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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.privacy;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.DataExpression;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.caching.CacheableData;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.context.ExecutionContext;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.Instruction;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.BinaryCPInstruction;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.BuiltinNaryCPInstruction;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.CPInstruction;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.CPOperand;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.ComputationCPInstruction;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.Data;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.QuaternaryCPInstruction;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.UnaryCPInstruction;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.VariableCPInstruction;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.privacy.PrivacyConstraint.PrivacyLevel;
import org.apache.wink.json4j.JSONException;
import org.apache.wink.json4j.JSONObject;
* Class with static methods merging privacy constraints of operands
* in expressions to generate the privacy constraints of the output.
public class PrivacyPropagator
public static CacheableData<?> parseAndSetPrivacyConstraint(CacheableData<?> cd, JSONObject mtd)
throws JSONException
if ( mtd.containsKey(DataExpression.PRIVACY) ) {
String privacyLevel = mtd.getString(DataExpression.PRIVACY);
if ( privacyLevel != null )
cd.setPrivacyConstraints(new PrivacyConstraint(PrivacyLevel.valueOf(privacyLevel)));
return cd;
public static PrivacyConstraint mergeBinary(PrivacyConstraint privacyConstraint1, PrivacyConstraint privacyConstraint2) {
if (privacyConstraint1 != null && privacyConstraint2 != null){
PrivacyLevel privacyLevel1 = privacyConstraint1.getPrivacyLevel();
PrivacyLevel privacyLevel2 = privacyConstraint2.getPrivacyLevel();
// One of the inputs are private, hence the output must be private.
if (privacyLevel1 == PrivacyLevel.Private || privacyLevel2 == PrivacyLevel.Private)
return new PrivacyConstraint(PrivacyLevel.Private);
// One of the inputs are private with aggregation allowed, but none of the inputs are completely private,
// hence the output must be private with aggregation.
else if (privacyLevel1 == PrivacyLevel.PrivateAggregation || privacyLevel2 == PrivacyLevel.PrivateAggregation)
return new PrivacyConstraint(PrivacyLevel.PrivateAggregation);
// Both inputs have privacy level "None", hence the privacy constraint can be removed.
return null;
else if (privacyConstraint1 != null)
return privacyConstraint1;
else if (privacyConstraint2 != null)
return privacyConstraint2;
return null;
public static PrivacyConstraint mergeTernary(PrivacyConstraint[] privacyConstraints){
return mergeBinary(mergeBinary(privacyConstraints[0], privacyConstraints[1]), privacyConstraints[2]);
public static PrivacyConstraint mergeQuaternary(PrivacyConstraint[] privacyConstraints){
return mergeBinary(mergeTernary(privacyConstraints), privacyConstraints[3]);
public static PrivacyConstraint mergeNary(PrivacyConstraint[] privacyConstraints){
PrivacyConstraint mergedPrivacyConstraint = privacyConstraints[0];
for ( int i = 1; i < privacyConstraints.length; i++ ){
mergedPrivacyConstraint = mergeBinary(mergedPrivacyConstraint, privacyConstraints[i]);
return mergedPrivacyConstraint;
public static Instruction preprocessInstruction(Instruction inst, ExecutionContext ec){
switch ( inst.getType() ){
return preprocessCPInstruction( (CPInstruction) inst, ec );
case SPARK:
case GPU:
return inst;
throwExceptionIfPrivacyActivated(inst, ec);
return inst;
public static Instruction preprocessCPInstruction(CPInstruction inst, ExecutionContext ec){
switch ( inst.getCPInstructionType() )
case Variable:
return preprocessVariableCPInstruction((VariableCPInstruction) inst, ec);
case AggregateUnary:
case Reorg:
case Unary:
return preprocessUnaryCPInstruction((UnaryCPInstruction) inst, ec);
case AggregateBinary:
case Append:
case Binary:
return preprocessBinaryCPInstruction((BinaryCPInstruction) inst, ec);
case AggregateTernary:
case Ternary:
return preprocessTernaryCPInstruction((ComputationCPInstruction) inst, ec);
case Quaternary:
return preprocessQuaternary((QuaternaryCPInstruction) inst, ec);
case BuiltinNary:
case Builtin:
return preprocessBuiltinNary((BuiltinNaryCPInstruction) inst, ec);
case Ctable:
case MultiReturnParameterizedBuiltin:
case MultiReturnBuiltin:
case ParameterizedBuiltin:
return preprocessInstructionSimple(inst, ec);
* Throw exception if privacy constraints are activated or return instruction if privacy is not activated
* @param inst instruction
* @param ec execution context
* @return instruction
public static Instruction preprocessInstructionSimple(Instruction inst, ExecutionContext ec){
throwExceptionIfPrivacyActivated(inst, ec);
return inst;
public static Instruction preprocessBuiltinNary(BuiltinNaryCPInstruction inst, ExecutionContext ec){
if (inst.getInputs() == null) return inst;
PrivacyConstraint[] privacyConstraints = getInputPrivacyConstraints(ec, inst.getInputs());
PrivacyConstraint mergedPrivacyConstraint = mergeNary(privacyConstraints);
setOutputPrivacyConstraint(ec, mergedPrivacyConstraint, inst.getOutput());
return inst;
public static Instruction preprocessQuaternary(QuaternaryCPInstruction inst, ExecutionContext ec){
PrivacyConstraint[] privacyConstraints = getInputPrivacyConstraints(ec,
new CPOperand[] {inst.input1,inst.input2,inst.input3,inst.getInput4()});
PrivacyConstraint mergedPrivacyConstraint = mergeQuaternary(privacyConstraints);
setOutputPrivacyConstraint(ec, mergedPrivacyConstraint, inst.output);
return inst;
public static Instruction preprocessTernaryCPInstruction(ComputationCPInstruction inst, ExecutionContext ec){
PrivacyConstraint[] privacyConstraints = getInputPrivacyConstraints(ec, new CPOperand[]{inst.input1, inst.input2, inst.input3});
PrivacyConstraint mergedPrivacyConstraint = mergeTernary(privacyConstraints);
setOutputPrivacyConstraint(ec, mergedPrivacyConstraint, inst.output);
return inst;
public static Instruction preprocessNaryInstruction(CPInstruction inst, ExecutionContext ec, CPOperand[] inputs, CPOperand output, Function<PrivacyConstraint[], PrivacyConstraint> mergeFunction){
PrivacyConstraint[] privacyConstraints = getInputPrivacyConstraints(ec, inputs);
PrivacyConstraint mergedPrivacyConstraint = mergeFunction.apply(privacyConstraints);
setOutputPrivacyConstraint(ec, mergedPrivacyConstraint, output);
return inst;
public static Instruction preprocessBinaryCPInstruction(BinaryCPInstruction inst, ExecutionContext ec){
PrivacyConstraint privacyConstraint1 = getInputPrivacyConstraint(ec, inst.input1);
PrivacyConstraint privacyConstraint2 = getInputPrivacyConstraint(ec, inst.input2);
if ( privacyConstraint1 != null || privacyConstraint2 != null)
PrivacyConstraint mergedPrivacyConstraint = mergeBinary(privacyConstraint1, privacyConstraint2);
setOutputPrivacyConstraint(ec, mergedPrivacyConstraint, inst.output);
return inst;
public static Instruction preprocessUnaryCPInstruction(UnaryCPInstruction inst, ExecutionContext ec){
return propagateInputPrivacy(inst, ec, inst.input1, inst.output);
public static Instruction preprocessVariableCPInstruction(VariableCPInstruction inst, ExecutionContext ec){
switch ( inst.getVariableOpcode() )
case CreateVariable:
return propagateSecondInputPrivacy(inst, ec);
case AssignVariable:
//Assigns scalar, hence it does not have privacy activated
return inst;
case CopyVariable:
case MoveVariable:
return propagateFirstInputPrivacy(inst, ec);
case RemoveVariable:
return propagateAllInputPrivacy(inst, ec);
case RemoveVariableAndFile:
return propagateFirstInputPrivacy(inst, ec);
case CastAsScalarVariable:
return propagateCastAsScalarVariablePrivacy(inst, ec);
case CastAsMatrixVariable:
case CastAsFrameVariable:
return propagateFirstInputPrivacy(inst, ec);
case CastAsDoubleVariable:
case CastAsIntegerVariable:
case CastAsBooleanVariable:
return propagateCastAsScalarVariablePrivacy(inst, ec);
case Read:
return inst;
case Write:
return propagateFirstInputPrivacy(inst, ec);
case SetFileName:
return propagateFirstInputPrivacy(inst, ec);
throwExceptionIfPrivacyActivated(inst, ec);
return inst;
private static void throwExceptionIfPrivacyActivated(Instruction inst, ExecutionContext ec){
if ( inst.getPrivacyConstraint() != null && inst.getPrivacyConstraint().getPrivacyLevel().equals(PrivacyLevel.Private) ) {
throw new DMLPrivacyException("Instruction " + inst + " has privacy constraints activated, but the constraints are not propagated during preprocessing of instruction.");
* Propagate privacy from first input and throw exception if privacy is activated.
* @param inst Instruction
* @param ec execution context
* @return instruction with or without privacy constraints
private static Instruction propagateCastAsScalarVariablePrivacy(VariableCPInstruction inst, ExecutionContext ec){
inst = (VariableCPInstruction) propagateFirstInputPrivacy(inst, ec);
return preprocessInstructionSimple(inst, ec);
* Propagate privacy constraints from all inputs if privacy constraints are set.
* @param inst instruction
* @param ec execution context
* @return instruction with or without privacy constraints
private static Instruction propagateAllInputPrivacy(VariableCPInstruction inst, ExecutionContext ec){
//TODO: Propagate the most restricting constraints instead of just the latest activated constraint
for ( CPOperand input : inst.getInputs() )
inst = (VariableCPInstruction) propagateInputPrivacy(inst, ec, input, inst.getOutput());
return inst;
* Propagate privacy constraint to instruction and output of instruction
* if data of first input is CacheableData and
* privacy constraint is activated.
* @param inst VariableCPInstruction
* @param ec execution context
* @return instruction with or without privacy constraints
private static Instruction propagateFirstInputPrivacy(VariableCPInstruction inst, ExecutionContext ec){
return propagateInputPrivacy(inst, ec, inst.getInput1(), inst.getOutput());
* Propagate privacy constraint to instruction and output of instruction
* if data of second input is CacheableData and
* privacy constraint is activated.
* @param inst VariableCPInstruction
* @param ec execution context
* @return instruction with or without privacy constraints
private static Instruction propagateSecondInputPrivacy(VariableCPInstruction inst, ExecutionContext ec){
return propagateInputPrivacy(inst, ec, inst.getInput2(), inst.getOutput());
* Propagate privacy constraint to instruction and output of instruction
* if data of the specified variable is CacheableData
* and privacy constraint is activated
* @param inst instruction
* @param ec execution context
* @param inputOperand input from which the privacy constraint is found
* @param outputOperand output which the privacy constraint is propagated to
* @return instruction with or without privacy constraints
private static Instruction propagateInputPrivacy(Instruction inst, ExecutionContext ec, CPOperand inputOperand, CPOperand outputOperand){
PrivacyConstraint privacyConstraint = getInputPrivacyConstraint(ec, inputOperand);
if ( privacyConstraint != null ) {
if ( outputOperand != null)
setOutputPrivacyConstraint(ec, privacyConstraint, outputOperand);
return inst;
private static PrivacyConstraint getInputPrivacyConstraint(ExecutionContext ec, CPOperand input){
if ( input != null && input.getName() != null){
Data dd = ec.getVariable(input.getName());
if ( dd != null && dd instanceof CacheableData)
return ((CacheableData<?>) dd).getPrivacyConstraint();
return null;
private static PrivacyConstraint[] getInputPrivacyConstraints(ExecutionContext ec, CPOperand[] inputs){
PrivacyConstraint[] privacyConstraints = new PrivacyConstraint[inputs.length];
for ( int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++ ){
privacyConstraints[i] = getInputPrivacyConstraint(ec, inputs[i]);
return privacyConstraints;
private static void setOutputPrivacyConstraint(ExecutionContext ec, PrivacyConstraint privacyConstraint, CPOperand output){
Data dd = ec.getVariable(output.getName());
if ( dd != null ){
if ( dd instanceof CacheableData ){
((CacheableData<?>) dd).setPrivacyConstraints(privacyConstraint);
ec.setVariable(output.getName(), dd);
else throw new DMLPrivacyException("Privacy constraint of " + output + " cannot be set since it is not an instance of CacheableData");