[SYSTEMDS-2594] Fix bufferpool leak in mvvar instructions (for mice)

A recent rework of the mice builtin in PR #972 made the existing
BufferPoolLeak test fail again. The reason was an invalid cleanup logic
in mvvar (move variable) instructions that only performed this cleanup
for matrix and frame operands. However, mvvar instructions don't carry
the data types and thus this cleanup never happened, leading to
unnecessary evictions. This patch fixes the issue and also makes the
entire mvvar logic slightly more efficient (less symbol table probes).
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/apache/sysds/runtime/instructions/cp/VariableCPInstruction.java b/src/main/java/org/apache/sysds/runtime/instructions/cp/VariableCPInstruction.java
index 222b164..0e2b8ad 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/apache/sysds/runtime/instructions/cp/VariableCPInstruction.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/apache/sysds/runtime/instructions/cp/VariableCPInstruction.java
@@ -670,28 +670,24 @@
 	private void processMoveInstruction(ExecutionContext ec) {
 		if ( getInput3() == null ) {
-			// example: mvvar tempA A
+			// example: mvvar tempA A (note that mvvar does not carry the data types)
-			// get source variable 
-			Data srcData = ec.getVariable(getInput1().getName());
+			// get and remove source variable 
+			Data srcData = ec.removeVariable(getInput1().getName());
 			if ( srcData == null ) {
 				throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unexpected error: could not find a data object "
 					+ "for variable name:" + getInput1().getName() + ", while processing instruction ");
-			if( getInput2().getDataType().isMatrix() || getInput2().getDataType().isFrame() ) {
-				// remove existing variable bound to target name
-				Data tgt = ec.removeVariable(getInput2().getName());
-				//cleanup matrix data on fs/hdfs (if necessary)
-				if( tgt != null )
-					ec.cleanupDataObject(tgt);
-			}
+			// remove existing variable bound to target name and
+			// cleanup matrix/frame/list data if necessary
+			Data tgt = ec.removeVariable(getInput2().getName());
+			if( tgt != null)
+				ec.cleanupDataObject(tgt);
 			// do the actual move
 			ec.setVariable(getInput2().getName(), srcData);
-			ec.removeVariable(getInput1().getName());
 		else {
 			// example instruction: mvvar <srcVar> <destFile> <format>