.getOptionValue("stats");
if (statsCount != null) {
try {
dmlOptions.statsCount = Integer.parseInt(statsCount);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException("Invalid argument specified for -stats option, must be a valid integer");
dmlOptions.clean = line.hasOption("clean");
if (line.hasOption("config")){
dmlOptions.configFile = line.getOptionValue("config");
if (line.hasOption("f")){
dmlOptions.filePath = line.getOptionValue("f");
if (line.hasOption("s")){
dmlOptions.script = line.getOptionValue("s");
// Positional arguments map is created as ("$1", "a"), ("$2", 123), ....
if (line.hasOption("args")){
String[] argValues = line.getOptionValues("args");
for (int k=0; k<argValues.length; k++){
String str = argValues[k];
if (!str.isEmpty()) {
dmlOptions.argVals.put("$" + (k+1), str);
// Named arguments map is created as ("$K, 123), ("$X", "X.csv"), ....
if (line.hasOption("nvargs")){
String varNameRegex = "^[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9_])*$";
String[] nvargValues = line.getOptionValues("nvargs");
for (String str : nvargValues){
if (!str.isEmpty()){
String[] kv = str.split("=");
if (kv.length != 2){
throw new org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException("Invalid argument specified for -nvargs option, must be a list of space separated K=V pairs, where K is a valid name of a variable in the DML/PyDML program");
if (!kv[0].matches(varNameRegex)) {
throw new org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException("Invalid argument specified for -nvargs option, " + kv[0] + " does not seem like a valid variable name in DML. Valid variable names in DML start with upper-case or lower-case letter, and contain only letters, digits, or underscores");
dmlOptions.argVals.put("$" + kv[0], kv[1]);
return dmlOptions;
* Creates an {@link Options} instance for the command line parameters
* As of SystemML 0.13, Apache Commons CLI 1.2 is transitively in the classpath
* However the most recent version of Apache Commons CLI is 1.4
* Creating CLI options is done using Static methods. This obviously makes it
* thread unsafe. Instead of {@link OptionBuilder}, CLI 1.4 uses Option.Builder which
* has non-static methods.
* @return an appropriate instance of {@link Options}
public static Options createCLIOptions() {
Options options = new Options();
Option nvargsOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("key=value")
.withDescription("parameterizes DML script with named parameters of the form <key=value>; <key> should be a valid identifier in DML/PyDML")
Option argsOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("argN")
.withDescription("specifies positional parameters; first value will replace $1 in DML program; $2 will replace 2nd and so on")
Option configOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("filename")
.withDescription("uses a given configuration file (can be on local/hdfs/gpfs; default values in SystemML-config.xml")
Option cleanOpt = OptionBuilder.withDescription("cleans up all SystemML working directories (FS, DFS); all other flags are ignored in this mode. \n")
Option statsOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("count")
.withDescription("monitors and reports caching/recompilation statistics; heavy hitter <count> is 10 unless overridden; default off")
Option explainOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("level")
.withDescription("explains plan levels; can be 'hops' / 'runtime'[default] / 'recompile_hops' / 'recompile_runtime'")
Option execOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("mode")
.withDescription("sets execution mode; can be 'hadoop' / 'singlenode' / 'hybrid'[default] / 'hybrid_spark' / 'spark'")
Option gpuOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("force")
.withDescription("uses CUDA instructions when reasonable; set <force> option to skip conservative memory estimates and use GPU wherever possible; default off")
Option debugOpt = OptionBuilder.withDescription("runs in debug mode; default off")
Option pythonOpt = OptionBuilder.withDescription("parses Python-like DML")
Option fileOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("filename")
.withDescription("specifies dml/pydml file to execute; path can be local/hdfs/gpfs (prefixed with appropriate URI)")
Option scriptOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("script_contents")
.withDescription("specified script string to execute directly")
Option helpOpt = OptionBuilder.withDescription("shows usage message")
OptionGroup fileOrScriptOpt = new OptionGroup();
// Either a clean(-clean), a file(-f), a script(-s) or help(-help) needs to be specified
OptionGroup argsOrNVArgsOpt = new OptionGroup();
argsOrNVArgsOpt.addOption(nvargsOpt).addOption(argsOpt); // Either -args or -nvargs
return options;
* Single entry point for all public invocation alternatives (e.g.,
* main, executeScript, JaqlUdf etc)
* @param conf Hadoop configuration
* @param args arguments
* @return true if success, false otherwise
* @throws DMLException if DMLException occurs
* @throws ParseException if ParseException occurs
public static boolean executeScript( Configuration conf, String[] args )
throws DMLException
//parse arguments and set execution properties
RUNTIME_PLATFORM oldrtplatform = rtplatform; //keep old rtplatform
ExplainType oldexplain = EXPLAIN; //keep old explain
Options options = createCLIOptions();
DMLOptions dmlOptions = parseCLArguments(args, options);
// String[] scriptArgs = null; //optional script arguments
// boolean namedScriptArgs = false;
STATISTICS = dmlOptions.stats;
STATISTICS_COUNT = dmlOptions.statsCount;
USE_ACCELERATOR = dmlOptions.gpu;
FORCE_ACCELERATOR = dmlOptions.forceGPU;
EXPLAIN = dmlOptions.explainType;
ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE = dmlOptions.debug;
SCRIPT_TYPE = dmlOptions.scriptType;
rtplatform = dmlOptions.execMode;
String fnameOptConfig = dmlOptions.configFile;
boolean isFile = dmlOptions.filePath != null;
String fileOrScript = isFile ? dmlOptions.filePath : dmlOptions.script;
boolean help =;
if (help) {
HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
formatter.printHelp( "systemml", options );
return true;
if (dmlOptions.clean) {
return true;
//set log level
setLoggingProperties( conf );
//Step 2: prepare script invocation
if (isFile && StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(fileOrScript, ".pydml")) {
String dmlScriptStr = readDMLScript(isFile, fileOrScript);
Map<String, String> argVals = dmlOptions.argVals;
DML_FILE_PATH_ANTLR_PARSER = dmlOptions.filePath;
//Step 3: invoke dml script
printInvocationInfo(fileOrScript, fnameOptConfig, argVals);
// inner try loop is just to isolate the debug exception, which will allow to manage the bugs from debugger v/s runtime
launchDebugger(dmlScriptStr, fnameOptConfig, argVals, SCRIPT_TYPE);
else {
execute(dmlScriptStr, fnameOptConfig, argVals, args, SCRIPT_TYPE);
catch(AlreadySelectedException e)
System.err.println("Mutually exclusive options were selected. " + e.getMessage());
HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
formatter.printHelp( "systemml", options );
return false;
catch(org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException e)
HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
formatter.printHelp( "systemml", options );
catch (ParseException pe) {
throw pe;
catch (DMLScriptException e) {
//rethrow DMLScriptException to propagate stop call
throw e;
catch(Exception ex)
LOG.error("Failed to execute DML script.", ex);
throw new DMLException(ex);
//reset runtime platform and visualize flag
rtplatform = oldrtplatform;
EXPLAIN = oldexplain;
return true;
* Reads the DML/PyDML script into a String
* @param isFile Whether the string argument is a path to a file or the script itself
* @param scriptOrFilename script or filename
* @return a string representation of the script
* @throws IOException if error
* @throws LanguageException if error
protected static String readDMLScript( boolean isFile, String scriptOrFilename )
throws IOException, LanguageException
String dmlScriptStr;
if( isFile )
String fileName = scriptOrFilename;
//read DML script from file
if(fileName == null)
throw new LanguageException("DML script path was not specified!");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
BufferedReader in = null;
//read from hdfs or gpfs file system
if( fileName.startsWith("hdfs:") || fileName.startsWith("gpfs:")
|| IOUtilFunctions.isObjectStoreFileScheme(new Path(fileName)) )
Path scriptPath = new Path(fileName);
FileSystem fs = IOUtilFunctions.getFileSystem(scriptPath);
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
// from local file system
in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
//core script reading
String tmp = null;
while ((tmp = in.readLine()) != null)
sb.append( tmp );
sb.append( "\n" );
catch (IOException ex) {
LOG.error("Failed to read the script from the file system", ex);
throw ex;
finally {
dmlScriptStr = sb.toString();
String scriptString = scriptOrFilename;
//parse given script string
if(scriptString == null)
throw new LanguageException("DML script was not specified!");
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(scriptString.getBytes());
Scanner scan = new Scanner(is);
dmlScriptStr = scan.useDelimiter("\\A").next();
return dmlScriptStr;
private static void setLoggingProperties( Configuration conf )
String debug = conf.get("systemml.logging");
if (debug == null)
debug = System.getProperty("systemml.logging");
if (debug != null){
if (debug.equalsIgnoreCase("debug")){
Logger.getLogger("org.apache.sysml").setLevel((Level) Level.DEBUG);
else if (debug.equalsIgnoreCase("trace")){
Logger.getLogger("org.apache.sysml").setLevel((Level) Level.TRACE);
// private internal interface
// (core compilation and execute)
* The running body of DMLScript execution. This method should be called after execution properties have been correctly set,
* and customized parameters have been put into _argVals
* @param dmlScriptStr DML script string
* @param fnameOptConfig configuration file
* @param argVals map of argument values
* @param allArgs arguments
* @param scriptType type of script (DML or PyDML)
* @throws ParseException if ParseException occurs
* @throws IOException if IOException occurs
* @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs
* @throws LanguageException if LanguageException occurs
* @throws HopsException if HopsException occurs
* @throws LopsException if LopsException occurs
private static void execute(String dmlScriptStr, String fnameOptConfig, Map<String,String> argVals, String[] allArgs, ScriptType scriptType)
throws ParseException, IOException, DMLRuntimeException, LanguageException, HopsException, LopsException
SCRIPT_TYPE = scriptType;
//print basic time and environment info
printStartExecInfo( dmlScriptStr );
//Step 1: parse configuration files & write any configuration specific global variables
DMLConfig dmlconf = DMLConfig.readConfigurationFile(fnameOptConfig);
CompilerConfig cconf = OptimizerUtils.constructCompilerConfig(dmlconf);
LOG.debug("\nDML config: \n" + dmlconf.getConfigInfo());
// Sets the GPUs to use for this process (a range, all GPUs, comma separated list or a specific GPU)
GPUContextPool.AVAILABLE_GPUS = dmlconf.getTextValue(DMLConfig.AVAILABLE_GPUS);
String evictionPolicy = dmlconf.getTextValue(DMLConfig.GPU_EVICTION_POLICY).toUpperCase();
try {
DMLScript.GPU_EVICTION_POLICY = EvictionPolicy.valueOf(evictionPolicy);
} catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported eviction policy:" + evictionPolicy);
//Step 2: set local/remote memory if requested (for compile in AM context)
if( dmlconf.getBooleanValue(DMLConfig.YARN_APPMASTER) ){
//Step 3: parse dml script
ParserWrapper parser = ParserFactory.createParser(scriptType);
DMLProgram prog = parser.parse(DML_FILE_PATH_ANTLR_PARSER, dmlScriptStr, argVals);
//Step 4: construct HOP DAGs (incl LVA, validate, and setup)
DMLTranslator dmlt = new DMLTranslator(prog);
//init working directories (before usage by following compilation steps)
initHadoopExecution( dmlconf );
//Step 5: rewrite HOP DAGs (incl IPA and memory estimates)
//Step 6: construct lops (incl exec type and op selection)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("\n********************** LOPS DAG *******************");
//Step 7: generate runtime program, incl codegen
Program rtprog = dmlt.getRuntimeProgram(prog, dmlconf);
//Step 8: [optional global data flow optimization]
if(OptimizerUtils.isOptLevel(OptimizationLevel.O4_GLOBAL_TIME_MEMORY) )
LOG.warn("Optimization level '" + OptimizationLevel.O4_GLOBAL_TIME_MEMORY + "' " +
"is still in experimental state and not intended for production use.");
rtprog = GlobalOptimizerWrapper.optimizeProgram(prog, rtprog);
//launch SystemML appmaster (if requested and not already in launched AM)
if( dmlconf.getBooleanValue(DMLConfig.YARN_APPMASTER) ){
if( !isActiveAM() && DMLYarnClientProxy.launchDMLYarnAppmaster(dmlScriptStr, dmlconf, allArgs, rtprog) )
return; //if AM launch unsuccessful, fall back to normal execute
if( isActiveAM() ) //in AM context (not failed AM launch)
//Step 9: prepare statistics [and optional explain output]
//count number compiled MR jobs / SP instructions
ExplainCounts counts = Explain.countDistributedOperations(rtprog);
Statistics.resetNoOfCompiledJobs( counts.numJobs );
//explain plan of program (hops or runtime)
if( EXPLAIN != ExplainType.NONE ), rtprog, EXPLAIN, counts));
//double costs = CostEstimationWrapper.getTimeEstimate(rtprog, ExecutionContextFactory.createContext());
//System.out.println("Estimated costs: "+costs);
//Step 10: execute runtime program
ExecutionContext ec = null;
try {
ec = ExecutionContextFactory.createContext(rtprog);
ScriptExecutorUtils.executeRuntimeProgram(rtprog, ec, dmlconf, STATISTICS ? STATISTICS_COUNT : 0);
finally {
if(ec != null && ec instanceof SparkExecutionContext)
((SparkExecutionContext) ec).close();"END DML run " + getDateTime() );
//cleanup scratch_space and all working dirs
cleanupHadoopExecution( dmlconf );
* Launcher for DML debugger. This method should be called after
* execution and debug properties have been correctly set, and customized parameters
* @param dmlScriptStr DML script contents (including new lines)
* @param fnameOptConfig Full path of configuration file for SystemML
* @param argVals Key-value pairs defining arguments of DML script
* @param scriptType type of script (DML or PyDML)
* @throws ParseException if ParseException occurs
* @throws IOException if IOException occurs
* @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs
* @throws DMLDebuggerException if DMLDebuggerException occurs
* @throws LanguageException if LanguageException occurs
* @throws HopsException if HopsException occurs
* @throws LopsException if LopsException occurs
private static void launchDebugger(String dmlScriptStr, String fnameOptConfig, Map<String,String> argVals, ScriptType scriptType)
throws ParseException, IOException, DMLRuntimeException, DMLDebuggerException, LanguageException, HopsException, LopsException
DMLDebuggerProgramInfo dbprog = new DMLDebuggerProgramInfo();
//Step 1: parse configuration files
DMLConfig conf = DMLConfig.readConfigurationFile(fnameOptConfig);
//Step 2: parse dml script
ParserWrapper parser = ParserFactory.createParser(scriptType);
DMLProgram prog = parser.parse(DML_FILE_PATH_ANTLR_PARSER, dmlScriptStr, argVals);
//Step 3: construct HOP DAGs (incl LVA and validate)
DMLTranslator dmlt = new DMLTranslator(prog);
//Step 4: rewrite HOP DAGs (incl IPA and memory estimates)
//Step 5: construct LOP DAGs
//Step 6: generate runtime program
dbprog.rtprog = dmlt.getRuntimeProgram(prog, conf);
try {
//set execution environment
//initialize an instance of SystemML debugger
DMLDebugger SystemMLdb = new DMLDebugger(dbprog, dmlScriptStr);
//run SystemML debugger
finally {
//cleanup scratch_space and all working dirs
public static void initHadoopExecution( DMLConfig config )
throws IOException, ParseException, DMLRuntimeException
//check security aspects
checkSecuritySetup( config );
//create scratch space with appropriate permissions
String scratch = config.getTextValue(DMLConfig.SCRATCH_SPACE);
MapReduceTool.createDirIfNotExistOnHDFS(scratch, DMLConfig.DEFAULT_SHARED_DIR_PERMISSION);
//cleanup working dirs from previous aborted runs with same pid in order to prevent conflicts
//init caching (incl set active)
//reset statistics (required if multiple scripts executed in one JVM)
private static void checkSecuritySetup(DMLConfig config)
throws IOException, DMLRuntimeException
//analyze local configuration
String userName = System.getProperty( "" );
HashSet<String> groupNames = new HashSet<>();
//check existence, for backwards compatibility to < hadoop 0.21
if( UserGroupInformation.class.getMethod("getCurrentUser") != null ){
String[] groups = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getGroupNames();
Collections.addAll(groupNames, groups);
}catch(Exception ex){}
//analyze hadoop configuration
JobConf job = ConfigurationManager.getCachedJobConf();
boolean localMode = InfrastructureAnalyzer.isLocalMode(job);
String taskController = job.get(MRConfigurationNames.MR_TASKTRACKER_TASKCONTROLLER, "org.apache.hadoop.mapred.DefaultTaskController");
String ttGroupName = job.get(MRConfigurationNames.MR_TASKTRACKER_GROUP,"null");
String perm = job.get(MRConfigurationNames.DFS_PERMISSIONS_ENABLED,"null"); //note: job.get("dfs.permissions.supergroup",null);
URI fsURI = FileSystem.getDefaultUri(job);
//determine security states
boolean flagDiffUser = !( taskController.equals("org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LinuxTaskController") //runs map/reduce tasks as the current user
|| localMode // run in the same JVM anyway
|| groupNames.contains( ttGroupName) ); //user in task tracker group
boolean flagLocalFS = fsURI==null || fsURI.getScheme().equals("file");
boolean flagSecurity = perm.equals("yes");
LOG.debug("SystemML security check: "
+ " = " + userName + ", "
+ "local.user.groups = " + ProgramConverter.serializeStringCollection(groupNames) + ", "
+ MRConfigurationNames.MR_JOBTRACKER_ADDRESS + " = " + job.get(MRConfigurationNames.MR_JOBTRACKER_ADDRESS) + ", "
+ MRConfigurationNames.MR_TASKTRACKER_TASKCONTROLLER + " = " + taskController + ","
+ MRConfigurationNames.MR_TASKTRACKER_GROUP + " = " + ttGroupName + ", "
+ MRConfigurationNames.FS_DEFAULTFS + " = " + ((fsURI!=null) ? fsURI.getScheme() : "null") + ", "
+ MRConfigurationNames.DFS_PERMISSIONS_ENABLED + " = " + perm );
//print warning if permission issues possible
if( flagDiffUser && ( flagLocalFS || flagSecurity ) )
LOG.warn("Cannot run map/reduce tasks as user '"+userName+"'. Using tasktracker group '"+ttGroupName+"'.");
public static void cleanupHadoopExecution( DMLConfig config )
throws IOException, ParseException
//create dml-script-specific suffix
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String dirSuffix = sb.toString();
//1) cleanup scratch space (everything for current uuid)
//(required otherwise export to hdfs would skip assumed unnecessary writes if same name)
MapReduceTool.deleteFileIfExistOnHDFS( config.getTextValue(DMLConfig.SCRATCH_SPACE) + dirSuffix );
//2) cleanup hadoop working dirs (only required for LocalJobRunner (local job tracker), because
//this implementation does not create job specific sub directories)
JobConf job = new JobConf(ConfigurationManager.getCachedJobConf());
if( InfrastructureAnalyzer.isLocalMode(job) ) {
LocalFileUtils.deleteFileIfExists( DMLConfig.LOCAL_MR_MODE_STAGING_DIR + //staging dir (for local mode only)
dirSuffix );
LocalFileUtils.deleteFileIfExists( MRJobConfiguration.getLocalWorkingDirPrefix(job) + //local dir
dirSuffix );
MapReduceTool.deleteFileIfExistOnHDFS( MRJobConfiguration.getSystemWorkingDirPrefix(job) + //system dir
dirSuffix );
MapReduceTool.deleteFileIfExistOnHDFS( MRJobConfiguration.getStagingWorkingDirPrefix(job) + //staging dir
dirSuffix );
catch(Exception ex)
//we give only a warning because those directories are written by the mapred deamon
//and hence, execution can still succeed
LOG.warn("Unable to cleanup hadoop working dirs: "+ex.getMessage());
//3) cleanup systemml-internal working dirs
CacheableData.cleanupCacheDir(); //might be local/hdfs
// private internal helper functionalities
private static void printInvocationInfo(String fnameScript, String fnameOptConfig, Map<String,String> argVals)
LOG.debug("****** args to DML Script ******\n" + "UUID: " + getUUID() + "\n" + "SCRIPT PATH: " + fnameScript + "\n"
+ "RUNTIME: " + rtplatform + "\n" + "BUILTIN CONFIG: " + DMLConfig.DEFAULT_SYSTEMML_CONFIG_FILEPATH + "\n"
+ "OPTIONAL CONFIG: " + fnameOptConfig + "\n");
if( !argVals.isEmpty() ) {
LOG.debug("Script arguments are: \n");
for (int i=1; i<= argVals.size(); i++)
LOG.debug("Script argument $" + i + " = " + argVals.get("$" + i) );
private static void printStartExecInfo(String dmlScriptString)
{"BEGIN DML run " + getDateTime());
LOG.debug("DML script: \n" + dmlScriptString);
if (rtplatform == RUNTIME_PLATFORM.HADOOP || rtplatform == RUNTIME_PLATFORM.HYBRID) {
String hadoop_home = System.getenv("HADOOP_HOME");"HADOOP_HOME: " + hadoop_home);
private static String getDateTime()
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
Date date = new Date();
return dateFormat.format(date);
private static void cleanSystemMLWorkspace()
throws DMLException
//read the default config
DMLConfig conf = DMLConfig.readConfigurationFile(null);
//run cleanup job to clean remote local tmp dirs
//cleanup scratch space (on HDFS)
String scratch = conf.getTextValue(DMLConfig.SCRATCH_SPACE);
if( scratch != null )
//cleanup local working dir
String localtmp = conf.getTextValue(DMLConfig.LOCAL_TMP_DIR);
if( localtmp != null )
catch(Exception ex)
throw new DMLException("Failed to run SystemML workspace cleanup.", ex);