blob: 86a33088a984fa060c10dd77d5347f6d55b57756 [file] [log] [blame]
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* This Example trains a feed forward neural network with one input layer, two hidden affine layers (200 neurons) with
* leaky relu activations and one affine output layer with a softmax activation
* The reason for this example is to test the performance differences between single threaded, with a parameter server
* for parallelization and finally federated across multiple SystemDS instances
* Inputs:
* - train: The file containing the training data
* - test: the file containing the test data
* The MNIST Data can be downloaded as follows:
* mkdir -p data/mnist/
* cd data/mnist/
* curl -O
* curl -O
* Sample Invocation
* systemds "<path to systemds repo>/systemds/scripts/nn/examples/Example-MNIST_2NN_Leaky_ReLu_Softmax.dml"
* -nvargs train=<path to data>/mnist_data/mnist_train.csv test=<path to data>/mnist_data/mnist_test.csv
source("nn/examples/mnist_2NN.dml") as mnist_2NN
# Read training data
data = read($train, format="csv")
n = nrow(data)
# Extract images and labels
images = data[,2:ncol(data)]
labels = data[,1]
# Scale images to [0,1], and one-hot encode the labels
images = images / 255.0
labels = table(seq(1, n), labels+1, n, 10)
# Split into training (55,000 examples) and validation (5,000 examples)
X = images[5001:nrow(images),]
X_val = images[1:5000,]
y = labels[5001:nrow(images),]
y_val = labels[1:5000,]
# Train
epochs = 1
[W_1, b_1, W_2, b_2, W_3, b_3] = mnist_2NN::train(X, y, X_val, y_val, epochs)
# Read test data
data = read($test, format="csv")
n = nrow(data)
# Extract images and labels
X_test = data[,2:ncol(data)]
y_test = data[,1]
# Scale images to [0,1], and one-hot encode the labels
X_test = X_test / 255.0
y_test = table(seq(1, n), y_test+1, n, 10)
# Eval on test set
probs = mnist_2NN::predict(X_test, W_1, b_1, W_2, b_2, W_3, b_3)
[loss, accuracy] = mnist_2NN::eval(probs, y_test)
print("Test Accuracy: " + accuracy)