blob: 5d4c5252e9f2a771c64526acd542fda571e7dddf [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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# Intended to solve GLM Regression using R, in order to compare against the DML implementation
# INPUT 1: Matrix X [rows, columns]
# and Matrix y [rows, 1]
# INPUT 2-5: Distribution family and link, see below:
# ---------------------------------------------
# Dst Var Lnk Lnk Distribution Cano-
# typ pow typ pow nical?
# ---------------------------------------------
# 1 0.0 1 -1.0 Gaussian.inverse
# 1 0.0 1 0.0 Gaussian.log
# 1 0.0 1 1.0 Yes
# 1 1.0 1 0.0 Poisson.log Yes
# 1 1.0 1 0.5 Poisson.sqrt
# 1 1.0 1 1.0
# 1 2.0 1 -1.0 Gamma.inverse Yes
# 1 2.0 1 0.0 Gamma.log
# 1 2.0 1 1.0
# 1 3.0 1 -2.0 InvGaussian.1/mu^2 Yes
# 1 3.0 1 -1.0 InvGaussian.inverse
# 1 3.0 1 0.0 InvGaussian.log
# 1 3.0 1 1.0
# 1 * 1 * AnyVariance.AnyLink
# ---------------------------------------------
# 2 -1.0 * * Binomial {-1, 1}
# 2 0.0 * * Binomial { 0, 1}
# 2 1.0 * * Binomial two-column
# 2 * 1 0.0 Binomial.log
# 2 * 2 * Binomial.logit Yes
# 2 * 3 * Binomial.probit
# 2 * 4 * Binomial.cloglog
# 2 * 5 * Binomial.cauchit
# ---------------------------------------------
# INPUT 2: (int) Distribution type
# INPUT 3: (double) For Power families: Variance power of the mean
# INPUT 4: (int) Link function type
# INPUT 5: (double) Link as power of the mean
# INPUT 6: (int) Intercept: 0 = no, 1 = yes
# INPUT 7: (double) tolerance (epsilon)
# INPUT 8: the regression coefficients output file
# OUTPUT : Matrix beta [columns, 1]
# Assume that $GLMR_HOME is set to the home of the R script
# Assume input and output directories are $GLMR_HOME/in/ and $GLMR_HOME/expected/
# Rscript $GLMR_HOME/GLM.R $GLMR_HOME/in/X.mtx $GLMR_HOME/in/y.mtx 2 0.0 2 0.0 1 0.00000001 $GLMR_HOME/expected/w.mtx
args <- commandArgs (TRUE);
library ("Matrix");
# library ("batch");
options (warn = -1);
X_here <- as.matrix(readMM(args[1]))
y_here <- as.matrix(readMM(args[2]))
num_records <- nrow (X_here);
num_features <- ncol (X_here);
dist_type <- as.integer (args[3]);
dist_param <- as.numeric (args[4]);
link_type <- as.integer (args[5]);
link_power <- as.numeric (args[6]);
icept <- as.integer (args[7]);
eps_n <- as.numeric (args[8]);
f_ly <- gaussian ();
var_power <- dist_param;
if (dist_type == 1 & var_power == 0.0 & link_type == 1 & link_power == 1.0) { f_ly <- gaussian (link = "identity"); } else
if (dist_type == 1 & var_power == 0.0 & link_type == 1 & link_power == -1.0) { f_ly <- gaussian (link = "inverse"); } else
if (dist_type == 1 & var_power == 0.0 & link_type == 1 & link_power == 0.0) { f_ly <- gaussian (link = "log"); } else
if (dist_type == 1 & var_power == 1.0 & link_type == 1 & link_power == 1.0) { f_ly <- poisson (link = "identity"); } else
if (dist_type == 1 & var_power == 1.0 & link_type == 1 & link_power == 0.0) { f_ly <- poisson (link = "log"); } else
if (dist_type == 1 & var_power == 1.0 & link_type == 1 & link_power == 0.5) { f_ly <- poisson (link = "sqrt"); } else
if (dist_type == 1 & var_power == 2.0 & link_type == 1 & link_power == 1.0) { f_ly <- Gamma (link = "identity"); } else
if (dist_type == 1 & var_power == 2.0 & link_type == 1 & link_power == -1.0) { f_ly <- Gamma (link = "inverse"); } else
if (dist_type == 1 & var_power == 2.0 & link_type == 1 & link_power == 0.0) { f_ly <- Gamma (link = "log"); } else
if (dist_type == 1 & var_power == 3.0 & link_type == 1 & link_power == 1.0) { f_ly <- inverse.gaussian (link = "identity"); } else
if (dist_type == 1 & var_power == 3.0 & link_type == 1 & link_power == -1.0) { f_ly <- inverse.gaussian (link = "inverse"); } else
if (dist_type == 1 & var_power == 3.0 & link_type == 1 & link_power == 0.0) { f_ly <- inverse.gaussian (link = "log"); } else
if (dist_type == 1 & var_power == 3.0 & link_type == 1 & link_power == -2.0) { f_ly <- inverse.gaussian (link = "1/mu^2"); } else
if (dist_type == 2 & link_type == 1 & link_power == 0.0) { f_ly <- binomial (link = "log"); } else
if (dist_type == 2 & link_type == 1 & link_power == 1.0) { f_ly <- binomial (link = "identity"); } else
if (dist_type == 2 & link_type == 1 & link_power == 0.5) { f_ly <- binomial (link = "sqrt"); } else
if (dist_type == 2 & link_type == 2 ) { f_ly <- binomial (link = "logit"); } else
if (dist_type == 2 & link_type == 3 ) { f_ly <- binomial (link = "probit"); } else
if (dist_type == 2 & link_type == 4 ) { f_ly <- binomial (link = "cloglog"); } else
if (dist_type == 2 & link_type == 5 ) { f_ly <- binomial (link = "cauchit"); }
# quasi(link = "identity", variance = "constant")
# quasibinomial(link = "logit")
# quasipoisson(link = "log")
if (dist_type == 2 & dist_param != 1.0) {
y_here <- (y_here - dist_param) / (1.0 - dist_param);
# epsilon tolerance: the iterations converge when |dev - devold|/(|dev| + 0.1) < epsilon.
# maxit integer giving the maximal number of IWLS iterations.
# trace logical indicating if output should be produced for each iteration.
c_rol <- glm.control (epsilon = eps_n, maxit = 100, trace = FALSE);
X_matrix = as.matrix (X_here);
y_matrix = as.matrix (y_here);
if (icept == 0) {
glmOut <- glm (y_matrix ~ X_matrix - 1, family = f_ly, control = c_rol); # zero intercept
betas <- coef (glmOut);
} else {
glmOut <- glm (y_matrix ~ X_matrix , family = f_ly, control = c_rol);
betas <- coef (glmOut);
beta_intercept = betas [1];
betas [1 : num_features] = betas [2 : (num_features + 1)];
betas [num_features + 1] = beta_intercept;
print (c("Deviance", glmOut$deviance));
writeMM (as (betas, "CsparseMatrix"), args[9], format = "text");