blob: 5ba7424a5cfd4d253c55696082fc8ce254613136 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.OptimizerUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.DMLRuntimeException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.KahanPlus;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.KahanObject;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.CommonThreadPool;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.DnnUtils;
* This class allows users to invoke deep learning related operations
* (such as conv2d, conv2d_backward_data, conv2d_backward_filter, maxpooling, maxpooling_backward, bias_add)
* using multiple threads.
* The methods accept the input matrices as MatrixBlock and the parameters using ConvolutionParameters.
* To run in single thread, please set ConvolutionParameters.numThreads to 1.
* 1. LibMatrixDNN contains the user-facing methods for deep learning related operations.
* 2. The deep learning tasks are executed in parallel using java's ExecutorService. The key pattern
* followed by the above mentioned functions are as follows:
* execute(LibMatrixDNNHelper.get__Workers(params), params);
* 3. LibMatrixDNN's execute() method ensures the creation and shutdown of the ExecutorService.
* 4. LibMatrixDNN__.getWorkers creates appropriate workers based on the runtime characteristics of
* the input data (for example: input activations, filter, dout, ...). For code maintenance, these workers
* are placed in the respective LibMatrixDNN__Helper files.
* 5. The above mentioned workers may also use additional workers such as im2col and rotate180.
* We have created similar get__Workers methods to return the appropriate worker based on the
* runtime characteristics.
* 6. As opposed to earlier implementation, this design reduces branch misprediction as well
* as instruction cache misses. It also allows us to experiment with new operators for different
* data characteristics without affecting the performance of other operators.
* 7. This class assumes that the caller (for CP ConvolutionCPInstruction) deals with the empty block cases.
public class LibMatrixDNN {
protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(LibMatrixDNN.class.getName());
public static enum PoolingType {
//library configurations and external contracts
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private static AtomicLong conv2dSparseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong conv2dDenseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong conv2dBwdFilterSparseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong conv2dBwdFilterDenseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong conv2dBwdDataSparseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong conv2dBwdDataDenseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong im2colSparseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong im2colDenseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong maxPoolBwdSparseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong maxPoolBwdDenseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
static AtomicLong loopedConvMatMultTime = new AtomicLong(0);
static AtomicLong loopedConvIm2ColTime = new AtomicLong(0);
static AtomicLong loopedConvBwdFilterMatMultTime = new AtomicLong(0);
static AtomicLong loopedConvBwdFilterIm2ColTime = new AtomicLong(0);
static AtomicLong loopedConvBwdDataMatMultTime = new AtomicLong(0);
static AtomicLong loopedConvBwdDataCol2ImTime = new AtomicLong(0);
public static void resetStatistics() {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This method performs convolution (i.e. cross-correlation) operation on input
* @param input input batch
* @param filter filter
* @param outputBlock output of convolution
* @param params convolution parameters
public static void conv2d(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock filter, MatrixBlock outputBlock, DnnParameters params) {
LibMatrixDNN.checkInputsConv2d(input, filter, outputBlock, params);
if(params.bias != null && params.bias.isInSparseFormat())
params.bias.sparseToDense(); // Since bias is extremely small array
long nnz = execute(LibMatrixDNNConv2d.getConv2dWorkers(params), params);
//post-processing: maintain nnz
* This method computes the backpropogation errors for previous layer of convolution operation
* @param filter filter used in conv2d
* @param dout errors from next layer
* @param outputBlock output errors
* @param params convolution parameters
public static void conv2dBackwardData(MatrixBlock filter, MatrixBlock dout, MatrixBlock outputBlock, DnnParameters params) {
checkInputsConv2dBackwardData(filter, dout, outputBlock, params);
long nnz = execute(LibMatrixDNNConv2d.getConv2dBackwardDataWorkers(params), params);
//post-processing: maintain nnz
* This method computes the backpropogation errors for filter of convolution operation
* @param input input image
* @param dout errors from next layer
* @param outputBlock output errors
* @param params convolution parameters
public static void conv2dBackwardFilter(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock dout, MatrixBlock outputBlock, DnnParameters params) {
checkInputsConv2dBackwardFilter(input, dout, outputBlock, params);
execute(LibMatrixDNNConv2d.getConv2dBackwardFilterWorkers(params), params);
//post-processing: maintain nnz
public static void pooling(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock output, DnnParameters params, PoolingType poolType) {
params.input1 = input;
params.output = output;
if(input.getNumColumns() != params.C*params.H*params.W || input.getNumRows() != params.N) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect input dimensions in maxpooling:" + input.getNumRows() + " "
+ input.getNumColumns() + " " + params.N + " " + params.C*params.H*params.W);
//materialize indexes unless basic case with stride=1 and pad=0
if( !params.isStride1Pad0() || input.sparse )
long nnz = execute(LibMatrixDNNPooling.getPoolingWorkers(params, poolType), params);
// post-processing: maintain nnz
* This method computes the backpropogation errors for previous layer of pooling operation
* @param input input matrix
* @param dout dout matrix
* @param outputBlock output matrix
* @param params convolution parameters
* @param performReluBackward perform ReLU backward
* @param poolType type of pooling
public static void poolingBackward(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock dout, MatrixBlock outputBlock,
DnnParameters params, boolean performReluBackward, PoolingType poolType) {
params.input1 = input;
params.input2 = dout;
params.output = outputBlock;
if(poolType == PoolingType.MAX && (input.getNumColumns() != params.C*params.H*params.W || input.getNumRows() != params.N)) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect input dimensions in maxpooling_backward:" + input.getNumRows() + " " + input.getNumColumns() + " " + params.N + " " + params.K*params.P*params.Q);
if(dout.getNumColumns() != params.C*params.P*params.Q || dout.getNumRows() != params.N) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect dout dimensions in pooling_backward:" + input.getNumRows() + " " + input.getNumColumns() + " " + params.N + " " + params.K*params.P*params.Q);
if (params.output.isInSparseFormat())
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Sparse pooling_backward is not supported");
if(poolType == PoolingType.AVG) {
else {
if( !(params.input1.isInSparseFormat() && !params.input2.isInSparseFormat()) )
fillIndexesArray(params); //not needed for sparse-dense
long nnz = execute(LibMatrixDNNPooling.getPoolingBackwardWorkers(params, performReluBackward, poolType), params);
//post-processing: maintain nnz
* This method computes the backpropagation errors for previous layer of relu operation
* @param input input matrix
* @param dout errors from next layer
* @param outputBlock output matrix
* @param numThreads number of threads
public static void reluBackward(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock dout, MatrixBlock outputBlock, int numThreads) {
int N = input.getNumRows();
DnnParameters params = new DnnParameters(N, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, numThreads);
params.input1 = input;
params.input2 = dout;
params.output = outputBlock;
if(input.getNumRows() != dout.getNumRows() || input.getNumColumns() != dout.getNumColumns()) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect dimensions for relu_backward:" +
input.getNumRows() + " != " + dout.getNumRows() + " || " + input.getNumColumns() + " != " + dout.getNumColumns());
long nnz = execute(LibMatrixDNNRelu.getReluBackwardWorkers(params), params);
// post-processing: maintain nnz
* Performs the operation corresponding to the DML script:
* ones = matrix(1, rows=1, cols=Hout*Wout)
* output = input + matrix(bias %*% ones, rows=1, cols=F*Hout*Wout)
* This operation is often followed by conv2d and hence we have introduced bias_add(input, bias) built-in function
* @param input input matrix
* @param bias bias matrix
* @param outputBlock output matrix
* @param numThreads number of threads
public static void biasAdd(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock bias, MatrixBlock outputBlock, int numThreads) {
int N = input.getNumRows();
int K = bias.getNumRows();
int PQ = input.getNumColumns() / K;
if(bias.getNumColumns() != 1 || input.getNumColumns() % K != 0) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect inputs for bias_add: input[" + N + " X " + input.getNumColumns() + "] and bias[" + K + " X " + bias.getNumColumns() + "]");
double [] outputArray = outputBlock.getDenseBlockValues();
if(input.isEmptyBlock()) {
for(int n = 0; n < N; n++)
DnnUtils.fillBias(bias, outputArray, n, n+1, N, K, PQ);
else {
// Handles both dense and sparse inputs and copies it to dense output
outputBlock.copy(input, false);
bias.sparseToDense(); // Since bias is extremely small array
double [] biasArr = bias.getDenseBlockValues();
addBias(outputArray, biasArr, 1, N, K, PQ);
//post-processing: maintain nnz
* Perform channel sum operation
* @param input input matrix block
* @param outputBlock output matrix block
* @param C number of channels
* @param HW height X width
public static void channelSums(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock outputBlock, int C, int HW) {
double [] output = outputBlock.getDenseBlockValues();
if(input.isInSparseFormat()) {
SparseBlock sblock = input.getSparseBlock();
for(int n = 0; n < input.getNumRows(); n++) {
if( sblock.isEmpty(n) )
int apos = sblock.pos(n);
int alen = sblock.size(n);
int[] aix = sblock.indexes(n);
double[] avals = sblock.values(n);
// Iterate over the sparse block
for(int j=apos; j<apos+alen; j++) {
// Note: the input is of shape [N, CHW]
int chw = aix[j];
// Get individual zero-based c,h,w indexes from zero-based 'chw'
int c = chw / HW;
output[c] += avals[j];
else {
double [] inArr = input.getDenseBlockValues();
if(inArr != null) {
KahanPlus kplus = KahanPlus.getKahanPlusFnObject();
for(int c = 0; c < C; c++) {
KahanObject sum = new KahanObject(0.0, 0.0);
for(int n = 0; n < input.getNumRows(); n++) {
int index = n*C*HW + c*HW;
for(int hw = 0; hw < HW; hw++, index++) {
kplus.execute2(sum, inArr[index]);
output[c] = sum._sum;
public static void batchNorm2DBackward(MatrixBlock image, MatrixBlock dout, MatrixBlock scale, double epsilon,
MatrixBlock resultSaveMean, MatrixBlock resultSaveInvVariance,
MatrixBlock dX, MatrixBlock dScale, MatrixBlock dBias) {
int N = image.getNumRows();
int K = scale.getNumRows();
int PQ = image.getNumColumns() / K;
channelSums(image, dBias, K, PQ);
// Since output
// Very small matrices
double [] dBiasArr = dBias.getDenseBlockValues();
double [] dScaleArr = dScale.getDenseBlockValues();
double [] dXArr = dX.getDenseBlockValues();
double [] mean = resultSaveMean.getDenseBlockValues();
double [] invVar = resultSaveInvVariance.getDenseBlockValues();
double [] scaleArr = scale.getDenseBlockValues();
// since K is relatively small, it reduces code complexity. We can avoid this in subsequent commits.
mean = (mean==null) ? new double[K] : mean;
invVar = (invVar==null) ? new double[K] : invVar;
scaleArr = (scaleArr == null) ? new double[K] : scaleArr;
// TODO: Handle sparse image and dout cases:
if(!image.isInSparseFormat() && !dout.isInSparseFormat()) {
double [] imageArr = image.getDenseBlockValues();
double [] doutArr = dout.getDenseBlockValues();
double constant1 = Math.pow(N*PQ, -1);
int KPQ = K*PQ;
for(int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
double dvar = 0;
double dmean_norm_branch = 0; double dmean_var_branch = 0;
double sumDout = 0; double sum = 0;
for(int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
int index = n*KPQ + k*PQ;
for(int pq = 0; pq < PQ; pq++, index++) {
double doutVal = doutArr != null ? doutArr[index] : 0;
double centered = imageArr != null ? imageArr[index] : 0;
centered -= mean[k];
double dnorm = doutVal*scaleArr[k];
dvar -= 0.5*centered*Math.pow(invVar[k], 3)*dnorm;
dmean_norm_branch -= dnorm*invVar[k];
sum += centered * invVar[k] * doutVal;
sumDout += doutVal;
dmean_var_branch -= 2*constant1*centered;
dBiasArr[k] = sumDout;
dScaleArr[k] = sum;
dmean_var_branch *= dvar;
double dmean = dmean_norm_branch + dmean_var_branch;
double dX_mean_branch = constant1*dmean;
for(int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
int index = n*KPQ + k*PQ;
for(int pq = 0; pq < PQ; pq++, index++) {
double doutVal = doutArr != null ? doutArr[index] : 0;
double centered = imageArr != null ? imageArr[index] : 0;
centered -= mean[k];
double dnorm = doutVal*scaleArr[k];
double dX_norm_branch = dnorm*invVar[k];
double dX_var_branch = 2*constant1*centered*dvar;
dXArr[index] = dX_norm_branch + dX_mean_branch + dX_var_branch;
else {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Sparse format is not yet supported for batch norm backward");
public static void batchNorm2D(MatrixBlock image, MatrixBlock scale, MatrixBlock bias, MatrixBlock runningMean,
MatrixBlock runningVar, String phase, double epsilon, double mu,
MatrixBlock ret, MatrixBlock retRunningMean, MatrixBlock retRunningVar,
MatrixBlock resultSaveMean, MatrixBlock resultSaveInvVariance) {
// Since bias, scale, runningMean, runningVar are extremely small array
double [] biasArr = bias.getDenseBlockValues();
double [] scaleArr = scale.getDenseBlockValues();
double [] runningMeanArr = runningMean.getDenseBlockValues(); // ema_mean
double [] runningVarArr = runningVar.getDenseBlockValues(); // ema_var
double [] retRunningMeanArr = retRunningMean.getDenseBlockValues(); // ema_mean_upd
double [] retRunningVarArr = retRunningVar.getDenseBlockValues(); // ema_var_upd
double [] resultSaveMeanArr = resultSaveMean.getDenseBlockValues(); // cache_mean
double [] resultSaveInvVarianceArr = resultSaveInvVariance.getDenseBlockValues(); // cache_inv_var
int N = image.getNumRows();
int K = bias.getNumRows(); // number of output channels
int PQ = image.getNumColumns() / K; // output height X output width
if(phase.equalsIgnoreCase("train")) {
computeBiasSumAndSumSquares(image, resultSaveMeanArr, resultSaveInvVarianceArr, K, PQ);
int NPQ = N*PQ;
for(int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
double mean = resultSaveMeanArr[k] / NPQ;
double var = resultSaveInvVarianceArr[k]/NPQ - Math.pow(mean, 2.0);
resultSaveMeanArr[k] = mean;
resultSaveInvVarianceArr[k] = Math.pow(Math.sqrt(var + epsilon), -1.0);
retRunningMeanArr[k] = mu*((runningMeanArr!=null)?runningMeanArr[k]:0) + (1-mu)*mean;
retRunningVarArr[k] = mu*((runningVarArr!=null)?runningVarArr[k]:0) + (1-mu)*mean;
else if(phase.equalsIgnoreCase("test")) {
copy(runningMean, retRunningMeanArr); // ema_mean_upd = ema_mean
copy(runningVar, retRunningVarArr); // ema_var_upd = ema_var
copy(runningMean, resultSaveMeanArr); // cache_mean = ema_mean
double invSqrtEps = Math.pow(Math.sqrt(epsilon), -1.0);
double [] inArr = runningVar.getDenseBlockValues();
if(inArr != null) {
for(int i = 0; i < inArr.length; i++) {
resultSaveInvVarianceArr[i] = Math.pow(Math.sqrt(inArr[i] + epsilon), -1.0);
else {
Arrays.fill(resultSaveInvVarianceArr, invSqrtEps);
else {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect mode: Expected either train or test, but found " + phase);
// Normalize, shift, and scale
double [] retArr = ret.getDenseBlockValues();
copy(image, retArr);
if(biasArr != null && scaleArr != null) {
// Common scenario:
int index = 0;
for(int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
for(int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
for(int pq = 0; pq < PQ; pq++, index++) {
retArr[index] = (retArr[index]-resultSaveMeanArr[k])*resultSaveInvVarianceArr[k]*scaleArr[k] + biasArr[k];
else {
addBias(retArr, resultSaveMeanArr, -1, N, K, PQ);
multBias(retArr, resultSaveInvVarianceArr, N, K, PQ);
multBias(retArr, scaleArr, N, K, PQ);
addBias(retArr, biasArr, 1, N, K, PQ);
private static void copy(MatrixBlock input, double [] output) {
if(input.isInSparseFormat()) {
SparseBlock sblock = input.getSparseBlock();
int numCols = input.getNumColumns();
for(int n = 0; n < input.getNumRows(); n++) {
if( sblock.isEmpty(n) )
int apos = sblock.pos(n);
int alen = sblock.size(n);
int[] aix = sblock.indexes(n);
double[] avals = sblock.values(n);
// Iterate over the sparse block
for(int j=apos; j<apos+alen; j++) {
output[n*numCols + aix[j]] = avals[j];
else {
double [] inputArr = input.getDenseBlockValues();
if(inputArr != null) {
System.arraycopy(inputArr, 0, output, 0, inputArr.length);
public static void addBias(double[] a, double[] bias, double biasMultiplier, int N, int K, int PQ) {
if( bias == null )
int index = 0;
for(int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
for(int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
double biasVal = biasMultiplier*bias[k];
for(int pq = 0; pq < PQ; pq++, index++)
a[index] += biasVal;
public static void multBias(double[] a, double[] bias, int N, int K, int PQ) {
if( bias == null ) {
Arrays.fill(a, 0);
int index = 0;
for(int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
for(int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
double biasVal = bias[k];
for(int pq = 0; pq < PQ; pq++, index++)
a[index] *= biasVal;
private static void computeBiasSumAndSumSquares(MatrixBlock image, double [] sumArr, double [] sumSquaresArr, int K, int PQ) {
if(sumArr.length != K) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Expected the length of array to be " + K + ", but instead is " + sumArr.length);
if(sumSquaresArr.length != K) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Expected the length of array to be " + K + ", but instead is " + sumSquaresArr.length);
if(image.isInSparseFormat()) {
SparseBlock sblock = image.getSparseBlock();
for(int r = 0; r < image.getNumRows(); r++) {
if( sblock.isEmpty(r) )
int apos = sblock.pos(r);
int alen = sblock.size(r);
int[] aix = sblock.indexes(r);
double[] avals = sblock.values(r);
for(int j=apos; j<apos+alen; j++) {
int k = aix[j] / PQ;
sumArr[k] += avals[j];
sumSquaresArr[k] += Math.pow(avals[j], 2.0);
else {
double [] X = image.getDenseBlockValues();
int N = image.getNumRows();
if(X != null) {
int index = 0;
for(int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
for(int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
for(int pq = 0; pq < PQ; pq++, index++) {
sumArr[k] += X[index];
sumSquaresArr[k] += Math.pow(X[index], 2.0);
* Performs the operation corresponding to the DML script:
* ones = matrix(1, rows=1, cols=Hout*Wout)
* output = input * matrix(bias %*% ones, rows=1, cols=F*Hout*Wout)
* This operation is often followed by conv2d and hence we have introduced bias_multiply(input, bias) built-in function
* @param input input matrix
* @param bias bias matrix
* @param outputBlock output matrix
* @param numThreads number of threads
public static void biasMultiply(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock bias, MatrixBlock outputBlock, int numThreads) {
int N = input.getNumRows();
int K = bias.getNumRows();
int PQ = input.getNumColumns() / K;
DnnParameters params = new DnnParameters(N, PQ, -1, -1, K, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, numThreads);
params.input1 = input;
params.input2 = bias;
params.output = outputBlock;
if(bias.getNumColumns() != 1 || input.getNumColumns() % K != 0) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect inputs for bias_multiply: input[" + N + " X " + input.getNumColumns() + "] and bias[" + K + " X " + bias.getNumColumns() + "]");
if(!input.isEmptyBlock() && !bias.isEmptyBlock()) {
// Handles both dense and sparse inputs and copies it to dense output
bias.sparseToDense(); // Since bias is extremely small array
double [] biasArr = bias.getDenseBlockValues();
if(!input.isInSparseFormat()) {
double [] outputArray = outputBlock.getDenseBlockValues();
int index = 0;
for(int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
for(int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
double biasVal = biasArr[k];
for(int pq = 0; pq < PQ; pq++, index++) {
outputArray[index] *= biasVal;
else {
SparseBlock sblock = outputBlock.sparseBlock;
// First delete those elements which will become zero
for(int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
if(biasArr[k] == 0) {
for(int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
if( sblock.isEmpty(n) ) continue;
sblock.deleteIndexRange(n, k*PQ, (k+1)*PQ);
// Then perform bias_multiply for non-zero bias entries
for(int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
if( sblock.isEmpty(n) ) continue;
int apos = sblock.pos(n);
int alen = sblock.size(n);
int[] aix = sblock.indexes(n);
double[] avals = sblock.values(n);
for(int j=apos; j<apos+alen; j++) {
int k = aix[j] / PQ; //aix[j] KPQ
if(biasArr[k] != 0)
avals[j] *= biasArr[k];
//post-processing: maintain nnz
else {
* Executes the tasks in parallel using java's ExecutorService.
* @param tasks deep learning related tasks
* @param params convolution parameters
private static long execute(ArrayList<Callable<Long>> tasks, DnnParameters params) {
int k = OptimizerUtils.getConstrainedNumThreads(params.numThreads);
long lnnz = 0;
try {
if(k == 1) {
// Single-threaded execution when called in parfor
// this avoid unnecessary creation of threadpool.
for(Callable<Long> task : tasks) {
lnnz +=;
else {
ExecutorService pool = CommonThreadPool.get( Math.min(k, params.N) );
List<Future<Long>> taskret = pool.invokeAll(tasks);
for( Future<Long> task : taskret )
lnnz += task.get();
catch (Exception e) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Error while executing multi-threaded tasks", e);
return lnnz;
private static void checkOrThrowException(String msg, long lhs, long rhs) {
if(lhs != rhs)
throw new DMLRuntimeException(msg + ":" + lhs + " != " + rhs);
private static void checkOrThrowException(String msg, long lhs, long rhs1, long rhs2, long rhs3) {
if(lhs != (rhs1*rhs2*rhs3))
throw new DMLRuntimeException(msg + ":" + lhs + " != (" + rhs1 + " * " + rhs2 + " * " + rhs3);
static void checkInputsConv2dBackwardData(MatrixBlock filter, MatrixBlock dout, MatrixBlock outputBlock, DnnParameters params) {
params.input1 = filter;
params.input2 = dout;
params.output = outputBlock;
checkOrThrowException("Incorrect input to conv2d_backward_data: Number of rows of input filter != "
+ "number of filters in filter_shape", filter.getNumRows(), params.K);
checkOrThrowException("Incorrect input to conv2d_backward_data: Number of columns of input filter != "
+ "channels*filter_height*filter_height in filter_shape", filter.getNumColumns(), params.C, params.R, params.S);
checkOrThrowException("Incorrect input to conv2d_backward_data: Number of rows of input errors != "
+ "batch size in input_shape", dout.getNumRows(), params.N);
checkOrThrowException("Incorrect input to conv2d_backward_data: Number of columns of input errors != "
+ "expected input error channels*height*width", dout.getNumColumns(), params.K, params.P, params.Q);
if(params.stride_h <= 0 || params.stride_w <= 0)
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Only positive strides supported:" + params.stride_h + ", " + params.stride_w);
static void checkInputsConv2dBackwardFilter(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock dout, MatrixBlock outputBlock, DnnParameters params) {
params.input1 = input;
params.input2 = dout;
params.output = outputBlock;
checkOrThrowException("Incorrect input to conv2d_backward_filter: Number of rows of input data != "
+ "batch size in input_shape", input.getNumRows(), params.N);
checkOrThrowException("Incorrect input to conv2d_backward_filter: Number of columns of input data != "
+ "channels*input_height*input_height in input_shape", input.getNumColumns(), params.C, params.H, params.W);
checkOrThrowException("Incorrect input to conv2d_backward_filter: Number of rows of input errors != "
+ "batch size in input_shape", dout.getNumRows(), params.N);
checkOrThrowException("Incorrect input to conv2d_backward_filter: Number of columns of input errors != "
+ "expected input error channels*height*width", dout.getNumColumns(), params.K, params.P, params.Q);
if(params.stride_h <= 0 || params.stride_w <= 0)
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Only positive strides supported:" + params.stride_h + ", " + params.stride_w);
static void checkInputsConv2d(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock filter, MatrixBlock outputBlock, DnnParameters params) {
params.input1 = input;
params.input2 = filter;
params.output = outputBlock;
checkOrThrowException("Incorrect input to conv2d: Number of rows of input filter != "
+ "number of filters in filter_shape", filter.getNumRows(), params.K);
checkOrThrowException("Incorrect input to conv2d: Number of columns of input filter != "
+ "channels*filter_height*filter_height in filter_shape", filter.getNumColumns(), params.C, params.R, params.S);
checkOrThrowException("Incorrect input to conv2d: Number of rows of input data != "
+ "batch size in input_shape", input.getNumRows(), params.N);
checkOrThrowException("Incorrect input to conv2d: Number of columns of input data != "
+ "channels*input_height*input_height in input_shape", input.getNumColumns(), params.C, params.H, params.W);
if(params.stride_h <= 0 || params.stride_w <= 0)
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Only positive strides supported:" + params.stride_h + ", " + params.stride_w);
* This method computes start and end indexes required for max_pool and max_pool_backward operations.
* This speeds up the performance of max_pool and max_pool_backward
* @param params parameters required for max_pool and max_pool_backward operations
private static void fillIndexesArray(DnnParameters params) {
params.start_indexes_h = new int[params.P];
params.end_indexes_h = new int[params.P];
params.start_indexes_w = new int[params.Q];
params.end_indexes_w = new int[params.Q];
for( int p=0, ix=-params.pad_h; p < params.P; p++, ix+=params.stride_h ) {
// Note: We do not treat pad as zero
params.start_indexes_h[p] = Math.max(ix, 0);
params.end_indexes_h[p] = Math.min(ix+params.R, params.H);
for( int q=0, ix=-params.pad_w; q < params.Q; q++, ix+=params.stride_w) {
// Note: We do not treat pad as zero
params.start_indexes_w[q] = Math.max(ix, 0);
params.end_indexes_w[q] = Math.min(ix+params.S, params.W);