blob: da326217ed9ea6c6bb65b3c07c55b32425ed67f1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.OptimizerUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.codegen.LibSpoofPrimitives;
* This class contains the set of operators used for performing pooling
public class LibMatrixDNNPooling {
// *********************************** low-level runtime operator selection ***********************************************
// *********************************** based on runtime properties (sparsity, native, etc) ********************************
// These methods help reduce branch miss predictions and instruction-cache misses.
// Also, they simplify the design of LibMatrixDNN and help in code-maintenance.
* Factory method that returns list of callable tasks for performing pooling operation
* @param params convolution parameters
* @param poolType type of pooling
* @return list of callable tasks for performing pooling operation
public static ArrayList<Callable<Long>> getPoolingWorkers(DnnParameters params, PoolingType poolType) {
ArrayList<Callable<Long>> ret = new ArrayList<>();
// Try to create twice as many tasks as threads for improved load balance
int k = OptimizerUtils.getConstrainedNumThreads(params.numThreads);
int taskSize = (int)(Math.ceil((double)params.N / k / 2));
for(int i = 0; i*taskSize < params.N; i++) {
ret.add(new SparsePooling(i*taskSize, Math.min((i+1)*taskSize, params.N), params, poolType));
ret.add(new DensePooling(i*taskSize, Math.min((i+1)*taskSize, params.N), params, poolType));
return ret;
* Factory method that returns list of callable tasks for performing maxpooling backward operation
* @param params convolution parameters
* @param performReluBackward whether to perform ReLU backward
* @param poolType type of pooling operation to perform
* @return list of callable tasks for performing maxpooling backward operation
public static ArrayList<Callable<Long>> getPoolingBackwardWorkers(DnnParameters params, boolean performReluBackward, PoolingType poolType) {
ArrayList<Callable<Long>> ret = new ArrayList<>();
// Try to create twice as many tasks as threads for improved load balance
int k = OptimizerUtils.getConstrainedNumThreads(params.numThreads);
int taskSize = (int)(Math.ceil((double)params.N / k / 2));
if(poolType == PoolingType.MAX) {
boolean sparse1 = params.input1.isInSparseFormat();
boolean sparse2 = params.input2.isInSparseFormat();
for(int i = 0; i*taskSize < params.N; i++) {
if( !sparse1 && !sparse2 )
ret.add(new PoolingBackwardDenseDense(i*taskSize, Math.min((i+1)*taskSize, params.N), params, performReluBackward));
else if( !sparse1 && sparse2 )
ret.add(new PoolingBackwardDenseSparse(i*taskSize, Math.min((i+1)*taskSize, params.N), params, performReluBackward));
else if( sparse1 && !sparse2 )
ret.add(new PoolingBackwardSparseDense(i*taskSize, Math.min((i+1)*taskSize, params.N), params, performReluBackward));
else if( sparse1 && sparse2 )
ret.add(new PoolingBackwardSparseSparse(i*taskSize, Math.min((i+1)*taskSize, params.N), params, performReluBackward));
else {
boolean sparse = params.input2.isInSparseFormat();
for(int i = 0; i*taskSize < params.N; i++) {
if( !sparse )
ret.add(new AvgPoolingBackwardDense(i*taskSize, Math.min((i+1)*taskSize, params.N), params));
ret.add(new AvgPoolingBackwardSparse(i*taskSize, Math.min((i+1)*taskSize, params.N), params));
return ret;
public static void poolingDenseStride1Pad0(PoolingType pType, double minVal, double pFact, double[] in,
double[] out, int rl, int ru, int ii, int oi, int C, int P, int Q, int R, int S, int H, int W) {
boolean max = (pType == PoolingType.MAX);
int CHW = C * H * W;
if( P == 1 && Q == 1 && W == 1 ) {
//quick-path w/o materialized index arrays and
//simplified inner loops for P = 1, Q = 1, W = 1
int lenh = Math.min(R,H);
for(int i = rl; i < ru; i++, oi+=C)
for (int c = 0, off=ii+(i-rl)*CHW; c < C; c++, off+=H) {
out[oi+c] = max ? max(minVal, in, off, lenh) :
avg(minVal, in, off, lenh, pFact);
else {
int CPQ = C * P * Q, HW = H * W;
Arrays.fill(out, rl*CPQ, ru*CPQ, minVal);
//quick-path w/o materialized index arrays
for(int i = rl; i < ru; i++)
for (int c = 0, off=ii+(i-rl)*CHW, oix=oi+(i-rl)*CPQ; c < C; c++, off+=HW)
for (int p = 0; p < P; p++, oix+=Q)
for (int h = p; h < Math.min(p+R,H); h++)
for (int q = 0, off2=off+h*W; q < Q; q++) {
out[oix+q] = max ? max(out[oix+q], in, off2+q, Math.min(S,W-q)) :
avg(out[oix+q], in, off2+q, Math.min(S,W-q), pFact);
private static class DensePooling implements Callable<Long>
private final int _rl, _ru;
private final DnnParameters _params;
private final PoolingType _poolingType;
private final double _poolingMultiplier;
public DensePooling(int rl, int ru, DnnParameters params, PoolingType poolingType) {
_rl = rl; _ru = ru;
_params = params;
_poolingType = poolingType;
_poolingMultiplier = 1d/(params.R*params.S);
public Long call() throws Exception {
final int C = _params.C, P = _params.P, Q = _params.Q;
final int R = _params.R, S = _params.S, H = _params.H, W = _params.W;
final int HW = _params.H*_params.W;
final int CHW = _params.C*_params.H*_params.W;
final int CPQ = C*P*Q;
double[] in = _params.input1.getDenseBlockValues();
double[] out = _params.output.getDenseBlockValues();
double minValForMaxPoolOperations = _poolingType == PoolingType.AVG ? 0 : _params.minValForMaxPoolOperations;
boolean max = (_poolingType == PoolingType.MAX);
if( _params.isStride1Pad0() ) {
poolingDenseStride1Pad0(_poolingType, minValForMaxPoolOperations,
_poolingMultiplier, in, out, _rl, _ru, _rl*CHW, _rl*CPQ, C, P, Q, R, S, H, W);
else { //general case
//thread-local initialization of output block
Arrays.fill(out, _rl*CPQ, _ru*CPQ, minValForMaxPoolOperations);
int[] hl = _params.start_indexes_h, hu = _params.end_indexes_h;
int[] wl = _params.start_indexes_w, wu = _params.end_indexes_w;
for(int i = _rl; i < _ru; i++)
for (int c = 0, off=i*CHW, oix=i*CPQ; c < C; c++, off+=HW)
for (int p = 0; p < P; p++, oix+=Q)
for (int h = hl[p]; h < hu[p]; h++)
for (int q = 0, off2=off+h*W; q < Q; q++) {
out[oix+q] = max ? max(out[oix+q], in, off2+wl[q], wu[q]-wl[q]) :
avg(out[oix+q], in, off2+wl[q], wu[q]-wl[q], _poolingMultiplier);
//thread-local recomputation of non-zeros
return _params.output.recomputeNonZeros(_rl, _ru-1);
private static class SparsePooling implements Callable<Long>
private final int _rl, _ru;
private final DnnParameters _params;
private double [] outputArray;
private final int C, P, Q, W, H, CPQ, PQ;
private final PoolingType _poolingType;
private final double _poolingMultiplier;
public SparsePooling(int rl, int ru, DnnParameters params, PoolingType poolingType) {
_rl = rl; _ru = ru;
_params = params;
outputArray = params.output.getDenseBlockValues();
C = params.C; P = params.P; Q = params.Q; H = params.H;
W = params.W;
CPQ = C*P*Q;
PQ = P*Q;
_poolingType = poolingType;
_poolingMultiplier = Math.pow(params.R*params.S, -1);
public Long call() throws Exception {
//thread-local initialization of output block
if(_poolingType == PoolingType.MAX)
Arrays.fill(outputArray, _rl *CPQ, _ru*CPQ, _params.minValForMaxPoolOperations);
for(int n = _rl; n < _ru; n++) {
if( !_params.input1.sparseBlock.isEmpty(n) ) {
final int apos = _params.input1.sparseBlock.pos(n);
final int alen = _params.input1.sparseBlock.size(n);
final int [] aix = _params.input1.sparseBlock.indexes(n);
final double [] avals = _params.input1.sparseBlock.values(n);
int chw = 0; int index = apos;
for (int c = 0; c < C; c++) {
final int outOffset = n*CPQ + c*PQ;
for(int h = 0; h < H; h++) {
for(int w = 0; w < W; w++, chw++) {
// Take into account zero values as well
double nchwVal = 0;
if(aix[index] == chw) {
nchwVal = avals[index++];
// Ensure that we satisfy the condition index < apos+alen
if(index >= apos+alen) index--;
if(_poolingType == PoolingType.MAX) {
// Perform maxpooling without binary search :)
// Tradeoff as compared to dense maxpooling:
// In dense maxpooling, iteration space CPQHW where H and W iterations are restricted by _params.start_indexes_h[p]
// and are eligible for JIT optimizations.
// In sparse maxpooling, iteration space CHWPQ without HW restrictions.
for (int p = 0; p < P; p++) {
if(h >= _params.start_indexes_h[p] && h < _params.end_indexes_h[p]) {
final int outOffsetWithp = outOffset + p*Q;
for (int q = 0; q < Q; q++) {
if(w >= _params.start_indexes_w[q] && w < _params.end_indexes_w[q]) {
outputArray[outOffsetWithp + q] = Math.max(outputArray[outOffsetWithp + q], nchwVal);
else {
for (int p = 0; p < P; p++) {
if(h >= _params.start_indexes_h[p] && h < _params.end_indexes_h[p]) {
final int outOffsetWithp = outOffset + p*Q;
for (int q = 0; q < Q; q++) {
if(w >= _params.start_indexes_w[q] && w < _params.end_indexes_w[q]) {
outputArray[outOffsetWithp + q] += _poolingMultiplier*nchwVal;
else {
// Empty input image
Arrays.fill(outputArray, n*CPQ, (n+1)*CPQ, 0);
//thread-local recomputation of non-zeros
return _params.output.recomputeNonZeros(_rl, _ru-1);
* Performs the avgpooling backward operation for dense error (dout)
private static class AvgPoolingBackwardDense implements Callable<Long>
public int _rl; public int _ru;
private final DnnParameters _params;
double [] doutArray;
MatrixBlock output;
final int C; final int CHW; final int P; final int Q; final int HW; final int CPQ; final int PQ;
final double _poolingMultiplier;
public AvgPoolingBackwardDense(int rl, int ru, DnnParameters params) {
_rl = rl; _ru = ru;
_params = params;
doutArray = params.input2.getDenseBlockValues();
output = params.output;
C = params.C; CHW = params.C*params.H*params.W; HW = params.H*params.W;
P = params.P; Q = params.Q; CPQ = params.C*params.P*params.Q;
PQ = params.P*params.Q;
_poolingMultiplier = Math.pow(params.R*params.S, -1);
if (doutArray == null || output.getDenseBlock() == null )
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect usage: empty inputs");
public Long call() throws Exception {
double[] out = output.getDenseBlockValues();
for(int n = _rl; n < _ru; n++) {
for (int c = 0; c < C; c++) {
final int inputOffset = n*CHW + c*HW;
final int outputOffset = n*CPQ + c*PQ;
for (int p = 0; p < P; p++) {
for (int q = 0; q < Q; q++) {
int start_index_h = _params.start_indexes_h[p];
int end_index_h = _params.end_indexes_h[p];
int start_index_w = _params.start_indexes_w[q];
int end_index_w = _params.end_indexes_w[q];
for (int h = start_index_h; h < end_index_h; h++) {
for (int w = start_index_w; w < end_index_w; w++) {
out[inputOffset + h*_params.W + w] += _poolingMultiplier*doutArray[outputOffset + p * Q + q];
//thread-local nnz maintenance
return output.recomputeNonZeros(_rl, _ru-1);
* Performs the maxpooling backward operation for dense input and dense error (dout)
private static class PoolingBackwardDenseDense implements Callable<Long>
public int _rl; public int _ru;
private final DnnParameters _params;
boolean performReluBackward;
double [] inputArray, doutArray;
MatrixBlock output;
int C; int CHW; int P; int Q; int HW; int CPQ; int PQ;
public PoolingBackwardDenseDense(int rl, int ru, DnnParameters params, boolean performReluBackward) {
_rl = rl; _ru = ru;
_params = params;
this.performReluBackward = performReluBackward;
inputArray = params.input1.getDenseBlockValues();
doutArray = params.input2.getDenseBlockValues();
output = params.output;
C = params.C; CHW = params.C*params.H*params.W; HW = params.H*params.W;
P = params.P; Q = params.Q; CPQ = params.C*params.P*params.Q;
PQ = params.P*params.Q;
if (inputArray == null || doutArray == null || output.getDenseBlock() == null )
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect usage: empty inputs");
public Long call() throws Exception {
double[] out = output.getDenseBlockValues();
for(int n = _rl; n < _ru; n++) {
for (int c = 0; c < C; c++) {
final int inputOffset = n*CHW + c*HW;
final int outputOffset = n*CPQ + c*PQ;
for (int p = 0; p < P; p++) {
for (int q = 0; q < Q; q++) {
int maxIndex = getMaxIndex(p, q, inputOffset, inputArray, _params, performReluBackward);
if(maxIndex != -1)
out[maxIndex] += doutArray[outputOffset + p * Q + q];
//thread-local nnz maintenance
return output.recomputeNonZeros(_rl, _ru-1);
* Performs the maxpooling backward operation for dense input and sparse error (dout)
private static class PoolingBackwardDenseSparse implements Callable<Long>
public int _rl; public int _ru;
private final DnnParameters _params;
MatrixBlock output;
boolean performReluBackward;
double [] inputArray; MatrixBlock dout;
int CHW; int P; int Q; int HW;
public PoolingBackwardDenseSparse(int rl, int ru, DnnParameters params, boolean performReluBackward) {
_rl = rl; _ru = ru;
_params = params;
this.performReluBackward = performReluBackward;
inputArray = params.input1.getDenseBlockValues();
dout = params.input2;
output = params.output;
CHW = params.C*params.H*params.W; HW = params.H*params.W;
P = params.P; Q = params.Q;
if (inputArray == null || output.getDenseBlock() == null )
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect usage: empty inputs");
if (!params.input2.isInSparseFormat())
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect usage: Call optimized versions");
public Long call() throws Exception {
CellIndex3 ix = new CellIndex3();
double[] out = output.getDenseBlockValues();
SparseBlock sblock = dout.sparseBlock;
for(int n = _rl; n < _ru; n++) {
if( sblock.isEmpty(n) ) continue;
int apos = sblock.pos(n);
int alen = sblock.size(n);
int[] aix = sblock.indexes(n);
double[] avals = sblock.values(n);
for(int j = apos; j < apos+alen; j++) {
ix = LibMatrixDNNHelper.computeTensorIndexes(aix[j], P, Q, ix);
final int inputOffset = n*CHW + ix.ix1*HW;
int maxIndex = getMaxIndex(ix.ix2, ix.ix3,
inputOffset, inputArray, _params, performReluBackward);
if(maxIndex != -1)
out[maxIndex] += avals[j];
//thread-local nnz maintenance
return output.recomputeNonZeros(_rl, _ru-1);
* Performs the avgpooling backward operation for sparse error (dout)
private static class AvgPoolingBackwardSparse implements Callable<Long>
public int _rl; public int _ru;
private final DnnParameters _params;
MatrixBlock output;
MatrixBlock dout;
int CHW; int P; int Q; int HW; final double _poolingMultiplier;
public AvgPoolingBackwardSparse(int rl, int ru, DnnParameters params) {
_rl = rl; _ru = ru;
_params = params;
dout = params.input2;
output = params.output;
CHW = params.C*params.H*params.W; HW = params.H*params.W;
P = params.P; Q = params.Q;
_poolingMultiplier = Math.pow(params.R*params.S, -1);
if (output.getDenseBlock() == null )
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect usage: empty inputs");
public Long call() throws Exception {
CellIndex3 ix = new CellIndex3();
double[] out = output.getDenseBlockValues();
SparseBlock sblock = dout.sparseBlock;
for(int n = _rl; n < _ru; n++) {
if( sblock.isEmpty(n) ) continue;
int apos = sblock.pos(n);
int alen = sblock.size(n);
int[] aix = sblock.indexes(n);
double[] avals = sblock.values(n);
for(int j = apos; j < apos+alen; j++) {
ix = LibMatrixDNNHelper.computeTensorIndexes(aix[j], P, Q, ix);
int c = ix.ix1;
int p = ix.ix2;
int q = ix.ix3;
final int inputOffset = n*CHW + c*HW;
int start_index_h = _params.start_indexes_h[p];
int end_index_h = _params.end_indexes_h[p];
int start_index_w = _params.start_indexes_w[q];
int end_index_w = _params.end_indexes_w[q];
for (int h = start_index_h; h < end_index_h; h++) {
for (int w = start_index_w; w < end_index_w; w++) {
out[inputOffset + h*_params.W + w] += _poolingMultiplier*avals[j];
//thread-local nnz maintenance
return output.recomputeNonZeros(_rl, _ru-1);
* Performs the maxpooling backward operation for sparse input and dense error (dout)
private static class PoolingBackwardSparseDense implements Callable<Long>
private final int _rl, _ru;
private final DnnParameters _params;
private final boolean reluBack;
protected final MatrixBlock doutput, output;
protected PoolingBackwardSparseDense(int rl, int ru, DnnParameters params, boolean relu, MatrixBlock dout, MatrixBlock out) {
_rl = rl; _ru = ru;
_params = params;
reluBack = relu;
doutput = dout;
output = out;
public PoolingBackwardSparseDense(int rl, int ru, DnnParameters params, boolean relu) {
this(rl, ru, params, relu, params.input2, params.output);
if (doutput.getDenseBlock() == null || output.getDenseBlock() == null )
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect usage: empty inputs");
if (!params.input1.isInSparseFormat())
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect usage: sparse input1 expected");
public Long call() throws Exception
final int P = _params.P, Q = _params.Q, W = _params.W;
final int C = _params.C, R = _params.R, S = _params.S;
final int padh = _params.pad_h, padw = _params.pad_w;
final int strideh = _params.stride_h, stridew = _params.stride_w;
final int PQ = _params.P * _params.Q;
final int CPQ = _params.C * _params.P * _params.Q;
final int HW = _params.H * _params.W;
final int CHW = _params.C * _params.H * _params.W;
//allocate auxiliary data structures
double[] maxVal = new double[PQ];
int[] maxIx = new int[PQ];
for(int n = _rl; n < _ru; n++) {
for (int c = 0; c < C; c++) {
//step 0: basic initializations
final int outOffset = n*CHW + c*HW;
//step 1: perform maxpooling w/ index maintenance in a
//single, sequential pass over the sparse input matrix
maxpoolingForward(maxVal, maxIx, n, c,
padh, padw, strideh, stridew, C, P, Q, R, S, HW, W);
//step 2: perform maxpooling backward
maxpoolingBackward(maxIx, outOffset, n, c, C, Q, PQ, CPQ);
//thread-local nnz maintenance
return output.recomputeNonZeros(_rl, _ru-1);
protected void maxpoolingForward(double[] maxVal, int[] maxIx, int n, int c, int padh, int padw, int strideh, int stridew, int C, int P, int Q, int R, int S, int HW, int W) {
SparseBlock sblock = _params.input1.getSparseBlock();
if( !sblock.isEmpty(n) ) {
Arrays.fill(maxVal, -Double.MAX_VALUE);
int apos = sblock.pos(n);
int alen = sblock.size(n);
int[] aix = sblock.indexes(n);
double[] avals = sblock.values(n);
//find channel start and end, w/ robustness for non-existing entries
int cpos = (c==0) ? 0 : sblock.posFIndexGTE(n, c*HW);
int cpos2 = (c+1==C) ? alen : sblock.posFIndexGTE(n, (c+1)*HW);
cpos = (cpos>=0) ? cpos : alen;
cpos2 = (cpos2>=0) ? cpos2 : alen;
int lastix = c*HW-1;
for(int j=apos+cpos; j<apos+cpos2; j++) {
//handle skipped zero values
update0(lastix+1, aix[j], maxVal, maxIx, padh, padw, strideh, stridew, P, Q, R, S, HW, W);
//handle current non-zero value
int h = (aix[j] % HW) / W;
int w = aix[j] % W;
double val = reluBack && avals[j] < 0 ? 0 : avals[j];
update(val, maxVal, maxIx, h, w, padh, padw, strideh, stridew, P, Q, R, S, W);
//memoize last seen index
lastix = aix[j];
//handle skipped zero values at end of row
update0(lastix+1, (c+1)*HW, maxVal, maxIx, padh, padw, strideh, stridew, P, Q, R, S, HW, W);
else {
//handle empty row
Arrays.fill(maxVal, 0);
for(int p = 0, ix=0; p < P; p++) {
int h = Math.max(-padh+p*strideh, 0);
for(int q = 0; q < Q; q++, ix++) {
int w = Math.max(-padw+q*stridew, 0);
maxIx[ix] = h * W + w;
protected void maxpoolingBackward(int[] maxIx, int outOffset, int n, int c, int C, int Q, int PQ, int CPQ) {
double[] dout = doutput.getDenseBlockValues();
double[] out = output.getDenseBlockValues();
final int doutOffset = n*CPQ + c*PQ;
for( int pq = 0; pq < PQ; pq++ )
out[ outOffset + maxIx[pq] ] += dout[ doutOffset + pq ];
private static void update0(int lix, int uix, double[] maxVal, int[] maxIx, int padh, int padw, int strideh, int stridew, int P, int Q, int R, int S, int HW, int W) {
//TODO exploit constant value and overlap for potential early abort
for(int i = lix; i<uix; i++)
update(0, maxVal, maxIx, (i%HW)/W, i%W, padh, padw, strideh, stridew, P, Q, R, S, W);
private static void update(double val, double[] maxVal, int[] maxIx, int h, int w, int padh, int padw, int strideh, int stridew, int P, int Q, int R, int S, int W) {
//determine lower and upper bounds for p and q
//(see fillIndexesArray, solved for p and q, reversed)
int lp = Math.max((h+padh-R+strideh)/strideh, 0);
int up = Math.min((h+padh+strideh)/strideh, P);
int lq = Math.max((w+padw-S+stridew)/stridew, 0);
int uq = Math.min((w+padw+stridew)/stridew, Q);
//maintain max index for all relevant p and q
int maxIndex = h * W + w;
for(int p = lp; p < up; p++)
for(int q = lq; q < uq; q++) {
int ix = p * Q + q;
if( maxVal[ix] < val ) {
maxVal[ix] = val;
maxIx[ix] = maxIndex;
* Performs the maxpooling backward operation for sparse input and sparse error (dout)
private static class PoolingBackwardSparseSparse extends PoolingBackwardSparseDense
public PoolingBackwardSparseSparse(int rl, int ru, DnnParameters params, boolean relu) {
super(rl, ru, params, relu, params.input2, params.output);
if (output.getDenseBlock() == null )
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect usage: empty outputs");
if (!params.input1.isInSparseFormat() || !params.input2.isInSparseFormat())
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect usage: Call optimized versions");
protected void maxpoolingBackward(int[] maxIx, int outOffset, int n, int c, int C, int Q, int PQ, int CPQ) {
SparseBlock sblock = doutput.getSparseBlock();
double[] out = output.getDenseBlockValues();
if( sblock.isEmpty(n) )
int apos = sblock.pos(n);
int alen = sblock.size(n);
int[] aix = sblock.indexes(n);
double[] avals = sblock.values(n);
//find channel start and end, w/ robustness for non-existing entries
int cpos = (c==0) ? 0 : sblock.posFIndexGTE(n, c*PQ);
int cpos2 = (c+1==C) ? alen : sblock.posFIndexGTE(n, (c+1)*PQ);
cpos = (cpos>=0) ? cpos : alen;
cpos2 = (cpos2>=0) ? cpos2 : alen;
for(int j = apos+cpos; j<apos+cpos2; j++) {
int p = (aix[j] % PQ) / Q;
int q = aix[j] % Q;
int pq = p * Q + q;
out[ outOffset + maxIx[pq] ] += avals[j];
private static double avg(final double aval, double[] b, final int bi, final int len, final double poolingMultiplier) {
return LibSpoofPrimitives.vectSum(b, bi, len) * poolingMultiplier + aval;
private static double max(final double aval, double[] b, final int bi, final int len) {
double ret = aval;
for( int i = bi; i < bi+len; i++ )
ret = Math.max(ret, b[i]);
return ret;
* Returns the index of cell with maximum value. This method is optimized for dense input
* @param p output feature map height
* @param q output feature map width
* @param inputOffset offset to be used for input index
* @param inputArray input array
* @param params convolution parameters
* @param performReluBackward perform ReLU backward
* @return index of cell with maximum value
private static int getMaxIndex(int p, int q, int inputOffset, double [] inputArray, DnnParameters params, boolean performReluBackward) {
int start_index_h = params.start_indexes_h[p];
int end_index_h = params.end_indexes_h[p];
int start_index_w = params.start_indexes_w[q];
int end_index_w = params.end_indexes_w[q];
int maxIndex = -1;
double maxVal = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
// Note: We do not treat pad as zero and hence we don't do:
// maxVal = 0
// if start_index_h < 0 || start_index_w < 0 || end_index_h >= params.H || end_index_w >= params.W
// Find maxIndex
double currDoutVal = -1;
for (int h = start_index_h; h < end_index_h; h++) {
for (int w = start_index_w; w < end_index_w; w++) {
currDoutVal = inputArray[inputOffset + h*params.W + w];
currDoutVal = performReluBackward && currDoutVal < 0 ? 0 : currDoutVal;
if(maxVal < currDoutVal) {
maxIndex = inputOffset + h*params.W + w;
maxVal = currDoutVal;
return maxIndex;