blob: e7b49caaf465733b6bb29064df498c1e66652960 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.sysds.parser;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.Interval;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.DataType;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.FileFormat;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.ValueType;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.util.IDSequence;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.meta.MatrixCharacteristics;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
public abstract class Expression implements ParseInfo
* Binary operators.
public enum BinaryOp {
* Relational operators.
public enum RelationalOp {
* Boolean operators.
public enum BooleanOp {
* Data operators.
public enum DataOp {
* Function call operators.
public enum FunctCallOp {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Expression.class.getName());
private static final IDSequence _tempId = new IDSequence();
protected Identifier[] _outputs;
public Expression() {
_outputs = null;
public abstract Expression rewriteExpression(String prefix);
public void setOutput(Identifier output) {
if ( _outputs == null) {
_outputs = new Identifier[1];
_outputs[0] = output;
* Obtain identifier.
* @return Identifier
public Identifier getOutput() {
if (_outputs != null && _outputs.length > 0)
return _outputs[0];
return null;
/** Obtain identifiers.
* @return Identifiers
public Identifier[] getOutputs() {
return _outputs;
public void validateExpression(HashMap<String, DataIdentifier> ids, HashMap<String, ConstIdentifier> currConstVars, boolean conditional) {
raiseValidateError("Should never be invoked in Baseclass 'Expression'", false);
public void validateExpression(MultiAssignmentStatement mas, HashMap<String, DataIdentifier> ids, HashMap<String, ConstIdentifier> currConstVars, boolean conditional) {
raiseValidateError("Should never be invoked in Baseclass 'Expression'", false);
* Convert string value to binary operator.
* @param val String value ('+', '-', '*', '/', '%%', '%/%', '^', %*%')
* @return Binary operator ({@code BinaryOp.PLUS}, {@code BinaryOp.MINUS},
* {@code BinaryOp.MULT}, {@code BinaryOp.DIV}, {@code BinaryOp.MODULUS},
* {@code BinaryOp.INTDIV}, {@code BinaryOp.POW}, {@code BinaryOp.MATMULT}).
* Returns {@code BinaryOp.INVALID} if string value not recognized.
public static BinaryOp getBinaryOp(String val) {
if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("+"))
return BinaryOp.PLUS;
else if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("-"))
return BinaryOp.MINUS;
else if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("*"))
return BinaryOp.MULT;
else if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("/"))
return BinaryOp.DIV;
else if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("%%"))
return BinaryOp.MODULUS;
else if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("%/%"))
return BinaryOp.INTDIV;
else if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("^"))
return BinaryOp.POW;
else if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("%*%"))
return BinaryOp.MATMULT;
return BinaryOp.INVALID;
* Convert string value to relational operator.
* @param val String value ('&lt;', '&lt;=', '&gt;', '&gt;=', '==', '!=')
* @return Relational operator ({@code RelationalOp.LESS}, {@code RelationalOp.LESSEQUAL},
* {@code RelationalOp.GREATER}, {@code RelationalOp.GREATEREQUAL}, {@code RelationalOp.EQUAL},
* {@code RelationalOp.NOTEQUAL}).
* Returns {@code RelationalOp.INVALID} if string value not recognized.
public static RelationalOp getRelationalOp(String val) {
if (val == null)
return null;
else if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("<"))
return RelationalOp.LESS;
else if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("<="))
return RelationalOp.LESSEQUAL;
else if (val.equalsIgnoreCase(">"))
return RelationalOp.GREATER;
else if (val.equalsIgnoreCase(">="))
return RelationalOp.GREATEREQUAL;
else if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("=="))
return RelationalOp.EQUAL;
else if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("!="))
return RelationalOp.NOTEQUAL;
return RelationalOp.INVALID;
* Convert string value to boolean operator.
* @param val String value ('&amp;&amp;', '&amp;', '||', '|', '!')
* @return Boolean operator ({@code BooleanOp.CONDITIONALAND}, {@code BooleanOp.LOGICALAND},
* {@code BooleanOp.CONDITIONALOR}, {@code BooleanOp.LOGICALOR}, {@code BooleanOp.NOT}).
* Returns {@code BooleanOp.INVALID} if string value not recognized.
public static BooleanOp getBooleanOp(String val) {
if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("&&"))
return BooleanOp.CONDITIONALAND;
else if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("&"))
return BooleanOp.LOGICALAND;
else if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("||"))
return BooleanOp.CONDITIONALOR;
else if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("|"))
return BooleanOp.LOGICALOR;
else if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("!"))
return BooleanOp.NOT;
return BooleanOp.INVALID;
* Convert string format type to {@code Hop.FileFormatTypes}.
* @param format String format type ("text", "binary", "mm", "csv")
* @return Format as {@code Hop.FileFormatTypes}. Can be
* {@code FileFormatTypes.TEXT}, {@code FileFormatTypes.BINARY},
* {@code FileFormatTypes.MM}, or {@code FileFormatTypes.CSV}. Unrecognized
* type is set to {@code FileFormatTypes.TEXT}.
public static FileFormat convertFormatType(String format) {
if( format == null )
return FileFormat.defaultFormat();
return FileFormat.safeValueOf(format);
* Obtain temporary name ("parsertemp" + _tempId) for expression. Used to construct Hops from
* parse tree.
* @return Temporary name of expression.
public static String getTempName() {
return "parsertemp" + _tempId.getNextID();
public abstract VariableSet variablesRead();
public abstract VariableSet variablesUpdated();
* Compute data type based on expressions. The identifier for each expression is obtained and passed to
* {@link #computeDataType(Identifier, Identifier, boolean)}. If the identifiers have the same data type, the shared data type is
* returned. Otherwise, if {@code cast} is {@code true} and one of the identifiers is a matrix and the other
* identifier is a scalar, return {@code DataType.MATRIX}. Otherwise, throw a LanguageException.
* @param expression1 First expression
* @param expression2 Second expression
* @param cast Whether a cast should potentially be performed
* @return The data type ({@link DataType})
public static DataType computeDataType(Expression expression1, Expression expression2, boolean cast) {
return computeDataType(expression1.getOutput(), expression2.getOutput(), cast);
* Compute data type based on identifiers. If the identifiers have the same data type, the shared data type is
* returned. Otherwise, if {@code cast} is {@code true} and one of the identifiers is a matrix and the other
* identifier is a scalar, return {@code DataType.MATRIX}. Otherwise, throw a LanguageException.
* @param identifier1 First identifier
* @param identifier2 Second identifier
* @param cast Whether a cast should potentially be performed
* @return The data type ({@link DataType})
public static DataType computeDataType(Identifier identifier1, Identifier identifier2, boolean cast) {
DataType d1 = identifier1.getDataType();
DataType d2 = identifier2.getDataType();
if (d1 == d2)
return d1;
if (cast) {
if (d1 == DataType.MATRIX && d2 == DataType.SCALAR)
return DataType.MATRIX;
if (d1 == DataType.SCALAR && d2 == DataType.MATRIX)
return DataType.MATRIX;
//raise error with id1 location
identifier1.raiseValidateError("Invalid Datatypes for operation "+d1+" "+d2, false,
return null; //never reached because unconditional
* Compute value type based on expressions. The identifier for each expression is obtained and passed to
* {@link #computeValueType(Identifier, Identifier, boolean)}. If the identifiers have the same value type, the shared value type is
* returned. Otherwise, if {@code cast} is {@code true} and one value type is a double and the other is an int,
* return {@code ValueType.DOUBLE}. If {@code cast} is {@code true} and one value type is a string or the other value type is a string, return
* {@code ValueType.STRING}. Otherwise, throw a LanguageException.
* @param expression1 First expression
* @param expression2 Second expression
* @param cast Whether a cast should potentially be performed
* @return The value type ({@link ValueType})
public static ValueType computeValueType(Expression expression1, Expression expression2, boolean cast) {
return computeValueType(expression1.getOutput(), expression2.getOutput(), cast);
* Compute value type based on identifiers. If the identifiers have the same value type, the shared value type is
* returned. Otherwise, if {@code cast} is {@code true} and one value type is a double and the other is an int,
* return {@code ValueType.DOUBLE}. If {@code cast} is {@code true} and one value type is a string or the other value type is a string, return
* {@code ValueType.STRING}. Otherwise, throw a LanguageException.
* @param identifier1 First identifier
* @param identifier2 Second identifier
* @param cast Whether a cast should potentially be performed
* @return The value type ({@link ValueType})
public static ValueType computeValueType(Identifier identifier1, Identifier identifier2, boolean cast) {
return computeValueType(identifier1, identifier1.getValueType(), identifier2.getValueType(), cast);
public static ValueType computeValueType(Expression expr1, ValueType v1, ValueType v2, boolean cast) {
if (v1 == v2)
return v1;
if (cast) {
if (v1 == ValueType.FP64 && v2 == ValueType.INT64)
return ValueType.FP64;
if (v2 == ValueType.FP64 && v1 == ValueType.INT64)
return ValueType.FP64;
// String value type will override others
// Primary operation involving strings is concatenation (+)
if ( v1 == ValueType.STRING || v2 == ValueType.STRING )
return ValueType.STRING;
//raise error with id1 location
expr1.raiseValidateError("Invalid Valuetypes for operation "+v1+" "+v2, false,
return null; //never reached because unconditional
public boolean equals(Object that)
//empty check for robustness
if( that == null || !(that instanceof Expression) )
return false;
Expression thatExpr = (Expression) that;
//approach is to compare string representation of expression
String thisStr = this.toString();
String thatStr = thatExpr.toString();
return thisStr.equalsIgnoreCase(thatStr);
public int hashCode()
//use identity hash code
return super.hashCode();
// validate error handling (consistent for all expressions)
* Throw a LanguageException with the message.
* @param message the error message
public void raiseValidateError( String message ) {
raiseValidateError(message, false, null);
* Throw a LanguageException with the message if conditional is {@code false};
* otherwise log the message as a warning.
* @param message the error (or warning) message
* @param conditional if {@code true}, display log warning message. Otherwise, the message
* will be thrown as a LanguageException
public void raiseValidateError( String message, boolean conditional ) {
raiseValidateError(message, conditional, null);
* Throw a LanguageException with the message (and optional error code) if conditional is {@code false};
* otherwise log the message as a warning.
* @param msg the error (or warning) message
* @param conditional if {@code true}, display log warning message. Otherwise, the message (and optional
* error code) will be thrown as a LanguageException
* @param errorCode optional error code
public void raiseValidateError(String msg, boolean conditional, String errorCode) {
if (conditional) {// warning if conditional
String fullMsg = this.printWarningLocation() + msg;
} else {// error and exception if unconditional
String fullMsg = this.printErrorLocation() + msg;
if (errorCode != null)
throw new LanguageException(fullMsg, errorCode);
throw new LanguageException(fullMsg);
* Returns the matrix characteristics for scalar-scalar, scalar-matrix, matrix-scalar, matrix-matrix
* operations. This method is aware of potentially unknowns and matrix-vector (col/row) operations.
* @param expression1 The first expression
* @param expression2 The second expression
* @return matrix characteristics
* [1] is the number of columns (clen), [2] is the number of rows in a block (blen),
* and [3] is the number of columns in a block (blen). Default (unknown) values are
* -1. Scalar values are all 0.
public static MatrixCharacteristics getBinaryMatrixCharacteristics(Expression expression1, Expression expression2) {
Identifier idleft = expression1.getOutput();
Identifier idright = expression2.getOutput();
if( idleft.getDataType()==DataType.SCALAR && idright.getDataType()==DataType.SCALAR ) {
return new MatrixCharacteristics(0, 0, 0, 0);
else if( idleft.getDataType()==DataType.SCALAR && idright.getDataType()==DataType.MATRIX ) {
return new MatrixCharacteristics(idright.getDim1(), idright.getDim2(), idright.getBlocksize());
else if( idleft.getDataType()==DataType.MATRIX && idright.getDataType()==DataType.SCALAR ) {
return new MatrixCharacteristics(idleft.getDim1(), idleft.getDim2(), idleft.getBlocksize());
else if( idleft.getDataType()==DataType.MATRIX && idright.getDataType()==DataType.MATRIX ) {
MatrixCharacteristics mc = new MatrixCharacteristics(
idleft.getDim1(), idleft.getDim2(), idleft.getBlocksize());
if( mc.getRows() < 0 && idright.getDim1() > 1 ) //robustness for row vectors
if( mc.getCols() < 0 && idright.getDim2() > 1 ) //robustness for row vectors
return mc;
return new MatrixCharacteristics(-1, -1, -1, -1);
// store exception info + position information for expressions
private String _filename;
private int _beginLine, _beginColumn;
private int _endLine, _endColumn;
private String _text;
private ArrayList<String> _parseExceptionList = new ArrayList<>();
public void setFilename(String passed) { _filename = passed; }
public void setBeginLine(int passed) { _beginLine = passed; }
public void setBeginColumn(int passed) { _beginColumn = passed; }
public void setEndLine(int passed) { _endLine = passed; }
public void setEndColumn(int passed) { _endColumn = passed; }
public void setText(String text) { _text = text; }
public void setParseExceptionList(ArrayList<String> passed) { _parseExceptionList = passed;}
* Set parse information.
* @param parseInfo
* parse information, such as beginning line position, beginning
* column position, ending line position, ending column position,
* text, and filename
public void setParseInfo(ParseInfo parseInfo) {
_beginLine = parseInfo.getBeginLine();
_beginColumn = parseInfo.getBeginColumn();
_endLine = parseInfo.getEndLine();
_endColumn = parseInfo.getEndColumn();
_text = parseInfo.getText();
_filename = parseInfo.getFilename();
* Set ParserRuleContext values (begin line, begin column, end line, end
* column, and text).
* @param ctx
* the antlr ParserRuleContext
public void setCtxValues(ParserRuleContext ctx) {
// preserve whitespace if possible
if ((ctx.start != null) && (ctx.stop != null) && (ctx.start.getStartIndex() != -1)
&& (ctx.stop.getStopIndex() != -1) && (ctx.start.getStartIndex() <= ctx.stop.getStopIndex())
&& (ctx.start.getInputStream() != null)) {
String text = ctx.start.getInputStream()
.getText(Interval.of(ctx.start.getStartIndex(), ctx.stop.getStopIndex()));
if (text != null) {
text = text.trim();
} else {
String text = ctx.getText();
if (text != null) {
text = text.trim();
* Set ParserRuleContext values (begin line, begin column, end line, end
* column, and text) and file name.
* @param ctx
* the antlr ParserRuleContext
* @param filename
* the filename (if it exists)
public void setCtxValuesAndFilename(ParserRuleContext ctx, String filename) {
public String getFilename() { return _filename; }
public int getBeginLine() { return _beginLine; }
public int getBeginColumn() { return _beginColumn; }
public int getEndLine() { return _endLine; }
public int getEndColumn() { return _endColumn; }
public String getText() { return _text; }
public ArrayList<String> getParseExceptionList() { return _parseExceptionList; }
public String printErrorLocation() {
String file = _filename;
if (file == null) {
file = "";
} else {
file = file + " ";
if (getText() != null) {
return "ERROR: " + file + "[line " + _beginLine + ":" + _beginColumn + "] -> " + getText() + " -- ";
} else {
return "ERROR: " + file + "[line " + _beginLine + ":" + _beginColumn + "] -- ";
public String printWarningLocation() {
String file = _filename;
if (file == null) {
file = "";
} else {
file = file + " ";
if (getText() != null) {
return "WARNING: " + file + "[line " + _beginLine + ":" + _beginColumn + "] -> " + getText() + " -- ";
} else {
return "WARNING: " + file + "[line " + _beginLine + ":" + _beginColumn + "] -- ";
* Return info message containing the filename, the beginning line position, and the beginning column position.
* @return the info message
public String printInfoLocation(){
return "INFO: " + _filename + " -- line " + _beginLine + ", column " + _beginColumn + " -- ";