blob: 1835540fa6882af877c58c1ef1b607548a92b0eb [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
#1. tanh function
func = function(X){
Y = tanh(X)
func1 = function(X) {
Y = (exp(2*X) - 1)/(exp(2*X) + 1)
Y_prime = 1 - Y^2
#2. feedForward
obj <- function(E){
val = 0.5 * sum(E^2)
X = readMM(paste(args[1], "X.mtx", sep=""));
W1_rand = readMM(paste(args[1], "W1_rand.mtx", sep=""));
W2_rand = readMM(paste(args[1], "W2_rand.mtx", sep=""));
W3_rand = readMM(paste(args[1], "W3_rand.mtx", sep=""));
W4_rand = readMM(paste(args[1], "W4_rand.mtx", sep=""));
order_rand = readMM(paste(args[1], "order_rand.mtx", sep=""));
num_hidden1 = as.integer(args[2]) #$H1
num_hidden2 = as.integer(args[3]) #$H2
max_epochs = as.integer(args[4]) #$EPOCH
batch_size = as.integer(args[5]) #$BATCH
mu = 0.9 # momentum
step = 1e-5
decay = 0.95
hfile = " "
fmt = "text"
full_obj = FALSE
n = nrow(X)
m = ncol(X)
#randomly reordering rows
#permut = table(seq(from=1,to=n,by=1), order(runif(n, min=0, max=1)))
permut = table(seq(from=1,to=n,by=1), order(order_rand))
permut =
permut = data.matrix(permut)
X = (permut %*% X)
#z-transform, whitening operator is better
means = t(as.matrix(colSums(X)))/n
csx2 = t(as.matrix(colSums(X^2)))/n
stds = sqrt(csx2 - (means*means)*n/(n-1)) + 1e-17
X = (X - matrix(1, nrow(X),1) %*% means)/(matrix(1,nrow(X),1) %*% stds)
W1 = sqrt(6)/sqrt(m + num_hidden1) * W1_rand
b1 = matrix(0, num_hidden1, 1)
W2 = sqrt(6)/sqrt(num_hidden1 + num_hidden2) * W2_rand
b2 = matrix(0, num_hidden2, 2)
W3 = sqrt(6)/sqrt(num_hidden2 + num_hidden1) * W3_rand
b3 = matrix(0, num_hidden1, 1)
W4 = sqrt(6)/sqrt(num_hidden2 + m) * W4_rand
b4 = matrix(0, m, 1)
upd_W1 = matrix(0, nrow(W1), ncol(W1))
upd_b1 = matrix(0, nrow(b1), ncol(b1))
upd_W2 = matrix(0, nrow(W2), ncol(W2))
upd_b2 = matrix(0, nrow(b2), ncol(b2))
upd_W3 = matrix(0, nrow(W3), ncol(W3))
upd_b3 = matrix(0, nrow(b3), ncol(b3))
upd_W4 = matrix(0, nrow(W4), ncol(W4))
upd_b4 = matrix(0, nrow(b4), ncol(b4))
if( full_obj ){
# nothing to do here
iter = 0
num_iters_per_epoch = ceiling(n / batch_size)
max_iterations = max_epochs * num_iters_per_epoch
# debug
# print("num_iters_per_epoch=" + num_iters_per_epoch + " max_iterations=" + max_iterations)
beg = 1
while( iter < max_iterations ) {
end = beg + batch_size - 1
if(end > n) end = n
X_batch = X[beg:end,]
# Notation:
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# [H1, H1_prime, H2, H2_prime, H3, H3_prime, Yhat, Yhat_prime, E]
# tmp_ff = feedForward(X_batch, W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3, W4, b4, X_batch)
# H1 = tmp_ff[1]; H1_prime = tmp_ff[2]; H2 = tmp_ff[3]; H2_prime = tmp_ff[4];
# H3 = tmp_ff[5]; H3_prime = tmp_ff[6]; Yhat = tmp_ff[7]; Yhat_prime = tmp_ff[8];
# E = tmp_ff[9]
# inputs: X, W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3, W4, b4, X_batch
H1_in = t(W1 %*% t(X_batch) + b1 %*% matrix(1,ncol(b1),nrow(X_batch)))
H1 = func(H1_in)
H1_prime = func1(H1_in)
H2_in = t(W2 %*% t(H1) + b2%*% matrix(1,ncol(b2),nrow(H1)))
H2 = func(H2_in)
H2_prime = func1(H2_in)
H3_in = t(W3 %*% t(H2) + b3%*% matrix(1,ncol(b3),nrow(H2)))
H3 = func(H3_in)
H3_prime = func1(H3_in)
Yhat_in = t(W4 %*% t(H3) + b4%*% matrix(1,ncol(b4),nrow(H3)))
Yhat = func(Yhat_in)
Yhat_prime = func1(Yhat_in)
E = Yhat - X_batch
# Notation:
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
# [W1_grad, b1_grad, W2_grad, b2_grad, W3_grad, b3_grad,W4_grad, b4_grad]
# tmp_grad = grad(X_batch, H1, H1_prime, H2, H2_prime, H3, H3_prime, Yhat_prime, E, W1, W2, W3, W4)
# W1_grad = tmp_grad[1]; b1_grad = tmp_grad[2]; W2_grad = tmp_grad[3]; b2_grad = tmp_grad[4];
# W3_grad = tmp_grad[5]; b3_grad = tmp_grad[6]; W4_grad = tmp_grad[7]; b4_grad = tmp_grad[8];
# grad function
delta4 = E * Yhat_prime
delta3 = H3_prime * (delta4 %*% W4)
delta2 = H2_prime * (delta3 %*% W3)
delta1 = H1_prime * (delta2 %*% W2)
#compute gradients
b4_grad = (colSums(delta4))
b3_grad = (colSums(delta3))
b2_grad = (colSums(delta2))
b1_grad = (colSums(delta1))
W4_grad = t(delta4) %*% H3
W3_grad = t(delta3) %*% H2
W2_grad = t(delta2) %*% H1
W1_grad = t(delta1) %*% X_batch
ob = obj(E)
epochs = iter / num_iters_per_epoch
# debug
# print(table(epochs, ob), zero.print = "0")
local_step = step / nrow(X_batch)
upd_W1 = mu * upd_W1 - local_step * W1_grad
upd_b1 = mu * upd_b1 - local_step * b1
upd_W2 = mu * upd_W2 - local_step * W2_grad
upd_b2 = mu * upd_b2 - local_step * b2
upd_W3 = mu * upd_W3 - local_step * W3_grad
upd_b3 = mu * upd_b3 - local_step * b3
upd_W4 = mu * upd_W4 - local_step * W4_grad
upd_b4 = mu * upd_b4 - local_step * b4
W1 = W1 + upd_W1
b1 = b1 + upd_b1
W2 = W2 + upd_W2
b2 = b2 + upd_b2
W3 = W3 + upd_W3
b3 = b3 + upd_b3
W4 = W4 + upd_W4
b4 = b4 + upd_b4
iter = iter + 1
if(end == n) beg = 1
else beg = end + 1
if(iter %% num_iters_per_epoch == 0)
step = step * decay
if(full_obj & iter %% num_iters_per_epoch == 0 ) {
# Notation:
# tmp_ff = feedForward(X, W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3, W4, b4, X)
# full_H1 = tmp_ff[1]; full_H1_prime = tmp_ff[2]; full_H2 = tmp_ff[3]; full_H2_prime = tmp_ff[4];
# full_H3 = tmp_ff[5]; full_H3_prime = tmp_ff[6]; full_Yhat = tmp_ff[7]; full_Yhat_prime = tmp_ff[8];
# full_E = tmp_ff[9];
# inputs: X, W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3, W4, b4, X
H1_in = t(W1 %*% t(X) + b1 %*% matrix(1,ncol(b1),nrow(X)))
full_H1 = func(H1_in)
full_H1_prime = func1(H1_in)
H2_in = t(W2 %*% t(H1) + b2%*% matrix(1,ncol(b2),nrow(H1)))
full_H2 = func(H2_in)
full_H2_prime = func1(H2_in)
H3_in = t(W3 %*% t(H2) + b3%*% matrix(1,ncol(b3),nrow(H2)))
full_H3 = func(H3_in)
full_H3_prime = func1(H3_in)
Yhat_in = t(W4 %*% t(H3) + b4%*% matrix(1,ncol(b4),nrow(H3)))
full_Yhat = func(Yhat_in)
full_Yhat_prime = func1(Yhat_in)
full_E = full_Yhat - X
full_o = obj(full_E)
epochs = iter %/% num_iters_per_epoch
# debug
# print(table(epochs, full_o, deparse.level=2), zero.print=".")
# print("EPOCHS=" + epochs + " iter=" + iter + " OBJ (FULL DATA)=" + full_o)
#print.table(W1, digits=3)
writeMM(as(W1,"CsparseMatrix"), paste(args[6], "W1", sep=""));
writeMM(as(b1,"CsparseMatrix"), paste(args[6], "b1", sep=""));
writeMM(as(W2,"CsparseMatrix"), paste(args[6], "W2", sep=""));
writeMM(as(b2,"CsparseMatrix"), paste(args[6], "b2", sep=""));
writeMM(as(W3,"CsparseMatrix"), paste(args[6], "W3", sep=""));
writeMM(as(b3,"CsparseMatrix"), paste(args[6], "b3", sep=""));
writeMM(as(W4,"CsparseMatrix"), paste(args[6], "W4", sep=""));
writeMM(as(b4,"CsparseMatrix"), paste(args[6], "b4", sep=""));