blob: a3c4a487db22170fc73fb1ecbd1579ca537fa33c [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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from slicing.base.node import Node
from slicing.base.top_k import Topk
# optimization function calculation:
# fi - error of subset, si - its size
# f - error of complete set, x_size - its size
# w - "significance" weight of error constraint
def opt_fun(fi, si, f, x_size, w):
formula = w * (fi/f) + (1 - w) * (si/x_size)
return float(formula)
# slice_name_nonsense function defines if combination of nodes on current level is fine or impossible:
# there is dependency between common nodes' attributes number and current level is such that:
# commons == cur_lvl - 1
# valid combination example: node ABC + node BCD (on 4th level) // three attributes nodes have two common attributes
# invalid combination example: node ABC + CDE (on 4th level) // result node - ABCDE (absurd for 4th level)
def slice_name_nonsense(node_i, node_j, cur_lvl):
attr1 = list(map(lambda x: x[0].split("_")[0], node_i.attributes))
attr2 = list(map(lambda x: x[0].split("_")[0], node_j.attributes))
commons = len(list(set(attr1) & set(attr2)))
return commons == cur_lvl - 1
def union(lst1, lst2):
final_list = sorted(set(list(lst1) + list(lst2)))
return final_list
def make_first_level(all_features, complete_x, loss, x_size, y_test, errors, loss_type, top_k, alpha, w):
first_level = []
counter = 0
all_nodes = {}
# First level slices are enumerated in a "classic way" (getting data and not analyzing bounds
for feature in all_features:
new_node = Node(complete_x, loss, x_size, y_test, errors)
new_node.parents = [(feature, counter)]
new_node.attributes.append((feature, counter)) = new_node.make_name()
new_id = len(all_nodes)
new_node.key = new_node.make_key(new_id)
all_nodes[new_node.key] = new_node
new_node.score = opt_fun(new_node.loss, new_node.size, loss, x_size, w)
new_node.c_upper = new_node.score
new_node.print_debug(top_k, 0)
# constraints for 1st level nodes to be problematic candidates
if new_node.check_constraint(top_k, x_size, alpha):
# this method updates top k slices if needed
counter = counter + 1
return first_level, all_nodes
def join_enum(node_i, prev_lvl, complete_x, loss, x_size, y_test, errors, debug, alpha, w, loss_type, b_update, cur_lvl,
all_nodes, top_k, cur_lvl_nodes):
for node_j in range(len(prev_lvl)):
flag = slice_name_nonsense(prev_lvl[node_i], prev_lvl[node_j], cur_lvl)
if flag and prev_lvl[node_j].key[0] > prev_lvl[node_i].key[0]:
new_node = Node(complete_x, loss, x_size, y_test, errors)
parents_set = set(new_node.parents)
new_node.parents = list(parents_set)
parent1_attr = prev_lvl[node_i].attributes
parent2_attr = prev_lvl[node_j].attributes
new_node_attr = union(parent1_attr, parent2_attr)
new_node.attributes = new_node_attr = new_node.make_name()
new_id = len(all_nodes)
new_node.key = new_node.make_key(new_id)
if new_node.key[1] in all_nodes:
existing_item = all_nodes[new_node.key[1]]
parents_set = set(existing_item.parents)
existing_item.parents = parents_set
if b_update:
s_upper = new_node.calc_s_upper(cur_lvl)
s_lower = new_node.calc_s_lower(cur_lvl)
e_upper = new_node.calc_e_upper()
e_max_upper = new_node.calc_e_max_upper(cur_lvl)
new_node.update_bounds(s_upper, s_lower, e_upper, e_max_upper, w)
new_node.calc_bounds(cur_lvl, w)
all_nodes[new_node.key[1]] = new_node
# check if concrete data should be extracted or not (only for those that have score upper
# big enough and if size of subset is big enough
to_slice = new_node.check_bounds(top_k, x_size, alpha)
if to_slice:
new_node.score = opt_fun(new_node.loss, new_node.size, loss, x_size, w)
# we decide to add node to current level nodes (in order to make new combinations
# on the next one or not basing on its score value
if new_node.check_constraint(top_k, x_size, alpha) and new_node.key not in top_k.keys:
if debug:
new_node.print_debug(top_k, cur_lvl)
return cur_lvl_nodes, all_nodes
# alpha is size significance coefficient (required for optimization function)
# verbose option is for returning debug info while creating slices and printing it (in console)
# k is number of top-slices we want to receive as a result (maximum output, if less all of subsets will be printed)
# w is a weight of error function significance (1 - w) is a size significance propagated into optimization function
# loss_type = 0 (in case of regression model)
# loss_type = 1 (in case of classification model)
def process(all_features, complete_x, loss, x_size, y_test, errors, debug, alpha, k, w, loss_type, b_update):
levels = []
top_k = Topk(k)
first_level = make_first_level(all_features, complete_x, loss, x_size, y_test, errors, loss_type, top_k, alpha, w)
all_nodes = first_level[1]
# cur_lvl - index of current level, correlates with number of slice forming features
cur_lvl = 1 # currently filled level after first init iteration
# currently for debug
print("Level 1 had " + str(len(all_features)) + " candidates")
print("Current topk are: ")
# combining each candidate of previous level with every till it becomes useless (one node can't make a pair)
while len(levels[cur_lvl - 1]) > 1:
cur_lvl_nodes = []
prev_lvl = levels[cur_lvl - 1]
for node_i in range(len(prev_lvl)):
partial = join_enum(node_i, prev_lvl, complete_x, loss, x_size, y_test, errors, debug, alpha, w, loss_type,
b_update, cur_lvl, all_nodes, top_k, cur_lvl_nodes)
cur_lvl_nodes = partial[0]
all_nodes = partial[1]
cur_lvl = cur_lvl + 1
print("Level " + str(cur_lvl) + " had " + str(len(prev_lvl) * (len(prev_lvl) - 1)) +
" candidates but after pruning only " + str(len(cur_lvl_nodes)) + " go to the next level")
print("Program stopped at level " + str(cur_lvl + 1))
print("Selected slices are: ")