blob: 5e6f1c5fdb36ef0f20352cde192d479eef443282 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# Split input data X and Y into contiguous or samples train/test sets
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# X Matrix --- Input feature matrix
# Y Matrix --- Input Labels
# f Double 0.7 Train set fraction [0,1]
# cont Boolean TRUE contiuous splits, otherwise sampled
# seed Integer -1 The seed to reandomly select rows in sampled mode
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Xtrain Matrix --- Train split of feature matrix
# Xtest Matrix --- Test split of feature matrix
# ytrain Matrix --- Train split of label matrix
# ytest Matrix --- Test split of label matrix
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
m_split = function(Matrix[Double] X, Matrix[Double] Y, Double f=0.7, Boolean cont=TRUE, Integer seed=-1)
return (Matrix[Double] Xtrain, Matrix[Double] Xtest, Matrix[Double] Ytrain, Matrix[Double] Ytest)
# basic sanity checks
if( f <= 0 | f >= 1 )
stop("Invalid train/test split configuration: f="+f);
if( nrow(X) != nrow(Y) )
stop("Mismatching number of rows X and Y: "+nrow(X)+" "+nrow(Y) )
# contiguous train/test splits
if( cont ) {
Xtrain = X[1:f*nrow(X),];
Ytrain = Y[1:f*nrow(X),];
Xtest = X[(nrow(Xtrain)+1):nrow(X),];
Ytest = Y[(nrow(Xtrain)+1):nrow(X),];
# sampled train/test splits
else {
I = rand(rows=nrow(X), cols=1, seed=seed) <= f;
P1 = removeEmpty(target=diag(I), margin="rows", select=I);
P2 = removeEmpty(target=diag(I==0), margin="rows", select=I==0);
Xtrain = P1 %*% X;
Ytrain = P1 %*% Y;
Xtest = P2 %*% X;
Ytest = P2 %*% Y;