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* Factorization Machines.
forward = function(matrix[double] X, matrix[double] w0, matrix[double] W, matrix[double] V)
return (matrix[double] out) {
* Computes the model.
* Reference:
* - Factorization Machines, Steffen Rendle.
* Inputs:
* - X : n examples with d features, of shape (n, d).
* - w0: the global bias, of shape (1,).
* - W : the strength of each feature, of shape (d, 1).
* - V : factorized interaction terms, of shape (d, k).
* Outputs:
* - out : target vector, of shape (n, 1).
out = (X %*% W) + (0.5 * rowSums((X %*% V)^2 - (X^2 %*% V^2)) ) + w0 # shape (n, 1)
backward = function(matrix[double] dout, matrix[double] X, matrix[double] w0, matrix[double] W,
matrix[double] V)
return (matrix[double] dw0, matrix[double] dW, matrix[double] dV) {
* This function accepts the upstream gradients w.r.t. output target
* vector, and returns the gradients of the loss w.r.t. the
* parameters.
* Inputs:
* - dout : the gradient of the loss function w.r.t y, of
* shape (n, 1).
* - X, w0, W, V are as mentioned in the above forward function.
* Outputs:
* - dX : the gradient of loss function w.r.t X, of shape (n, d).
* - dw0: the gradient of loss function w.r.t w0, of shape (1,).
* - dW : the gradient of loss function w.r.t W, of shape (d, 1).
* - dV : the gradient of loss function w.r.t V, of shape (d, k).
n = nrow(X)
d = ncol(X)
k = ncol(V)
# 1. gradient of target vector w.r.t. w0
g_w0 = as.matrix(1) # shape (1, 1)
## gradient of loss function w.r.t. w0
dw0 = colSums(dout) # shape (1, 1)
# 2. gradient target vector w.r.t. W
g_W = X # shape (n, d)
## gradient of loss function w.r.t. W
dW = t(g_W) %*% dout # shape (d, 1)
# 3. gradient of target vector w.r.t. V
# First term -> g_V1 = t(X) %*% (X %*% V) # shape (d, k)
## gradient of loss function w.r.t. V
# First term -> t(X) %*% X %*% V
# Second term -> V(i,f) * (X(i))^2
Xt = t( X^2 ) %*% dout # shape (d,1)
g_V2 = Xt[1,] %*% V[1,]
for (i in 2:d) {
tmp = Xt[i,] %*% V[i,]
g_V2 = rbind(g_V2, tmp)
xv = X %*% V
g_V1 = dout[,1] * xv[,1]
for (j in 2:k) {
tmp1 = dout[,1] * xv[,k]
g_V1 = cbind(g_V1, tmp1)
dV = (t(X) %*% g_V1) - g_V2
# dV = mean(dout) * (t(X) %*% X %*%V) - g_V2
init = function(int d, int k)
return (matrix[double] w0, matrix[double] W, matrix[double] V) {
* This function initializes the parameters.
* Inputs:
* - d: the number of features, is an integer.
* - k: the factorization dimensionality, is an integer.
* Outputs:
* - w0: the global bias, of shape (1,).
* - W : the strength of each feature, of shape (d, 1).
* - V : factorized interaction terms, of shape (d, k).
w0 = matrix(0, rows=1, cols=1)
W = matrix(0, rows=d, cols=1)
V = rand(rows=d, cols=k, min=0.0, max=1.0, pdf="uniform", sparsity=.08)