blob: a61346a0d1d8f3ef2535b42190c98290a196a0d4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# Implements multinomial naive Bayes classifier with Laplace correction
# Example Usage:
# hadoop jar SystemDS.jar -f naive-bayes.dml -nvargs X=<Data> Y=<labels> laplace=<Laplace Correction> prior=<Model file1> conditionals=<Model file2> accuracy=<accuracy file> fmt="text"
# defaults
cmdLine_laplace = ifdef($laplace, 1)
cmdLine_fmt = ifdef($fmt, "text")
# reading input args
D = read($X)
min_feature_val = min(D)
if(min_feature_val < 0)
stop("Stopping due to invalid argument: Multinomial naive Bayes is meant for count-based feature values, minimum value in X is negative")
numRows = nrow(D)
if(numRows < 2)
stop("Stopping due to invalid inputs: Not possible to learn a classifier without at least 2 rows")
C = read($Y)
if(min(C) < 1)
stop("Stopping due to invalid argument: Label vector (Y) must be recoded")
numClasses = max(C)
if(numClasses == 1)
stop("Stopping due to invalid argument: Maximum label value is 1, need more than one class to learn a multi-class classifier")
mod1 = C %% 1
mod1_should_be_nrow = sum(abs(mod1 == 0))
if(mod1_should_be_nrow != numRows)
stop("Stopping due to invalid argument: Please ensure that Y contains (positive) integral labels")
laplace_correction = cmdLine_laplace
if(laplace_correction < 0)
stop("Stopping due to invalid argument: Laplacian correction (laplace) must be non-negative")
numFeatures = ncol(D)
# Compute conditionals
# Compute the feature counts for each class
classFeatureCounts = matrix(0, rows=numClasses, cols=numFeatures)
parfor (i in 1:numFeatures) {
Col = D[,i]
classFeatureCounts[,i] = aggregate(target=Col, groups=C, fn="sum", ngroups=as.integer(numClasses))
# Compute the total feature count for each class
# and add the number of features to this sum
# for subsequent regularization (Laplace's rule)
classSums = rowSums(classFeatureCounts) + numFeatures*laplace_correction
# Compute class conditional probabilities
#ones = matrix(1, rows=1, cols=numFeatures)
#repClassSums = classSums %*% ones
#class_conditionals = (classFeatureCounts + laplace_correction) / repClassSums
class_conditionals = (classFeatureCounts + laplace_correction) / classSums
# Compute class priors
class_counts = aggregate(target=C, groups=C, fn="count", ngroups=as.integer(numClasses))
class_prior = class_counts / numRows;
# Compute accuracy on training set
ones = matrix(1, rows=numRows, cols=1)
D_w_ones = cbind(D, ones)
model = cbind(class_conditionals, class_prior)
log_probs = D_w_ones %*% t(log(model))
pred = rowIndexMax(log_probs)
acc = sum(pred == C) / numRows * 100
acc_str = "Training Accuracy (%): " + acc
write(acc_str, $accuracy)
extra_model_params = matrix(0, rows=1, cols=1)
extra_model_params[1, 1] = numFeatures
class_prior = t(cbind(t(class_prior), extra_model_params))
# write out the model
write(class_prior, $prior, format=cmdLine_fmt);
write(class_conditionals, $conditionals, format=cmdLine_fmt);